Salah satu jenis teknologi JARLOKAF yang menggunakan konfigurasi Point to Point
Correct Answer
The correct answer is DLC. DLC stands for Digital Loop Carrier, which is a type of technology that uses a Point to Point configuration. DLC is commonly used in telecommunications networks to extend the reach of traditional copper-based telephone lines by converting them into digital signals. This technology allows for efficient transmission of voice and data over long distances.
Seluruh jaringan transmisi antara sentral lokal dan terminal pelanggan
Correct Answer
B. Jaringan Akses
The correct answer is "Jaringan Akses". This answer is correct because it refers to the entire transmission network between the local central and the customer terminal. The term "Jaringan Akses" specifically refers to the network that provides access to the customers, allowing them to connect to the central system. Therefore, it is the most appropriate choice among the given options.
Salah satu jenis teknologi JARLOKAF yang menggunakan konfigurasi Point to MultiPoint
Correct Answer
PON stands for Passive Optical Network, which is a type of JARLOKAF technology that utilizes a Point to MultiPoint configuration. In a PON, a single optical fiber is used to connect multiple end-users, allowing for efficient and cost-effective data transmission. This technology is commonly used in telecommunications networks to provide high-speed internet access to residential and business customers.
Perangkat yang dipergunakan untuk menghubungkan perangkat OLT ke sistem manajemen Jaringan
Correct Answer
Seutas serat optik berisi 1 core mempunayi pelindung serat sendiri dan dilengkapi hanya 1 buah konektor pada salah satu ujungnya
Correct Answer
A. Pigtail
A pigtail is a type of optical fiber cable that has one fiber core with its own protective sheath and is equipped with only one connector at one end. This allows for easy connection to other optical devices or equipment.
Seutas serat optik berisi 1 core mempunayi pelindung serat sendiri dan dilengkapi 2 buah konektor pada kedua ujungnya
Correct Answer
B. Patchcord
A patchcord is a type of optical fiber cable that has a protective covering and is equipped with connectors on both ends. It is used to connect optical devices such as transmitters, receivers, and switches. In this scenario, the given description of a serat optik (optical fiber) having a core, a protective covering, and connectors on both ends matches the characteristics of a patchcord. Therefore, the correct answer is patchcord.
Berikut ini adalah tahapan instalasi langkah persiapan, Kecuali
Correct Answer
C. Pembersihan lokasi / tempat pemasangan
The given options are all steps in the preparation stage of the installation process, except for "Pembersihan lokasi / tempat pemasangan" which means cleaning the location/ installation area. This step is not a preparation step but rather a step that comes after the preparation stage, where the area where the installation will take place is cleaned.
Berikut ini adalah tahapan instalasi , kecuali...
Correct Answer
D. Perizinan
The given options are steps in the installation process, and the correct answer is "Perizinan" which means "Permission" in English. This step is not a part of the installation process but rather a separate action that needs to be taken before or after the installation.
Peralatan yang digunakan dalam instalasi kabel serat optik yaitu... (boleh menjawab lebih dari satu)
Correct Answer(s)
A. Pemotong Kabel
B. Pengupas Kulit kabel
D. Pengupas fiber coating
The correct answer is Pemotong Kabel, Pengupas Kulit kabel, Pengupas fiber coating. These tools are used in the installation of fiber optic cables. The Pemotong Kabel is used to cut the cables to the desired length. The Pengupas Kulit kabel is used to remove the outer protective layer of the cable. The Pengupas fiber coating is used to remove the coating around the individual fibers within the cable. These tools are essential in preparing the cables for installation and ensuring proper connectivity and performance.
Berikut adalah peralatan yang diperlukan pada saat instalasi umum
Correct Answer(s)
B. Kunci PAS
C. Palu
The correct answer is "Kunci PAS, Palu". The given list mentions the equipment required during a general installation. "Kunci PAS" refers to a PAS wrench, which is commonly used for tightening and loosening bolts and nuts. "Palu" means a hammer, which is essential for tasks like driving nails or breaking objects. These two tools are necessary for various installation processes and are commonly used in construction and repair works.
Sekumpulan jaringan Akses yang menggunakan kabel serat optik adalah...
Correct Answer
JARLOKAF is the correct answer because it stands for Jaringan Lokal Akses dengan Kabel Serat Optik, which translates to Local Access Network with Fiber Optic Cable. This option specifically mentions the use of fiber optic cables for the access network, indicating that it is the correct choice among the given options.
Jenis perangkat aktif yang merupakan sub system dari optical Access Network yang berdasarkan kepada teknologi PON, berfungsi sebagai antarmuka pengguna dengan jaringan yang dihubungkan ke satu jaringan distribusi optik (ODN) adalah...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is ONU. ONU stands for Optical Network Unit, which is an active device in an optical access network. It serves as the user interface that connects the user's network to the optical distribution network (ODN). ONU is based on Passive Optical Network (PON) technology, which enables the transmission of data through optical fibers. It allows users to access high-speed internet and other services provided by the network.
Perangkat komputer/Note book yang berfungsi sebagai pusat pengendali sistem manajemen jaringan yaitu...
Correct Answer
A. Network Manajemen
The correct answer is "Network Manajemen." Network management refers to the process of administering and controlling a computer network. It involves tasks such as monitoring network performance, configuring network devices, troubleshooting network issues, and ensuring network security. A computer or notebook that serves as the central controller for network management is responsible for overseeing and managing the network's operations and resources.
Perangkat Aktif pada JARLOKAF yang berdasarkan teknologiu DLC yang peletakannya dilaksanakan disisi sentral adalah...
Correct Answer
D. Central Terminal
The correct answer is Central Terminal. The explanation for this is that the active device in JARLOKAF, which is based on DLC technology, is placed on the central side. The central terminal is the main connection point for the active devices in the JARLOKAF system. It serves as a central hub for managing and controlling the network.
Gambar disamping menunjukkan tanda
Correct Answer
B. Hati-hati
The correct answer is "Hati-hati" because it translates to "Be careful" in English. This warning sign is commonly used to alert people to potential dangers or hazards in their surroundings. It serves as a reminder for individuals to exercise caution and take necessary precautions to avoid accidents or injuries.
Gambar disamping menunjukkan tanda
Correct Answer
A. Awas Kebakaran
The correct answer is "Awas Kebakaran." The image shows a warning sign that indicates the presence of a fire hazard or the need to be cautious of fire. This sign is commonly used to alert people to potential fire risks in a specific area.
Gambar disamping menunjukkan tanda
Correct Answer
C. Awas Tegangan
The correct answer is "Awas Tegangan" because the image depicts a warning sign for voltage. This sign is commonly used to indicate the presence of high voltage or electrical hazards. It serves as a reminder for people to be cautious and avoid any contact with live electrical equipment or areas with high voltage.
Passive splitter direkomendasikan di pasang pada...
Correct Answer
A. Sentral atau gedung pelanggan
Passive splitters are recommended to be installed in central or customer buildings. This is because these locations typically have a higher concentration of users and require a more efficient distribution of the signal. By installing the splitter in these locations, the signal can be evenly distributed to multiple devices or households, ensuring a reliable and consistent connection for all users.
Berikut jenis-jenis perangkat yang di pasang diatas lantai (on the ground), kecuali...
Correct Answer
E. Splitter Tray
The correct answer is "Splitter Tray". The question is asking for the type of devices that are installed on the ground, and all of the options listed are types of devices except for the "Splitter Tray". A splitter tray is not a device itself, but rather a component or accessory used for organizing and managing fiber optic cables and splitters in a rack or enclosure.
Jenis perangkat yang dipasang di dinding adalah...
Correct Answer
An OTB (Optical Termination Box) is a type of device that is typically installed on walls. It is used for terminating and connecting optical fibers in a fiber optic network. OTBs are commonly used in telecommunications and data communication systems to provide a point of termination for fiber optic cables. They are designed to protect and organize the fiber optic connections, making it easier to manage and maintain the network.
Berapa batas minimum untuk menahan beban jika lokasi pemasangan diatas lantai (dalam bentuk Rak)
Correct Answer
C. 200 Kg/m2
The correct answer is 200 Kg/m2. This means that the minimum weight limit for holding a load on a floor (in the form of a rack) is 200 kilograms per square meter.
Ruangan harus bersih, bebas banjir maupun tetesan air dari plafond ruangan mempunyai penerangan dan ventilasi udara yang baik, jika perlu dipersiapkan ruangan khusus untuk perangkat JARLOKAF, merupakn persyaratan dari....
Correct Answer
D. Ruangan
The given correct answer is "Ruangan" because the previous sentence mentions the requirements for a room, such as cleanliness, absence of floods or water droplets from the ceiling, good lighting, and ventilation. Therefore, it can be inferred that the requirements mentioned are related to the "Ruangan" (room).
Bila ruangan trepisah untuk perangkat yang satu dengan lainnya maka harus dipasang....
Correct Answer
C. Cable tray
If the devices in a room are separated from each other, it is necessary to install a cable tray. A cable tray is a system that is used to support and organize cables, ensuring that they are properly routed and protected. By using a cable tray, the cables can be kept separate and organized, reducing the risk of interference or damage. This is especially important when the devices are spread out and need to be connected to each other.
Pemilihan teknologi JARLOKAF harus memperhatikan beberapa kriteria antara lain sebagai berikut, Kecuali...
Correct Answer
D. Pemasangannya
The given answer, "Pemasangannya" (installation), is not a criteria that needs to be considered when selecting the JARLOKAF technology. The other criteria mentioned, such as jenis jasa dan kapasitas (type of service and capacity), kemudahan O&M (ease of operation and maintenance), konfigurasi dan kehandalan sistem (system configuration and reliability), and kompatibilitas antarmuka dan sesuai standard (interface compatibility and compliance with standards), are all important factors that should be taken into account during the technology selection process.
Berdasarkan tempat peralihan sinyal optik (TKO = titik Konversi Optik ) menjadi sinyal elektrik di pelanggan maka dibedakan beberapa arsitektur Jarlokaf, yaitu...
Correct Answer
D. Fiber to the Zone ( FTTZ)
The correct answer is Fiber to the Zone (FTTZ). FTTZ is an architecture in which the optical signal is converted to an electrical signal at a zone level, which is typically a floor or a group of rooms in a building. This architecture allows for the distribution of high-speed internet access to multiple users within a specific zone, providing a cost-effective solution for delivering fiber optic connectivity to a building.
Alasan penggunaan fiber optik untuk akses jaringan pelanggan adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali
Correct Answer
B. Pemasangan yang cukup mudah
Fiber optik dipilih sebagai akses jaringan pelanggan karena memiliki kelebihan seperti kapasitas yang besar dan dapat menggantikan kabel primer dengan sangat berarti. Selain itu, fiber optik juga memiliki pita frekuensi yang lebih lebar dari voice Band width (VBW), sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan akan pelayanan dengan pita frekuensi yang lebih lebar. Penempatan kabel optik yang lebih kecil juga membuatnya terlihat lebih mudah dan rapih. Namun, pemasangan fiber optik tidak termasuk dalam alasan penggunaannya karena pemasangannya membutuhkan keahlian khusus dan peralatan yang lebih kompleks.
Berdasarkan tempat peralihan sinyal optik TKO terletak di rumah – rumah pelanggan dan langsung dihubungkan kepesawat pelanggan dengan kabel dalam rumah. Ordenya sampai puluhan meter ( kalau dimensi rumah pelanggan juga puluhan meter ), yaitu...
Correct Answer
B. Fiber to the Home ( FTTH)
The correct answer is Fiber to the Home (FTTH). This is because the explanation mentions that the optical signal transition point (TKO) is located in the customer's home and directly connected to the customer's device with cables inside the house. This indicates that the fiber optic network extends all the way to the customer's home, making FTTH the most appropriate option.
Berdasarkan tempat peralihan sinyal optik TKO terletak di sebuah bangunan perkantoran yang besar dengan nomor telepon yang banyak dan bertindak sebagai RK. Sistem ini mirip dengan istilah CTL ( catuan langsung ). Dari FTTB ke pelanggan menggunakan kabel tembaga. Dalam konfigurasi ini tidak adalagi DP, yaitu...
Correct Answer
E. Fiber to the Building ( FTTB )
Based on the given information, the system described is similar to the concept of CTL (catuan langsung) and involves the transition of optical signals at a large office building with numerous telephone numbers acting as a RK. The configuration mentioned does not include DP, which suggests that the system is using Fiber to the Building (FTTB) technology. FTTB refers to the deployment of fiber optic cables up to the building, providing high-speed internet access to multiple users within the building.
TKO terletak di DP dan dari DP kepelanggan menggunakan kabel tembaga dalam orde ratusan meter, yaitu...
Correct Answer
C. Fiber to curb ( FTTC )
FTTC stands for Fiber to the Curb, which means that the fiber optic cables are connected to a distribution point (DP) and then copper cables are used to connect from the DP to the customers' premises. In this scenario, the TKO is located in the DP and the distance from the DP to the customers' premises is in the order of hundreds of meters. FTTC is a common solution for providing high-speed internet access to customers, as it allows for faster speeds compared to traditional copper-based connections while still utilizing existing copper infrastructure for the last-mile connection.
Teknologi ini sangat banyak digunakan oleh operator telekomunikasi yaitu....
Correct Answer
A. Fiber-copper
The correct answer is fiber-copper because copper is a commonly used material in telecommunications infrastructure. Fiber-optic cables, which use thin strands of glass or plastic to transmit data through pulses of light, are often combined with copper cables for certain parts of the network. Copper cables are used for shorter distances and provide electrical conductivity, while fiber-optic cables are used for longer distances and offer faster data transmission speeds. Therefore, fiber-copper is a widely used technology in the telecommunications industry.
Plastic pelapis yang melindungi fiber dari kerusakan disebut...
Correct Answer
C. Buffer Coating
The correct answer is Buffer Coating. Buffer coating is a plastic protective layer that is applied to fiber optic cables to protect the delicate fibers from damage. It acts as a cushion and prevents any external forces or environmental factors from causing harm to the fibers. This coating helps to maintain the integrity and performance of the fiber optic cable by providing an additional layer of protection.
Sinar dalam fiber optik berjalan melalui inti dengan secara memantul dari cladding, dan hal ini disebut...
Correct Answer
B. Total internal reflection
Total internal reflection refers to the phenomenon where light travels through the core of a fiber optic cable by continuously bouncing off the cladding. This is the principle that allows for the transmission of light signals through the fiber optic cable without significant loss or distortion. It is a key concept in the functioning of fiber optic communication systems.
Kabel Optik Yang Sering Digunakan, Kecuali...
Correct Answer
D. Fiber geometry
The given options are different types of optical cables. The correct answer, "Fiber geometry," is not a type of cable but rather refers to the physical arrangement and characteristics of the fiber optic strands within the cable. It describes the shape, size, and positioning of the fibers, which can affect the cable's performance and capabilities.
Gambar disamping merupakan perangkat yang bernama...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is OLTS because OLTS stands for Optical Loss Test Set, which is a device used to measure the loss of optical power in a fiber optic system. It is commonly used in the installation and maintenance of fiber optic networks to ensure the quality and performance of the system. The picture provided might show the physical appearance of an OLTS device.
Teknologi yang mempunyai keunggulan utama karena menggunakan passive spliter
Correct Answer
PON stands for Passive Optical Network, which is a technology that utilizes passive splitters to distribute optical signals to multiple end-users. This technology has the main advantage of being cost-effective and efficient, as it eliminates the need for active components such as repeaters or amplifiers. By using passive splitters, PON can provide high-speed data, voice, and video services to multiple users over a single fiber optic cable. Therefore, PON is the correct answer as it aligns with the given statement about the technology's main advantage of using passive splitters.
Suatu software untuk memonitor dari layanan GPON disebut...
Correct Answer
C. Flex Manage
Flex Manage is the correct answer because it refers to a software used to monitor GPON services. It implies that Flex Manage is a software that provides the capability to monitor and manage the GPON network efficiently. This software likely allows users to track network performance, troubleshoot issues, and optimize the GPON service.
Keunggulan GPON antara lain sebagai berikut kecuali...
Correct Answer
B. Transparan
The correct answer is "Transparan". GPON has several advantages, including low maintenance costs for passive components, manageable bandwidth allocation, providing power to the last loop, and supporting triple play applications. However, transparency is not listed as one of the advantages of GPON.