Jelaskan ciri-ciri manusia purba Meganthropus yang dijumpai di Indonesia!
Berikan 6 contoh hasil kebudayaan dari Zaman Megalithikum!
Jelaskan bagaimana kedatangan nenek moyang bangsa Indonesia dan di mana saja persebaran mereka
Tuliskan Pengertian Praaksara atau Prasejarah
Tuliskan 4 ciri cici manusia purba Pithecanthropus
Zaman sebelum manusia mengenal tulisan (aksara) disebut....
Correct Answer
B. Prasejarah atau pra-aksara
The correct answer is "prasejarah atau pra-aksara". This is because the question is asking about the time period before humans knew writing or script, and "prasejarah atau pra-aksara" translates to prehistoric or pre-script, which accurately describes the time before the invention of writing.
Berdasarkan benda-benda peninggalan zaman manusia purba, pembabakan zaman pra-aksara dibagi menjadi ....
Correct Answer
C. Zaman batu dan zaman logam
Based on the archaeological artifacts from ancient human civilizations, the division of prehistoric times is categorized into two periods: the Stone Age and the Metal Age. The Stone Age refers to the period when early humans primarily used stone tools and weapons, while the Metal Age signifies the era when humans started using metal tools and weapons. This division is based on the evolution of human technology and the materials used during those times.
Manusia purba yang sudah menggunakan alat-alat yang halus dan sudah mengenal cara bercocok tanam merupakan ciri-ciri kehidupan zaman ....
Correct Answer
C. Neolithikum
The correct answer is Neolithikum. Neolithikum is characterized by the use of advanced tools and knowledge of agriculture, which is indicated by the mention of "alat-alat yang halus" (fine tools) and "cara bercocok tanam" (farming techniques) in the question. This period marked the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities, as people began to cultivate crops and domesticate animals.
Salah satu contoh kehidupan budaya masyarakat pada masa berburu dan mengumpulkan makanan tingkat lanjut yaitu …
Correct Answer
B. Gambar tangan pada dinding goa
The correct answer is "Gambar tangan pada dinding goa" because cave paintings are a well-known example of cultural life during the hunting and gathering period. These paintings provide evidence of early human creativity and expression, as well as a glimpse into the daily lives and beliefs of these ancient societies. They are significant archaeological artifacts that have helped researchers understand the social and cultural practices of early humans.
Kebudayaan yang berpengaruh pada masa paleolitikum terdiri atas dua jenis yaitu ……
Correct Answer
A. Kebudayaan Pacitan dan kebudayaan Ngandong
The correct answer is "Kebudayaan Pacitan dan kebudayaan Ngandong." This is because the question asks for the cultures that influenced the Paleolithic era, and the Pacitan and Ngandong cultures are both known to have existed during this time period. The other options do not include cultures that are specifically associated with the Paleolithic era.
Perhatikan ciri-ciri nenek moyang bangsa Indonesia berikut ini !
1) Berasal dari Kepulauan Seribu di Jepang,
2) Sebagian berasal dari daerah Yunan di China,
3) Mampu membuat kapak lonjong dan kapak persegi
Pernyataan tersebut menunjukkan ciri-ciri salah satu nenek moyang bangsa Indonesia, yaitu …
Correct Answer
B. Deutero Melayu
The given characteristics indicate that one of the ancestors of the Indonesian people is Deutero Melayu. This is supported by the fact that they originated from the Kepulauan Seribu in Japan and some from the Yunan region in China. Additionally, their ability to make both the kapak lonjong and kapak persegi further aligns with the cultural practices of the Deutero Melayu people.
Perhatikan zaman-zaman di bawah ini!
1)Zaman Arkaekum
2) Zaman Paleozoikum
3) Zaman Mesozoikum
4) Zaman Neozoikum
Pembagian zaman di atas adalah pembagian zaman berdasarkan…
Correct Answer
D. Geologi
The division of time periods mentioned in the question, such as Arkaekum, Paleozoikum, Mesozoikum, and Neozoikum, is based on geological time periods. These time periods are used by geologists to categorize and study the Earth's history, including the formation of rocks, fossils, and major geological events. Therefore, the correct answer is geologi.
Berdasarkan penelitian geologi, zaman kuarter merupakan zaman terpenting bagi kita karena…
Correct Answer
D. Mulai ada manusia purba
The correct answer is "mulai ada manusia purba" because the Quaternary period is considered the most important period in geological research due to the emergence of early humans. This period, which began around 2.6 million years ago, marked the appearance and evolution of Homo sapiens and their ancestors. The study of early humans and their cultural and biological development is crucial in understanding human history and evolution.
Sumbangan Indonesia dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan di dunia, terutama kajian arkeologi sangat penting. Hal ini terbukti dari adanya penemuan jenis manusia purba tertua di Pulau Jawa, yaitu…
Correct Answer
B. Meganthropus paleojavanicus
Indonesia's contribution to the development of science, especially in the field of archaeology, is significant. This is evidenced by the discovery of the oldest ancient human species in Java, known as Meganthropus paleojavanicus. This finding highlights Indonesia's importance in understanding human evolution and adds to the body of knowledge in the field of archaeology.
Suatu zaman ketika meluasnya lapisan es di Kutub Utara sehingga menyebabkan sebagian besar Benua Asia, Amerika, dan Eropa tertutup es. Pada zaman ini terjadi penyebaran binatang dan manusia purba ke nusantara. Zaman tersebut adalah….
Correct Answer
A. Zaman glasial
During the glacial period, the extensive ice sheets in the North Pole caused a significant portion of Asia, America, and Europe to be covered in ice. This led to the migration of ancient animals and humans to the Nusantara region. Therefore, the correct answer is "zaman glasial" or the glacial period.
Perhatikan pernyataan di bawah ini!
1) Memiliki tulang pipi yang tebal
2) Memiliki otot kunyah yang kuat
3) Memiliki tonjolan bagian yang menyolok
4) Memiliki tonjolan belakang yang tajam.
5) Mempunyai tempat perlekatan otot tengkuk yang besar dan kuat.
Ciri-ciri di atas merupakan manusia purba jenis….
Correct Answer
D. Option 4
The given characteristics describe a feature of having a sharp posterior projection. This feature is commonly associated with the Meganthropus paleojavanicus, which is a type of ancient human species.
Revolusi kebudayaan yang terjadi pada zaman Neolitikum di Indonesia adalah….
Correct Answer
A. Sudah mengenal bercocok tanam
The correct answer is "sudah mengenal bercocok tanam" because during the Neolithic period in Indonesia, there was a cultural revolution that involved the shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to an agricultural one. This revolution marked the transition from relying on wild food sources to cultivating crops and domesticating animals for food. Therefore, the knowledge and practice of agriculture, or bercocok tanam, was a significant development during this time.
Nenek moyang kita di zaman Paleolitikum hidup secara nomaden karena…
Correct Answer
C. Mereka mencari binatang buruan dan hasil alam
During the Paleolithic era, our ancestors lived a nomadic lifestyle because they relied on hunting animals and gathering natural resources for their survival. They constantly moved from place to place in search of food and resources, rather than settling in one location. This allowed them to adapt to changing environments and ensure a steady supply of food and materials.
Salah satu teknik terpenting dari kebudayaan Paleolitikum di Indonesia adalah…
Correct Answer
B. Manusia hidup berburu dan meramu
The given answer states that one of the most important techniques of Paleolithic culture in Indonesia is hunting and gathering. This means that during this time period, humans relied on hunting animals and gathering plants for their food and resources. This answer is supported by the fact that the other options do not align with the characteristics of Paleolithic culture, such as agriculture or the use of metal tools. Therefore, the correct answer is "manusia hidup berburu dan meramu" (humans lived by hunting and gathering).
Kehidupan manusia yang bersifat nomaden atau berpindah-pindah merupakan ciri utama dari zaman…
Correct Answer
A. Paleolitikum
The correct answer is Paleolitikum. The statement suggests that the main characteristic of the human life during this time period was being nomadic or constantly moving. The Paleolithic era, also known as the Old Stone Age, was a time when early humans relied on hunting and gathering for survival and did not have permanent settlements. They moved from place to place in search of food and resources, making Paleolitikum the most fitting option.
Kepercayaan masyarakat praaksara berupa pemujaan terhadap roh nenek moyang dinamakan ...
Correct Answer
B. Dinamisme
The correct answer is Dinamisme. Dinamisme is the belief in the existence of spirits or souls in all living and non-living things. In preliterate societies, people believed in the power and influence of ancestral spirits, and they worshipped and respected them. This belief system is known as dinamisme, which is characterized by the belief in the spiritual world and the connection between humans and spirits. Monoteisme refers to the belief in one god, animisme refers to the belief that all things have a spiritual essence, and megalitikum refers to a prehistoric period characterized by the construction of large stone structures.
Pada masa zaman logam, hasil kebudayaannya berupa ...
Correct Answer
C. Nekara, kapak corong, dan cendrasa
Hasil kebudayaan pra aksara yang berbentuk keranda, seperti lesung tetapi memiliki tutup, disebut...
Correct Answer
C. Sarkopagus
A sarkopagus is a type of prehistoric burial container that resembles a coffin or casket, typically made of stone and often decorated with carvings or engravings. It is commonly associated with ancient civilizations and cultures, such as the Egyptians or the Greeks, who used sarkophagi to bury their deceased. The mention of "hasil kebudayaan pra aksara" suggests that the question is referring to prehistoric cultural artifacts, and a sarkopagus fits this description as it is an ancient burial container.
Menurut ahli geologi, pembagian umur bumi yang paling tua adalah zaman..
Correct Answer
A. Arkaekum
The correct answer is Arkaekum. The Arkaekum is considered the oldest division of Earth's history according to geologists. It represents the time period from the formation of the Earth, about 4.6 billion years ago, to around 2.5 billion years ago. During this time, the Earth experienced the formation of the first continents, the development of primitive life forms, and the emergence of oxygen-producing organisms. The Arkaekum is characterized by the absence of fossil records and the dominance of volcanic activity and tectonic processes.
Berdasarkan tempat pemnemuannya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa manusia purba lebih senang mendiami daerah....
Correct Answer
A. Puncak gunung
Based on the place of discovery, it can be concluded that ancient humans preferred to inhabit mountain peaks.
Penyebab manusia purba hidup berpindah-pindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain adalah..
Correct Answer
D. Manusia purba sangat bergantung pada alam
Manusia purba hidup berpindah-pindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain karena mereka sangat bergantung pada alam. Mereka mencari sumber makanan dan sumber daya alam yang memadai untuk bertahan hidup. Ketika sumber daya alam di suatu tempat habis atau berkurang, mereka harus mencari tempat baru yang memiliki sumber daya yang cukup. Mereka juga mungkin berpindah karena perubahan iklim atau keadaan lingkungan yang tidak menguntungkan. Oleh karena itu, ketergantungan manusia purba pada alam menjadi alasan utama mereka berpindah-pindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain.
Tugu batu yang didirikan sebagai tanda peringatan dan perlambang arwah nenek moyang dari zaman Megaitikum adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Menhir
A menhir is a stone monument that is erected as a memorial or symbol for ancestral spirits. It is commonly found in Megalithic cultures and serves as a marker or commemoration of the ancestors from the Megalithic era. The other options, abris sous roche, kjokkenmoddinger, and dolmen, are not specifically associated with the ancestral spirits or the Megalithic era.
Salah satu peralatan manusia purba dari zaman Paleolitikum adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Chopper
The correct answer is "chopper." Salah satu peralatan manusia purba dari zaman Paleolitikum adalah chopper. A chopper is a primitive stone tool that was used by early humans during the Paleolithic era. It consists of a stone with a sharp edge that was used for cutting and chopping various materials such as wood and animal bones. Choppers were essential tools for early humans as they helped them in tasks such as food preparation and crafting.
Berikut ini ciri-ciri peradaban zaman Neolitikum, kecuali...
Correct Answer
D. Menggunakan peralatan perunggu
The Neolithic civilization is characterized by the use of square axes, oblong axes, and stone tools that have been sharpened. However, the use of bronze tools is not a characteristic of the Neolithic period. Bronze tools were introduced during the Bronze Age, which came after the Neolithic period. Therefore, the use of bronze tools is not a characteristic of the Neolithic civilization.
Nenek moyang kita di zaman Paleolitikum hidup secara nomaden karena...
Correct Answer
C. Mereka mencari binatang buruan dan hasil alam
During the Paleolithic era, our ancestors lived as nomads because they relied on hunting animals and gathering natural resources for their survival. They did not have permanent settlements or agriculture practices at that time, so they constantly moved from one place to another in search of food and resources.