Molekul DNA makhluk hidup tersusun dalam rantai panjang yang disebut … .
Correct Answer
E. Polinukleotida
The correct answer is "polinukleotida." Molekul DNA makhluk hidup tersusun dalam rantai panjang yang disebut polinukleotida.
Perhatikan gambar kariogram manusia berikut!
Berdasarkan kariogram yang tersusun acak tersebut, kariotipe-nya adalah ... .
Correct Answer
C. 22 pasang autosom + XY
Based on the given karyogram, there are 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes, which is XY. This indicates that the individual is a male.
Enzim yang berfungsi untuk menggabungkan deoksiribo nukleosida trifosfat saat replikasi DNA adalah ... .
Correct Answer
E. Polimerase
Polimerase adalah enzim yang berfungsi untuk menggabungkan deoksiribo nukleosida trifosfat saat replikasi DNA. Enzim ini bertanggung jawab untuk mensintesis rantai baru DNA dengan memadukan nukleotida yang sesuai dengan untai asli DNA. Dalam proses replikasi DNA, polimerase membaca untai asli DNA dan menambahkan nukleotida yang sesuai untuk membentuk untai baru yang komplementer. Dengan demikian, polimerase adalah enzim yang penting dalam replikasi DNA.
Perhatikan gambar berikut!
Tokoh di atas adalah pencetus model struktur DNA yang bernama ... .
Correct Answer
B. Watson
The figure shown in the question is of James Watson, who is one of the scientists credited with discovering the structure of DNA along with Francis Crick. Watson and Crick proposed the double helix structure of DNA in 1953, which revolutionized the field of genetics and molecular biology. Their discovery laid the foundation for understanding how genetic information is stored and passed on in living organisms.
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Nomor 3 dan 4 menunjukkan ... .
Correct Answer
C. Nukleosom dan kromatid
Bila DNA yang mengkode sintesis protein adalah: TAC CGA TTC AGA TCA
Maka antikodon-nya adalah … .
Correct Answer
The antikodon is the complementary sequence to the codon in mRNA. In this case, the codon in the mRNA is TAC CGA TTC AGA TCA, so the antikodon would be UAC CGA UUC AGA UCA.
Proses penerjemahan kode yang dibawa mRNA oleh tRNA disebut proses … .
Correct Answer
C. Translasi
The correct answer is "translasi". Translasi adalah proses penerjemahan kode yang dibawa oleh mRNA menjadi susunan asam amino dalam protein oleh tRNA. Pada proses ini, ribosom berperan dalam menghubungkan asam amino yang dibawa oleh tRNA berdasarkan urutan kodon pada mRNA. Proses translasi terjadi setelah proses transkripsi, di mana DNA diubah menjadi mRNA.
Apabila DNA yang mengkode sintesis protein adalah TAC CTT GAT GGT CAC, antisense-nya adalah … .
Correct Answer
The given DNA sequence is TAC CTT GAT GGT CAC. To find the antisense sequence, we need to replace each base with its complementary base. A pairs with T, T pairs with A, C pairs with G, and G pairs with C. Therefore, the antisense sequence is ATG GAA CTA CCA GTG.
Tabel kodon dan asam aminonya sebagai berikut.
Asam amino
Serin alanin glutamin prolin valin
Apabila urutan basa nitrogen DNA pada rantai sense adalah CAC CCT CGG GGT GTA maka urutan asam amino yang akan dibentuk adalah … .
Correct Answer
A. Valin – glutamin – alanin – prolin – serin
The given DNA sequence CAC CCT CGG GGT GTA corresponds to the codons GUG GGA GCC CCA GUA. These codons translate to the amino acids Valin, Glutamin, Alanin, Prolin, and Serin, respectively. Therefore, the correct answer is Valin - Glutamin - Alanin - Prolin - Serin.
Gen yang terletak pada lokus yang bersesuaian pada kromosom berpasangan disebut … .
Correct Answer
C. Alel
The correct answer is "Alel". Alel refers to the different forms of a gene that can exist at a specific locus on a pair of homologous chromosomes. Each parent contributes one allele to their offspring, and the combination of alleles determines the individual's genetic traits.
Bagian terujung kromosom yang berfungsi untuk menjaga agar DNA di daerah tersebut tidak terurai
Correct Answer
The given answer, telomer, is correct because telomers are the protective caps at the end of chromosomes that prevent the DNA in that region from unraveling or being degraded. They consist of repetitive DNA sequences and specialized proteins that play a crucial role in maintaining the stability and integrity of the chromosome. By protecting the DNA and preventing it from being damaged or lost during replication, telomers ensure the accurate transmission of genetic information during cell division.
Sentromer terletak agak ke ujung lengan kromosom
Correct Answer
The given correct answer, "akrosentris," is an explanation for the statement "Sentromer terletak agak ke ujung lengan kromosom." This suggests that the centromere is located towards the end of the chromosome arm.
Metionin; kodon start
Correct Answer
The given answer, AUG, is the codon that serves as the start signal for protein synthesis in most organisms. It codes for the amino acid methionine and is recognized by the ribosome as the beginning of the mRNA sequence. This codon is essential for initiating the translation process and ensuring the correct reading frame for protein synthesis.
Persenyawaan kimia basa nitrogen dan deoksiribosa
Correct Answer
The given question is incomplete and not readable. It is not clear what is being asked or what information is being provided. Therefore, an explanation cannot be generated.
Replikasi ... menunjukkan bahwa double helix DNA terputus-putus kemudian segmen-segmen tersebut akan membentuk segmen baru yang akan bergabung dengan segmen lama dan membentuk DNA yang baru.
Correct Answer
The given statement describes the process of DNA replication, where the double helix structure of DNA is broken and the segments form new segments that join with the old segments to form new DNA. This process is known as "dispersive" replication, where the original DNA molecule is dispersed and mixed with the newly synthesized DNA segments.
Kromosom kelamin
Correct Answer
The term "gonosom" refers to the sex chromosomes in organisms. In humans, the sex chromosomes are called X and Y chromosomes. The presence of two X chromosomes results in a female (XX), while the presence of one X and one Y chromosome results in a male (XY). Therefore, "gonosom" is a correct term to describe the sex chromosomes.
Penerjemah kodon
Correct Answer
The given correct answer is "trna". tRNA (transfer RNA) is a type of RNA molecule that plays a crucial role in protein synthesis. It carries amino acids to the ribosome during translation, where they are used to build a polypeptide chain. tRNA molecules have specific sequences of nucleotides called anticodons that are complementary to the codons on mRNA. This allows tRNA to recognize and bind to the appropriate amino acid and deliver it to the ribosome. Therefore, trna is the correct answer as it accurately relates to the topic of "Penerjemah kodon" (Codon translator).
Enzim penghidrolisis rantai ganda polinukleotida menjadi rantai tunggal
Correct Answer
Helicase is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in DNA replication and repair. It is responsible for unwinding the double-stranded DNA molecule by breaking the hydrogen bonds between the base pairs. This process allows the DNA strands to separate and form two single strands, which can then be used as templates for the synthesis of new DNA strands. Therefore, helicase is involved in the hydrolysis of the double-stranded polynucleotide chain into single strands.
Golongan pirimidin pada RNA
Correct Answer
The explanation for the given answer is that uracil is a pyrimidine base found in RNA. Pyrimidines are one of the two types of nitrogenous bases, along with purines, that make up the building blocks of nucleic acids. In RNA, uracil replaces thymine, which is found in DNA. Uracil pairs with adenine through hydrogen bonding, forming a base pair that helps in the formation of the RNA molecule during transcription. Therefore, uracil is the correct answer as it is a pyrimidine base specifically found in RNA.
Hasil susunan dan pengaturan kromosom
Correct Answer
The given answer "kariogram" is the correct explanation for the given question. Kariogram refers to the arrangement and organization of chromosomes in a cell. It involves analyzing the size, shape, and banding patterns of chromosomes to determine any abnormalities or genetic disorders. By studying the kariogram, scientists and geneticists can gain insights into an individual's genetic makeup and identify any chromosomal abnormalities or genetic diseases present.