Devenir* (to become)
Devenu is the past participle of the verb devenir, which means "to become" in French. In this form, it agrees in gender and number with the subject of the sentence. It is used to form compound tenses, such as the passé composé, and can also be used as an adjective.
Revenir* ( to come back)
The correct answer "revenu" is the past participle of the verb "revenir" in French, which means "to come back". The past participle is used in compound tenses to express actions that have already been completed. In this case, "revenu" indicates that someone or something has already come back.
Monter (to go up [stairs])
The correct answer is "monte" because it is the noun form of the verb "monter." In French, "monter" means "to go up [stairs]." The noun "monte" refers to the act of going up or ascending, typically in the context of stairs or a slope.
Rester ( to stay)
The given correct answer "reste" is the present tense conjugation of the verb "rester" in French, which means "to stay" in English. In this case, "reste" is the conjugation used for the third-person singular subject, indicating that a singular noun or pronoun is staying or remaining in a particular place or state.
Sortir (to go out)
The correct answer is "sorti." In French, "sortir" is an irregular verb that means "to go out." The verb "sortir" is conjugated differently depending on the subject and tense. In this case, "sorti" is the past participle form of "sortir" used with the subject "je" (I) or "il" (he). This form is used to indicate that someone or something has gone out or exited a place in the past.
Venir* (to come)
The given correct answer, "venu," is the past participle form of the verb "venir" in French. The verb "venir" means "to come," and its past participle form is used to form compound tenses, such as the passé composé. In this case, "venu" is the correct past participle form of "venir" when used in the masculine singular form.
Aller ( to go)
Naitre* ( to born)
The correct answer is "ne,nee." In French, the verb "naitre" means "to be born." The subject pronoun "ne" is used with the verb in negative sentences, while the past participle "nee" is used to indicate the action of being born. Therefore, "ne,nee" is the correct conjugation of "naitre" in this context.
Descendre ( to go down)
The correct answer is "descendu" because it is the past participle form of the verb "descendre" which means "to go down" in English. In French, verbs are conjugated based on the subject and tense, and in this case, "descendu" is used to describe a completed action in the past.
Entrer (to enter)
The given correct answer "entre" is the third person singular form of the verb "entrer" in the present tense. It is used when referring to someone or something entering a place.
Rentrer ( to go back/re-enter)
The given correct answer "réentre". Réentre means re-enter in French.
Tomber (to fall)
Retourner ( to turn)
The given correct answer "retourne" is the conjugated form of the verb "retourner" in the third person singular form. In French, verbs are conjugated based on the subject pronoun and the tense. In this case, "retourne" is the present tense form of the verb for the subject pronoun "il" or "elle" (he or she). It indicates the action of turning.
Arriver ( to arrive)
"Arrive" is the correct answer because it is the English translation of the French verb "arriver." The question is asking for the correct translation of the word "arriver" in English, and "arrive" is the appropriate word.
Mourir* ( to die)
The given correct answer "mort" is the past participle form of the verb "mourir" in French, which means "to die". The past participle is used to form compound tenses in French, such as the passé composé. In this case, "mort" is the past participle used with the auxiliary verb "être" to form the passé composé tense, for example, "Il est mort" (He died). Therefore, "mort" is the correct answer as it is the past participle form of the verb "mourir".
Partir ( to leave)
The given correct answer "parti" is the past participle form of the verb "partir" in French. It is used to indicate that someone has left or departed from a place. In this case, "parti" is the correct form of the verb to match the subject and indicate that someone has left.