1) Laquelle de ces critiques peut-on formuler à l’égard de l’e-democracy?
Correct Answer
B. Elle est source potentielle de manipulation
The correct answer states that e-democracy is a potential source of manipulation. This means that e-democracy can be manipulated or influenced in some way, which raises concerns about the integrity and fairness of the democratic process. This criticism suggests that e-democracy may not be as reliable or trustworthy as traditional forms of democracy.
2) Parmi ces questions, laquelle ne constitue pas un des 5 filtres de Noam Chomsky ?
Correct Answer
C. Le média est-il financé par les seuls pouvoirs public
This question asks which of the given options is not one of Noam Chomsky's 5 filters. The correct answer is "Le média est-il financé par les seuls pouvoirs public" (Is the media funded solely by public powers). This is not one of Chomsky's filters as his filters focus on ownership, advertising, sourcing, flak, and anti-communism, rather than the funding source of the media.
3) Le calcul du degré de démocratie repose sur deux questions:
Correct Answer
C. Comment ? Dans quelle mesure ?
This question is asking about the two questions that the calculation of the degree of democracy is based on. The correct answer is "Comment ? Dans quelle mesure ?" which translates to "How? To what extent?" This suggests that when calculating the degree of democracy, it is important to consider how democratic a system is and to what extent it upholds democratic principles.
4) Parmi ces propositions, laquelle ne pourrait pas être un « outil » spécifique à la démocratie participative ?
Correct Answer
C. La liberté d’expression
La liberté d'expression ne peut pas être considérée comme un "outil" spécifique à la démocratie participative car elle est un droit fondamental qui s'applique à tous les aspects de la société, y compris ceux qui ne sont pas liés à la démocratie participative. Alors que le jury populaire, le référendum et le sondage délibératif sont des mécanismes spécifiques utilisés dans le cadre de la démocratie participative pour permettre aux citoyens de participer activement aux décisions politiques.
5) Parmi les facteurs suivants, lequel n’a pas participé au développement de la démocratie participative ?
Correct Answer
C. La séparation des pouvoirs
La séparation des pouvoirs n'a pas participé au développement de la démocratie participative. La séparation des pouvoirs est un principe fondamental de la démocratie représentative, où les pouvoirs législatif, exécutif et judiciaire sont distincts et indépendants les uns des autres. La démocratie participative, en revanche, vise à impliquer directement les citoyens dans le processus décisionnel. Bien que la séparation des pouvoirs soit importante pour garantir l'équilibre des pouvoirs au sein d'un gouvernement, elle ne contribue pas directement au développement de la démocratie participative.
6) Dans le modèle pluraliste de l’impact des médias , ceux-ci...
Correct Answer
B. B) Sont relativement orientés dans un sens pro-régime
The correct answer suggests that in the pluralist model of media impact, the media is relatively biased towards supporting the regime. This means that the media tends to favor the ruling government or authority. This bias can influence the way information is presented and potentially shape public opinion in favor of the regime.
7) Dans les systèmes parlementaires de cabinet et à la différence des systèmes présidentiels, le premier ministre ...
Correct Answer
D. D) Peut être les deux
Dans les systèmes parlementaires de cabinet, le premier ministre peut être à la fois un simple "chef des ministres" et un leader. En tant que chef des ministres, il est responsable de la coordination et de la supervision des activités du gouvernement. En tant que leader, il est chargé de diriger le parti politique au pouvoir et de représenter le gouvernement sur la scène nationale et internationale. Cette dualité de rôles permet au premier ministre d'exercer à la fois des fonctions administratives et politiques.
8) Il y a lieu de distinguer l’aspiration (ou l’attrait) pour un régime démocratique et la satisfaction du fonctionnement de la démocratie. Ces deux notions sont probablement influencées par le niveau d’éducation des individus. Laquelle de ces propositions est vraie ?
Correct Answer
B. B) Le niveau d’éducation est intimement lié aux aspirations démocratiques
The correct answer is b) Le niveau d’éducation est intimement lié aux aspirations démocratiques. This means that there is a strong connection between the level of education individuals have and their desire for a democratic regime. The more educated someone is, the more likely they are to value and support democracy. Education can provide individuals with the knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary to understand the importance of democratic principles such as freedom, equality, and participation in decision-making processes. Therefore, higher levels of education tend to be associated with a greater appreciation and support for democracy.
9) L’activisme politique s’est transformé suite aux évolutions de notre société. Laquelle des propositions suivantes ne constituent pas une forme alternative de l’activisme politique ?
Correct Answer
C. C) La participation est collective
The given question asks which of the following options is not an alternative form of political activism. Option c) "La participation est collective" translates to "Participation is collective" in English. This option does not describe an alternative form of political activism, as collective participation is a common aspect of activism. Therefore, option c) is the correct answer.
10) Le post-matérialisme ...
Correct Answer
C. Part de ces deux constats
The correct answer is "Part de ces deux constats". This means that post-materialism is based on the observation that both the standard of living and values have evolved. It acknowledges that societal changes have occurred in terms of material wealth and also in terms of the shift in values and priorities.
11) Laquelle de ces propositions est correcte ?
Correct Answer
A. A) Le régime totalitaire revêt un caractère plus « moniste » que le régime autoritaire
The correct answer is a) Le régime totalitaire revêt un caractère plus « moniste » que le régime autoritaire. This means that the totalitarian regime has a more unified and centralized power structure compared to the authoritarian regime. In a totalitarian regime, there is typically a single ruling party or leader that exercises complete control over all aspects of society, including politics, the economy, and culture. In contrast, an authoritarian regime may have multiple sources of power and a less centralized control.
12)Parmi ces propositions, laquelle est une des deux dimensions du pouvoir ?
Correct Answer
A. A) Dimension affective
The correct answer is a) Dimension affective. This is because the affective dimension of power refers to the emotional and psychological aspects of power, such as the ability to influence others through charm, charisma, or emotional manipulation. It involves the use of emotions and personal connections to gain and maintain power. The other options, b) Dimensions relationnelle and c) Dimension d’injonction, are not the correct dimensions of power. Option d) Aucune de ces propositions n’est correcte means none of these propositions is correct, which is not the correct answer in this case.
13)Parmi ces propositions, laquelle n’est pas une des situations d’influence décrite par Robert Dahl ?
Correct Answer
B. B) Nombre de personnes au pouvoir
The correct answer is b) Nombre de personnes au pouvoir. This is not one of the situations of influence described by Robert Dahl. The other options all relate to different aspects of influence, such as the degree of change in an actor's position, the difference in the scope of actions, and the importance of differences in the probability of acquiescence. However, the number of people in power is not specifically mentioned as a situation of influence by Dahl.
14)Selon la typologie des dominations de Max Weber...
Correct Answer
B. B) La domination charismatique est transitoire
According to Max Weber's typology of domination, the correct answer is b) La domination charismatique est transitoire. This means that charismatic domination is temporary or short-lived. Weber argues that charismatic authority is based on the personal qualities and charisma of the leader, rather than on traditional or legal-rational grounds. Charismatic leaders often gain their authority through their exceptional qualities or abilities, but this type of domination is not meant to last in the long term.
15)Laquelle de ces propositions concernant les quatre conceptions de la représentation est-elle correcte ?
Correct Answer
B. B) Dans la représentation qualifiée de ressemblante, seuls des élus issus de certains milieux peuvent représenter ce milieu
The correct answer is b) In the qualified representation of resemblance, only elected representatives from certain backgrounds can represent that background. This means that in this type of representation, individuals are chosen to represent a specific group or community based on their similarity or connection to that group. This ensures that the representatives have a deeper understanding and knowledge of the issues and concerns of that particular group, allowing them to better advocate for their interests.
16)Parmi ces propositions, laquelle ne constitue pas une des activités du Parlement ?
Correct Answer
C. C) La confection du budget
The correct answer is c) La confection du budget. This option states that the creation of the budget is not one of the activities of the Parliament. The other options, a) Le contrôle financier, b) Le contrôle politique, and d) Le travail législatif, all refer to activities that are typically performed by the Parliament.
17) Quels sont les trois types de régimes politiques distingués par Rousseau ?
Correct Answer
B. B) Aristocratie – Monarchie – Démocratie
Rousseau distinguishes three types of political regimes: Aristocracy, Monarchy, and Democracy. He believes that Aristocracy is a government ruled by a small group of elites, Monarchy is a government ruled by a single individual, and Democracy is a government ruled by the people. These three types of regimes represent different forms of governance and power distribution, with Aristocracy and Monarchy being more exclusive and centralized, while Democracy is more inclusive and decentralized.
18) Rousseau prône le contrat social.
Correct Answer
A. True
Rousseau prône le contrat social, which means Rousseau advocates for the social contract. This statement is true because Rousseau's political philosophy revolves around the idea that individuals should willingly enter into a social contract with each other, surrendering some of their individual freedom in order to form a society that benefits the common good. Rousseau argues that this social contract is necessary for a just and harmonious society.
19) En quoi consiste la démocratie participative ?
Correct Answer
B. B) Démocratie dans laquelle les individus jouent un grand rôle qui peut aller au-delà du simple droit de vote
Participatory democracy refers to a form of democracy where individuals play a significant role that goes beyond just the right to vote. In this type of democracy, citizens are actively involved in decision-making processes, policy formulation, and implementation. They have the opportunity to directly participate in public affairs, express their opinions, and contribute to shaping the policies and actions of the government. This can be done through various means such as public consultations, citizen assemblies, referendums, and grassroots movements.
20)Pourquoi les institutions démocratiques explosent-elles à partir du 20ième siècle?
Correct Answer
C. C) Les deux réponses ci-dessus sont correctes
The correct answer is c) Les deux réponses ci-dessus sont correctes. This means that both options a) and b) are correct explanations for why democratic institutions exploded starting from the 20th century. Option a) suggests that there was an increase in the number of parliaments from the late 19th century, which contributed to the growth of democratic institutions. Option b) states that the French Revolution, which demanded more freedom and equality, aligns with the goals of democracy and may have played a role in the expansion of democratic institutions.
21)Pourquoi les systèmes démocratiques sont sensés agir pour le peuple ?
Correct Answer
A. A) Car le peuple est à la fois sujet et souverain
In a democratic system, the people are considered both subjects and sovereign. This means that the power to make decisions and govern lies with the people themselves. The government acts on behalf of the people and is accountable to them. The democratic system aims to ensure that the interests and needs of the people are represented and protected. Therefore, the correct answer is a) Car le peuple est à la fois sujet et souverain.
22) Quelle est la différence entre démocratie directe et démocratie participative?
Correct Answer
C. C) Tout le monde participe dans les deux mais dans l’une plus que dans l'autre
Both direct democracy and participatory democracy involve citizen participation. However, in direct democracy, all citizens have the opportunity to participate directly in decision-making processes, such as through voting on laws or policies. In participatory democracy, while everyone still has the opportunity to participate, the level of participation may vary. Some citizens may choose to actively engage in decision-making processes, while others may only participate to a lesser extent, such as through consultations or feedback. Therefore, option c) states that everyone participates in both types of democracy, but in direct democracy, there is a higher level of participation compared to participatory democracy.
23)Plusieurs facteurs expliquent l’émergence dela démocratie participative. Parmi les propositions suivantes, laquelle ne constitue pas un facteur ?
Correct Answer
C. C) Il y a de plus en plus de personnes qui veulent le pouvoir suite à l'augmentation de la population
The given answer states that "c) There are more and more people who want power due to population growth" is not a factor explaining the emergence of participatory democracy. This is because the desire for power among individuals due to population growth does not directly contribute to the emergence of participatory democracy. Instead, factors such as the development of communication means, increased education of citizens, and alternatives to traditional democratic systems play a more significant role in explaining the emergence of participatory democracy.
24)Quelles sont selon Mr Duverger, les trois phases essentielles de la démocratie?
Correct Answer
D. B) les 3
The correct answer is b) les 3. According to Mr. Duverger, the three essential phases of democracy are the birth of democracy, the functioning of classical democracy, and the techno-democracy.
25) Qu'est-ce que la politisation ?
Correct Answer
C. C) Processus de passage au politique et de socialisation politique
The correct answer is c) Processus de passage au politique et de socialisation politique. This means that politisation refers to the process of transitioning into politics and political socialization. It involves becoming involved in political activities and being socialized into the political system.
26)Laquelle de ces capacités n’est pas issue du fonctionnalisme d’Almond et Powell ?
Correct Answer
C. C) Capacité législative
The correct answer is c) Capacité législative. Almond and Powell's functionalism theory focuses on four types of political systems: regulative, extractive, distributive, and symbolic. The legislative capacity is not specifically mentioned as one of the capacities in their theory.
27) A quel moment est apparue la techno-démocratie ?
Correct Answer
C. C) Après la seconde guerre mondiale
28) Dans un régime autoritaire, les opposants au régime ... :
Correct Answer
B. B) Ont droit à la liberté d’ expression
Dans un régime autoritaire, les opposants au régime ont droit à la liberté d'expression. Cette réponse peut sembler contre-intuitive, car dans un régime autoritaire, la liberté d'expression est généralement réprimée. Cependant, le fait que les opposants aient droit à la liberté d'expression signifie qu'ils devraient avoir le droit de s'exprimer sans être réprimés par le gouvernement. Cela ne signifie pas nécessairement qu'ils pourront exercer pleinement ce droit dans la réalité, mais théoriquement, ils devraient avoir ce droit.
29) La domination traditionnelle :
Correct Answer
A. A) Repose sur des coutumes et traditions du passé
The correct answer is "a) Repose sur des coutumes et traditions du passé." This means that traditional domination is based on customs and traditions from the past. Traditional domination relies on the authority and legitimacy of long-standing customs and practices. It is different from rational-legal domination, which is based on laws and rules, and charismatic domination, which is based on the personal charisma of the leader. Traditional domination is often associated with inherited positions of power and authority.
30)Dans les modèles explicatifs sur l’impact des Mass Medias, le modèle de l’idéologie dominante ...
Correct Answer
B. B) Conçoit les mass médias comme une force défendant les intérêts économiques et sociaux des élites et sous-estime la capacité des individus à filtrer l’information
The correct answer (b) states that the model of dominant ideology sees mass media as a force defending the economic and social interests of the elites and underestimates individuals' ability to filter information. This suggests that according to this model, mass media is biased and serves the interests of those in power, rather than being a neutral source of information. Additionally, it implies that individuals are not capable of critically analyzing and filtering the information they receive from mass media.
31)L’e-démocratie ou la démocratie électronique s’est récemment développée offrant un certain nombre d’avantages. Parmi les propositions suivantes, laquelle n’est pas un avantage ?
Correct Answer
C. Réduction des citoyens à une participation physique et d’une attitude de consommateur
The correct answer is "Réduction des citoyens à une participation physique et d’une attitude de consommateur" which means "Reduction of citizens to physical participation and consumer attitude". This option is not an advantage of e-democracy because it suggests that e-democracy reduces citizens to passive consumers rather than active participants in the democratic process. E-democracy actually allows for better exchange of ideas and information, solves the problem of "critical mass", and enables a more efficient democracy through "point and click" interactions.
32)La technique de communication « Below the line » peut prendre plusieurs formes. Parmi celles-ci, il en existe une qui touche la personnalité des acteurs. Que signifie Undermining a personnality ?
Correct Answer
D. D) On minimise la personnalité d’un acteur sur bases de certaines thématiques
Undermining a personality means reducing or downplaying the importance or significance of an actor's personality based on certain themes or topics. This could involve diminishing the impact or influence of the actor's personality in relation to specific issues or subjects.
33) Le terme « politisation » renvoie ...
Correct Answer
C. C) Au deux
The term "politisation" refers to both the process of transition to politics and political socialization. It encompasses both aspects, indicating that it involves both the process of becoming involved in politics and the socialization into political beliefs and values.
34) Quand est ce que le politique intervient ?
Correct Answer
B. B) Lorsqu’un conflit est pris en charge par le pouvoir
The correct answer is b) Lorsqu’un conflit est pris en charge par le pouvoir. This means that the political intervention occurs when a conflict is being addressed by those in power. This suggests that politicians get involved in resolving conflicts and maintaining stability within a society.
35)La Tunisie et la Côte d’Ivoire peuvent à la base être considérées comme des démocraties car le pouvoir mis en place ...
Correct Answer
C. C) Résulte d’élections
The correct answer is c) Résulte d’élections. This is because the question is asking about the basis on which Tunisia and Côte d'Ivoire can be considered as democracies. The fact that their power results from elections is a key characteristic of a democratic system. This means that the leaders in these countries are chosen by the people through a voting process, which is a fundamental aspect of democracy.
36)Pourquoi qualifie-t-on la démocratie de « représentative » ?
Correct Answer
B. B) Le pouvoir est confié à quelques-uns et non plus à tou
The correct answer is b) Le pouvoir est confié à quelques-uns et non plus à tous. This is because in a representative democracy, the power is entrusted to a few individuals who are elected by the citizens to make decisions on their behalf. This is in contrast to a direct democracy where all citizens have a direct say in decision-making.
37)Qu’est ce qui ne caractérise pas un régime démocratique parmi ces propositions ?
Correct Answer
C. C) Contrôle des médias
A democratic regime is characterized by regular elections, a multiparty system, and media freedom. However, the control of media is not a characteristic of a democratic regime. In a democratic regime, media should be independent and free from government control or interference. Therefore, option c) Contrôle des médias does not characterize a democratic regime.
38)Le suffrage universel s’est « généralisé » au ...
Correct Answer
C. C) 20e siècle
The correct answer is c) 20e siècle. The term "suffrage universel" refers to the right to vote for all adult citizens, regardless of gender, race, or social status. This concept began to gain traction in the 19th century with movements for democracy and equal rights. However, it wasn't until the 20th century that many countries around the world fully implemented universal suffrage, granting voting rights to all adult citizens. This was a significant milestone in the progress towards democratic governance.
39)La manière dont V. Van Quickenborne annonee la chute du gouvernement et le retour aux élections sur Facebook/Twitter, relève ...
Correct Answer
B. B) De l’e-democracy
The correct answer is "b) De l’e-democracy." This is because the question is asking about the way V. Van Quickenborne announces the government's fall and the return to elections on Facebook/Twitter. "De l’e-democracy" refers to the use of electronic platforms, such as social media, for democratic processes and engagement with citizens. Therefore, it is the most appropriate answer as it describes the use of online platforms for democratic communication and participation.
40) En Belgique, quels sont les trois clivages traditionnels ?
Correct Answer
B. B) Socio-éco, religieux, communautaire
The correct answer is b) Socio-éco, religieux, communautaire. In Belgium, there are three traditional cleavages that divide the society. The first one is socio-economic, which refers to the divisions based on social and economic class. The second is religious, which refers to the divisions based on different religious beliefs and practices. And the third is communal, which refers to the divisions based on different linguistic and cultural communities in the country. These three cleavages have played a significant role in shaping Belgian politics and society.
41) Avec le mandat de représentation, les élus ont ...
Correct Answer
B. B) Une marge de manœuvre
The correct answer is b) Une marge de manœuvre. This means that with the mandate of representation, the elected officials have some room for maneuver. This suggests that they have some flexibility or freedom to make decisions and take action within the scope of their role as representatives.
42)Parmi les différents modèles explicatifs de l’impact des mass medias, quel modèle est considéré comme un miroir de l’opinion public ?
Correct Answer
D. D) Le modèle du marche
The correct answer is d) Le modèle du marché. This model suggests that the media reflects the opinions and preferences of the public, as it operates based on the principle of supply and demand. In this model, the media acts as a mirror of the public's opinions, as it aims to attract and cater to the interests of the audience in order to maximize profits.
43) Dans quelle démocratie, les individus peuvent-ils jouer un rôle qui va au-delà du simple exercice du droit de vote
Correct Answer
B. B) La démocratie participative
In a participatory democracy, individuals have the opportunity to actively participate in decision-making processes beyond just voting. This means that citizens are able to engage in discussions, propose ideas, and contribute to the development and implementation of policies and laws. This type of democracy emphasizes the importance of citizen involvement and aims to give them a more direct role in shaping their government and society.
44)Lequel de ces systèmes n’est pas repris dans la typologie des systèmes partisans de Sartori ?
Correct Answer
C. C) Monopartisme
Monopartisme n'est pas repris dans la typologie des systèmes partisans de Sartori car il se réfère à un système politique où un seul parti politique est autorisé à participer aux élections et à gouverner. Dans la typologie de Sartori, il se concentre sur les systèmes multipartites, où plusieurs partis politiques sont autorisés à participer aux élections et à exercer le pouvoir.
45)Selon Blumer, laquelle de ces étapes pourrait conduire à l’émergence du comportement collectif ?
Correct Answer
B. B) Un rassemblement spontané
According to Blumer, a spontaneous gathering could lead to the emergence of collective behavior. This means that when individuals come together in an unplanned and spontaneous manner, they may exhibit collective behavior. In such situations, individuals may be influenced by the actions and emotions of others, leading to a shared collective behavior or action. This can be seen in events like protests, demonstrations, or riots, where individuals gather spontaneously and engage in collective actions.
46)Comment un problème social ne devient-il pas un point de l’agenda ?
Correct Answer
C. C) Soit de manière « volontaire »
A social problem does not become an agenda point "voluntarily" means that it does not happen on its own or by chance. Instead, it requires intentional effort and action from individuals or groups to bring attention to the issue and make it a priority on the agenda.
47)Pourquoi la démocratie est-elle qualifiée de représentative ?
Correct Answer
B. B) C’est une forme limitée et indirecte du fonctionnement démocratique
The correct answer is b) C’est une forme limitée et indirecte du fonctionnement démocratique. This is because in a representative democracy, the people elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. It is considered limited because the power to make decisions is not directly in the hands of the people, but rather delegated to their elected representatives. It is also considered indirect because the people do not make decisions directly, but rather through their elected representatives.
48)Le gouvernement est une source importante d’information et d’autant plus que ...
Correct Answer
B. B) Le nombre de moyens d’information a augmenté
The correct answer is b) Le nombre de moyens d’information a augmenté. This means that the government is an important source of information, especially considering that the number of information sources has increased.
49)Quelle est la spécificité d’un régime démocratiquedans le rapport entre gouvernés et gouvernants ?
Correct Answer
B. B) Gouvernés = gouvernants, association pour les principales décisions de la vie de la cité
In a democratic regime, the specificity is that the governed and the governors are equal and work together in making decisions for the city. This means that the governed have the ability to participate and have a say in the decisions that affect their society, rather than simply following the decisions made by the governors without any input. This association between the governed and the governors allows for a more inclusive and participatory form of governance, where the voices and opinions of the people are taken into account.
50) Qu’est-ce que la culture civique ?
Correct Answer
A. A) Un bon médiateur entre les caractéristiques individuelles et subjectives d’un système politique et les caractéristiques macros et institutionnelles d’un système politique
Culture civique refers to the ability to bridge the gap between the individual and subjective characteristics of a political system and the macro and institutional characteristics of a political system. It involves having knowledge, skills, emotional orientations, and evaluative attitudes towards different elements of the political system. This means that culture civique acts as a mediator, helping individuals understand and navigate the complexities of a political system by considering both individual perspectives and larger institutional factors.