Kerajaan Mataram kuno terpecah menjadi dua. Satu yang berada di Jawa bagian selatan dipimpin oleh dinasti ...
Correct Answer
B. Syailendra
The correct answer is Syailendra. Kerajaan Mataram Kuno terpecah menjadi dua, dengan satu bagian yang berada di Jawa bagian selatan dipimpin oleh dinasti Syailendra. This dynasty was known for its cultural and architectural achievements, particularly the construction of the Borobudur temple. The Syailendra dynasty ruled over Central Java from the 8th to the 10th century.
Cerita tentang Raja Sanjaya yang memerintah Mataram Kuno terdapat dalam Prasasti ...
Correct Answer
C. Canggal
The correct answer is Canggal. The explanation for this answer is that the story about King Sanjaya who ruled Ancient Mataram is found in the Canggal inscription.
Pendiri Kerajaan Medang Kamulang adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Empu Sendok
Empu Sendok is the correct answer because he is widely recognized as the founder of the Medang Kamulang Kingdom. He played a crucial role in establishing and governing the kingdom, which was located in Java, Indonesia. Empu Sendok is known for his leadership and contributions to the development and expansion of the kingdom during his reign.
Karya sastra yang terkenal pada masa kerajaan Airlangga adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Arjunawiwaha
Arjunawiwaha is the correct answer because it is a famous literary work from the Airlangga kingdom era. It is an epic poem written by Mpu Kanwa, a renowned poet in ancient Java. Arjunawiwaha tells the story of the hero Arjuna and his journey to achieve spiritual enlightenment and win the love of the celestial nymph, Supraba. This literary masterpiece showcases the cultural and artistic achievements of the Airlangga kingdom, making it a significant piece of literature from that time period.
Putra Raja Samaratungga yang menjadi raja hebat di Sriwijaya adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Balaputradewa
Putra Raja Samaratungga yang menjadi raja hebat di Sriwijaya adalah Balaputradewa.
Semula Kerajaan Sriwijaya terletak di Muaratakus, lalu pindah ke Jambi. Terakhir dipindahkan ke ....
Correct Answer
D. Palembang
The correct answer is Palembang. The question states that the Sriwijaya Kingdom was initially located in Muaratakus and then moved to Jambi. The last location it was moved to is not mentioned in the question, but historically, the Sriwijaya Kingdom's final capital was in Palembang.
Raja dari Singasari yang melakukan ekspedisi Pamalayu untuk menguasai Selat Malaka adalah raja ....
Correct Answer
A. Kertanegara
The correct answer is Kertanegara. Kertanegara was the king of Singasari who conducted the Pamalayu expedition to conquer the Malacca Strait.
Raja Jayabaya mengarang kitab dengan nama ....
Correct Answer
C. Jangka Jayabaya
The correct answer is "Jangka Jayabaya" because it is stated in the question that Raja Jayabaya mengarang kitab (King Jayabaya wrote a book) and the book is named Jangka Jayabaya.
Ken Arok berhasil membunuh Tunggul Ametung dengan menggunakan keris ....
Correct Answer
B. Empu Gandring
Ken Arok successfully killed Tunggul Ametung using the keris made by Empu Gandring.
Ken Arok adalah Raja dari Kerajaan ....
Correct Answer
B. Singasari
Ken Arok is known as the King of the Singasari Kingdom. Singasari was a powerful kingdom in Java, Indonesia, that existed from the 13th to the 14th century. Ken Arok was a legendary figure who rose from humble origins to become the founder and first ruler of the Singasari Kingdom. He is often credited with establishing the kingdom's power and influence in the region.
Pada masa pemerintahan Kertanegara di Singasari sering kali datang utusan Kubilai Khan untuk ....
Correct Answer
C. Menyuruh Singasari tunduk dibawah Kerajaan Mongol
During the reign of Kertanegara in Singasari, emissaries from Kubilai Khan frequently visited to demand that Singasari submit to the authority of the Mongol Empire. This indicates that Kubilai Khan wanted Singasari to acknowledge the supremacy of the Mongol Empire and become a vassal state under their rule.
Raden Wijaya adalah Raja pertama dari kerajaan ....
Correct Answer
B. Majapahit
Raden Wijaya is known as the first king of the Majapahit kingdom. The question asks for the kingdom that Raden Wijaya was the first king of, and the correct answer is Majapahit. This implies that Raden Wijaya played a significant role in the establishment and leadership of the Majapahit kingdom.
Anak Raden Patah yang menggantikannya sebagai Raja adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Pati Unus
The correct answer is Pati Unus. Pati Unus is the successor of Anak Raden Patah as the King.
Kitab Sutasoma dan Kitab Arjuna Wiwaha yang dikarang oleh ....
Correct Answer
A. Empu Tantular
The correct answer is Empu Tantular. Kitab Sutasoma dan Kitab Arjuna Wiwaha are two famous literary works that were written by Empu Tantular.
Joko Tingkir ketika memimpin kesultanan Pajang bergelar ....
Correct Answer
C. Sultan Hadiwijaya
Joko Tingkir, when he was leading the Pajang Sultanate, was given the title of Sultan Hadiwijaya.
Kerajaan Mataram Islam mencapai puncak kejayaan pada masa pemerintahan ....
Correct Answer
C. Sultan Agung
Sultan Agung is the correct answer because during his reign, the Islamic Kingdom of Mataram reached its peak of power and prosperity. Sultan Agung was known for his military campaigns and successful conquests, which expanded the kingdom's territory and influence. He also implemented various reforms and policies to strengthen the economy and administration of the kingdom. His reign is considered a golden age for Mataram, making him the most likely candidate for the peak of its glory.
Sultan Hasanuddin adalah Raja dari Kerajaan ....
Correct Answer
C. Gowa-Tallo
Sultan Hasanuddin is the king of the Gowa-Tallo Kingdom.
Raden Wijaya dikenal sebagai raja yang memerintah kerajaanya dengan ....
Correct Answer
B. Bijaksana
Raden Wijaya dikenal sebagai raja yang memerintah kerajaanya dengan bijaksana. Ini berarti bahwa dia adalah seorang pemimpin yang cerdas, bijaksana, dan memiliki kebijaksanaan dalam mengambil keputusan untuk kepentingan kerajaan dan rakyatnya. Dia mungkin menggunakan pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang luas untuk membuat keputusan yang tepat dan mengelola kerajaannya dengan baik.
Pada 1527 Kerajaan Demak menyerang Sunda Kelapa (Batavia) di bawah pimpinan ....
Correct Answer
C. Fatahillah
Fatahillah is the correct answer because in 1527, the Kingdom of Demak attacked Sunda Kelapa (Batavia) under his leadership.
Raja dari Kerajaan Ternate yang bersama rakyat mengadakan perlawanan terhadap Portugis adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Sultan Baabullah
Sultan Baabullah is the correct answer because he was the ruler of the Ternate Kingdom who led the resistance against the Portuguese. He fought alongside his people to defend their kingdom against Portuguese colonization. Sultan Baabullah is known for his bravery and determination in protecting Ternate from foreign invaders.
Walisanga yang menyebarkan agama Islam di Jawa Barat adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Sunan Gunungjati
Sunan Gunungjati is the correct answer because he was one of the Walisanga who spread Islam in West Java. He was a prominent Islamic scholar and leader who played a significant role in the spread of Islam in the region. Sunan Gunungjati established the Sultanate of Cirebon and built several mosques and Islamic educational institutions. His efforts in promoting and expanding Islam in West Java make him the correct answer to the question.
Raja yang mendirikan serta menjadi raja pertama Kerajaan Samudera Pasai adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Sultan Malik As-Shalih
The correct answer is Sultan Malik As-Shalih. Sultan Malik As-Shalih is known as the founder and the first king of the Samudera Pasai Kingdom. He played a significant role in establishing and ruling the kingdom, making him the correct answer for this question.
Kesultanan Aceh adalah Kerajaan Islam yang didirikan oleh ....
Correct Answer
A. Sultan Ali Mughayat Syah
Kesultanan Aceh was an Islamic kingdom that was founded by Sultan Ali Mughayat Syah.
Maulana Malik Ibrahim adalah salah satu walisanga yang terkenal dengan nama sunan ....
Correct Answer
C. Gresik
Maulana Malik Ibrahim adalah salah satu walisanga yang terkenal dengan nama sunan Gresik.
Raja Kerajaan Gowa-Tallo yang mendapat julukan Ayam Jantan Dari Timur adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Sultan Hasanuddin
The correct answer is Sultan Hasanuddin. Raja Kerajaan Gowa-Tallo yang mendapat julukan Ayam Jantan Dari Timur refers to Sultan Hasanuddin, who was the ruler of the Gowa-Tallo Kingdom and earned the nickname "Ayam Jantan Dari Timur" (The Rooster from the East).