Peristiwa pemberontakan G30S/PKI merupakan salah satu sejarah kelam bagi bangsa Indonesia. Peristiwa tersebut secara nyata mengancam keberadaan Pancasila sebagai ideologi bangsa Indonesia. Adapun paham yang menjadi ancaman tersebut adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Komunis
The correct answer is "Komunis." The G30S/PKI rebellion was a communist-led uprising that posed a significant threat to the ideology of Pancasila, which is the foundation of the Indonesian nation. The communist ideology, with its emphasis on class struggle and the abolition of private property, directly contradicts the principles of Pancasila, which include belief in God, nationalism, democracy, social justice, and unity. The rebellion aimed to establish a communist regime in Indonesia, which would have undermined the values and principles of the nation.
Hari Kesaktian Pancasila diperingati setiap tanggal ....
Correct Answer
B. 1 Oktober
The correct answer is 1 Oktober. Hari Kesaktian Pancasila is commemorated every year on October 1st. This day is significant because it marks the Battle of Surabaya in 1945, where Indonesian nationalists fought against British and Dutch forces to defend their newly proclaimed independence. The battle symbolizes the spirit of Pancasila, the national ideology of Indonesia, which promotes unity, democracy, social justice, and religious harmony. The commemoration of Hari Kesaktian Pancasila on October 1st is a reminder of the sacrifices made by the Indonesian people in the struggle for independence and the importance of upholding the values of Pancasila in the nation.
Penumpasan Pemberontakan G30S/PKI dipimpin langsung oleh Pangkostrad yang kala itu dijabat oleh ....
Correct Answer
C. Soeharto
Soeharto was the leader of the Indonesian army (Pangkostrad) during the time of the suppression of the G30S/PKI rebellion. He played a crucial role in leading the military operations to suppress the rebellion and restore order. His leadership and strategic decisions were instrumental in the successful suppression of the rebellion.
Selain merupakan ancaman di bidang ideologi, Pemberontakan G30S/PKI pun secara nyata merupakan bentuk dari ancaman di bidang politik, sebab pada saat itu PKI merupakan ....
Correct Answer
A. Partai Politik
The correct answer is "Partai Politik". The explanation is that during the G30S/PKI rebellion, the PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) was not only an ideological threat but also a political threat. The PKI was a political party that aimed to overthrow the government and establish a communist regime in Indonesia. Therefore, the rebellion was a form of political threat as it was led by a political party with political motives.
Pengerahan massa dalam jumlah yang besar dan terorganisir dengan tujuan untuk menumbangkan pemerintah yang berkuasa dengan cara-cara inkonstitusional disebut ....
Correct Answer
E. Kudeta
Kudeta adalah pengerahan massa dalam jumlah yang besar dan terorganisir dengan tujuan untuk menumbangkan pemerintah yang berkuasa dengan cara-cara inkonstitusional.
Berikut ini yang bukan merupakan bentuk ancaman non-militer di bidang politik yang dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak dari luar negeri adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Agresi
Agresi bukan merupakan bentuk ancaman non-militer di bidang politik yang dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak dari luar negeri. Agresi lebih merujuk pada tindakan militer atau penggunaan kekuatan fisik untuk memaksa atau mengancam negara lain. Dalam konteks ini, ancaman non-militer di bidang politik lebih mengacu pada tindakan seperti intimidasi, provokasi, blokade politik, atau intervensi yang tidak melibatkan penggunaan kekuatan fisik secara langsung.
Masuknya produk-produk global ke pasar domestik, apabila tidak diimbangi dengan adanya produksi dalam negeri yang kompetitif untuk bersaing di pasar internasional, akan menjadi ancaman di bidang ....
Correct Answer
C. Ekonomi
The entry of global products into the domestic market without a competitive domestic production to compete in the international market can pose a threat to the economy. This means that if local industries are not able to produce goods that can compete with global products, it can result in a decline in domestic industries and an increase in reliance on imported goods. This can have negative effects on the economy, such as job loss, trade imbalance, and decreased economic growth.
Sistem Free Fight Liberalism, Sistem etatisme dan Monopoli merupakan tiga (3) hal yang sangat dihindari oleh sistem ....
Correct Answer
C. Ekonomi Kerakyatan
The given correct answer is "Ekonomi Kerakyatan". The question mentions three things that should be avoided by the system, namely Free Fight Liberalism, Etatism, and Monopoly. These three concepts are associated with a lack of regulation and control, which can lead to unfair competition and concentration of power. In contrast, Ekonomi Kerakyatan (People's Economy) emphasizes the participation and empowerment of the people in economic activities, promoting equality and social justice. Therefore, it is the most suitable option to counteract the negative effects of the mentioned systems.
Apabila prospek pertumbuhan ekonomi jangka panjang lemah dan diperburuk oleh arus globalisasi, maka dalam jangka pendek ....
Correct Answer
B. Pertumbuhan ekonomi menjadi tidak stabil
When the long-term economic growth prospects are weak and worsened by globalization, it is likely that the short-term economic growth will become unstable. This is because weak long-term growth combined with the negative effects of globalization can lead to economic volatility and uncertainty. Therefore, the correct answer is "Pertumbuhan ekonomi menjadi tidak stabil."
Gejala westernisasi dapat diartikan sebagai ....
Correct Answer
E. Gaya hidup yang berorientasi kepada budaya barat tanpa diseleksi terlebih dahulu
The correct answer suggests that westernization symptoms refer to a lifestyle that is oriented towards Western culture without being selectively assessed first. This means that individuals adopt Western cultural practices without critically evaluating them or considering their compatibility with their own cultural values and norms.
Memudarnya semangat gotong royong, solidaritas, kepedulian dan kesetiakawanan sosial merupakan salah satu ancaman bagi bangsa di bidang ....
Correct Answer
D. Sosial budaya
The fading of the spirit of togetherness, solidarity, care, and social solidarity is a threat to the nation in the field of social culture. This suggests that the correct answer is "Sosial budaya" (social culture) as it directly relates to the mentioned aspects of togetherness, solidarity, care, and social solidarity.
Kenikmatan pribadi dianggap sebagai suatu nilai hidup tertinggi, adalah pengertian dari ....
Correct Answer
A. Hedonisme
Hedonisme adalah pandangan bahwa kebahagiaan dan kenikmatan pribadi adalah nilai hidup tertinggi. Ini berarti bahwa individu harus mencari kesenangan dan menghindari penderitaan dalam hidup mereka. Pandangan ini menekankan pentingnya kepuasan pribadi dan keinginan individual dalam mengejar kebahagiaan.
Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan pada masa pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo periode pertama, yaitu Susi Pudjiastuti melakukan gebrakan dengan menindak tegas kapal-kapal asing yang mencuri dan menguras kekayaan laut Indonesia. Tindakan tersebut berupa ....
Correct Answer
D. Penenggelaman
During her tenure as Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in President Joko Widodo's first term, Susi Pudjiastuti made a bold move by taking firm action against foreign ships that were stealing and depleting Indonesia's marine resources. The action taken was the sinking (penenggelaman) of these ships. This was done to send a strong message and deter other illegal fishing activities in Indonesian waters.
Belanda pernah ingin kembali menjajah Indonesia, dengan melakukan penyerangan dalam skala besar sebanyak dua kali, yaitu Agresi Militer I dan Agresi Militer II. Adapun Agresi Militer II dilakukan Belanda pada ....
Correct Answer
D. 19 Desember 1948
Belanda melakukan Agresi Militer II pada tanggal 19 Desember 1948.
Dalang dari Pemberontakan PKI di Madiun adalah ....
Correct Answer
E. Muso
Muso is the correct answer because he was the mastermind behind the PKI rebellion in Madiun. He was a high-ranking member of the PKI and played a significant role in planning and executing the uprising. His actions led to a violent conflict between the PKI and the Indonesian government, resulting in a large number of casualties.
“Lambang Negara ialah Garuda Pancasila dengan semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”. Pernyataan tersebut terdapat di dalam UUD Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 pada pasal....
Correct Answer
B. Pasal 36 A
The correct answer is "Pasal 36 A" because it is the article in the UUD Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 that specifically mentions the national symbol of Indonesia, which is the Garuda Pancasila, along with the national motto, "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika".
Konflik kepentingan merupakan ancaman serius bagi persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa Indonesia. Oleh sebab itu, bangsa Indonesia harus memperteguh wawasan kebangsaan yang berlandaskan ....
Correct Answer
A. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
The correct answer is "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" because it is a phrase in the Indonesian language that translates to "Unity in Diversity." This principle emphasizes the importance of unity and tolerance among the diverse ethnic, religious, and cultural groups in Indonesia. By upholding this principle, Indonesia can mitigate the threat of conflicts of interest and maintain national unity. The other options, such as UUD Tahun 1945 (the Indonesian Constitution), Isi Proklamasi (the content of the Proclamation of Independence), Isi Sumpah Pemuda (the content of the Youth Pledge), and Tujuan Nasional (national goals), although important, do not specifically address the issue of conflict of interest and its impact on national unity.
Mengaktifkan masyarakat sipil dalam arena politik merupakan salah satu perwujudan strategi mengatasi ancaman di bidang politik. Hak masyarakat sipil dalam arena politik tertuang dengan jelas dalam UUD Tahun 1945 Pasal....
Correct Answer
C. Pasal 28
Pasal 28 of the UUD Tahun 1945 is the correct answer because it specifically addresses the rights of civil society in the political arena. This article likely outlines the rights and responsibilities of citizens in participating in politics, such as the right to vote, freedom of expression, and the right to form political organizations. By activating civil society in the political sphere, it helps to address threats in the political field and ensures that citizens have a voice in shaping the political landscape.
Salah satu sikap tegas Bangsa Indonesia di kancah internasional yang berkaitan dengan upaya mempertahankan ideologi Pancasila dan menyatakan sikap politiknya di mata dunia, ditunjukkan dengan cara memprakarsai terbentuknya ....
Correct Answer
A. Gerakan Non Blok
The correct answer is Gerakan Non Blok. Gerakan Non Blok merupakan suatu gerakan politik yang didirikan oleh beberapa negara yang tidak ingin terlibat dalam blok politik manapun, baik blok Barat maupun blok Timur, selama Perang Dingin. Gerakan ini bertujuan untuk menjaga kemerdekaan dan kebebasan negara-negara anggotanya dalam mengambil keputusan politik, ekonomi, dan sosial tanpa adanya campur tangan dari kekuatan-kekuatan besar dunia. Dalam konteks pertanyaan ini, gerakan Non Blok menunjukkan sikap tegas Indonesia dalam mempertahankan ideologi Pancasila dan menyatakan sikap politiknya di mata dunia.
Industri-industri memiliki peran penting dalam melindungi negara dari ancaman di bidang ekonomi. Cara yang dilakukan oleh para pelaku industri adalah dengan ....
Correct Answer
E. Menggunakan bahan baku dalam negeri dan tidak tergantung impor dari luar negeri
The correct answer suggests that industries play a crucial role in protecting the country from economic threats by using domestic raw materials and reducing dependency on imports. This approach strengthens the domestic production for the local market and reduces vulnerability to fluctuations in international trade. By utilizing local resources, industries contribute to the country's economic stability and security.
Lembaga ekonomi dunia yang fokus dalam mengatur kebijakan tentang perdagangan global adalah ....
Correct Answer
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the correct answer because it is an international organization that focuses on regulating global trade policies. It aims to promote free and fair trade among its member countries by providing a platform for negotiations, settling trade disputes, and monitoring trade policies. The WTO plays a crucial role in ensuring that trade flows smoothly, predictably, and without discrimination on a global scale.
Dalam upaya untuk menghadapi kepentingan negara-negara maju, tindakan yang harus dilakukan Indonesia sebagai negara berkembang adalah ....
Correct Answer
E. Mempererat kerja sama dengan sesama negara berkembang
In order to face the interests of developed countries, Indonesia, as a developing country, should strengthen cooperation with fellow developing countries. This is because by strengthening cooperation with other developing countries, Indonesia can leverage collective bargaining power and negotiate better terms in international trade and economic agreements. Additionally, collaboration with other developing countries can lead to knowledge sharing, technology transfer, and joint initiatives that can contribute to the overall development and progress of Indonesia.
IMF merupakan salah satu lembaga ekonomi dunia yang berwenang mengatur ....
Correct Answer
A. Kebijakan moneter internasional
IMF (International Monetary Fund) is an international economic institution that has the authority to regulate international monetary policies. Monetary policies refer to the actions taken by central banks or monetary authorities to control the money supply and interest rates in an economy. These policies are crucial in managing inflation, stabilizing exchange rates, and promoting economic growth. Therefore, the correct answer, "Kebijakan moneter internasional" (international monetary policies), aligns with the role and function of the IMF in overseeing and coordinating these policies at a global level.
Tugas dan tanggung jawab negara dalam memajukan kebudayaan nasional Indonesia di tengah peradaban dunia tertuang dengan jelas di dalam UUD Tahun 1945 pada Pasal ....
Correct Answer
C. Pasal 32 ayat (1)
The correct answer is Pasal 32 ayat (1). This article states that the state has the responsibility to advance the national culture of Indonesia, including developing and promoting science and technology, arts and culture, and preserving cultural heritage. It emphasizes the importance of the state's role in preserving and advancing the Indonesian national culture in the midst of global civilization.
Biasanya faktor yang lebih banyak menimbulkan perubahan sosial budaya masyarakat adalah faktor yang berasal dari ....
Correct Answer
B. Luar
The correct answer is "Luar" because external factors typically have a greater influence on social and cultural change in a society. External factors refer to elements that are outside of the society or community, such as political, economic, and environmental factors. These external factors can bring about changes in social norms, values, traditions, and cultural practices. On the other hand, internal factors, such as individual beliefs and attitudes, may also contribute to social and cultural change but to a lesser extent compared to external factors.
Berikut ini adalah bentuk keseimbangan dan keselarasan fundamental yang harus dipelihara oleh Bangsa Indonesia, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
C. Keseimbangan antara manusia dengan norma yang berlaku
The given answer is incorrect because the balance between humans and the norms that apply is a fundamental balance and harmony that must be maintained by the Indonesian nation. The question asks for the exception, so the correct answer should be the option that does not belong to the fundamental balance and harmony that must be maintained.
Pada era globalisasi sekarang ini perubahan di bidang sosial budaya, lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan ....
Correct Answer
D. Teknologi
In the current era of globalization, the rapid development of technology has a significant impact on social and cultural changes. Technology has revolutionized communication, transportation, and access to information, leading to a more interconnected world. It has also influenced cultural practices, values, and norms, as people adapt to new ways of living and interacting. The advancements in technology have facilitated the spread of ideas, beliefs, and lifestyles, transcending geographical boundaries and creating a globalized society. Therefore, it can be inferred that the correct answer is "Teknologi" (Technology).
Strategi dalam melindungi negara dari ancaman di bidang pertahanan dan keamanan telah diatur secara jelas dalam UUD Tahun 1945 yaitu pada ....
Correct Answer
A. Pasal 30 ayat (1) sampai (5)
The correct answer is Pasal 30 ayat (1) sampai (5) because it states that strategies for protecting the country from threats in the defense and security sector are clearly regulated in the 1945 Constitution. This article specifically outlines the principles and guidelines for national defense and security, ensuring that the country is adequately prepared and protected against any potential threats or dangers.
Berikut ini yang merupakan kekuatan pendukung dalam usaha pertahanan dan keamanan negara melalui sistem pertahanan dan keamanan rakyat semesta adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Rakyat
The correct answer is "Rakyat". The explanation for this is that the strength of the people in defending and securing the nation through the universal defense and security system lies in the active participation and support of the people. The people play a crucial role in providing information, cooperating with the authorities, and being vigilant in maintaining the security and defense of the country. Their unity and commitment are essential in ensuring the effectiveness of the defense and security system.
Kekuatan utama sistem pertahanan dan keamanan rakyat semesta, terdiri atas kekuatan utama sistem pertahanan dan kekuatan utama sistem keamanan. Adapun yang menjadi kekuatan utama sistem pertahanan adalah ....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is TNI. TNI stands for Tentara Nasional Indonesia, which is the Indonesian National Armed Forces. In the given context, the question is asking about the main strength of the defense system, and TNI is the main military force responsible for defense and security in Indonesia.