Do you know the man ______ brought me the book?
The correct answer is "who, that". In this question, we are asking for information about the man who brought the book. "Who" is used to refer to a person, so it is the appropriate choice in this context. "That" is not suitable because it is used to refer to things or objects, not people. Therefore, "who" is the correct pronoun to use in this sentence.
Are you coming to ______ Christmas party?
Correct Answer
B. Their
The correct answer is "their" because it is used to show possession. In this sentence, it is asking if the person being addressed is coming to someone else's Christmas party. "There" is used to indicate a place, and it does not make sense in this context.
I will meet you _____.
Correct Answer
A. There
The correct answer is "there". In this context, "there" is used as an adverb to indicate the location where the speaker will meet the person they are addressing. "Their" is a possessive pronoun used to show ownership, so it would not be appropriate in this sentence.
There is hardly any _______ between them.
Correct Answer
B. Difference
The correct answer is "difference". In the given sentence, the word "hardly" suggests that there is very little or almost no "difference" between the two subjects being compared. The word "difference" is a noun that accurately completes the sentence and conveys the intended meaning.
Indsæt verbum i nutid:Peter ______ (love) Maria.
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "loves." In this sentence, we are asked to insert a verb in the present tense. The subject of the sentence is "Peter," and the object is "Maria." To match the subject and maintain subject-verb agreement, we need to use the third-person singular form of the verb. Therefore, "loves" is the correct choice as it agrees with the singular subject "Peter."
I hate companies ________ ________ not protect the environment
Correct Answer
B. Which, do
The correct answer is "which, do". In this sentence, we are referring to companies, which is a plural noun. Therefore, we need to use the plural form "do" to agree with the subject. Additionally, "which" is used to introduce a relative clause that provides additional information about the companies.
Hvilket af nedenstående er det foreløbige grundled?
Correct Answer
C. There
The word "There" is the subject of the sentence and is functioning as the preliminary subject. It is used to introduce the existence or presence of something. In this case, it is indicating the existence of a preliminary subject.
Difference tilhører hvilken ordklasse?
Correct Answer
A. Navneord / substantiv
The question is asking about the word "difference" and which part of speech it belongs to. The correct answer is "navneord / substantiv" which means noun in Danish.
Det foreløbige grundled bruges ikke på dansk.
Correct Answer
B. Falsk
In Danish, the "det foreløbige grundled" is a term used to refer to the subject of a sentence that is placed before the verb. However, this term is not used in Danish grammar. Therefore, the statement "Det foreløbige grundled bruges ikke på dansk" (The preliminary subject is not used in Danish) is false.
Hvornår skrives titler (fx president) med stort begyndelsesbogstav på engelsk?
Correct Answer
D. Når der er tale om en bestemt person, som er præsident.
When referring to a specific person who holds the title of president, it is written with a capital letter at the beginning. This is because it is a proper noun and is used to indicate a specific individual who holds a specific position.
Adjektiver beskriver ...?
Correct Answer
B. Navneord / substantiver
Adjectives describe nouns or pronouns, which are types of nouns. They provide more information about the noun or pronoun by describing its qualities, characteristics, or attributes. Adjectives can describe different types of nouns, including common nouns, proper nouns, and pronouns. Therefore, the correct answer is "Navneord / substantiver."
Vælg den korrekte oversættelse af den danske sætning nedenfor.Vi bor i en større villa i en af Danmarks større byer.
Correct Answer
C. We live in a big house in one of Denmark's large towns.
The correct answer is "We live in a big house in one of Denmark's large towns." This is because the sentence states that "Vi bor i en større villa," which translates to "We live in a bigger house." The word "større" means "bigger" or "larger." Additionally, the sentence states "i en af Danmarks større byer," which translates to "in one of Denmark's large towns." Therefore, the correct translation is "We live in a big house in one of Denmark's large towns."
Sæt flueben ved de ord, hvis ubestemte artikel er "an".Der er flere rigtige svarmuligheder.
Correct Answer(s)
B. Apple
C. Elephant
D. Hour
The words "apple," "elephant," and "hour" all have a vowel sound at the beginning, which is why the indefinite article "an" is used instead of "a." The words "university" and "horse" do not have a vowel sound at the beginning, so the indefinite article "a" is used instead.
Sæt flueben ved de possessive pronominer (ejestedord).Der er flere rigtige svarmuligheder.
Correct Answer(s)
A. My
D. Its
E. Their
The correct answer options "my, its, their" are all possessive pronouns. "My" is used to show ownership or possession by the speaker, "its" is used to show ownership or possession by a singular object or animal, and "their" is used to show ownership or possession by multiple people or things. These pronouns indicate that something belongs to someone or something else.
Sæt flueben ved de personlige pronominer (personlige stedord).Der er flere rigtige svarmuligheder.
Correct Answer(s)
A. I
D. They
E. We
The correct answer includes the pronouns "I," "they," and "we." These pronouns are all examples of personal pronouns, which are used to refer to people or things. "I" is used when referring to oneself as the subject of a sentence, "they" is used when referring to a group of people or things as the subject of a sentence, and "we" is used when including oneself as part of a group as the subject of a sentence.
Sæt flueben ved de demonstrative pronominer (påpegende stedord).Der er flere rigtige svarmuligheder.
Correct Answer(s)
C. This
E. Those
The correct answer options "this" and "those" are demonstrative pronouns. "This" is used to refer to something that is close to the speaker, while "those" is used to refer to something that is far from both the speaker and the listener. These pronouns help in pointing out specific objects or people in a sentence. The other options "we", "some", and "where" are not demonstrative pronouns.
Sæt flueben ved de interrogative pronominer (spørgende stedord).Der er flere rigtige svarmuligheder.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Who
B. Whose
E. Which
The correct answer choices are "who," "whose," and "which." These are all examples of interrogative pronouns, which are used to ask questions. "Who" is used to ask about people, "whose" is used to ask about possession, and "which" is used to ask about things or choices. These pronouns are all appropriate for asking questions and gathering information.
Sæt flueben ved de refleksive stedord (tilbagevisende stedord).Der er flere rigtige svarmuligheder.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Themselves
C. Himself
The correct answer options, "themselves" and "himself," are examples of reflexive pronouns. Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object of a sentence refer to the same person or thing. In this case, "themselves" and "himself" are used to refer back to the subject of the sentence. The other answer options, "their," "He," and "I," are not reflexive pronouns as they do not reflect back to the subject.
Sæt flueben ved de relative pronominer (henførende stedord).Der er flere rigtige svarmuligheder.
Correct Answer(s)
B. That
D. Who
E. Which
The correct answer options, "that," "who," and "which," are all relative pronouns used to introduce relative clauses in a sentence. Relative pronouns are used to connect a dependent clause to a main clause, and they refer back to a noun or pronoun mentioned earlier in the sentence. In this case, these pronouns can be used to provide additional information about a noun or pronoun mentioned earlier in the sentence. The option "themselves" is not a relative pronoun and does not fit the criteria of the question.
Sæt flueben ved de indefinitte pronominer (ubestemte stedord).Der er flere rigtige svarmuligheder.
Correct Answer(s)
C. Some
E. Any
The correct answer is "some, any" because these are examples of indefinite pronouns. Indefinite pronouns are used when we don't want to specify a particular person or thing. "Some" is used in positive sentences to refer to an unspecified quantity or number, while "any" is used in negative sentences or questions to refer to an unspecified quantity or number.
A lot of leaves __________ fallen.
Correct Answer(s)
The correct answer is "have" because the subject "a lot of leaves" is plural, and therefore requires the plural form of the verb "have" to agree with it.
Everybody _____________ (to be) here today.
Correct Answer(s)
The correct answer is "is" because the sentence is in the present tense and the subject "everybody" is singular. In the present tense, the verb "to be" conjugates as "is" for singular subjects.
The binoculars ____________ (to be, nutid) on the shelf.
Correct Answer(s)
The correct answer is "are" because the sentence is in the present tense and the subject "binoculars" is plural. In English, when the subject is plural, the verb should also be in the plural form.
Ligefrem ordstilling er når ...?
Correct Answer
B. Subjektet står før verballeddet (grundled før udsagnsled)
Ligefrem ordstilling refers to the word order in a sentence where the subject comes before the verb phrase. In this case, "grundled før udsagnsled" means that the subject (grundled) is placed before the verb phrase (udsagnsled). This is the correct answer because it accurately describes the word order in ligefrem ordstilling.
Hvilken type ordstilling er der tale om i følgende sætning:I bought a bike yesterday.
Correct Answer
A. Ligefrem ordstilling
The given sentence "I bought a bike yesterday" follows the structure of a typical subject-verb-object sentence, where the subject ("I") comes before the verb ("bought"), which is followed by the object ("a bike"). This is known as "ligefrem ordstilling" or "direct word order" in Danish.
Hvilken type ordstilling er der tale om i følgende sætning:Never have I heard anything so stupid.
Correct Answer
B. Omvendt ordstilling
The given sentence "Never have I heard anything so stupid" is an example of inverted word order, also known as "omvendt ordstilling" in Danish. In this type of word order, the subject and the auxiliary verb are inverted, with the auxiliary verb appearing before the subject. This is commonly used in English for emphasis or to create a more dramatic effect.
Hvor skal "not" placeres i nedenstående sætning?I have heard about him.
Correct Answer
B. Efter hjælpeverbet / hjælpeudsagnsordet
Hvor placerer man længere adverbielle udtryk som fx "later in the evening"?
Correct Answer
D. Enten først eller sidst i sætningen
Adverbielle udtryk som "later in the evening" kan placeres enten først eller sidst i sætningen. Dette giver fleksibilitet i sætningsstrukturen og tillader forfatteren at skabe variation og betoninger i teksten. Placeringen af det adverbielle udtryk afhænger af forfatterens intention og konteksten for sætningen.
Følgende er alle eksempler på ...?On, at, in, for, during
Correct Answer
A. Tidspræpositioner
The correct answer is "Tidspræpositioner" because the question is asking for examples of time prepositions in Danish. The options "On, at, in, for, during" are all examples of time prepositions, indicating specific points in time or durations.
Oversæt "han ryger" i betydningen han er ryger.
Correct Answer
He smokes, He smokes.
The given correct answer accurately translates the phrase "han ryger" into English as "He smokes." The repetition of the phrase "He smokes" emphasizes the fact that the person being referred to is a smoker.
Oversæt "han ryger" i betydningen han er i færd med at ryge.
Correct Answer
He is smoking.
He is smoking
The given correct answer is "He is smoking." This is because the phrase "han ryger" in Danish translates to "he is smoking" in English. The verb "ryger" indicates the present continuous tense, which means that the action of smoking is currently happening. Therefore, the correct translation is "He is smoking."
Vælg den korte tillægsform.
Correct Answer
B. Walked
The correct answer is "walked" because it is the past tense form of the verb "walk." In this question, we are asked to choose the short form, which refers to the past tense. Therefore, "walked" is the correct choice.
Vælg den lange tillægsform.
Correct Answer
C. Talking
The correct answer is "talking" because the question asks for the long form of the verb. In this case, the long form of "talk" is "talking".
Hvordan bøjes "to dream" i kort tillægsform?
Correct Answer
C. Begge ovenstående bøjninger er rigtige
The correct answer is "Begge ovenstående bøjninger er rigtige" (Both of the above conjugations are correct). The question asks for the short form of the verb "to dream" in Danish. In Danish, the verb "to dream" can be conjugated as both "dreamed" and "dreamt." Therefore, both options are correct.
Er nedenstående sætning aktiv eller passiv?He ate an apple.
Correct Answer
A. Aktiv
The given sentence "He ate an apple" is in the active voice. In an active sentence, the subject performs the action. In this case, the subject "he" is performing the action of eating the apple.
Er nedenstående sætning aktiv eller passiv?The dog was hit by the car.
Correct Answer
B. Passiv
The given sentence "The dog was hit by the car" is in the passive voice. This is because the subject of the sentence (the dog) is receiving the action (being hit) rather than performing it. The sentence structure follows the pattern of "subject + was + past participle + by + agent (optional)". In this case, the dog is the subject, "was hit" is the past participle verb phrase, and "by the car" indicates the agent responsible for the action.
Der skal ofte være komma foran "that.
Correct Answer
B. Falsk
The statement is false because there is not always a need for a comma before the word "that". The use of a comma before "that" depends on the specific sentence structure and the intended meaning. In some cases, a comma may be used before "that" to indicate a pause or to separate clauses, but it is not a universal rule.
Der er én fejl i nedenstående sætning. Hvilken fejltype er der tale om?*I bought four furnitures yesterday.
Correct Answer
C. Utællelighed
The correct answer is "Utællelighed" (uncountability). The error in the sentence is the use of "four furnitures" instead of "four pieces of furniture." The word "furniture" is an uncountable noun in English and cannot be used in the plural form without a determiner like "pieces of" or "items of."
Der er én fejl i nedenstående sætning. Hvilken fejltype er der tale om?*She had chosed to write it down.
Correct Answer
B. Uregelmæssigt verbum / udsagnsord
The given correct answer is "Uregelmæssigt verbum / udsagnsord". This is because the verb "chosed" is not the correct past tense form of "choose". The correct past tense form is "chose". Therefore, the error in the sentence is a irregular verb form.
Der er én fejl i nedenstående sætning. Hvilken fejltype er der tale om?*She no longer organize things like she used to.
Correct Answer
D. Kongruens
The given sentence "She no longer organize things like she used to" contains a subject-verb agreement error. The subject "she" is singular, but the verb "organize" is in the plural form. The correct verb form should be "organizes" to match the singular subject. This error is known as a "kongruens" error, which refers to the lack of agreement between the subject and verb in a sentence.
Der er én fejl i nedenstående sætning. Hvilken fejltype er der tale om?*These are some of the typically problems that young people have.
Correct Answer
C. Adverbium/adjektiv (biord/tillægsord)
The error in the given sentence is the incorrect use of the word "typically" instead of "typical". "Typically" is an adverb, while "typical" is an adjective. In this case, the adjective form should be used to describe the problems that young people have.
Der er én fejl i nedenstående sætning. Hvilken fejltype er der tale om?*The story is told by a boy which name we are never told.
Correct Answer
A. Relativt pronomen (henførende stedord)
The given sentence contains a relative pronoun error. The correct relative pronoun to use in this context is "whose" instead of "which." Therefore, the error type is a relative pronoun error.
Der er én fejl i nedenstående sætning. Hvilken fejltype er der tale om?*The childrens ball ended up in the neighbour's garden.
Correct Answer
A. Genitiv
The given correct answer is "Genitiv". The sentence contains the error of using the incorrect form of the possessive pronoun "children's". The correct form should be "The children's ball" to indicate possession. Therefore, the error in the sentence is related to the genitive case.
Skriv ordet "knife" i flertal.
Correct Answer
Knives, Knives.
The correct plural form of the word "knife" is "knives". In English, when a noun ends in -fe or -f, the plural form is usually formed by changing the -f to -v and adding -es. Therefore, "knives" is the correct plural form for the word "knife".
Skriv den engelske oversættelse af det danske ord "kunde".
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "Customer". The question asks for the English translation of the Danish word "kunde". The word "Customer" is repeated twice, indicating that it is the correct translation.
Hvilken ordklasse tilhører følgende ord?Can, shall, may, must, will
Correct Answer
B. Modalverber / mådeudsagnsord
The given words "can, shall, may, must, will" belong to the word class of modal verbs or "mådeudsagnsord" in Danish. Modal verbs are a type of auxiliary verbs that express ability, possibility, necessity, or permission. They are used to modify the meaning of the main verb in a sentence. In this case, the words listed are all modal verbs, indicating that they are used to express different modalities or attitudes towards an action or event.
Sæt flueben ved de rigtige svar. Der er flere korrekte svarmuligheder.
Correct Answer(s)
B. It's = it is
D. Its = dets/dens
The explanation for the given correct answer is that "It's" can be used as a contraction of "it is" and "Its" can be used as a possessive form meaning "belonging to it" or "of it".