Uts Basa Sunda Kelas Sembilan Basa Sunda 2016

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| By Kang Yoga
Kang Yoga
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Quizzes Created: 6 | Total Attempts: 36,783
Questions: 20 | Attempts: 409

Uts Basa Sunda Kelas Sembilan Basa Sunda 2016 - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Dina basa Sunda  aya istilah sasatoan, tanduk anu ngulapés duanana goréng katenjona disebut.....................

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Dongkol
    The correct answer is "dongkol." In the given question, it is mentioned that there is a term in the Sundanese language that refers to the act of bending two fingers together. The term for this action is "dongkol."

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  • 2. 

    Jaman ayeuna loba pisan kabudayaan asing anu asup ka tatar Sunda. Anéhna, urang Sunda kalah mikaresep éta kabudayaan asing nepi ka mopohokeun budaya Sunda sorangan. Paribasa nu merenah pikeun kalimah di luhur nya éta.............................

    • A.

      Mapatahan ngojay ka meri              

    • B.

      Jati kasilih ku junti

    • C.

      Cul dogdog tinggal igel

    • D.

      Lauk buruk milu mijah

    Correct Answer
    B. Jati kasilih ku junti
    The given answer "Jati kasilih ku junti" is the correct explanation for the phrase "paribasa nu merenah pikeun kalimah di luhur nya eta". This phrase means "proverb that describes a word at the top" and "Jati kasilih ku junti" is a Sundanese proverb that fits this description. The proverb translates to "The true nature is revealed by actions". Therefore, this proverb accurately represents the meaning of the given phrase.

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  • 3. 

    Carita atawa lalakon anu diwujudkeun dina wangun paguneman maksudna pikeun dipintonkeun disebut...........................................

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Gending karesmen

    Correct Answer
    C. Drama
    The correct answer is drama. Drama is a form of literature that is written to be performed on stage. It typically involves dialogue and action, and often explores complex themes and emotions. Unlike a novel or a short story (carpon), drama is meant to be seen and heard rather than read. Gending karesmen, on the other hand, is a traditional Sundanese musical composition and is not related to the question.

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  • 4. 

    Dina teori drama, pituduh nyaéta katerangan nu aya dina naskah drama disebut ogé......................................

    • A.


    • B.

      Stage direction

    • C.


    • D.

      Stage crew

    Correct Answer
    B. Stage direction
    Stage direction refers to the instructions provided in a script that guide the actors' movements, blocking, and positioning on the stage. These directions help to bring the written words to life and provide guidance for the overall production. In drama theory, stage directions are considered an important element as they help to convey the intended actions and emotions of the characters, enhancing the overall performance.

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  • 5. 

    Budak sakola mah tugas pokona diajar lain ulin teu puguh, tapi kalolobaanana ayeuna loba pisan budak sakola anu ngamomorékeun kana pelajaran. Ari pelajaran diantep kalah migawé pagawéan anu teu perelu.Paribasa anu merenah pikeun kaayaan di luhur téh nya éta...... 

    • A.

      Adéan ku kuda beureum

    • B.

      Cul dogdog tinggal igel

    • C.

      Adat kakurung ku iga

    • D.

      Lauk buruk milu mijah

    Correct Answer
    B. Cul dogdog tinggal igel
  • 6. 

    Asupna novel kana sastra Sunda mangrupa pangaruh ti sastra Barat ngaliwatan basa Belanda. Novel Mantri Jero karya............................................

    • A.

      R. Méméd Sastrahadiprawira

    • B.

      D.K Ardiwinata

    • C.

      Ahmad Bakrie

    • D.

      Agus Mulyana

    Correct Answer
    A. R. Méméd Sastrahadiprawira
    The correct answer is R. Méméd Sastrahadiprawira.

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  • 7. 

    Novel Sunda anu munggaran medal taun 1914 nyaéta.............................

    • A.

      Lain éta

    • B.

      Tepung di Bandung

    • C.

      Galuraning Gending

    • D.

      Baruang ka nu Ngarora

    Correct Answer
    D. Baruang ka nu Ngarora
    The correct answer is "Baruang ka nu Ngarora". This suggests that the novel "Sunda" was published in the year 1914. The other options, "Tepung di Bandung" and "Galuraning Gending", do not provide any information about the publication year of the novel.

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  • 8. 

    Dina istilah tutuwuhan, daun kalapa garing dina tangkalna disebut.................................

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Baralak
    The correct answer is "baralak". In the given sentence, the term "tutuwuhan" refers to a traditional belief or superstition. The phrase "daun kalapa garing dina tangkalna" means "dried coconut leaves in its defense". Therefore, the word "baralak" is used to describe the act of using dried coconut leaves as a defense or protection against something.

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  • 9. 

    Kalokop daun cau anu ngabuleun bodogolna sarta mangrupa tangkal cau sagemblengna disebut............................................

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Gebog
    The given question is asking for the term used to describe a type of knot that is strong and tightly bound. The correct answer is "gebog" as it is the term that fits the description provided.

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  • 10. 

    Drama anu paguneman palakuna digurit dina wangun tembang atawa kawih disebut................................................

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Gending karésmén

    Correct Answer
    D. Gending karésmén
    The given correct answer is "Gending karésmén". Gending karésmén is a type of traditional Javanese music that is often performed in dramas, ceremonies, and traditional events. It is characterized by its melodic and rhythmic structure, as well as its use of traditional Javanese instruments such as the gamelan.

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  • 11. 

    Kuku kuda nu sok diterapan beusi dihandapna disebut............................

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. talapok
    The word "talapok" is the correct answer because it is the only option that makes sense in the given context. The question asks for the term used to describe something that is placed under or beneath something else. "Talapok" fits this description as it means "underneath" or "below" in the Indonesian language. The other options do not have any relevance to the given context.

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  • 12. 

    Dongéng téh kaasup wangun sastra lisan anu …………. ku cara lisan tatalépa ti hiji jalma ka jalma séjénna. Ku kituna dina dongéng mah biasana tara kapaluruh saha pangarangna.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Sumebarna
    The correct answer is "sumebarna." This is because the given passage is describing a type of oral literature called "dongéng tétépa," which is passed down orally from one person to another. In dongéng, the story is usually narrated in a flowing and captivating manner, which is captured by the word "sumebarna." The other options, such as "paburencayna" (to explain), "ngumpulna" (to gather), and "papisahna" (to separate), do not accurately describe the nature of dongéng as mentioned in the passage.

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  • 13. 

    Pidahaneun atawa pitangkaleun anu melentis kénéh disebut................. ............

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. sirung
    The correct answer is "sirung". In Sundanese, "sirung" refers to a wooden board or plank that is used to support or reinforce a structure. This term is commonly used in traditional Sundanese architecture, where sirung is used as a beam or support for the roof.

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  • 14. 

    Babandingan antara babasan jeung paribasa nya éta ...................................iwal?

    • A.

      Babasan winangun kecap

    • B.

      Babasan winangun kalimah

    • C.

      Paribasa winangun kalimah

    • D.

      Paribasa eusina ngabandingkeun

    Correct Answer
    B. Babasan winangun kalimah
    The given correct answer states that "babasan winangun kalimah" is the correct option. This suggests that the comparison between babasan and paribasa is based on the construction of words or phrases. The word "winangun" means to construct or form, while "kalimah" refers to words or phrases. Therefore, the correct answer implies that babasan is constructed using words, similar to paribasa.

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  • 15. 

    Jonggrang Kalapitung panasaran, lauk naon anu nyanggut téh? Barang diilikan, singhoréng ukur lauk jelér. Asup kana ceuli hulu munding anu geus jadi tangkorék. Lantaran keuheul, éta jelér téh dibalangkeun, nya ragrag di Lembur Cilélé, Désa Cisarua, Jatiluhur.Tah, tempat ragragna jelér téh jadi émpang, anu nepi ka ayeuna ku urang Cisarua mah disarebut Kubang.            Ku lantaran teu meunang lauk gedé, lila-lila Jonggrang Kalapitung téh lapar. Karepna rék ménta tulung ka urang lembur, tapi geus euweuh saurang-urang acan, lantaran kalabur sarieuneun nénjo Jonggrang Kalapitung ambek-ambekan. Nu aya téh ngan tangkal jéngkol. Kabeneran deuih buahna meuhpeuy leubeut. Henteu talangké, jéngkol téh dipupu, tuluy dikeremus sacanggeum-sacanggeum. Na atuh barang rék kiih bet ngarasa nyeri. Singhoréng Jonggrang Kalapitung téh jéngkoleun. Lauk naon nu nyanggut kana usep Jonggrang Kalapitung?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Jelér
    The passage describes Jonggrang Kalapitung being hungry and looking for food. They mention that the only available food is jelér, which is a type of fish. This suggests that the correct answer for the question is "jelér" as it is the food that Jonggrang Kalapitung is interested in.

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  • 16. 

    Basa jeung sastra Sunda téh mangrupa kabeungharan budaya Sunda nu sakuduna meunang pamaliré ti sakumna urang Sunda. Ku kituna, budaya Sunda bakal leuwih anteb lamun ditulis atawa dicaritakeun dina basa ..............................................

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Sunda
    The correct answer is "Sunda". The passage states that the culture and literature of Sunda are mostly expressed through the Sunda language. Therefore, it can be inferred that the best way to preserve and convey the Sundanese culture is through writing and storytelling in the Sunda language.

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  • 17. 

    Carita rékaan anu méré kesan lir enya-enya kajadian sarta ukuranan paranjang disebut..........  

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Novel
    The correct answer is "Novel." A novel is a type of literary genre that tells a fictional story in prose form. It typically involves complex characters, intricate plotlines, and explores various themes and ideas. Novels are longer and more detailed compared to other forms of storytelling such as short stories or fables. They often provide a deeper exploration of the human experience and can be found in various genres such as romance, mystery, science fiction, and more.

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  • 18. 

    Dina basa Sunda aya istilah tutuwuhan, kembang cau disebut .............................  

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. jantung
    In the Sundanese language, the term "tutuwuhan" refers to the heart. The term "kembang cau" is used to describe the heart. Therefore, the correct answer is "jantung".

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  • 19. 

    Maksudna ngalésotkeun barang anu geus kapimilik, lanataran kabita ku nu leuwih gedé (alus) padahal can tangtu hartina.................  

    • A.

      Moro julang ngaleupaskeun peusing

    • B.

      Kajeun panas tonggong, asal tiis beuteung

    • C.

      Cul dog-dog tinggal igel

    • D.

      Ari diarah supana, kudu dijaga catangna

    Correct Answer
    A. Moro julang ngaleupaskeun peusing
    The correct answer, "Moro julang ngaleupaskeun peusing," means that someone who is always busy and active tends to forget things easily. This explanation is derived from the phrase "ngaleupaskeun peusing," which translates to "forget things easily." The word "moro" suggests that this behavior happens frequently or is a common occurrence. Therefore, the correct answer implies that someone who is constantly busy and active may have a tendency to forget things easily.

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  • 20. 

    Indra téh katabrak mobil, nya dirawat di Rumah Sakit “Bayu Asih”. Pikeun kaperluan operasi, indungna ngajual perhiasan. Ninggang kana paribasa …........................., boga barang ngan sakitu-kituna gé dijual wé, tinimbang anak maot mah.

    • A.

      Banda tatalang raga

    • B.

      Henteu gedag bulu salambar

    • C.

      Cikaracak ninggang batu, laun-laun jadi legok

    • D.

      Hambur bacot murah congcot

    Correct Answer
    A. Banda tatalang raga
    The correct answer "banda tatalang raga" fits the context because it means "a group of people who are skilled in a certain field". In the given passage, the mother sells her jewelry to pay for the operation, indicating that she is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure her child's well-being. This implies that she is resourceful and determined, which aligns with the meaning of "banda tatalang raga". The other options do not make sense in the given context.

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 20, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Mar 13, 2016
    Quiz Created by
    Kang Yoga
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