Segmentul este cea mai simplă figură geomerică
Correct Answer
B. Fals
A segment is not the simplest geometric figure. The simplest geometric figure is a point, which has no dimensions. A segment, on the other hand, has two endpoints and is one-dimensional. Therefore, the statement is false.
Trei sau mai multe puncte ale unei drepte se numesc puncte coliniare.
Correct Answer
A. Adevărat
The given statement is in Romanian and it translates to "Three or more points on a line are called collinear points." This statement is true because in geometry, collinear points are points that lie on the same line. So, if there are three or more points that lie on a line, they are considered collinear.
Bifaţi toate patrulaterele ce au toate laturile congruente:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Pătrat
D. Romb
A square and a rhombus are both quadrilaterals that have all sides congruent. A square is a special type of rectangle where all sides are equal in length, while a rhombus is a quadrilateral with all sides equal in length. Therefore, both the square and the rhombus have all sides congruent, making them the correct answers.
Bifaţi toate patrulaterele ce are toate unghiurile drepte :
Correct Answer(s)
A. Pătrat
B. Dreptunghi
The correct answer is pătrat, dreptunghi. A square is a quadrilateral with all angles equal to 90 degrees, making it a shape with all right angles. A rectangle is also a quadrilateral with all angles equal to 90 degrees, making it another shape with all right angles. Therefore, both the square and the rectangle have all right angles.
Linia frântă închisă, ale cărei laturi nu au alte puncte comune decât vârfurile liniei, se numeÅŸte...
Correct Answer(s)
A closed broken line, whose sides have no other common points than the vertices of the line, is called a polygon.
Cercul împreună cu interiorul său se numeÅŸte ...
Correct Answer(s)
The question is asking for the term used to describe a circle along with its interior. The correct answer is "disc". A disc refers to a circular shape that includes all the points within the circle. It is a two-dimensional object that is bounded by the circumference of the circle.
Baza conului este un...
Correct Answer(s)
The given question is asking for the base shape of a cone. The correct answer is "disc" because the base of a cone is a flat, circular shape. A disc is a two-dimensional geometric shape with a circular outline, which matches the description of the base of a cone.
Generatoare a conului este orice segment care uneÅŸte vârful conului cu un punct ce aparÅ£ine cercului bazei conului.
Correct Answer
A. Adevărat
The statement is true. A generator of a cone is any segment that connects the vertex of the cone with a point on the base circle of the cone. This means that any line segment starting from the top of the cone and ending on the base circle can be considered a generator.
Bifează corpurile geometrice :
Correct Answer(s)
B. Cilindru
C. Cuboid
G. Con
H. Piramidă
K. Cub
The correct answer includes the shapes that are considered geometric solids. A geometric solid is a three-dimensional shape that has length, width, and height. The shapes mentioned in the answer - cilindru (cylinder), cuboid (rectangular prism), con (cone), piramidă (pyramid), and cub (cube) - all meet this criteria as they have three dimensions and can be measured in terms of length, width, and height.