Kako se zvao utemeljitelj Franačke države?
Correct Answer
C. Klodvig
Franačka država je utemeljena 511. godina, a utemeljitelj Klodvig prihvatio je kršćanstvo.
Bizantsko Carstvo ili...
Correct Answer
Istočno Rimsko Carstvo
The correct answer is "Istočno Rimsko Carstvo". This is the correct answer because the term "Bizantsko Carstvo" is another name for the Eastern Roman Empire. The Eastern Roman Empire, also known as the Byzantine Empire, was the continuation of the Roman Empire in the East after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Therefore, "Istočno Rimsko Carstvo" accurately describes the Eastern Roman Empire.
Koji bizantski car je napisao djelo "O upravljanju carstvom"?
Correct Answer
Konstantin VII. Porfirogenet, Konstantin VII Porfirogenet
Konstantin VII. Porfirogenet je djelo posvetio svome sinu kako bi lakše upravljao Carstvom, a u tom djelu nalazimo podatke o doseljenju Hrvata u današnju postojbinu
Koji crkveni red je imao važnu ulogu u širenju pismenosti u srednjem vijeku?
Correct Answer
The Benedictines played a crucial role in the spread of literacy in the Middle Ages. They were known for their dedication to education and learning, establishing monastic schools and scriptoria where manuscripts were copied and preserved. The monks themselves were highly educated and often served as teachers, not only within the monastery but also in surrounding communities. Through their commitment to scholarship and the preservation of knowledge, the Benedictines contributed significantly to the development and dissemination of literacy during this period.
Koje pismo prilagođeno slavenskom jeziku je sastavio Konstantin prije odlaska u Velikomoravsku kneževinu?
Correct Answer
glagoljica, glagoljicu
Konstantin composed the script known as glagoljica before going to the Great Moravian principality. Glagoljica is a writing system that was specifically adapted for Slavic languages.
Kada i gdje su Karlo Veliki i Bizant potpisali mir?
Correct Answer
812. u Aachenu, 812. godine u Aachenu, 812. u Ahenu, 812 u Aachenu, 812 godine u Aachenu
Karlo Veliki i Bizant potpisali su mir 812. godine u Aachenu.
962. godine papa je okrunio Otona I. za cara...
Correct Answer
Svetog Rimskog Carstva Njemačke Narodnosti, Sveto Rimsko Carstvo Njemačke Narodnosti
The correct answer is "Svetog Rimskog Carstva Njemačke Narodnosti, Sveto Rimsko Carstvo Njemačke Narodnosti." This answer is correct because it accurately reflects the title and name of the entity that Otto I was crowned as the emperor of in 962. The term "Svetog Rimskog Carstva Njemačke Narodnosti" translates to "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation" in English, which was the official title of the empire.
Kako se zove najpoznatija bazilika (crkva) u Carigradu, koja je kasnije pretvorena u džamiju (muzej)?
Correct Answer
Aja Sofija
Aja Sofija is the correct answer because it is the most famous basilica (church) in Istanbul that was later converted into a mosque (museum).
1054. godine do tada jedinstvena Kršćanska crkva podijeljena je na:
Correct Answer
zapadnu Katoličku i istočnu Pravoslavnu crkvu, Katoličku i Pravoslavnu, Katoličku crkvu i Pravoslavnu crkvu, Katoličku i Pravoslavnu crkvu
In 1054, the previously unified Christian Church split into the Western Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. This division resulted in the formation of four distinct churches: the Western Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Catholic Church, and the Orthodox Church.
843. godine dioba Franačkog Carstva je završena mirom u:
Correct Answer
D. Verdunu
The correct answer is Verdunu. In 843, the division of the Frankish Empire was finalized with the Treaty of Verdun. This treaty was signed in Verdun, a city in present-day France. The treaty divided the empire into three parts, which eventually led to the formation of modern-day France, Germany, and Italy. The Treaty of Verdun is significant as it marked the beginning of the end for the unified Frankish Empire and the start of separate kingdoms in Europe.
Feudalci su nad svojim kmetovima imali sudsku i svaku drugu vlast, pa se za feudalca često zna upotrebljavati naziv:
Correct Answer
The term "vlastelin" is used to refer to a feudal lord who had judicial and other powers over their peasants. Feudal lords were the ruling class in feudal society and had control over their subjects, including the power to administer justice and exercise various forms of authority. Therefore, the term "vlastelin" accurately describes the feudal lord's position and authority over their peasants.
U feudalnom društvu odnos prema zemlji određivao je podjelu društva na dva osnovna sloja:
Correct Answer
feudalce i kmetove, feudalce (posjednike feuda) i kmetove (ovisne obrađivače zemlje)
In a feudal society, the relationship towards land determined the division of society into two basic classes: feudal lords and serfs. Feudal lords were the owners of the land, known as feuds, while serfs were dependent cultivators of the land.
Feud je bio podijeljen na dva dijela:
Correct Answer
alodij i selište
The feud was divided into two parts: alodij and selište.
Društveni položaj žene u srednjem vijeku je bio:
Correct Answer
C. Manje vrijedan
The correct answer is "manje vrijedan" because during the Middle Ages, women were generally considered to be of lower value and importance compared to men. They had limited rights and opportunities, and their social status was often determined by their relationship to men, such as being a wife or daughter. Women were expected to be submissive and obedient, and their roles were primarily confined to the domestic sphere. This societal view of women as inferior and less valuable than men was prevalent during that time period.
Službeni jezik rimske crkve bio je:
Correct Answer
C. Latinski
The official language of the Roman Church was Latin. Latin was widely used in the Roman Empire and was the language of the church as it spread throughout Europe. The use of Latin in the church allowed for uniformity and communication among clergy and followers across different regions. Latin also played a significant role in the development of religious texts, liturgy, and theological writings during this time.