Rogers, K. (2009). Leadership giftedness: Is it innate or can it be developed?. In L. Shavinina (Ed.), International handbook on giftedness (pp. 633-645). Houten, Netherlands: Springer Netherlands. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6162-2_31 This resource is a(n):
Correct Answer
A. Chapter in edited ebook
There are four clues to this resource type: 1) the chapter title ("Leadership giftedness: Is it innate or can it be developed"); 2) the editor's name; 3) The title of the book (International handbook on giftedness); 4) the DOI (which usually indicates an electronic resource). Usually, the inclusion of the editor's name is a good tip that the reference is to a chapter in an edited book. For more information, see How do I reference a chapter of an edited book/ebook in APA style?.
Godfrey, D. (2005). Adapting historical citations to APA Style. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 49(4), 544-547. DOI: 10.1207/s15506878jobem4904_15
This resource is a(n):
Correct Answer
A. Online journal article
The major clue in this reference is the journal-title (Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media), which makes it clear that the resource came from a journal. Unless indicated otherwise (e.g., a book review), a specific resource found within a journal is usually an article. For more information, see How do I reference a journal article that has a DOI in APA style?.
Brody, J. E. (2007, December 11). Mental reserves keep the brain agile. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com
This resource is a(n):
Correct Answer
A. Online newspaper article
There are two clues to this resource type: 1) The title of the newspaper (The New York Times); 2) the home page URL of the newspaper. In APA Style, if the newspaper's website is searchable (which most are), the home page URL is provided versus the direct URL to the resource to avoid possible broken links. For more information, see How do I reference an online newspaper article in APA style?.
BC Hydro. (2013). Environmental impact statement executive summary. Retrieved from Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency website: http://www.ceaa-acee.gc.ca/050/documents_staticpost/63919/85328/Executive_Summary.pdf
This resource is a(n):
Correct Answer
A. Online technical or research report
The clue to this resource type is the inclusion of "Retrieved from the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency website". The only reference type that requires that information is a reference to an online technical or research report where the publisher is different than the author. In this case, BC Hydro was the author, but the publisher was the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency website. For more information, see How do I reference a report in APA style?.
Royal Roads University. (n.d.). Create a preliminary document plan. Retrieved from http://library.royalroads.ca/writing-centre/writing-essay-start-here/create-preliminary-document-plan
This resource is a:
Correct Answer
A. Web page
A clue in this reference is "n.d." (no date), which is often provided for web pages since web pages may not show a publication date. If you're not sure of the resource type, you can always go to the URL provided in the reference to look up the resource; in this example, the URL will take you to a page on the RRU Writing Centre website. For more information, see How do I reference a specific section of a website, such as a web page, in APA style?.
How to write an essay. (n.d.). Retrieved October 28, 2014, from http://www.wikihow.com/Write-an-Essay
This resource is a:
Correct Answer
A. Wiki post
There are two clues in this reference: 1) the retrieval date, which is only provided for resources that are designed to change frequently, like a wiki; 2) the URL contains the word "wiki". For more information, see How to Cite Something You Found on a Website in APA Style and When to Include Retrieval Dates for Online Sources from the APA Style Blog.
Hume-Pratch, J. (2014, July 25). How to use the new DOI format in APA Style [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2014/07/how-to-use-the-new-doi-format-in-apa-style.html
This resource is a:
Correct Answer
A. Blog post
The obvious clue to this reference is [Blog post]. Also, "blog" is part of the URL. For more information, see How do I reference a blog post in APA Style?.
Senge, P. (2006). The fifth discipline: The art & practice of the learning organization. New York, NY: Doubleday.
This resource is a:
Correct Answer
A. Print book
There are three clues to this resource type: 1) only one title is provided, which means the author is referencing an entire resource (e.g., book), rather than a section of a larger resource (e.g., chapter in a book); 2) the title is in sentence case (i.e., only the first word, the first word in a subtitle, and proper nouns are capitalized), which is the correct formatting for a book title; 3) the publisher and its location are provided, versus electronic retrieval details, which indicates a print resource. For more information, please see How do I reference a book/ebook in APA style?.