(Si-Sí) hace buen tiempo (te-té) acompañaré.
Correct Answer
A. Si, te
The correct answer is "Si, te". In this sentence, "Si" means "if" and "te" is the object pronoun for "you". The phrase "Si, te" translates to "If you". The rest of the sentence "hace buen tiempo acompañaré" means "the weather is good, I will accompany". Therefore, the correct answer "Si, te" indicates that the speaker will accompany the person if the weather is good.
No le (de-dé) tantos dulces a los niños (de-dé) su vecina.
Correct Answer
D. Dé, de
The correct answer is "dé, de". In this sentence, the verb "de-dé" is used twice, but it is conjugated differently. The first "dé" is the present subjunctive form of the verb "dar" (to give) and is used to express a desire or a suggestion. The second "de" is a preposition meaning "of" or "from" and is used to indicate possession or origin. So the sentence means "Do not give so many candies to the children of your neighbor."
No (se/sé) (si/ sí) volveré a visitarte.
Correct Answer
B. Sé, si
The correct answer is "sé, si" because "sé" is the correct form of the verb "saber" in the first person singular (I know) and "si" is the correct spelling of the word meaning "if." The sentence translates to "No, I know if I will visit you again."
(El-Él) carro de (el-él) es (mas-más) moderno que éste.
Correct Answer
D. El, él, más
The correct answer is "El, él, más". In this sentence, "el" is used as the definite article for "carro" (car), "él" is used as the subject pronoun meaning "he," and "más" is used as the comparative adjective meaning "more." This sentence is comparing the modernity of one car to another, stating that "his car is more modern than this one."
(Tu-tú) has sido el responsable de (tu-tú) despido.
Correct Answer
B. Tú, tu
The correct answer is "tú, tu". In Spanish, "tú" is a subject pronoun meaning "you" and "tu" is a possessive adjective meaning "your". In the given sentence, "has sido el responsable de tu despido" translates to "you have been responsible for your dismissal". Therefore, the correct form is "tú" as the subject pronoun and "tu" as the possessive adjective.
Cual palabra es un articulo?
Correct Answer
"El" is the correct answer because it is a masculine singular definite article in Spanish. It is used before masculine nouns to indicate specificity or to refer to something already mentioned. In this case, "el" is an article because it is a word that precedes a noun and functions to indicate that the noun is a specific, singular, and masculine object or person.
Cual palabra es una preposicion?
Correct Answer
The word "de" is a preposition in Spanish. It is used to indicate possession, origin, or material. It is also used to indicate the relationship between two nouns or pronouns. In this case, "de" is a preposition because it is used to show the relationship between two words, indicating that the second word is the origin or possession of the first word. The capitalization of "De" does not change its function as a preposition.
Cual palabra significa "pero?"
Correct Answer
The word "mas" in Spanish means "but."
Cual palabra es un pronombre personal (forma de Ud., el, ella, ellos)?
Correct Answer
The word "se" is a pronoun that can be used as a formal singular form of "you" (Ud.), as well as a third-person singular pronoun for "he," "she," or "it" (el, ella). It can also be used as a third-person plural pronoun for "they" (ellos). Therefore, "se" is a personal pronoun that can be used in different contexts depending on the subject it refers to.