القوة الناتجة على جدار الشرايين نتيجة تدفق الدم فيها عند انقباض البطين تسمى
Correct Answer
C. الضغط الانقباضي
The correct answer is "الضغط الانقباضي" (Systolic pressure). This is because the question is asking for the force exerted on the arterial wall when the ventricle contracts, which is known as systolic pressure.
الغرض من اعطاء التروبين قبل العملية الجراحية هو
Correct Answer
B. تقليل الافرازات
يعاني المريض بعد العملية الجراحية من زيادة افرازات الجهاز التنفسي نتيجة البنج . لذا يعطى المريض قبل البنج حقنة الأتروبين في العضل لتقليل هذه الإفرازات.
ما هي مسؤولية التمريض قبل اعطاء علاج الديجوكسين للمريض
Correct Answer
B. قياس نبض القمة القلبية apical rate
Before administering digoxin to a patient, it is the responsibility of the nurse to measure the apical rate, which refers to the heart rate measured at the apex of the heart. This is important because digoxin is a medication that affects the heart, and measuring the apical rate helps to assess the patient's heart function and determine if the medication is appropriate. This measurement provides valuable information about the patient's cardiac status and helps to ensure the safe administration of digoxin.
ما هو الوزن الطبيعي للطفل حديث الولادة حسب الاحصائيات
Correct Answer
C. 2500 غم
قبل اعطاء المضاد الحيوي للمريض. ما هو الشيء الذي يجب عمله اولا
Correct Answer
D. فحص الحساسية
Before giving the patient antibiotics, it is important to first perform a sensitivity test to determine the appropriate antibiotic that will effectively target the specific bacteria causing the infection. This test helps in identifying the most suitable antibiotic and prevents the unnecessary use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, which can lead to antibiotic resistance.
في حالة الحقن تحت الجلد. في اي مستوى في الجلد يجب وضع المحلول
Correct Answer
C. الطبقة تحت الجلدية
The correct answer is "الطبقة تحت الجلدية." In the case of subcutaneous injection, the solution should be placed in the layer beneath the skin. This is the correct answer because it specifically mentions the layer beneath the skin, which is the subcutaneous layer. The other options, such as "البشرة" (the skin) and "الادمة" (the dermis), do not accurately describe the correct location for subcutaneous injection. Therefore, the correct answer is "الطبقة تحت الجلدية" (the subcutaneous layer).
عند تقييم النبض في الشخص فاقد الوعي. اي من الشرايين التالية هو الافضل
Correct Answer
D. الشريان السباتي carotid
The carotid artery is the best artery to assess the pulse in an unconscious person because it is located in the neck and is easily accessible. The carotid artery is a major blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the brain, and feeling the pulse in this artery can provide important information about the person's circulation and cardiac function. Assessing the carotid pulse can help determine if the person has a heartbeat and if their blood is being adequately pumped throughout the body.
عند اعطاء مضاد حيوي او لقاح. فانه يجب الحرص لاحتمالية حدوث
Correct Answer
B. فرط الحساسية
When giving an antibiotic or a vaccine, it is important to be cautious about the possibility of an allergic reaction. This can manifest as hypersensitivity, which refers to an exaggerated immune response to a substance that is normally harmless. Symptoms of hypersensitivity can range from mild, such as rash or itching, to severe, such as difficulty breathing or anaphylactic shock. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor patients closely for any signs of hypersensitivity when administering antibiotics or vaccines.
ما هو المعدل الطبيعي للضغط داخل العين؟
Correct Answer
B. 20-25 mmHg
The normal range for intraocular pressure, which is the pressure inside the eye, is typically between 20-25 mmHg. This range is considered to be within the normal limits and is important for maintaining the shape and function of the eye. Deviations from this range can indicate certain eye conditions, such as glaucoma. It is important to regularly monitor intraocular pressure to detect any abnormalities and prevent potential vision problems.
كم مرة يجب اخذ العلمات الحيوية للمريض في غرفة الافاقة خلل الساعة الاولى
Correct Answer
C. 12
لأنه يجب أخذها كل 5 دقائق خلال الساعة الأولى، المجموع = 12 مرة