Reflexive pronouns help make sentences clear and precise. They allow you to talk about actions that someone does to themselves, making your communication more direct. In this lesson, we will learn how reflexive pronouns fit into sentences and how to use them properly.
A reflexive pronoun is a word used when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same.
These pronouns often end with "-self" in singular form or "-selves" in plural form.
Example of Reflexive Noun in a Sentence
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[CTA]2593977[/CTAReflexive pronouns match their subject in both number and person.
Here's a complete list
Person | Singular Reflexive Pronouns | Plural Reflexive Pronouns |
First Person | myself | ourselves |
Second Person | yourself | yourselves |
Third Person | himself, herself, itself | themselves |
Follow these steps to use reflexive pronouns correctly
Step 1: Identify the subject of the sentence.
In this step, the subject of the sentence is identified as the person or thing performing the action or being described.
For example
They are painting.
In this sentence, they is the subject because they are the ones performing the action of painting.
Identifying the subject helps clarify who or what is involved in the action or state described in the sentence. It's an important first step in understanding sentence structure.
Step 2: Ensure the subject and object are the same.
The subject and object must refer to the same person or thing. This is necessary for using a reflexive pronoun correctly.
For example
Maria is painting herself.
In this case, Maria is both the subject (the one doing the action) and the object (the one receiving the action).
This step ensures that the reflexive pronoun matches both the subject and the object in the sentence.
Step 3: Choose the correct reflexive pronoun.
Match the pronoun to the subject based on person and number. Reflexive pronouns must agree with the subject in both person and number.
For example
For "Maria," use "herself."
Step 4: Place the reflexive pronoun correctly.
Usually, the reflexive pronoun comes after the verb or preposition in the sentence.
For example
She looks at herself in the mirror.
Step 5: Check for clarity and proper meaning.
Ensure the sentence makes sense and conveys the right idea. The reflexive pronoun should not cause confusion and should match the meaning of the sentence.
For example
They taught themselves how to play the guitar.
In this sentence, the reflexive pronoun "themselves" makes it clear that they are both the ones teaching and learning the action.
Check that the reflexive pronoun aligns with the meaning and structure of the sentence to ensure clarity.
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Here are more examples to show how reflexive pronouns work in sentences
Sentence | Reflexive Pronoun |
She looked at herself in the mirror. | herself |
The dog hurt itself while jumping over the fence. | itself |
I taught myself to bake a cake. | myself |
They solved the puzzle by themselves. | themselves |
He blamed himself for the mistake. | himself |
We enjoyed ourselves at the picnic. | ourselves |
You should treat yourself to a nice dinner. | yourself |
The children kept themselves busy with crafts. | themselves |
I reminded myself to stay calm during the test. | myself |
She bought herself a new book to read. | herself |
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Part 1: Identify the Reflexive Pronoun in Each Sentence.
Part 2: Determine if the Reflexive Pronoun is Used Correctly or Incorrectly.
Part 1:
Part 2:
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