Pada siklus kehidupan sel, kromosom tidak ditemukan pada tahap ... .
Correct Answer
C. Interfase
During the cell cycle, the chromosomes are not found in the interphase stage. Interphase is the longest stage of the cell cycle where the cell prepares for division by growing, replicating its DNA, and carrying out normal cellular functions. It is during the interphase that the chromosomes are duplicated and appear as long, thin chromatin fibers. The chromosomes become visible and condensed only during the subsequent stages of mitosis, such as prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Therefore, the correct answer is interphase.
Organisme yang berhasil berkembang biak tanpa melalui proses meiosis yaitu ... .
Correct Answer
E. Amoeba
Amoeba is a single-celled organism that reproduces asexually through a process called binary fission. During binary fission, the nucleus of the amoeba divides into two, followed by the division of the cytoplasm, resulting in two identical daughter cells. This process does not involve meiosis, which is a type of cell division that produces gametes with half the number of chromosomes. Therefore, amoeba is able to reproduce without undergoing meiosis.
Peristiwa sinapsis terjadi pada tahap ... .
Correct Answer
B. Profase I
During the process of meiosis, synapsis occurs during prophase I. Synapsis is the pairing of homologous chromosomes, where they come together and form a structure called a tetrad. This allows for the exchange of genetic material between the homologous chromosomes through a process called crossing over. This genetic recombination is important for creating genetic diversity in the offspring. Therefore, the correct answer is prophase I.
Perhatikan gambar fase pembelahan mitosis berikut ini.
Urutan fase pembelahan meiosis I yaitu ... .
Correct Answer
E. 3 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 6
Gambar di atas merupakan salah satu fase meiosis I pada tahap . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Metafase I
The correct answer is metafase I. The image above represents one of the phases of meiosis I, specifically the metaphase I. In this phase, the homologous chromosomes align along the equatorial plane of the cell. This alignment allows for the subsequent separation of the homologous chromosomes in anaphase I.
Tanaman buncis memiliki 2n kromosom = 22 buah, jumlah kromatid pada metafase II sebanyak . . . .
Correct Answer
D. 22
The correct answer is 22 because in metaphase II of meiosis, the number of chromatids is equal to the number of chromosomes. Since the buncis plant has 2n chromosomes, which is equal to 22, the number of chromatids in metaphase II would also be 22.
Ciri-ciri berikut merupakan beberapa tahapan pembelahan meiosis.
1) Kromosom homolog melekat satu sama lain.
2) Terbentuk tetrad atau bivalen.
3) Kemungkinan terjadi saling tukar-menukar gen.
4) Kromosom homolog mengatur diri pada bidang ekuator.
5) Kromosom homolog berpisah.
6) Kromosom menuju kutub-kutub yang berlawanan.
Ciri tahapan pembelahan yang terjadi pada profase I ditunjukkan nomor . . . .
Correct Answer
A. 1) – 2) – 3)
The correct answer is 1) - 2) - 3). This is because the given characteristics describe the events that occur during the stages of meiosis. In the first stage, homologous chromosomes pair up. In the second stage, tetrad or bivalent structures are formed. In the third stage, there is a possibility of genetic exchange or crossing over. Therefore, the correct sequence of events is 1) - 2) - 3).
Perhatikan bagan meiosis berikut ini.
Hasil reduksi kromosom pada tahapan . . . .
Correct Answer
D. D
The correct answer is D. The explanation for this answer is not available.
Perhatikan gambar pembelahan sel di bawah.
Sel tersebut berada pada fase . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Metafase II
The correct answer is metafase II. This can be determined by analyzing the image of the cell division provided. The cell appears to be in the later stages of division, as the chromosomes are lined up along the equator of the cell. This aligning of chromosomes along the equator is characteristic of the metaphase stage of cell division. Additionally, the presence of two sets of chromosomes suggests that this is the second round of division, hence metafase II.
Pada organisme X dengan jumlah kromosom 12 pasang terjadi pembelahan meiosis. Kromatid organisme tersebut pada tahap profase I berjumlah . . . pasang.
Correct Answer
D. 24
During meiosis, the number of chromosomes is halved. In the given question, organism X has 12 pairs of chromosomes. In prophase I of meiosis, the chromosomes duplicate, resulting in each chromosome having two identical chromatids. Since there are 12 pairs of chromosomes, there would be a total of 24 chromatids in prophase I. Therefore, the correct answer is 24.
Perhatikan gambar berikut.
Berdasarkan tahapan pada meiosis, anafase I ditunjukkan oleh gambar . . . .
Correct Answer
C. C
The correct answer is C. This is because in the image, the chromosomes are shown separating and moving towards opposite poles of the cell. This is characteristic of anaphase I in meiosis, where homologous chromosomes separate.
Perhatikan gambar pembelahan meiosis di bawah ini.
Tahapan yang ditunjukkan pada A dan B secara berurutan disebut . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Profase I dan metafase I
The correct answer is profase I dan metafase I. This is because the image shows the stages of meiosis, and the first stage shown is prophase I, followed by metaphase I.
Sitokinesis yang terjadi pada proses mitosis berlangsung pada fase . . . .
Correct Answer
E. Telofase
During the process of mitosis, cytokinesis occurs during telophase. Telophase is the final stage of mitosis where the chromosomes reach the opposite poles of the cell and start to decondense. At this stage, a cleavage furrow or cell plate forms, dividing the cytoplasm into two daughter cells. This marks the completion of cell division. Therefore, telophase is the correct answer for the given question.
Kromosom dapat dihitung pada saat metafase, hal tersebut disebabkan oleh . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Kromatid berjajar di bidang ekuator
During metaphase, chromosomes can be counted because they align in a single plane called the equator. This alignment allows for easier visualization and counting of individual chromosomes.
Pada tumbuhan pembelahan reduksi terjadi pada . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Alat perkembangbiakan
Pada tumbuhan, pembelahan reduksi terjadi pada alat perkembangbiakan. This statement in Indonesian translates to "In plants, reduction division occurs in reproductive organs." Therefore, the correct answer is "alat perkembangbiakan" which means "reproductive organs" in English.
Tahapan-tahapan pembelahan meiosis.
Meiosis I
Replikasi kromosom. Kromosom membentuk kromatid kembar.
Kromosom homolog bersinapsis.
Terjadi pindah silang gen antarkromatid yang bersinapsis.
Kromosom homolog mengatur diri di bidang ekuator. Sentromer mengarah ke kutub-kutub yang berlawanan.
Kromosom homolog berpisah dan menuju
ke kutub-kutub yang berlawanan.
Di sekitar kutub pembelahan dijumpai kromosom haploid terbentuk nukleus.
Perubahan kromosom yang terjadi pada meiosis I, tetapi tidak terjadi pada meiosis II terdapat pada tahap yang ditunjukkan oleh . . . .
Correct Answer
A. 1 dan 2
The correct answer is 1 dan 2. The explanation is that in meiosis I, the chromosomes replicate and form sister chromatids (as mentioned in step 1), and the homologous chromosomes synapse and undergo crossing over (as mentioned in step 2). These changes occur in meiosis I but not in meiosis II. Therefore, the changes mentioned in steps 1 and 2 are specific to meiosis I.
Salah satu ciri yang membedakan antara pembelahan mitosis dengan pembelahan meiosis, yaitu . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Pada mitosis tidak terjadi pindah silang antarkromatid homolog
The correct answer is "pada mitosis tidak terjadi pindah silang antarkromatid homolog" because in mitosis, the chromosomes do not undergo crossing over, which is the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes. This process only occurs in meiosis, where genetic diversity is increased through recombination.
Ciri berikut ini yang merupakan ciri dari telofase II pada meiosis II, yaitu . . . .
Correct Answer
E. Terbentuk empat sel baru dengan jumlah kromosom ½ kromosom induk
The correct answer is "terbentuk empat sel baru dengan jumlah kromosom ½ kromosom induk". This is because during telophase II of meiosis II, the two haploid cells formed during the previous division further divide into four haploid cells. Each of these new cells contains half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell, ensuring genetic diversity in the resulting gametes.
Perhatikan fase pembelahan berikut.
Proses berikutnya yang terjadi setelah sel mengalami fase seperti tampak pada gambar, yaitu . . . .
Correct Answer
E. Kromatid berpisah dan menuju kutub-kutub
Setelah sel mengalami fase seperti yang terlihat pada gambar, proses berikutnya yang terjadi adalah kromatid berpisah dan menuju kutub-kutub. Ini terjadi saat benang-benang kromatin menebal dan benang-benang kumparan menuju ke tengah, melekat pada sentromer. Selanjutnya, terbentuk sepasang sentriol yang bergerak menuju kutub-kutub sel dan mikrotubulus membentuk benang-benang kumparan. Akhirnya, kromatid berpisah dan menuju kutub-kutub sel.
Pembelahan sel-sel kambium pada tumbuhan dikotil merupakan pembelahan . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Mitosis
The correct answer is mitosis. Mitosis is the process of cell division in which a parent cell divides into two identical daughter cells. In the context of plants, the cambium cells undergo mitosis to produce new cells for growth and development. This process allows for the formation of secondary xylem and phloem, which contribute to the increase in girth of the plant stem. Amitosis, sinergid, endosperm, and embrional are not related to the process of cell division in the cambium of dicot plants.
Sel telur pada oogenesis berasal dari . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Oosit sekunder
The correct answer is "oosit sekunder". Oogenesis is the process of egg cell development in females. During this process, the oogonia (primordial germ cells) divide through mitosis to form primary oocytes. These primary oocytes then undergo meiosis I to form secondary oocytes. Therefore, the secondary oocytes are the ones that give rise to mature eggs or ova.
Perbedaan antara spermatogenesis dengan oogenesis terletak pada . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Jumlah sel kelamin yang fungsional
The difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis lies in the number of functional gametes produced. Spermatogenesis produces four functional sperm cells through meiosis, while oogenesis produces one functional egg cell and three non-functional polar bodies. This difference in the number of functional gametes is important for reproductive processes and the potential for fertilization.
Setelah oogonium membelah secara mitosis berkali-kali akan menghasilkan . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Oosit primer diploid
Oogonium undergoes multiple rounds of mitosis to produce oocyte. The oocyte is the immature egg cell and is referred to as oosit primer. It is diploid because it contains the full set of chromosomes.
Pada pembelahan meiosis II mikrosporogenesis, akan terbentuk . . . .
Correct Answer
D. 4 mikrospora haploid
During meiosis II in microsporogenesis, the diploid microspore undergoes another round of division to form four haploid microspores. This is because during meiosis I, the diploid microspore undergoes homologous chromosome separation, resulting in two haploid cells. Then, during meiosis II, these two haploid cells further divide to produce a total of four haploid microspores.
Bila n kromosom mikrosporosit yang terdapat di kepala sari berjumlah 26 buah, kromosom inti vegetatif spermatozoidnya akan berjumlah . . . buah.
Correct Answer
D. 26
The number of chromosomes in the vegetative nucleus of a spermatozoid is the same as the number of chromosomes in the microsporocyte nucleus. In this case, there are 26 chromosomes in the microsporocyte nucleus, so the vegetative nucleus of the spermatozoid will also have 26 chromosomes.
Pada spermatogenesis, sel pertama yang bersifat haploid yaitu . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Spermatosit sekunder
In spermatogenesis, the first haploid cells are called spermatocytes. These spermatocytes undergo meiosis to produce four haploid cells called spermatids. Therefore, the correct answer is spermatid.
Berdasarkan pengamatan terhadap diagram spermatogenesis di bawah,
nomor-nomor yang menunjukkan sel diploid terdapat pada . . . .
Correct Answer
A. I dan II
Based on the observation of the spermatogenesis diagram, the numbers that indicate diploid cells are present in both I and II.
Hasil oogenesis pada Angiospermae berupa . . . .
Correct Answer
E. Kandung lembaga yang mengandung delapan inti haploid
Oogenesis pada Angiospermae menghasilkan kandung lembaga yang mengandung delapan inti haploid. Oogenesis adalah proses pembentukan sel telur yang terjadi dalam ovarium tumbuhan. Pada tahap awal oogenesis, sel induk telur mengalami pembelahan meiosis yang menghasilkan empat sel anak yang disebut kandung lembaga. Setiap kandung lembaga mengandung dua inti haploid. Selanjutnya, setiap inti haploid akan mengalami pembelahan mitosis tanpa pembelahan sitoplasma, sehingga menghasilkan kandung lembaga yang mengandung delapan inti haploid.
Inti yang terdapat pada bagian kalaza pada megasporogenesis disebut ... .
Correct Answer
B. Antipoda
In the process of megasporogenesis, the structure called the kalaza contains the antipoda. Antipoda refers to the cells that are located opposite to the micropyle end of the embryo sac. These cells play a role in the development and nourishment of the embryo. Therefore, the correct answer is antipoda.
Pembuahan inti diploid hasil persatuan dua sel kutub oleh inti generatif menghasilkan ... .
Correct Answer
A. Kandung lembaga sekunder
The correct answer is "kandung lembaga sekunder." This is because the sentence states that the fusion of two polar nuclei by the generative nucleus results in the formation of "kandung lembaga sekunder."
Proses oogenesis dihasilkan . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Satu ovum dan tiga polosit
During oogenesis, a diploid cell called an oogonium undergoes meiosis to produce one haploid ovum and three haploid polar bodies. The ovum is the mature egg cell that can be fertilized by a sperm, while the polar bodies are smaller non-functional cells that eventually degenerate. This process ensures that the majority of the cytoplasm and organelles are concentrated in the ovum, providing it with the necessary resources for fertilization and early embryonic development.
Pada peristiwa megasporogenesis pembelahan meiosis I dari megasporosit menghasilkan . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Sepasang sel haploid
During megasporogenesis, the meiosis I division of the megasporocyte results in the formation of a pair of haploid cells. This means that each cell in the pair has half the number of chromosomes as the original megasporocyte. Therefore, the correct answer is "sepasang sel haploid" which translates to "a pair of haploid cells" in English.
Pada sebuah serbuk sari terdapat . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Dua inti generatif dan satu inti saluran serbuk sari
The correct answer is "dua inti generatif dan satu inti saluran serbuk sari". This answer states that there are two generative nuclei and one pollen tube nucleus in the pollen grain. This is a common structure found in angiosperms, where the generative nuclei are responsible for fertilization and the pollen tube nucleus guides the pollen tube growth towards the ovule.
Masuknya saluran serbuk sari ke dalam kandung lembaga melalui suatu lubang yang disebut . . . .
Correct Answer
E. Mikrofil
The correct answer is "mikrofil". The question is asking for the term that refers to the entry of pollen tubes into the ovule through a small opening. The term "mikrofil" fits this description as it refers to the pollen tube entering the ovule.
Kandung lembaga muda merupakan hasil pembelahan megaspora secara . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Kariokinesis tiga kali berturut-turut
The correct answer is "kariokinesis tiga kali berturut-turut". This means that the young organism's nucleus undergoes three consecutive rounds of division. This process is known as kariokinesis, which ensures that each daughter cell receives a complete set of chromosomes. By undergoing kariokinesis three times, the young organism can produce four cells, each with a haploid set of chromosomes, which is the result of the megasporangium division. Therefore, this answer accurately describes the process of division in the young organism's nucleus.