Saglasnost I redudantnost predstavlja mehanizam kontrole kvaliteta:
Correct Answer
C. -u kojem veci broj radnika obavlja isti zadatak nakog cega se porede rezultati
Saglasnost i redundantnost predstavljaju mehanizam kontrole kvaliteta u kojem veći broj radnika obavlja isti zadatak, nakon čega se porede rezultati. Ovaj mehanizam omogućava identifikaciju grešaka ili nedostataka u poslu, jer se očekuje da radnici koji obavljaju isti zadatak postignu slične ili iste rezultate. Poređenjem rezultata može se utvrditi da li postoje odstupanja i da li je potrebno preduzeti korektivne mere.
U kontekstu kvadrata privatnosti, sakrivene informacije predstavljaju:
Correct Answer
D. -informacije poznate sebi, ali ne I drugima
The correct answer is "-informacije poznate sebi, ali ne I drugima". This means that hidden information in the context of privacy square refers to information that is known to oneself but not to others.
Izdvojenost kao aspekt privatnosti znaci:
Correct Answer
A. -da osoba nije posmatrana od strane tehnologije ili drugih ljudi
The correct answer suggests that "izdvojenost kao aspekt privatnosti" means that a person is not being observed by technology or other people. This implies that the person is able to maintain their privacy and avoid being monitored or watched by others.
Trenutna zahvalnost korisniku I pokazivanje rezultata rada u crowdsourcing-u predstavlja primer:
Correct Answer
B. Nemonetarne motivacije
The current gratitude shown to user I and the display of work results in crowdsourcing represent an example of non-monetary motivation. This means that the motivation for user I is not based on financial rewards or incentives, but rather on the appreciation and recognition they receive for their contributions in the crowdsourcing project. This can include acknowledgments, feedback, or public recognition, which can be powerful motivators for individuals participating in crowdsourcing initiatives.
Teorija drustvene penetracije definise nivoe komunikacije zasnovane na:
Correct Answer
C. -otkrivanju specificnih informacija o sebi
The correct answer is "-otkrivanju specificnih informacija o sebi." The theory of social penetration states that communication levels are based on the disclosure of specific information about oneself. This means that as individuals disclose more personal and intimate information to each other, their level of communication and intimacy increases. This theory suggests that self-disclosure plays a crucial role in developing and maintaining relationships.
Klasifikacija podataka kao element polise privatnosti je odredjena:
Correct Answer
A. -nacinom skladistenja podataka
The classification of data as an element of privacy policy is determined by the way the data is stored.
Kod mobilnih servisa zasnovanih na lokaciji koji se vodjeni specificnom svrhom:
Correct Answer
B. Korisnici traze specificnu informaciju o drugim mestima
The correct answer is "korisnici traze specificnu informaciju o drugim mestima." This is because the question states that the mobile services are location-based and have a specific purpose. Therefore, it is logical to assume that users would be seeking specific information about other locations. The other options, such as users seeking specific information about other people or sharing their location with others, do not align with the given context of the question.
Upwork je crowdsourcing platforma namenjena:
Correct Answer
A. -radnicima ekspertskog nivoa znanja I vestina iz razlicitih oblasti
The correct answer is "radnicima ekspertskog nivoa znanja I vestina iz razlicitih oblasti" because Upwork is a crowdsourcing platform specifically designed for workers with expert-level knowledge and skills in various fields. This means that the platform is intended for professionals who have a high level of expertise and specialization in their respective areas.
U teoriji drustvene penetracije, razvoj poznanstva predstavlja primer:
Correct Answer
D. -nivoa eksploracije
In social penetration theory, the development of acquaintance represents the level of exploration. This means that as individuals get to know each other better, they engage in activities and conversations that allow them to explore different aspects of each other's lives, thoughts, and feelings. This level of exploration helps to deepen the relationship and increase understanding between individuals.
Glavna prednost Instagram drustvene mreze je:
Correct Answer
C. -vizuelni sadrzaj koji moze ostaviti snazniji utisak na korisnika
The main advantage of the Instagram social network is its visual content, which can leave a stronger impression on the user. Instagram is primarily a platform for sharing photos and videos, making it ideal for visually captivating content. The use of images and videos allows users to showcase their creativity, tell stories, and engage with their audience in a more visually appealing and immersive way compared to other social media platforms. This visual aspect of Instagram sets it apart and makes it a preferred choice for individuals and businesses looking to make a strong impact through their content.
U kontekstu kvadrata privatnosti, nevidljive informacije predstavljaju:
Correct Answer
B. -informacije poznate drugim ljudima, ali ne I sebi
In the context of the privacy square, invisible information refers to information that is known to others but not to oneself. This means that other people are aware of certain information about an individual, but the individual themselves is not aware of it.
Kriterijum za izbor posla za crowdsourcing je:
Correct Answer
C. -da se ne moze automatizovati
The correct answer is "-da se ne moze automatizovati" (it cannot be automated). This means that the criterion for choosing a crowdsourcing job is that it cannot be done by a computer or machine, and requires human involvement. This suggests that the task or job requires human decision-making, creativity, or judgment that cannot be replicated by technology.
Recenzija privatnosti kao element polise privatnosti definise:
Correct Answer
C. -koliko cesto se polise proveravaju I menjaju
The correct answer suggests that the privacy review as an element of a privacy policy defines how frequently the policies are checked and updated. This means that the privacy review determines the frequency at which the policies are reviewed and revised to ensure they align with any changes in data collection practices or regulations.
Osnovna prednost hashtag mehanizma Facebook drustvene mreze je:
Correct Answer
B. -unapredjenje pretrage sadrzaja
The main advantage of the hashtag mechanism in the Facebook social network is the improvement of content search. Hashtags allow users to categorize and label their posts, making it easier for others to find relevant content by searching for specific hashtags. This feature enhances the overall searchability and discoverability of content on the platform, making it more convenient for users to find and engage with relevant posts and discussions.
Vidljivost kao osobina drustvenih mreza oznacava:
Correct Answer
A. -sredstva, metode I prilike za prezentaciju sebe
Vidljivost kao osobina društvenih mreža označava sredstva, metode i prilike za prezentaciju sebe. This means that visibility as a characteristic of social networks refers to the means, methods, and opportunities for self-presentation. In other words, it pertains to how individuals can showcase themselves on social media platforms, such as through profile information, posts, and interactions with others.
Implicitan rad je vrsta podsticaja u crowdsourcing-u koja podrazumeva:
Correct Answer
B. -obavljanje posla kao dela rutinske aktivnosti
Implicitan rad u crowdsourcing-u se odnosi na obavljanje posla kao dela rutinske aktivnosti. Ovo znači da se poslovi koji su deo svakodnevnih rutinskih aktivnosti, kao što su unos podataka ili provera tačnosti informacija, obavljaju bez posebne kreativnosti ili inovativnosti. Ovakvi poslovi su često manje zahtevni i mogu biti obavljeni uz minimalno angažovanje ili stručnost. Ova vrsta podsticaja omogućava brže i efikasnije izvršavanje rutinskih zadataka u crowdsourcing platformama.
Izgradnja merenje I prezentovanje reputacije korisnika u crowdsourcing-u predstavlja primer:
Correct Answer
A. -Nemonetarne motivacije
The construction, measurement, and presentation of user reputation in crowdsourcing can be seen as an example of non-monetary motivation. In this context, individuals are motivated by factors other than financial incentives, such as recognition, status, and a sense of accomplishment. The reputation system serves as a way to acknowledge and reward the contributions of users, fostering a positive working environment and encouraging continued participation.
Glavna mana Instagram drustvene mreze je:
Correct Answer
B. -sadrzaj optimizovan za mobilne uredjaje
The main drawback of the Instagram social network is that its content is optimized for mobile devices. This means that the platform is primarily designed for use on smartphones and tablets, which may limit the user experience for those who prefer to access Instagram on a desktop computer or laptop. It may also restrict certain features or functionalities that are only available on the mobile app version.
U kontekstu kvadrata privatnosti, otvorene informacije predstavljaju:
Correct Answer
B. -informacije poznate sebi I drugim ljudima
In the context of the privacy square, open information refers to information that is known to oneself and others. This means that the information is not only known by the individual, but also by other people.
Komunikacija u Twitter drustvenoj mrezi je pretezno:
Correct Answer
C. -masovna komunikacija
The correct answer is "masovna komunikacija" because Twitter is a social media platform where users can broadcast their messages to a large audience. It allows individuals or organizations to share information, news, opinions, and updates with a wide range of people. Unlike interpersonal or professional communication, which typically involves direct interaction between individuals or within a specific professional context, Twitter facilitates mass communication by enabling users to reach a large number of followers simultaneously.
Ograniceno prikupljanje podataka kao princip dizajna za privatnost znaci da:
Correct Answer
B. -se dobavljaju samo neophodni podaci o korisnicima
The principle of limited data collection for privacy means that only necessary data about users is obtained. This ensures that only the minimum amount of information required is collected, reducing the risk of privacy breaches and unauthorized use of personal data. By adhering to this principle, organizations can prioritize user privacy and protect sensitive information from being unnecessarily collected or stored.
Polisa privatnosti predstavlja:
Correct Answer
B. -standard organizacije koji sadrzi informacije o tome kako ce upravljati podacima krajnih korisnika
The correct answer states that a privacy policy is a standard of an organization that contains information on how it will manage end-user data. This means that a privacy policy is a document that outlines how an organization will handle and protect the personal information of its users. It provides transparency and informs users about the types of data collected, how it will be used, and what measures will be taken to ensure privacy.
Odbrambeni dizajn zadatka kao mehanizam kotrole kvaliteta podrazumeva:
Correct Answer
B. -da je eventualan napor potreban za varanje priblizan naporu potrebnom za obavljanje zadatka
The correct answer suggests that the defensive task design as a quality control mechanism involves making the effort required to cheat similar to the effort required to complete the task. This means that the design of the task should be such that it discourages cheating by making it equally challenging to cheat as it is to complete the task. This ensures that the task is fair and prevents individuals from taking shortcuts or cheating to achieve the desired outcome.
Figure Eight je crowdsourcing platforma:
Correct Answer
B. -specijalizovano za kreiranje podatka za trening algoritama masinskog ucenja
Figure Eight is specialized in creating data for training machine learning algorithms.
U crowdsourcing-u, podsticaj zasnovani na spoljasnjoj motivaciji:
Correct Answer
C. -predstavljaju razlicite vrste kompenzacije kao sto su novac ili usluga
In crowdsourcing, external motivation incentives refer to various forms of compensation such as money or services. These incentives are different types of compensation that can be provided in exchange for performing a task. They are not monetary in nature and are derived from the completion of the task itself.
Informaciona dimenzija privatnosti predstavlja:
Correct Answer
B. -pravo individue da odlucuje kako, kada I u kom stepenu deli licne podatke sa drugim ljudima
The correct answer is the right of an individual to decide how, when, and to what extent they share personal data with other people. This refers to the informational dimension of privacy, which involves individuals having control over their personal information and being able to make decisions about its disclosure.
U kontekstu kvadrata privatnosti, interesovanja u vezi sa aktivnostima I dogadjajima predstavljaju primer:
Correct Answer
A. -otvorenih informacija
Interesovanja u vezi sa aktivnostima i događajima predstavljaju primere otvorenih informacija u kontekstu kvadrata privatnosti. Otvorene informacije su one koje su javno dostupne i koje osoba dobrovoljno deli sa drugima. U ovom slučaju, interesovanja osobe su vidljiva i dostupna drugima, što ih čini otvorenim informacijama.
Relacije izmedju korisnika Twitter drustvene mreze su:
Correct Answer
A. -jednostrane
The relationships between users on the Twitter social network are one-sided, meaning that one user can follow another user without that user having to reciprocate the follow. This means that a user can choose to follow another user's tweets and updates without the expectation of being followed back.
Direktna centralizovanost Tviter grafa predstavlja:
Correct Answer
B. -broj konekcija datog korisnika mreze
Direktna centralizovanost Tviter grafa se odnosi na broj konekcija datog korisnika mreže. Ova mera meri koliko je jedan korisnik centralan u mreži na osnovu broja direktnih veza koje ima sa drugim korisnicima. Što veći broj konekcija korisnik ima, to je veća direktna centralizovanost. Ovo se može tumačiti kao veći uticaj i popularnost korisnika u mreži.
Zlatni standard predstavlja mehanizam kontrole kvaliteta:
Correct Answer
B. -u kojem radnik radi testove radi procene znanja I vestina
The correct answer is "-u kojem radnik radi testove radi procene znanja I vestina." This means that the golden standard represents a mechanism of quality control where the worker performs tests to assess their knowledge and skills.
Glavni zadatak ESP igre sa svrhom je:
Correct Answer
A. Unapredjenje Web pretrage uparivanjem slika sa recima koje ih opisuju
The main task of the ESP game is to improve web search by matching images with words that describe them.
Poredjenje sa drugim korisnicima u obavljanju zadataka u crowdsourcing-u predstavlja primer:
Correct Answer
C. -nemonetarne motivacije
Comparing oneself with other users in completing tasks in crowdsourcing can be seen as an example of non-monetary motivation. This means that the motivation to perform well and complete tasks effectively comes from factors other than financial rewards. In this case, the motivation may come from the desire to outperform others, gain recognition, or achieve personal satisfaction from contributing to a collective effort.
U teoriji drustvene penetracije, koriscenje zargona u komunikaciji predstavlja primer:
Correct Answer
A. -nivoa afekata
In the theory of social penetration, the use of jargon in communication is an example of the level of affect. This means that using specialized language or terminology can evoke emotional responses or create a certain mood in the communication. Jargon can be used to establish a sense of belonging or to convey enthusiasm or passion about a particular topic. By using jargon, individuals can connect on a deeper emotional level and create a more intimate and meaningful communication experience.
Sigurnost podataka kao princip za privatnost znaci da:
Correct Answer
A. -se podaci agregiraju tokom vremena tako da se cuvaju samo neophodni podaci
The correct answer is "se podaci agregiraju tokom vremena tako da se cuvaju samo neophodni podaci" which translates to "data is aggregated over time so that only necessary data is retained". This means that data is collected and stored in a way that only the essential information is kept, ensuring data security and privacy. By aggregating the data, unnecessary or sensitive information can be removed, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or misuse of personal data.
Privatnost u drustvenom racunarstvu predstavlja:
Correct Answer
C. Tehnologije koje omogucavaju deljenje informacija sa drugim ljudima
The correct answer is "tehnologije koje omogucavaju deljenje informacija sa drugim ljudima." This answer states that privacy in social computing refers to technologies that enable sharing of information with other people.
Teorija drustvene signalizacije definise:
Correct Answer
B. -tipove informacije koje se dodaju profilima korisnika I na osnovu kojih se formira slika o korisniku
The correct answer is the types of information that are added to user profiles and based on which a picture of the user is formed. This means that the theory of social signaling defines the different types of information that users add to their profiles on social networks, and how these pieces of information contribute to creating an overall image or perception of the user.
Pozitivan aspect finansijske kompenzacije kao podsticaja u crowdsourcing-u predstavlja:
Correct Answer
B. -jednostavnost realizacije
The correct answer is "jednostavnost realizacije" (simplicity of implementation). This means that one positive aspect of financial compensation as an incentive in crowdsourcing is that it is easy to implement. This implies that the process of distributing financial rewards to workers is straightforward and efficient, which can encourage more workers to participate and contribute to the crowdsourcing project.
Twitter kao kolaborativni sistem predstavlja primer:
Correct Answer
A. Mikrobloga
Twitter je poznata društvena mreža koja omogućava korisnicima da objavljuju kratke poruke, poznate kao "tvitovi". Ova platforma se često opisuje kao mikroblog, jer korisnici mogu deliti svoje misli, ideje i informacije u kratkom formatu. Takođe, korisnici mogu komentarisati i deliti tuđe tvitove, što je osnova kolaborativnog sistema. Stoga, Twitter je primer mikrobloga jer kombinuje elemente blogovanja (dela pisanja) i kolaboracije (deljenje i komentarisanje sadržaja).
Mana anonimnosti kao apekta privatnosti predstavlja:
Correct Answer
A. Pojava da korisnici mogu ispoljavati nepozeljno ponasanje
The correct answer is "pojava da korisnici mogu ispoljavati nepozeljno ponasanje" which translates to "the phenomenon that users can exhibit undesirable behavior." This suggests that anonymity can lead to users engaging in negative or unwanted behavior since they are not identifiable. Anonymity provides a sense of freedom from consequences, which can result in individuals behaving inappropriately or harmfully towards others.
Osnovna upotreba bloga predstavlja:
Correct Answer
A. Deljenje informacija i misljenja sa poznatim i nepoznatim osobama
The correct answer is "deljenje informacija i misljenja sa poznatim i nepoznatim osobama." This is because the basic use of a blog is to share information and opinions with both known and unknown individuals. Blogs provide a platform for individuals to express their thoughts, ideas, and expertise on various topics, allowing them to reach a wide audience and engage in discussions with others.
Reputacija kao vrsta podsticaja u crowdsourcing-u podrazumeva:
Correct Answer
B. Javno priznanje od strane narucilaca poslova i drugih radnika
Reputacija kao vrsta podsticaja u crowdsourcing-u podrazumeva javno priznanje od strane narucilaca poslova i drugih radnika. Ovo znači da kada radnik obavlja posao u crowdsourcing-u, njegova reputacija se gradi na osnovu ocena i povratnih informacija koje dobija od narucilaca poslova i drugih radnika. Javno priznanje je važno jer pomaže radniku da stekne poverenje i ugled u zajednici, što može dovesti do većeg broja poslova i boljih mogućnosti za napredovanje.
Osnovna prednost Tumblr-a kao vrste bloga je:
Correct Answer
A. Efikasna pretraga sadrzaja
The main advantage of Tumblr as a type of blog is its efficient content search. This means that users can easily find specific content or topics they are interested in without much hassle. Unlike other types of blogs, Tumblr allows for quick and effective searching, making it convenient for users to navigate through the vast amount of content available on the platform.
U teoriji drustvene penetracije, nivo eksploracije oznacava: (nema odg)
Correct Answer
D. Stavove, misljenja, uverenja o drugima i okolnostima
The correct answer, "stavove, misljenja, uverenja o drugima i okolnostima," refers to the level of disclosure in social penetration theory. It suggests that at this level, individuals are sharing their attitudes, opinions, and beliefs about others and their circumstances. This level of exploration goes beyond sharing general information about oneself, others, and the context, and it involves a deeper and more intimate exchange of personal perspectives.
U kontekstu kvadrata privatnosti, informacije sa odredjenim stepenom poverljivosti predstavljaju primer:
Correct Answer
B. Sakrivenih informacija
In the context of the privacy square, information with a certain degree of confidentiality represents hidden information. This means that the information is not readily accessible or visible to everyone. It implies that the information is intentionally concealed or protected from unauthorized access or disclosure.
U crowdsourcing-u, podsticaji zasnovani na unutrasnjoj motivaciji:
Correct Answer
B. Proisticu iz obavljanja samog zadatka
The correct answer is "proisticu iz obavljanja samog zadatka" which translates to "stem from the performance of the task." This suggests that the incentives in crowdsourcing are internally motivated and come from the satisfaction of completing the task itself, rather than external factors such as money or services.
Licni blog predstavlja:
Correct Answer
A. Tip bloga u kojem korisnik deli price o licnim interesovanjima ili stavovima
A "licni blog" refers to a personal blog where the user shares stories about their personal interests or opinions. It is a platform for individuals to express themselves and share their thoughts and experiences with others.
U kontekstu kvadrata privatnosti, demografski i biografski podaci predstavljaju primer:
Correct Answer
D. Otvorenih podataka
Demografski i biografski podaci se odnose na informacije koje se mogu javno pristupiti i koristiti. Oni nisu skriveni, nevidljivi ili nepoznati, već su otvoreni podaci koji su dostupni za korišćenje i analizu.
Ritvit (eng. retweet) funkcija Twitter Drustvene mreze oznacava:
Correct Answer
A. Deljenje originalnog tvita drugog korisnika sa pratiocima datog korisnika bez dodavanje informacija
The correct answer is "Deljenje originalnog tvita drugog korisnika sa pratiocima datog korisnika bez dodavanje informacija." This answer states that the retweet function on Twitter involves sharing another user's original tweet with the followers of the retweeting user without adding any additional information.
Mana anonimnosti kao aspekta privatnosti predstavlja:
Correct Answer
B. Otrkirvanje vise informacija o sebi nego inace
Mana anonimnosti kao aspekta privatnosti predstavlja otkrivanje više informacija o sebi nego inače. Anonimnost se odnosi na stanje u kojem korisnik nije prepoznatljiv ili identifikovan prilikom korišćenja određene usluge ili pružanja informacija. Kada se ta anonimnost narušava, korisnik otkriva više informacija o sebi nego što bi želeo ili očekivao. To može biti putem prikupljanja podataka o korisniku, praćenja aktivnosti ili deljenja informacija sa drugim korisnicima.
Blogosfera predstavlja:
Correct Answer
C. Zajednicu blogova kao drustvenu mrezu u kojoj autori zajedno objavljuju price
The correct answer is "zajednicu blogova kao drustvenu mrezu u kojoj autori zajedno objavljuju price". This answer suggests that the blogosphere represents a community of blogs where authors collectively publish stories, indicating that it is a social network for bloggers.