Where, exactly, did the wormhole at the end of "Into the Wild Green Yonder" take everyone?
Correct Answer
C. Earth
According to Farnsworth, the wormhole was actually a well-traveled route in the "central network" that Zoidberg found to be very "comedic."
Who all survived the wreck of the Planet Express ship and the Nimbus without having to need help to be brought back to life?
Correct Answer(s)
B. Professor Farnsworth
D. Leela
Although Fry did appear to have survived the wreck, it was revealed he was, in fact, a robot duplicate built by Leela to help ease her guilt over Fry sacrificing himself to save her, but inadvertently killed by a short in the robot Fry's abdomen. The others were already dead, leaving the Professor as the only survivor left to bring the others back.
What creature did Leela say she wanted her body to be fed to when she died?
Correct Answer
A. The Cyclops Eater
Although she was the only known cyclops in existence, she asked to be fed to the cyclops eater upon her death.
What certifiable genius was actually an alien described as the dumbest of his species?
Correct Answer
B. Leonardo da Vinci
When it was discovered that all of da Vinci's designs and inventions fit together to form a ship to take the rider to "planet Vinci," it was discovered he was still alive, but looked down on by the students of the university there for his stupidity.
In "The Mutants are Revolting," what vehicle was, impossibly, sunk into the lower sewers?
Correct Answer
C. The Land Titanic
Although it would actually be impossible, the gigantic "Land Titanic" hit a fire hydrant on the street and sunk, causing all aboard to abandon ship.
Although completely useless as a medical doctor, what was Zoidberg really a doctor of?
Correct Answer
A. Art History
When he correctly identified a feature of "The Last Supper" without any outside help, Zoidberg admitted that he had, in fact, gotten his doctorate in art history.
Exactly how late was Fry for his dinner date with Leela in "The Late Philip J Fry?"
Correct Answer
D. Several billion years
Although Leela did say Fry was "right on time" for their dinner date, Fry had been in the forward-only time machine through two universe ends and beginnings, then claimed the Fry of the newest universe was, in fact, quite dead
Who took over Planet Express and made it into a mega-successful business after the Professor's apparent death in "The Late Philip J Fry?"
Correct Answer
C. Leela
When it appeared nobody was left to run Planet Express, Leela turned it into a major delivery firm with Hermes as her second, Cubert as her brief husband, Zoidberg fired and Amy becoming a cyborg.
Where, in fact, was the "uncharted planet" Zapp indicated to Leela they crashed into?
Correct Answer
A. Earth
Due to Zapp wanting to prove himself to Leela, he claimed they were on an uncharted world with little or no supplies, although they were, in fact, on Earth with a fully supplied ship not too far away due to the fighter's homing device flying them back home.
In the holiday spectacular special, which main character was the only one that survived at least one of the stories?
Correct Answer
B. Bender
Ironically enough, in "Anthology of Interest II," Bender was the only character to be killed completely in one of the stories, and, in this anthology, survive.
True or False: Inadvertently, the Professor, using microscopic robots, caused the pollutants in a nearby water source to evolve super-fast.
Correct Answer
B. False
It was, in fact, the microscopic robots themselves that evolved so rapidly that they became beings of pure consciousness mere days after they were introduced to clean the water source.
Unintentially, what act did the censoring death sphere V*Giny want to see that would save Earth from complete annihilation?
Correct Answer
B. Zapp and Leela making love
V*Giny actually watched Zapp and Leela as they "acted out" Adam and Eve, Zapp making it appear they were the only survivors of humanity, and insisted they consumate their relationship to save Earth.
Ironically, what device premiered aroiund the same time of the first airing of "Attack of the Killer App?"
Correct Answer
B. Iphone 4
"Attack of the Killer App" premiered the "EyePhone" by Momcorp, which was a parody of the IPhone. (spoiler alert) The episode ended with between one and two million mindless zombies going to buy the EyePhone 2. Around the same time, the IPhone 4 premiered.
What overnight celebrity also was parodied in Attack of the Killer App?
Correct Answer
A. Susan Boyle
The latest big reveal from Leela was that she had a boil on her butt that sang show tunes, and that it was named Susan. Might as well be her as the other two choices really don't have any talent at all (quizmaker's opinion only).
What was so strange about Zapp Brannigan volunteering to be Leela's rear seat officer in "In-a-gadda-da-Leela?"
Correct Answer
C. There was only one seat
The professor developed a one-person stealth fighter to infiltrate the approaching "death sphere," so Zapp, knowing he'd get another chance at Leela, volunteered to be her rear seat officer even though there was only one seat. She had to sit in his lap.
In "Rebirth," what happened to the robotic versions of Leela and Fry when they shed their skin suits?
Correct Answer
D. They spoke in thick, Austrian accents
Probably due to the robots suddenly taking on Terminator-like appearances, they spoke in accents once they got rid of the skit suits.
True or False: The last ingredient the Professor needed in order to bring all the dead crew members back to life was a common housefly
Correct Answer
A. True
It was explained, later, that it was, in fact, the fly that kicked everything into gear.
In "Proposition Infinity," what long-standing couple had a split up?
Correct Answer
C. Amy and Kif
(spoiler alert) Because Amy couldn't resist flirting with bad boys, Kif found it difficult to reconcile and ended up breaking up with Amy although, by the end of the episode, they were back together once he learned how to ride a motorcycle.
What hidden fact was preserved by Leonardo da Vinci and protected by Animatronio?
Correct Answer
B. He was an alien
The correct answer suggests that the hidden fact preserved by Leonardo da Vinci and protected by Animatronio is that Leonardo was an alien. This implies that Leonardo da Vinci was not a human being, but rather an extraterrestrial being. This hidden fact adds a mysterious and unconventional aspect to Leonardo's life and work, potentially explaining his incredible artistic and scientific abilities.
True or False: Fry asked Leela if she wanted to join the Mile High Club in "The Duh-vinci Code."
Correct Answer
B. False
It was actually the Mile Deep Club, which excited him when she said "sure."
What great secret was there about Da Vinci's inventions that Animatronio tried to protect?
Correct Answer
D. They all fit together
The "airship" that Da Vinci designed was, in fact, the living center of a spacecraft that attached to a gigantic cannonball.
Which Leonardo did Fry mistake Da Vinci for?
Correct Answer
A. DiCaprio
In expressing his appreciation for Titanic, it was apparent Fry mistook Leonardo da Vinci for Leonardo DiCaprio.
True or False: Leonardo was considered quite stupid by his planet's population.
Correct Answer
A. True
In fact, he was mocked almost constantly for his apparent stupidity.
What unusual item was used on Planet Vinci to securely fasten in a nail?
Correct Answer
C. A Nail
As a running joke throughout the episode, nails were used to drive in other nails.
Check everyone below who was killed or injured by Leonardo da Vinci's doomsday machine.
Correct Answer(s)
C. Leonardo
F. Fry
Fry was injured in an attempt to stop the machine from fulfilling its purpose and Leonardo was killed by the ultimate death bringer, or rather a gear that fell on him.
In "Lethal Inspection," what war was the crew participating in a recreation of?
Correct Answer
C. The Sith-Al War
Because of an invasion of "Sith," the Sith Invasion, or Sith-Al War, happened two centuries previous.
What other sci-fi show was loosely parodied in "Lethal Inpsection?"
Correct Answer
B. BattleStar Galactica
Bender began declaring the fact that, should his body die, he could download into a new body, much like the Cylon in BattleStar Galactica. The only problem was he was built without a backup unit.
Which inspector number did Bender describe as the "Only human whose opinion he respected?"
Correct Answer
D. 5
Bender was very proud of the fact that, despite a serious defect, Inspector #5 thought he was perfect the way he was.
The cubicles at the Central Bureaucracy resembed what fad puzzle game?
Correct Answer
A. Rubik's Cube
Although the cubicles often got a scream out of the occupants inside, they rotated and shifted in the Rubik's cube fashion from the large, mega-cube to the individual cubes.
Who, as it turned out, was Inspector #5, the one that allowed Bender to go through the inspection station with a defective part?
Correct Answer
C. Hermes
Although he did everything he could to hide the fact, it was revealed that Hermes, himself, thought Bender was worth keeping alive despite the defect he knew was there. He resigned from Mom's, left his home in Tijuana, and went to work for Planet Express, being reunited with the robot he allowed to live.
Being unable to hear each other over the gunfire the first time they were shown, what led to the destruction of the killbots in "Lethal Inspection?"
Correct Answer
D. Misunderstood communication
Almost all the killbots in this episode died because someone said something that sounded like "fire," "howitzer" and other weapon-related sayings.
True or False: Leela made an excellent substitute bureaucrat while Hermes was trying to help Bender in "Lethal Inspection."
Correct Answer
B. False
In fact, due to her ineptitude, Farnsworth ended up in a flask, the ship was repossessed, Fry was hiding behind an upturned conference table, and Leela was panicking because she had no other places to hide papers. Oh, and Zoidberg had something going on as well.
How far was the original destination time period Farnsworth wanted to take the time machine in "The Late Phillip J Fry?"
Correct Answer
C. 1 minute in the future
Although they did end up in all the other locations as well, including previous episodes, the original destination was 1 minute into the future, but was missed.
True or False: The only survivor of the explosion at Hedonismbot's party described bodies being piled upon each other after the blast.
Correct Answer
B. False
Hedonismbot, the only survivor, said there were bodies on bodies, but that was before the explosion, not after.
What piece of music was parodied and re-written specifically for this episode
Correct Answer
E. The Year 2525
In actual fact, the song, a parody of The Year 2525, was used to follow the time travellers through their various stops in search of a backwards-travelling time machine.
What was the only smirch on the otherwise romantic end to this episode?
Correct Answer
C. Bender was burying the time travel duplicates
In this episode, the ending was portrayed as romantic except for one flaw. The flaw was that Bender was occupied with burying the time travel duplicates. This suggests that while the other characters were experiencing a romantic moment, Bender was preoccupied with a different task, which may have disrupted the overall romantic atmosphere.
In "That Dark Katz," what melody was used to summon the UFO?
Correct Answer
B. The Meow Mix melody
The cat started singing the Meow Mix melody in an episode so good cats asked for it.
In "That Darn Katz," who was feeling underappreciated, wanting some intelligent conversation?
Correct Answer
A. Nibbler
Although it is apparent Nibbler didn't bother wiping the memories of the crew after "Bender's Game," he was still adored as a pet, but wanted to be appreciated as a full-fledged crew member instead.
In "A Clockwork Origin," what scientist was the leading individual against evolution?
Correct Answer
B. Professor Banjo, an orangutan
As the leading proponent of "Creaturism," Professor Banjo was, in fact, an orangutan.
In "A Clockwork Origin," how fast did the muck-cleaning nanobots really evolve to pure consciousness?
Correct Answer
C. 5 days
As the Trilobots fought the crew into a cave the first night, the crew awoke to a primordial robot jungle, took shelter in the cave again, awoke to find Leela and Amy taken hostage by Cavebots, took all day to have a workable defense, then slept and awoke to humanoid robots. When they fell asleep and awoke the fourth time, those robots became beings of pure consciousness.