Hvem skrev at «dersom Norge ikke hadde vert i union med Danmark, hadde landet sannsynligvis hatt et egent skriftspråk»?
Correct Answer
B. Jacob Nicolai Wilse
Hva sa Wergeland språket er et utrykk for?
Correct Answer
A. Skjelen til folket
Wergeland believed that language is a reflection of the people's perception and understanding of the world. "Skjelen til folket" refers to the people's way of looking at things, their perspective, and their unique way of expressing themselves through language. Wergeland believed that by understanding and appreciating the language of the people, one can gain insight into their culture, values, and identity.
Hva ville Ivar Aasen basere sitt nye skriftspråk på?
Correct Answer
C. Norske dialekter
Ivar Aasen would base his new written language on Norwegian dialects. This means that he would use the different dialects spoken in Norway as the foundation for creating a standardized written language. By doing so, Aasen aimed to preserve and promote the unique linguistic characteristics and cultural identity of Norway.
Hvilke av endringene i Norsk rettskriving kom først?
Correct Answer
A. Ph som skrivemåte for f-lyden ble avskaffet
The correct answer is "Ph som skrivemåte for f-lyden ble avskaffet." This is because the question asks which change in Norwegian spelling came first, and the removal of "ph" as a way to represent the "f" sound was the earliest change mentioned. The other changes mentioned, such as the introduction of "p t k" after vowels and the elimination of silent "e" in the past tense of verbs, were not specified as occurring earlier than the removal of "ph."
Hvem mente «Intelligenspartiet» var de viktigste kulturbærerne til Norge?
Correct Answer
B. Adelen
Adelen mente at "Intelligenspartiet" var de viktigste kulturbærerne til Norge.
Hvordan skrev Asbjørnsen og Moe ned de norske folkeeventyrene?
Correct Answer
C. På svakt fornorsket språk
Asbjørnsen og Moe skrev ned de norske folkeeventyrene på svakt fornorsket språk. This means that they recorded the stories in a language that was slightly modified from the original dialects spoken by the storytellers. They did this in order to make the stories more accessible to a wider audience and to create a standardized version of the Norwegian language.
Hva inneholdt boken «urnorsk og norsk»?
Correct Answer
A. Norske alternativer for fremmedord
The book "urnorsk og norsk" contained Norwegian alternatives for foreign words.
Hva gjorde Knud Knudsen for fornorskingen av skriftspråket?
Correct Answer
B. Lagde fornorsket grammatikk
Knud Knudsen contributed to the Norwegianization of the written language by creating a Norwegian grammar that was adapted to the Norwegian language. This means that he developed grammatical rules and structures that were specific to the Norwegian language, making it distinct from other languages. By doing so, he played a significant role in standardizing and promoting the use of Norwegian in written communication.
Hva var Nordahl Rolfsen mest kjent for?
Correct Answer
C. Skrev norske skolebøker
Nordahl Rolfsen was most known for writing Norwegian school books.
Hvordan var «Ordbog over det norske folkesprog» skrevet?
Correct Answer
B. Deskriptiv
"Ordbog over det norske folkesprog" was written in a deskriptiv manner. This means that it focused on describing and documenting the actual usage of the Norwegian language by the people, rather than prescribing how it should be used based on grammar rules or personal preferences. The aim was to provide an objective and comprehensive record of the language as it was spoken by the general population.
Hvordan åpnet det første nummeret av «Dølen»?
Correct Answer
A. «Dølens» fyrste ord
Hvor mange ord har «Norsk ordbok» fra 1873?
Correct Answer
B. 35 000 - 40 000
The correct answer is 35,000 - 40,000. This suggests that the "Norsk ordbok" from 1873 contains between 35,000 and 40,000 words.
Hvilke er ikke en salme skrevet på landsmålet?
Correct Answer
C. Arne Granborg
The question asks which of the given options is not a hymn written in the local dialect. The options "Elias Blix" and "Anders Hvovden" are known for their contributions to Norwegian hymnology in the local dialect. However, there is no information available about "Arne Granborg" being associated with hymn writing in the local dialect. Therefore, "Arne Granborg" is the correct answer as it is not a hymn written in the local dialect.
Hva skrev Asbjørnsen og Moe ikke om?
Correct Answer
B. Arkeer
Asbjørnsen og Moe did not write about "Arkeer".
Når fikk landsmålet offisiell rettskriving?
Correct Answer
C. 1901
In 1901, landsmål, which is a Norwegian dialect, received official spelling rules. This means that before 1901, there were no standardized guidelines for how to spell words in this dialect. The introduction of official spelling in 1901 helped to establish consistency and clarity in the written form of landsmål.
Når ga Ivar Aasen ut «Det norske folkesprogs gramatikk»?
Correct Answer
B. 1848
Ivar Aasen published "Det norske folkesprogs gramatikk" in 1848.
Hvilket språk var boken Handbog i dansk-norsk Sproglære en grammatisk framstilling av?
Correct Answer
B. Dannet dagligtale
The book "Handbog i dansk-norsk Sproglære" is a grammatical presentation of the language "Dannet dagligtale." This suggests that the book focuses on the grammatical aspects of the language used in formal or cultivated daily speech.