Test IQ Kelas 9

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| By Hadiyanto
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 11,885
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Test IQ Kelas 9 - Quiz

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Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    1 = 52 = 253 = 3254 = 4325Berapakah 5 = ? 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. 54325
    The pattern in the given sequence is that each number is formed by reversing the previous number and adding a digit at the end. For example, 2 is formed by reversing 1 and adding 2 at the end, 53 is formed by reversing 25 and adding 3 at the end, and so on. Therefore, to find 5, we need to reverse 4325 and add 5 at the end, resulting in 54325.

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  • 2. 

    4 + 3 + 1 = 329 + 2 + 4 = 1358 + 6 + 3 = 1365 + 4 + 5 = 70Berapakah 7 + 2 + 4 = ?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. 91
    The pattern in the given equation is that each number is multiplied by the sum of the other two numbers and then added together. For example, in the first equation, 4 x (3 + 1) = 16. In the second equation, 9 x (2 + 4) = 54. Following this pattern, 7 x (2 + 4) = 42. Therefore, the answer is 42.

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  • 3. 

    Anda sedang lomba balap lari, dan anda membalap pelari di posisi ke 2, sekarang anda posisi berapa?

    • A.

      Posisi ke-2

    • B.

      Posisi ke-1

    • C.

      Posisi ke-3

    • D.

      Posisi ke-4

    Correct Answer
    A. Posisi ke-2
    The given answer states "Posisi ke-2" which means "Position 2" in English. Therefore, the correct answer is position 2.

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  • 4. 

    Ayah Mary mempunyai 4 anak, yg bernama nana,nini,nunu dan siapakah anak keempat?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Mary
    The answer is Mary because the question states that Ayah Mary has 4 children and lists their names as nana, nini, nunu, and Mary. Since Mary is the last name mentioned, it can be inferred that Mary is the fourth child.

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  • 5. 

    Seorang perempuan menyaksikan proses pemakaman ibunya dan dia melihat seorang pria sangat tampan dan dia sangat sangat menyukai dan mencintainya. Dan keesokan harinya ia membunuh kakaknya sendiri. Apa motif pembunuhan tsb? 

    • A.

      Motifnya bertemu seorang pria yg tampan tadi

    • B.

      Motifnya proses pemakaman ibunya

    • C.

      Motifnya membunuh kakanya sendiri

    • D.

      Motifnya sangat menyukai dan mencintai

    Correct Answer
    A. Motifnya bertemu seorang pria yg tampan tadi
    The correct answer suggests that the motive for the murder was to meet the handsome man that the woman saw at her mother's funeral. This implies that the woman was so infatuated with the man that she was willing to commit a heinous act to be able to see him again.

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  • 6. 

    Ibuku mempunyai dua orang anak perempuan. Kemudian ibuku mempunyai kakak dan beranak dua, laki-laki dan perempuan. Makan anak perempuan dari kakak ibuku adalah?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Keponakan
    The correct answer is "keponakan". In the given scenario, the children of the mother's sibling are referred to as "keponakan" in Indonesian, which translates to "niece" or "nephew" in English. Since the mother's sibling has a son and a daughter, the daughter would be the "keponakan" or niece of the speaker.

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  • 7. 

    Mobil – Roda = Rumah

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Pondasi
    The given equation "Mobil - Roda = Rumah" suggests that we need to subtract the word "Roda" from "Mobil" to get the word "Rumah". In this context, "Pondasi" is the correct answer because it is a component of a house, just like "Atap" and "Jendela". "Tanah" does not fit the equation as it is not directly related to a house component.

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  • 8. 

    Bani, Badu, Amir dan Ani berdiri sejajar dalam satu deret dari kiri ke kanan. Bani bertukar tempat dengan Amir, dan kemudian Amir bertukar tempat dengan Badu. Siapakah yang berdiri di paling kanan pada deret itu?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Ani
    After Bani and Amir exchange places, and then Amir and Badu exchange places, the final order from left to right is Badu, Amir, Bani, Ani. Therefore, Ani is standing on the far right in the series.

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  • 9. 

    Televisi – Gambar = Radio

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Suara
    The given equation "Televisi - Gambar = Radio" suggests that when you subtract the concept of "gambar" (which means picture or image) from the concept of "televisi" (which means television), you are left with the concept of "radio." Therefore, the missing word that completes the equation is "suara" (which means sound). This is because a television without a picture is essentially a radio, as it only produces sound.

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  • 10. 

    Manakah yang menjadi pertama menurut abjad dari empat nama orang berikut ini:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Munawar
    The given question asks for the name that comes first alphabetically among the four names provided. In this case, "Munawar" is the correct answer as it starts with the letter "M" which comes before "N" (the starting letter of the other three names).

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  • 11. 

    Carilah padanan hubungannya

    • A.

      Tali : Jatuh

    • B.

      Agama : Atheis

    • C.

      Buku : Bodoh

    • D.

      Menikah : Bujang

    Correct Answer
    A. Tali : Jatuh
    The given answer "Tali : Jatuh" is the correct match because "jatuh" is a verb that describes the action of the noun "tali". Similarly, the other options do not have a clear relationship. "Agama : Atheis" does not have a clear relationship as atheism is a belief system, not an action related to religion. "Buku : Bodoh" does not have a clear relationship as "bodoh" is an adjective describing the quality of the noun "buku". "Menikah : Bujang" does not have a clear relationship as "bujang" is a noun referring to a bachelor, not an action related to marriage.

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  • 12. 

    Cobalah. Ambil 1000 dan tambahkan 40 padanya. Sekarang tambahkan 1000 lagi.Sekarang tambahkan 30 . ! Tambahkan 1000 lagi. Sekarang tambahkan 20. Sekarang tambahkan 1000 Sekarang tambahkan 10. Berapa totalnya?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. 4100
    The question asks for the total after performing a series of additions. Starting with 1000, we add 40, then add 1000 again, then add 30, then add 1000 again, then add 20, then add 1000 again, and finally add 10. Adding all of these numbers together gives us a total of 4100.

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  • 13. 

    Carilah persamaan kata atau sinonimnya Artifisial

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Buatan
    The correct answer is "Buatan". This word is synonymous with "Artifisial" as both words refer to something that is made or created by humans rather than occurring naturally.

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  • 14. 

    Ada lima orang bersahabat : Yuan, Dian, Nadia, Nisa, dan Yuni. Yang paling muda di antara mereka Yuni. Yuan tidak lebih tua dibandingkan Dian dan Nadia. Hanya Yuan lebih muda dari Nisa. Nadia lebih tua dibandingkan Dian. Urutan usia kelima orang sahabat tersebut dari yang paling tua ke yang paling muda adalah:

    • A.

      Nadia, Dian, Nisa, Yuan, Yuni

    • B.

      Yuan, Nadia, Nisa, Dian, Yuni

    • C.

      Yuni, Nisa, Yuan, Nadia, Dian

    • D.

      Yuni, Yuan, Nisa, Dian, Nadia

    Correct Answer
    A. Nadia, Dian, Nisa, Yuan, Yuni
    The correct answer is Nadia, Dian, Nisa, Yuan, Yuni. This is because the given information states that Nadia is older than Dian, and Yuan is younger than Nisa. Additionally, Yuni is stated to be the youngest among them. Therefore, the correct order of their ages from oldest to youngest is Nadia, Dian, Nisa, Yuan, Yuni.

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  • 15. 

    Ayah Yanti punya lima andak: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. Siapa nama anak kelima?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Yanti
    The question asks for the name of Ayah Yanti's fifth child. Based on the information given, Ayah Yanti has four children named Nana, Nene, Nini, and Nono. Therefore, the fifth child's name must be Yanti, as it is the only name not mentioned in the list of the four children.

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  • 16. 

    Carilah kata yang berlawanan arti (antonim) Imun

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Rapuh
    The correct answer is "Rapuh" because it means fragile or easily broken, which is the opposite of "Imun" that means immune or resistant to something.

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  • 17. 

    Carilah kata yang berlawanan arti (antonim) Persona non grata

    • A.

      Orang yang disukai

    • B.

      Orang pribumi

    • C.

      Orang yang membumi

    • D.

      Orang baru

    Correct Answer
    A. Orang yang disukai
    The term "persona non grata" refers to someone who is not welcomed or accepted. Therefore, the correct antonym for this term would be "orang yang disukai" which means someone who is liked or favored.

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  • 18. 

    Sebuah keluarga hendak memasak untuk  makan malam. Ayah suka sayuran kecuali kangkung. Ayah makan harus ada sayur dan lauknya. Ibu tidak boleh makan makanan yang ada unsur kangkung dan udangnya oleh dokter. Kakak suka udang goreng tetapi tidak suka sayuran. Adik tidak suka sayuran kecuali kangkung. Adik punya alergi udang. Komposisi menu yang tepat untuk masakan malam itu adalah …

    • A.

      Sayur kangkung 1 porsi, soup bayam 2 porsi dan udang goreng 2 porsi

    • B.

      Sayur kangkung 2 porsi, soup 2 porsi dan udang goreng 1 porsi

    • C.

      Sayur kangkung 1 porsi, soup 1 porsi dan udang goreng 2 porsi

    • D.

      Sayur kangkung 2 porsi, soup 1 porsi dan udang goreng 1 porsi

    Correct Answer
    A. Sayur kangkung 1 porsi, soup bayam 2 porsi dan udang goreng 2 porsi
    The correct answer is "Sayur kangkung 1 porsi, soup bayam 2 porsi dan udang goreng 2 porsi." This is the correct composition of the menu because it satisfies the preferences and restrictions of each family member. The father likes vegetables except kangkung, so having 1 portion of kangkung is acceptable. The mother cannot eat food with kangkung and shrimp, so having 2 portions of spinach soup and 2 portions of fried shrimp accommodates her dietary needs. The older sister likes fried shrimp but dislikes vegetables, so having 2 portions of fried shrimp is suitable. The younger sister dislikes vegetables except kangkung and has an allergy to shrimp, so having 1 portion of kangkung is appropriate for her.

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  • 19. 

    Membunuh orang tanpa alasan yang jelas itu haram. Membunuh wanita tua dan anak-anak yang tidak melawan itu tidak dibenarkan walaupun mereka kafir. Para pembunuh berhak untuk dibunuh. Orang kafir juga berhak dibunuh jika memerangi orang yang beriman. Upaya melawan dan membunuh orang kafir bisa dilakukan dengan Jihad. Namun, jihad bukan hanya berjuang melawan orang kafir saja. Hanya orang yang beriman yang mentaati aturan-aturan itu. Imam Samudra meledakkan bom untuk membunuh orang kafir yang tidak melakukan perlawanan. Kesimpulan yang salah dari data-data di atas adalah … 

    • A.

      Imam Samudra adalah seorang teroris karena meledakkan bom dan berhak dibunuh.

    • B.

      Perbuatan Imam Samudra tidak dibenarkan.

    • C.

      Perbuatan membunuh orang secara sembarangan tidak dilakukan oleh orang yang beriman.

    • D.

      Imam Samudra berhak untuk dibunuh karena telah membunuh banyak orang secara sembarangan.

    Correct Answer
    A. Imam Samudra adalah seorang teroris karena meledakkan bom dan berhak dibunuh.
    The correct answer is "Imam Samudra adalah seorang teroris karena meledakkan bom dan berhak dibunuh." This is because the passage states that killing people without clear reasons is forbidden, and Imam Samudra's act of detonating a bomb to kill people is seen as an act of terrorism. Additionally, the passage mentions that killers have the right to be killed, further supporting the statement that Imam Samudra can be killed for his actions.

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  • 20. 

    Mana yang tidak masuk dalam kelompoknya ?

    • A.

      Salak Magelang

    • B.

      Jeruk Bali

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Salak Magelang
    Salak Magelang tidak masuk dalam kelompoknya karena semua pilihan yang lain adalah jenis buah-buahan, sedangkan Salak Magelang adalah nama kota yang tidak berhubungan dengan jenis buah.

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  • 21. 

    (√ (200-56)) : 0,5 =

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. 24
    The given expression is the square root of the difference between 200 and 56, divided by 0.5. Simplifying this expression, we first subtract 56 from 200 to get 144. Then, taking the square root of 144 gives us 12. Finally, dividing 12 by 0.5 yields 24. Therefore, the correct answer is 24.

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  • 22. 

    3/8 dari 40% adalah ?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      16 %

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. 0,15
    The question is asking for 3/8 of 40%. To find this, we can multiply 3/8 by 40%. When we multiply a fraction by a percentage, we convert the percentage to a decimal first. 40% is equal to 0.40 as a decimal. Multiplying 3/8 by 0.40 gives us 0.15. Therefore, the correct answer is 0.15.

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  • 23. 

    Suatu seri angka : 3 8 15 20 27 selanjutnya...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. 32
    The given series of numbers follows a pattern where each number is obtained by adding 5 to the previous number. Starting with 3, we add 5 to get 8, then add 5 again to get 15, and so on. Therefore, the next number in the series would be obtained by adding 5 to the last number, which is 27. Hence, the correct answer is 32.

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  • 24. 

    Seri angka : 1 4 15 2 5 14 3 6 13 selanjutnya...

    • A.

      4 7 12

    • B.

      5 8 13

    • C.

      4 8 12

    • D.

      5 6 13

    Correct Answer
    A. 4 7 12
    The given series of numbers follows a pattern where the first number increases by 3, the second number increases by 1, and the third number decreases by 2. Applying the same pattern to the last three numbers in the series, the next three numbers would be 4 7 12.

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  • 25. 

    Seri huruf : a c f j o selanjutnya adalah ... 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. U
    The series of letters follows a pattern where each subsequent letter is three positions ahead of the previous letter in the alphabet. Starting with "a", the next letter is "c" (a + 3), then "f" (c + 3), then "j" (f + 3), then "o" (j + 3). Following this pattern, the next letter will be three positions ahead of "o" in the alphabet, which is "u".

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  • 26. 

    Volume ember jika penuh adalah 42,5 liter. Namun hanya terisi 3/5 saja saat ini. Dan diambil lagi oleh Andi sehingga kini hanya terisi 1/5 saja. Berapa literkah yang diambil oleh Andi ?

    • A.

      17 liter

    • B.

      8,5 liter

    • C.

      34 liter

    • D.

      8 liter

    Correct Answer
    A. 17 liter
    Andi telah mengambil 2/5 dari volume ember yang tersisa setelah diisi 3/5. Jadi, untuk mencari berapa liter yang diambil oleh Andi, kita perlu mengalikan 2/5 dengan volume ember yang tersisa saat ini. Volume ember yang tersisa saat ini adalah 2/5 dari 42,5 liter, yaitu (2/5) x 42,5 = 17 liter. Oleh karena itu, Andi telah mengambil 17 liter dari ember tersebut.

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  • 27. 

    Fahry dan Popa masing-masing mampu menghabiskan segelas jus apukat dalam waktu 25 detik. Sedangkan Azkia membutuhkan waktu 50 detik untuk melakukan hal sama. Jika ketiganya diminta bergabung untuk menghabiskan 4 ½ gelas jus apukat bersama-sama, berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan ? Tapi, Azkia tidak mau bergabung untuk gelas keempat dan gelas kelima

    • A.

      48,75 detik

    • B.

      54 detik

    • C.

      50,25 detik

    • D.

      47,85 detik

    Correct Answer
    A. 48,75 detik
    The time taken by Fahry and Popa to finish one glass of avocado juice is 25 seconds each, while Azkia takes 50 seconds. To calculate the total time taken by all three to finish 4 ½ glasses of juice, we need to find the time taken by Fahry and Popa to finish 4 glasses and then add the time taken by Azkia to finish half a glass. Since Fahry and Popa take 25 seconds each to finish one glass, they will take 25*4 = 100 seconds to finish 4 glasses. Azkia will take 50/2 = 25 seconds to finish half a glass. Therefore, the total time taken by all three is 100+25 = 125 seconds. However, since Azkia refuses to join for the fourth and fifth glasses, we need to subtract 50 seconds from the total time. Hence, the final answer is 125-50 = 75 seconds, which is equal to 48.75 seconds.

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  • 28. 

    Sebagian perajin tempe mengeluhkan harga kedelai naik. Pak Anto seorang perajin tempe.

    • A.

      Pak Anto mungkin ikut mengeluhkan harga kedelai naik

    • B.

      Pak Anto pasti mengeluhkan harga kedelai naik

    • C.

      Pak Anto tidak mengeluhkan harga kedelai naik

    • D.

      Harga kedelai bukanlah keluhan Pak Anto

    Correct Answer
    A. Pak Anto mungkin ikut mengeluhkan harga kedelai naik
    Pak Anto is described as a tempe craftsman in the given information. Since some tempe craftsmen are complaining about the rising price of soybeans, it is possible that Pak Anto is also complaining about it. However, there is no definite statement or evidence to confirm that he is definitely complaining or not complaining about the price increase. Therefore, the most appropriate answer is "Pak Anto mungkin ikut mengeluhkan harga kedelai naik" which means "Pak Anto might be complaining about the rising price of soybeans."

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  • 29. 

    Sebagian orang yang berminat menjadi politikus hanya menginginkan harta dan tahta. Rosyid tidak berminat menjadi politikus

    • A.

      Tidak dapat ditarik kesimpulan

    • B.

      Rosyid tidak menginginkan harta dan tahta

    • C.

      Tahta bukanlah keinginan Rosyid, tapi harta mungkin ya

    • D.

      Rosyid menginginkan tahta tapi tidak berminat menjadi politikus.

    Correct Answer
    A. Tidak dapat ditarik kesimpulan
    The given statement states that some people who are interested in becoming politicians only desire wealth and power. However, it does not provide any information about Rosyid's desires or motivations. Therefore, it is not possible to draw a conclusion about whether Rosyid desires wealth and power or not based on the given statement.

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  • 30. 

    Jika saya tidak punya tugas kuliah maka saya membantu Ibu berjualan pakaian di pasar.

    • A.

      Saya sekarang ada di pasar membantu Ibu berjualan pakaian, karena tidak punya tugas Saya sekarang ada di pasar membantu Ibu berjualan pakaian, karena tidak punya tugas kuliah

    • B.

      Saya saat ini memiliki tugas kuliah dan pasti akan membantu ibu di pasar

    • C.

      Saya tidak membantu ibu di pasar karena saya tidak punya tugas kuliah

    • D.

      Sebagai anak berbakti, meskipun punya tugas kuliah, saya tetap membantu ibu di pasar

    Correct Answer
    A. Saya sekarang ada di pasar membantu Ibu berjualan pakaian, karena tidak punya tugas Saya sekarang ada di pasar membantu Ibu berjualan pakaian, karena tidak punya tugas kuliah
    The correct answer states that the person is currently at the market helping their mother sell clothes because they do not have any college assignments. This implies that they have free time and are able to assist their mother.

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  • 31. 

    Sebagian siswa SDN 02 suka bakso. Semua siswa SDN02 suka soto. Jadi... 

    • A.

      Siswa SDN 02 yang suka bakso pasti juga suka soto

    • B.

      Siswa SDN 02 yang tidak suka soto suka bakso

    • C.

      Siswa SDN 02 yang suka soto pastilah juga suka bakso

    • D.

      Belum tentu Siswa SDN 02 yang tidak suka bakso suka soto

    Correct Answer
    A. Siswa SDN 02 yang suka bakso pasti juga suka soto
    The given answer states that if a student from SDN 02 likes meatballs (bakso), then they will definitely also like soto. This can be inferred from the information given, which states that all students from SDN 02 like soto. Since all students like soto and some of them also like meatballs, it can be concluded that those who like meatballs will also like soto.

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  • 32. 

    Setiap boneka yang dijual di toko “imoet” mengenakan pakaian biru atau merah. Boneka Barbie yang dibeli Benny di toko “imoet” tidak mengenakan rok merah. Kesimpulan :

    • A.

      Boneka Barbie yang dibeli Benny pasti mengenakan pakaian berwarna biru.

    • B.

      Benny membeli satu-satunya boneka Barbie di toko “imoet”

    • C.

      Benny tidak menyukai boneka yang mengenakan rok merah

    • D.

      Benny hanya membeli boneka yang mengenakan pakaian berwarna biru

    Correct Answer
    A. Boneka Barbie yang dibeli Benny pasti mengenakan pakaian berwarna biru.
    The conclusion that can be drawn from the given information is that the Barbie doll purchased by Benny must be wearing blue clothing. This can be inferred because it is stated that every doll sold at the "imoet" store wears either blue or red clothing, and the Barbie doll Benny purchased does not wear a red skirt. Therefore, the only option left is that the doll must be wearing blue clothing.

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  • 33. 

    Semua pejabat Pemda mendapatkan mobil dinasPak Rahmat adalah mantan pejabat PemdaJadi, Pak Rahmat tidak lagi mendapatkan mobil dinas

    • A.


    • B.

      Salah pada pernyataan pertama

    • C.

      Salah pada pernyataan kedua

    • D.

      Salah pada kesimpulan

    Correct Answer
    A. Benar
    The given statement states that all government officials receive official cars, and it is mentioned that Pak Rahmat is a former government official. Therefore, it can be concluded that Pak Rahmat no longer receives an official car.

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  • 34. 

    Satu negara hanya dipimpin dan diatur oleh seorang Presiden. Negara Belanda dipimpin olehseorang Presiden dan seorang Ratu. Jika satu hal diatur oleh lebih dari satu pengatur, maka akanmengalami kekacauan. Alam semesta ini sangat teratur. Alam semesta tidak mungkin dipimpin oleh lebih dari satu pengatur.Kesimpulan yang tidak salah dari berbagai pernyataan di atas adalah …

    • A.

      Negara Belanda tidak dipimpin oleh seorang Ratu.

    • B.

      Jika ada lebih dari satu Tuhan maka pengaturan alam semesta akan tertib.

    • C.

      Kedudukan Presiden sama dengan kedudukan Ratu.

    • D.

      Negara akan kacau jika dipimpin oleh seorang Ratu.

    Correct Answer
    A. Negara Belanda tidak dipimpin oleh seorang Ratu.
    The given statement "Negara Belanda tidak dipimpin oleh seorang Ratu" is a correct conclusion based on the information provided. The passage states that a country is only led and governed by a President, and the country of the Netherlands is led by both a President and a Queen. Therefore, it can be inferred that the Netherlands is an exception to the general rule, and it is not led by a Queen.

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  • 35. 

    Segala tentang hewan dapat dipelajari dalam ilmu Animologi.Burhan tertarik mempelajari kehidupan macan, buaya, singa dan hewan lainnyaBurhan harus mempelajari ilmu Animologi

    • A.

      Salah pada pernyataan pertama

    • B.

      Salah pada pernyataan kedua

    • C.


    • D.

      Salah pada kesimpulan

    Correct Answer
    A. Salah pada pernyataan pertama
    The first statement is incorrect because it states that "Segala tentang hewan dapat dipelajari dalam ilmu Animologi" (Everything about animals can be learned in the science of Animology). However, this is not necessarily true as there may be other sciences or fields of study that also cover aspects of animal life. Therefore, the first statement is incorrect.

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  • 36. 

    Berapa kali angka 7 muncul di antara bilangan 1 sampai 100?

    • A.

      20 kali

    • B.

      15 kali

    • C.

      10 kali

    • D.

      13 kali

    Correct Answer
    A. 20 kali
    To find the number of times the digit 7 appears between 1 and 100, we need to count the occurrences of 7 in each number from 1 to 100. We can observe that the digit 7 appears in the tens place (e.g., 17, 27, 37, etc.) and also in the units place (e.g., 7, 17, 27, etc.). In the tens place, the digit 7 appears 10 times (7, 17, 27, ..., 97) and in the units place, the digit 7 appears 10 times (7, 17, 27, ..., 97). Therefore, the digit 7 appears a total of 20 times between 1 and 100.

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  • 37. 

    Bila Seorang bankir,memiliki anak 3 jhony,sita,karina,dan memiliki istri bernama kirana. jadi siapakah nama bankir itu ?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Bila
    The given information states that there is a banker who has three children named Jhony, Sita, and Karina, and his wife's name is Kirana. Therefore, the name of the banker is Bila.

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  • 38. 

    Mana yang lebih berat batu=1kg atau kapas=1kg.... ?Trus mana yang sakit kalo, batu= 1 kg ,atau kapas= 4 kg dilempar kekepala ....?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Sama - sama sakit

    • D.

      Tidak sakit

    Correct Answer
    A. Batu
    The given question asks which is heavier between a stone and cotton, and then asks which one would cause more pain if thrown at the head. The correct answer "batu" (stone) implies that the stone is heavier and would cause more pain if thrown at the head compared to cotton.

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  • 39. 

    Mana yang lebih berat, 50 kg kapuk atau 50 kg baja? 

    • A.

      Sama berat

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Tidak sama

    Correct Answer
    A. Sama berat
    The correct answer is "sama berat" which means "the same weight" in English. This is because both 50 kg kapok and 50 kg steel have the same weight of 50 kg. Therefore, there is no difference in weight between the two options.

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  • 40. 

    Mana yang lebih besar, 18 persen dari 81 atau 81 persen dari 18 ?

    • A.

      Sama besar

    • B.

      18 persen

    • C.

      81 persen

    • D.

      Tidak sama

    Correct Answer
    A. Sama besar
    The correct answer is "sama besar" because when calculating percentages, the result is dependent on the base number. In this case, both options are calculating a percentage of a different base number. Therefore, the result will be the same, regardless of which calculation is performed.

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  • Mar 22, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
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  • Feb 10, 2015
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