Tqm - Grile

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| By Razvan_odaie35
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 3 | Total Attempts: 12,501
Questions: 89 | Attempts: 1,265

Tqm - Grile - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Definiti tara care si-a facut din calitate un tel suprem, inregistrand in scurt timp succese notabile in acest domeniu? Variante de raspuns:

    • A.

      A. -SUA;

    • B.

      B. Germania;

    • C.

      C. Japonia;

    • D.

      D. Anglia;

    • E.

      E. Franta .

    Correct Answer
    C. C. Japonia;
    Japan is known for its focus on quality and has made it a top priority in various industries. The country has a reputation for producing high-quality products, especially in sectors such as automotive, electronics, and technology. Japanese companies have been able to achieve notable success in a short period of time by consistently delivering products that meet or exceed customer expectations in terms of quality. This emphasis on quality has helped Japan establish itself as a leader in various global markets.

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  • 2. 

    Un produs este de calitate superioara daca are:

    • A.

      Cost ridicat

    • B.

      Cost scazut

    • C.

      Pret ridicat

    • D.

      Pret sczaut

    • E.

      Nici una din situatii nu este general valabila

    Correct Answer
    E. Nici una din situatii nu este general valabila
    The correct answer is "nici una din situatii nu este general valabila" which means "none of the situations is generally valid." This means that none of the given options (high cost, low cost, high price, low price) can be used as a general indicator of superior quality for a product. Quality cannot be determined solely based on cost or price. Other factors such as materials used, craftsmanship, performance, and customer satisfaction also play a role in determining the quality of a product.

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  • 3. 

    Clasa de calitate reprezinta un calificativ pentru o categorie de produse care:

    • A.

      Apartin aceluasi sortiment

    • B.

      Apartin la sortimente diferite 

    • C.

      Au valorile caracteristicilor intre anumite limite

    • D.

      Au aceeasi destinatie

    • E.

      Au destinatie diferita

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Apartin aceluasi sortiment
    C. Au valorile caracteristicilor intre anumite limite
    D. Au aceeasi destinatie
    The correct answer is that a clasa de calitate represents a rating for a category of products that belong to the same assortment, have characteristic values within certain limits, and have the same destination. This means that products in the same clasa de calitate are of the same type, have similar characteristics within a certain range, and are intended for the same purpose.

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  • 4. 

    Spirala calitatii evidentiaza principalele etape in realizarea unui produs. Dupa parcurgerea unui ciclu etapele reiau

    • A.

      La acelasi nivel, valorificandu-se experienta acumulata

    • B.

      La un nivel inferior, deoarece eforturile necesare fiecarei etape sunt mult mai mici

    • C.

      La un nivel superiror plecand de la o baza informationala perfectionata

    Correct Answer
    C. La un nivel superiror plecand de la o baza informationala perfectionata
    The spiral of quality highlights the main stages in the development of a product. After completing a cycle, the stages are repeated at the same level, utilizing the accumulated experience at a lower level, as the efforts required for each stage are much smaller, and at a higher level, starting from an improved informational base.

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  • 5. 

    Caracteristicile de calitate referitoare la utilizarea produselor in timp sunt:

    • A.


    • B.

      Flexibilitatea functionala

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Fiabilitatea 
    C. Sustenabilitatea
    D. Durabilitatea
    The correct answer is reliability, sustainability, and durability. These characteristics refer to the quality of products in terms of their performance and longevity over time. Reliability ensures that the product consistently performs its intended function without failure. Sustainability refers to the product's ability to be used without causing harm to the environment or depleting resources. Durability means that the product is able to withstand wear and tear and maintain its performance over an extended period.

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  • 6. 

    Caracteristicile de calitate de natura tehnica organizatorica se intalnesc in special:

    • A.

      In activitatea de cercetarea proiectare

    • B.

      In procese de productie

    • C.

      In servicii

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. In procese de productie
    C. In servicii
    The correct answer is "in procese de productie, in servicii". Quality characteristics of a technical and organizational nature are particularly found in the processes of production and in services. This means that these characteristics are most commonly observed and valued in the activities related to manufacturing and delivering products, as well as in providing various services.

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  • 7. 

    Principalele subgrupe de caracteristici tehnice sunt:

    • A.

      Caracteristici tehnico-constructive 

    • B.

      Caract. ergonomice

    • C.

      Caract. tehnologice

    • D.

      Caract. tehnico-organizatorice

    • E.

      Caract. de natura tehnico-comerciale

    • F.

      Caract. senzoriale

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Caracteristici tehnico-constructive 
    C. Caract. tehnologice
    D. Caract. tehnico-organizatorice
    The correct answer includes the main subgroups of technical characteristics, which are technical-constructive characteristics, technological characteristics, and technical-organizational characteristics. These subgroups represent different aspects of the technical features of a product or system. Technical-constructive characteristics refer to the design and construction aspects, technological characteristics refer to the methods and processes used, and technical-organizational characteristics refer to the organization and management of technical activities.

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  • 8. 

    Specificati grupa in care se incadreaza urmatoarele caract.: viteza, greutatea, consum specific:

    • A.

      Sociale propriu-zise

    • B.

      Senzoriale fiziologice

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    • F.


    • G.

      Nici una

    Correct Answer
    G. Nici una
    The given answer "nici una" means "none" in English. This implies that none of the given options accurately specify the group to which the characteristics of speed, weight, and specific consumption belong. Therefore, there is no appropriate group that can be assigned to these characteristics based on the given options.

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  • 9. 

    Specificati grupa in care se incadreaza urmatoarele caract.: forma, linie, culoare:

    • A.

      Sociale propriu-zise

    • B.

      Senzoriale fiziologice

    • C.

      Psiho-senzoriale de natura estetica

    • D.

      Psihologice de natura estetica

    • E.


    • F.

      Psiho-sociale de natura estectica

    • G.

      Nici una

    Correct Answer
    C. Psiho-senzoriale de natura estetica
    The given correct answer, "psiho-senzoriale de natura estetica," suggests that the characteristics being described in the question fall under the category of "psycho-sensory of an aesthetic nature." This implies that the characteristics being referred to involve the psychological and sensory aspects of aesthetics, such as the perception of beauty, harmony, and sensory pleasure.

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  • 10. 

    Specificati grupa in care se incadreaza urmatoarele caract.: amplasarea organelor de comanda, evitarea solicitarii unidirectionale, sigurarea unei pozitii confortabile pentru utilizator:

    • A.

      Sociale propriu-zise

    • B.

      Senzoriale fiziologice

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    • F.


    • G.

      Nici una

    Correct Answer
    E. Orgonomice
    The correct answer is "orgonomice" because it refers to the specific group that encompasses the characteristics mentioned in the question. This group focuses on the placement of control organs, avoiding unidirectional requests, and ensuring a comfortable position for the user. The other options do not accurately describe these characteristics, making "orgonomice" the correct choice.

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  • 11. 

    Care afirmatii sunt adevarate in legatura cu caract. sociale:

    • A.

      Unele trebuie sa aiba niveluri cuprinse intre anumite limite

    • B.

      Nu sunt percepute usor de utilizatori

    • C.

      Realizarea lor la nivelul cerut necesita cheltuieli foarte mari

    • D.

      Pun in evidenta modul in care prod. sau serviciul influenteaza viata pers. si a grupurilor sociale

    • E.

      Sunt percepute usor de utilizatori 

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Unele trebuie sa aiba niveluri cuprinse intre anumite limite
    D. Pun in evidenta modul in care prod. sau serviciul influenteaza viata pers. si a grupurilor sociale
    E. Sunt percepute usor de utilizatori 
    The correct answer is that some social characteristics need to have levels within certain limits, highlight how the product or service influences the lives of individuals and social groups, and are easily perceived by users. These statements suggest that social characteristics have specific boundaries and levels, they have a significant impact on people's lives and social groups, and they can be easily noticed or recognized by users. Additionally, the answer implies that not all social characteristics are easily perceived or require high expenses to achieve the desired level.

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  • 12. 

    Caracteristicile senzoriale se individualizeaza de celelalte caract. prin:

    • A.

      Costul ridicat al realizarii lor

    • B.

      Sunt percepute prin intermediul organelor de simt

    • C.

      Sunt strict necesare pentru realizarea functiei de  baza a produsului

    Correct Answer
    B. Sunt percepute prin intermediul organelor de simt
    Sensory characteristics are distinguished from other characteristics by being perceived through sensory organs. This means that sensory characteristics are related to the senses and can be experienced through sight, touch, taste, smell, or hearing. These characteristics play a crucial role in the overall perception and experience of a product.

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  • 13. 

    Arhetipul percepe prototipul?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. Da
    The correct answer is "Da". However, without any context or additional information provided in the question, it is difficult to provide a specific explanation for why "Da" is the correct answer. It could be based on prior knowledge or understanding of the subject matter being discussed.

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  • 14. 

    Care din urmatoarele afirmatii este adevarata?

    • A.

      Expresivitatea este specifica formelor iesite din comun

    • B.

      Expresivitatea este specifica formelor standardizate

    • C.

      Expresivitatea este specifica numai formelore complexe

    Correct Answer
    A. Expresivitatea este specifica formelor iesite din comun
    The correct answer is "expresivitatea este specifica formelor iesite din comun." This means that expressiveness is specific to unconventional forms. This suggests that forms that deviate from the norm or are unique in some way are more likely to be expressive.

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  • 15. 

    Caracteristicile ergonomice au ca scop:

    • A.

      Cresterea modernitatii prod.

    • B.

      Reducerea consumurilor spcifice in explotarea prod.

    • C.

      Corectarea dimensionala a bunurilor cu caract. antropometrice ale utilizatorului

    • D.

      Corelarea dimensionala a bunurilor cu caract. antropometrice ale producatorului

    • E.

      Existarea solicitarii unidirectionalei unor organe in timpul exploatarii

    • F.

      Evitarea solicitarii unirectionale a utilajelor

    • G.

      Consumul minim de energie pentru accesul la organele de comanda

    Correct Answer(s)
    C. Corectarea dimensionala a bunurilor cu caract. antropometrice ale utilizatorului
    E. Existarea solicitarii unidirectionalei unor organe in timpul exploatarii
    G. Consumul minim de energie pentru accesul la organele de comanda
    The purpose of ergonomic characteristics is to correct the dimensional aspects of goods to match the anthropometric characteristics of the user, ensuring a better fit and comfort. Additionally, it aims to ensure that there is a unidirectional demand on the organs during operation, reducing strain and fatigue. Lastly, it aims to minimize energy consumption for accessing the control organs, improving efficiency and ease of use.

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  • 16. 

    Coeficientul defectelor se calculeaza:

    • A.

      Pe zile pt. fiecare tip de defect

    • B.

      Pe luni pt. fiecare tip de defect

    • C.

      Pe zile si pe luni prin raportarea numarului de defecte la total produse verificate

    • D.

      Pe zile si luni prin raportarea nr de defecte la total produse verificate intr-o luna

    Correct Answer
    C. Pe zile si pe luni prin raportarea numarului de defecte la total produse verificate
    The coefficient of defects is calculated by dividing the number of defects by the total number of products verified, both on a daily and monthly basis. This allows for a comprehensive assessment of the defect rate over different time periods, providing a more accurate representation of the overall quality of the products.

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  • 17. 

    Cerintele pe care trebuie sa le indeplineasca un indicator al calitatii sunt:

    • A.

      Sa fie simplu

    • B.

      Sa fie pertinent

    • C.

      Sa nu poata fi falsificat

    • D.

      Sa fie verificabil

    • E.

      Sa poata fi calculat de orice persoana

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Sa fie simplu
    B. Sa fie pertinent
    D. Sa fie verificabil
    The correct answer is "sa nu poata fi falsificat". This means that the quality indicator should not be able to be falsified or manipulated.

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  • 18. 

    Solicitand unor beneficiari sa aprecieze calitatea unui serviciu prestat de o firma de caract. esentiale, s-au obtinut urmatoarele note: Persoana Note acordate pentru caract.     C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 P1 8 5 10 0 9 P2 7 0 9 4 10 P3 10 4 6 7 8 Coeficientii de importanta: 0,30; 0,20; 0,10; 0,15; 0,25 Nivelul sintetic al caract. sociale ale serviciului este:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. 0,743
    The correct answer is 0,743. This is the result of calculating the weighted average of the notes given by the beneficiaries for each essential characteristic of the service. The coefficients of importance are used to determine the weight of each characteristic in the calculation. The higher the weight, the more impact it has on the overall synthetic level of the social characteristics of the service. By multiplying each note by its corresponding coefficient of importance and summing them up, we get the synthetic level of the social characteristics, which in this case is 0,743.

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  • 19. 

    Asupra calitatii mediului intreprinderii managerii pot actiona:

    • A.

      Direct, asupra tuturor componentelor

    • B.

      Indirect, asupra tuturor componentelor

    • C.

      Direct asupra componentelor mediului intern

    • D.

      Partial si indirect asupra componentelor micromediului extern

    Correct Answer(s)
    C. Direct asupra componentelor mediului intern
    D. Partial si indirect asupra componentelor micromediului extern
    Managers can directly influence the components of the internal environment of the enterprise. This means they have control over factors such as the organizational structure, company culture, and internal processes. However, managers can only have a partial and indirect impact on the components of the external microenvironment. This refers to factors outside the organization's control, such as the market conditions, competition, and economic trends. Managers can adapt their strategies and decision-making to these external factors, but they cannot directly control or change them.

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  • 20. 

    Cererile de actiuni creative se completeaza de catre:

    • A.

      Solicitantul auditului

    • B.

      Responsabilul compartimentului "Calitate"

    • C.


    • D.

      Managerul general

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. Auditori
    The correct answer is "auditori". The question is asking who completes the requests for creative actions. The auditor is responsible for conducting audits and evaluating processes, procedures, and systems. They would be the ones to identify the need for creative actions and submit the requests for them. The other options, such as the audit requester, the quality department manager, the general manager, and the designers, may have roles in the process but are not specifically responsible for completing the requests for creative actions.

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  • 21. 

    Asupra calitatii componentelor mediului extern intreprinderea poate actiona prin:

    • A.

      Impunerea de restrictii

    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. Selectie
    The correct answer is "selectie" because selecting the components of the external environment refers to the process of carefully choosing and deciding which external factors or elements will have an impact on the business. This can involve identifying and selecting suppliers, partners, customers, or other stakeholders that align with the company's values, goals, and requirements. By selecting the right components, the company can ensure a higher quality of the external environment and improve its overall performance and competitiveness.

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  • 22. 

    Calitatea unui studio de cercetare de marketing poate fi apreciata pe baza:

    • A.

      Cheltuielilor facute, care trebuie sa fie cat mai mici

    • B.

      Efectelor, care trebuie sa fie fcaute cat mai mari

    • C.

      Raportului efecte/efort care trebuie sa fie cat mai mare

    • D.

      Raportului efect/efort care trebuie sa fie mai mic

    Correct Answer
    C. Raportului efecte/efort care trebuie sa fie cat mai mare
    The quality of a marketing research studio can be assessed based on the ratio of effects to effort, which should be as high as possible. This means that the studio should strive to achieve maximum effects (positive outcomes or results) while minimizing the amount of effort required. A higher ratio indicates that the studio is efficient and effective in producing desirable outcomes with minimal resources.

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  • 23. 

    Calitate pretului, privita ca o componenta a mixului de marketing, poate fi apreciata ca fiind buna daca acesta:

    • A.

      Este mai mare decat al concurentilor 

    • B.

      Este mai mic decat al concurentilor

    • C.

      Are flexibilitatea ridicata

    Correct Answer
    C. Are flexibilitatea ridicata
    The correct answer is "are flexibilitatea ridicata" (has high flexibility). In the context of price quality as a component of the marketing mix, high flexibility refers to the ability of the price to adjust and adapt to different market conditions and customer needs. This means that the price can be easily modified or customized to meet specific requirements, allowing the company to respond effectively to changes in the market and customer preferences.

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  • 24. 

    Calitatea promovarii este apreciata:

    • A.

      De catre producatori si consumator, in functie de acelasi criteriu deoarece ambii sunt interesati de o buna colaborare

    • B.

      De catre producator daca acesta contribuie la cresterea vanzarilor si a fidelitatii clientilor

    • C.

      De catre comparator daca este purtator de informatii

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. De catre producator daca acesta contribuie la cresterea vanzarilor si a fidelitatii clientilor
    C. De catre comparator daca este purtator de informatii
    The quality of promotion is appreciated by producers if it contributes to increasing sales and customer loyalty. It is also appreciated by comparators if it serves as a carrier of information. Both producers and consumers value the same criterion for evaluating the quality of promotion because they are both interested in a good collaboration.

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  • 25. 

    Calitatea in specificare si proiectarea este apreciata in functie de:

    • A.

      Calitatea proiectarii produselor si tehnologiilor si calitatea proiectelor obtinute

    • B.

      Numai in functie de calitatea produselor

    • C.

      In functie de calitatea resurselor utilizate

    Correct Answer
    A. Calitatea proiectarii produselor si tehnologiilor si calitatea proiectelor obtinute
    The quality in specification and design is evaluated based on the quality of product and technology design and the quality of the obtained projects. This means that both the design of the products and technologies, as well as the projects themselves, are taken into consideration when assessing the quality. It is not solely based on the quality of the products or the resources used.

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  • 26. 

    Pentru aprecierea calitatii documentatiei de procurare a resurselo se analizeaza:

    • A.

      Planul de prod

    • B.

      Documente referitoare la concurenta

    • C.

      Doc. de fundamentare a necesarului

    • D.

      Doc. privind relatiile cu furnizorii

    • E.

      Doc. de livrare care insotesc prod.

    • F.

      Doc. de certificare a calitatii

    • G.

      Doc. privind legalitatea functionarii furnizorului

    • H.

      Doc. privind prod. respinse pe fluxul de fabricatie

    Correct Answer(s)
    C. Doc. de fundamentare a necesarului
    D. Doc. privind relatiile cu furnizorii
    E. Doc. de livrare care insotesc prod.
    F. Doc. de certificare a calitatii
    The correct answer includes the documents that are analyzed for the evaluation of the procurement documentation quality. These documents are: document of justification of the need, document regarding the relationships with suppliers, document of delivery accompanying the product, and document of quality certification. These documents are important as they provide information about the justification of the procurement, the relationships with suppliers, the delivery process, and the quality certification of the product. Analyzing these documents helps in assessing the quality of the procurement documentation.

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  • 27. 

    Trasabilitatea reprezinta:

    • A.

      Traseul pe care il va parcurge produsul

    • B.

      Inregistrari pe baza carora se pot reface "istoricul" produsului

    • C.

      Inregistrari pe aza carora se pot stabili calitatea produ.

    Correct Answer
    B. Inregistrari pe baza carora se pot reface "istoricul" produsului
    Trasabilitatea reprezinta inregistrari pe baza carora se pot reface "istoricul" produsului. This means that traceability refers to the records that can be used to reconstruct the history of the product. Trasabilitatea allows for tracking and documenting the various stages and processes through which a product has gone, ensuring transparency and accountability. It helps in identifying the origin, quality, and any potential issues or defects in the product, making it an essential aspect of quality control and assurance.

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  • 28. 

    Marcajele de identificare de pe prod. se mentin pana cand:

    • A.

      Are loc receptia la beneficiar si informatiile sunt preluate in doc. de receptie

    • B.

      Dispar ca urmare a actiunii factorilor atmosferici

    • C.

      Are loc prelucrarea suprafetelor ce poarta semen de identificare

    • D.

      Are loc prelucrarea suprafetelor ce poarta semen de identificare si incorporarea produsului in alt produs care are propriile marcaje

    Correct Answer
    D. Are loc prelucrarea suprafetelor ce poarta semen de identificare si incorporarea produsului in alt produs care are propriile marcaje
    The identification markings on the product are maintained until the surfaces carrying the identification marks are processed and the product is incorporated into another product that has its own markings.

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  • 29. 

    La definirea calitatii resurselor umane trebuie sa avem in vedere:

    • A.

      Caract. individuale si comune ale acestora, care sunt utilizate in mod involunatar in vederea realizarii obiectivelor organizatiei

    • B.

      Climatul social si de management

    • C.

      Dotarea tehnica a intreprinderii

    • D.

      Sistemul de stimulente

    • E.

      Numarul si structura acestora

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Climatul social si de management
    C. Dotarea tehnica a intreprinderii
    D. Sistemul de stimulente
    The correct answer includes the factors that should be taken into consideration when defining the quality of human resources. These factors include the social and management climate, the technical equipment of the company, and the incentive system. These elements are important as they contribute to creating a positive work environment, providing the necessary tools and resources for employees to perform their tasks effectively, and implementing a system that motivates and rewards employees for their performance.

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  • 30. 

    Competentaunei persoanese apreciaza in fucntie de:

    • A.

      Pregatirea profesionala 

    • B.


    • C.

      Starea de sanatate

    • D.


    • E.

      Rezultatele obtinute anterior in activitati similare sau alte activitati 

    • F.

      Spiritual de colaborare

    • G.

      Usurinta adaptarii la cerintele produselor

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Pregatirea profesionala 
    B. Inteligenta
    E. Rezultatele obtinute anterior in activitati similare sau alte activitati 
    G. Usurinta adaptarii la cerintele produselor
    Competence of a person is evaluated based on their professional training, intelligence, previous results in similar or other activities, and their ability to easily adapt to product requirements. These factors determine the level of expertise and capability of an individual to perform tasks effectively and efficiently.

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  • 31. 

    Asistenta de specialitate in alegerea produsului este necesara:

    • A.


    • B.

      Marcaje de identificare a producatorilor

    • C.

      Complexitati corespunzatoare

    • D.

      Pret scazut

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Interschimbabilitatea
    B. Marcaje de identificare a producatorilor
    The correct answer is "interschimbabilitatea" and "marcaje de identificare a producatorilor" because these factors are necessary for a specialist assistant in product selection. Interschimbabilitatea refers to the ability of a product to be easily replaced or substituted with another similar product. This is important for the assistant to understand in order to recommend suitable alternatives to customers. Marcaje de identificare a producatorilor refers to the identification marks of the manufacturers, which helps in ensuring the quality and authenticity of the product. The assistant needs to be aware of these markings to guide customers towards reliable and trustworthy products.

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  • 32. 

    Urmarirea prod. in exploatare are ca obiective:

    • A.

      Identificarea utilizatorilor

    • B.

      Identificarea cauzelor care genereaza defectiunile

    • C.

      Asigurarea conditiilor pentru exploatareancorecta a prod. la utilizatori

    • D.

      Defectarea operativa a interventiilor in perioada de garantie

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Identificarea cauzelor care genereaza defectiunile
    C. Asigurarea conditiilor pentru exploatareancorecta a prod. la utilizatori
    The objectives of monitoring product in operation are to identify the causes that generate defects and to ensure the conditions for incorrect operation of the product by users. This involves identifying the root causes of any failures or malfunctions in the product and taking necessary actions to prevent them. Additionally, it aims to provide the necessary conditions for users to operate the product correctly, ensuring that they have the knowledge, resources, and support needed to use the product effectively.

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  • 33. 

    Intre documentele sistemului calitate intalnim

    • A.

      Manualul calitatii

    • B.

      Manualul mecanicului sef

    • C.

      Instructiuni de lucru

    • D.

      Instructiuni de utilizare

    • E.

      Inregistrari privind calitatea

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Manualul calitatii
    C. Instructiuni de lucru
    E. Inregistrari privind calitatea
    The correct answer includes the manualul calitatii, instructiuni de lucru, and inregistrari privind calitatea. These documents are commonly found in a quality management system. The manualul calitatii is a document that outlines the quality management system and its processes. Instructiuni de lucru are instructions or guidelines for performing specific tasks or activities. Inregistrari privind calitatea are records or documentation related to quality, such as inspection reports or test results. These documents are essential for maintaining and improving the quality of products or services in an organization.

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  • 34. 

    Problema auditului calitatii a aparut in etapa:

    • A.

      Inspectiei calitatii

    • B.

      Controlului integral al calitatii

    • C.

      Controlului statistic al calitatii

    • D.

      Asigurarea calitatii

    • E.

      Mng calitatii

    Correct Answer
    D. Asigurarea calitatii
    The correct answer is "asigurarea calitatii" (quality assurance). Quality assurance is a proactive approach that focuses on preventing defects and ensuring that processes are in place to consistently deliver high-quality products or services. It involves establishing standards, implementing quality control processes, and continuously monitoring and improving the quality management system. Quality assurance is a later stage in the quality management process compared to inspection, control, and statistical control, as it involves a more comprehensive and strategic approach to quality management.

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  • 35. 

    Intre obiectivele auditului calitatii putem enumera:

    • A.

      Verificarea calitatii prod. sau a corectitudinii controlului

    • B.

      Verificarea aplicarii corecte a procedurilor de lucru in vederea realizarii calitatii

    • C.

      Verificarea calitatii pe fluxul de fabricatie

    • D.

      Verificarea gradului in care realizarile efective corespund masurilor prestabilite

    • E.

      Verificare masurii in care prod. livrate satisfac cerintele beneficiarilor

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Verificarea aplicarii corecte a procedurilor de lucru in vederea realizarii calitatii
    D. Verificarea gradului in care realizarile efective corespund masurilor prestabilite
    The correct answer includes two objectives of quality auditing. The first objective is to verify the correct application of work procedures in order to achieve quality. This involves assessing whether the established procedures are being followed correctly to ensure that quality standards are met. The second objective is to verify the degree to which actual achievements correspond to predetermined measures. This involves comparing the actual results with the predetermined standards to determine if they are in line with expectations.

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  • 36. 

    Auditul extern poate fi efectuat de catre:

    • A.

      Un furnizor al intreprinderii

    • B.

      Un investitor care doreste sa investeasca in intreprindere

    • C.

      Un beneficiar al intreprinderii la solicitarea acesteia

    • D.

      Un beneficiar al intreprinderii din proprie initiativa

    • E.

      Un organism neutru la solicitarea intreprinderii

    Correct Answer(s)
    D. Un beneficiar al intreprinderii din proprie initiativa
    E. Un organism neutru la solicitarea intreprinderii
    An external audit can be conducted by a beneficiary of the enterprise on their own initiative or by a neutral organization at the request of the enterprise. This means that either a beneficiary of the enterprise can voluntarily initiate an audit, or the enterprise can request a neutral organization to conduct the audit. These options ensure that the audit is conducted independently and objectively, providing an unbiased evaluation of the enterprise's financial statements and internal controls.

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  • 37. 

    Initiatorul unui audit poate fi:

    • A.

      O organizatie de protectie a consumatorilor

    • B.

      Conducerea intreprinderii

    • C.

      Un beneficiar al intreprinderii

    • D.

      Un organism specializat care efectueaza auditul in sistem de prestare de serviciu

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Conducerea intreprinderii
    C. Un beneficiar al intreprinderii
    D. Un organism specializat care efectueaza auditul in sistem de prestare de serviciu
    The correct answer is that the initiator of an audit can be the management of the enterprise, a beneficiary of the enterprise, or a specialized organization that performs the audit as a service provider. This means that the audit can be initiated by the internal management of the organization, by someone who has a stake or interest in the organization (such as a shareholder or investor), or by an external organization that is hired to conduct the audit.

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  • 38. 

    Auditul calitatii prod urmareste:

    • A.

      Masura in care documentele de referinta au fost corect alese si contin cerinte pt realizarea calitatii corespunzatoare

    • B.

      Masura in care responsabilitatile pt produse sunt corect stabilite

    • C.

      Masura in care documentatia de produs corespunde cerintelor

    • D.

      Masura in care prod. se realizeaza conform specificatiilor

    • E.

      Masura in care beneficiarii cunosc specificatiile si pretind realizarea produselor in conformitate cu acestea

    Correct Answer(s)
    C. Masura in care documentatia de produs corespunde cerintelor
    D. Masura in care prod. se realizeaza conform specificatiilor
    The correct answer is that the quality audit measures the extent to which the product documentation meets the requirements and whether the production is carried out according to the specifications. This means that the audit assesses whether the product documentation accurately reflects the necessary requirements for achieving the desired quality, and whether the production process adheres to the specified specifications.

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  • 39. 

    Denumirea de "audit extern" provine de la faptul ca:

    • A.

      Vizeaza mediul extern al intreprinderii 

    • B.

      Este realizat de specialisti din afara intreprinderii

    • C.

      Este realizat de specialisti din afara unitatii auditate

    • D.

      Este realizat asupra aspectului exterior al produselor

    Correct Answer
    B. Este realizat de specialisti din afara intreprinderii
    The correct answer is "este realizat de specialisti din afara intreprinderii." This means that an external audit is conducted by specialists who are not part of the company or organization being audited. These external specialists provide an unbiased and independent assessment of the company's financial statements, internal controls, and compliance with regulations. Their expertise and objectivity ensure the credibility and reliability of the audit process.

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  • 40. 

    Intre componentele raportului de audit intalnim:

    • A.

      Pagina de indentificare 

    • B.

      Lista cererilor de actiuni corective

    • C.

      Lista persoanelor sanctionate

    • D.

      Cereri de actiunicorective 

    • E.

      Recomandari pentru auditai in vederea inlaturarii deficientelor 

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Pagina de indentificare 
    B. Lista cererilor de actiuni corective
    D. Cereri de actiunicorective 
    E. Recomandari pentru auditai in vederea inlaturarii deficientelor 
    The correct answer includes the components of an audit report, which are the identification page, the list of corrective action requests, the list of sanctioned individuals, the corrective action requests, and the recommendations for auditing in order to eliminate deficiencies.

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  • 41. 

    In cazul auditului extern solutionarea cererilor de actiuni corective este verificata de catre:

    • A.

      Managerul firmei

    • B.

      Managerul calitatii

    • C.


    • D.

      Specialisti apartinand unitatii audiate

    Correct Answer
    C. Auditori
    The correct answer is "auditori". In the case of external audit, the resolution of corrective actions is verified by auditors. Auditors are professionals who are trained and qualified to examine and evaluate the financial records and processes of a company to ensure compliance with regulations and standards. They have the expertise and knowledge to assess the effectiveness of corrective actions taken by the audited entity. Therefore, auditors play a crucial role in ensuring that corrective actions are properly addressed and implemented.

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  • 42. 

    Conditii pe care trebuie sa le indeplineasca o persoana pentru a avea calitatea de audtior:

    • A.

      Pregatire profesionala adecvata

    • B.

      Capacitatea de evaluare corecta

    • C.

      Coeficient ridicat de inteligenta

    • D.

      Capacitate de memorare

    • E.

      Capacitate de analiza si sinteza

    • F.

      Capacitate de negociere

    • G.

      Cinste si corectitudine

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Pregatire profesionala adecvata
    B. Capacitatea de evaluare corecta
    E. Capacitate de analiza si sinteza
    G. Cinste si corectitudine
    The correct answer includes the criteria that a person must meet to have the quality of an auditor, which are: adequate professional training, the ability for correct evaluation, the ability for analysis and synthesis, and honesty and integrity. These criteria are important for an auditor to possess in order to effectively carry out their duties and responsibilities in evaluating and analyzing financial information.

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  • 43. 

    Intre motivele unei intreprinderi pentru a obtine certificarea sistemului calitatea putem mentiona:

    • A.

      Valorificare rezultatelor obtinute in domeniul cresterii calitatii

    • B.

      Respectarea prevederilor legale 

    • C.

      Pentru a stimula cresterea vanzarilor

    • D.

      Pentru a evita unele sanctiuni

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Valorificare rezultatelor obtinute in domeniul cresterii calitatii
    C. Pentru a stimula cresterea vanzarilor
    The correct answer is "valorificare rezultatelor obtinute in domeniul cresterii calitatii, pentru a stimula cresterea vanzarilor". Obtaining certification for quality management systems can help a company showcase the results they have achieved in improving quality. This can be used as a marketing tool to stimulate sales and gain a competitive advantage in the market. By demonstrating their commitment to quality, companies can attract more customers and increase their sales.

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  • 44. 

    Certificarea calitatii se refera la:

    • A.

      Produsele din nomenclatorul de prod. al intreprinderii

    • B.

      Prod. fabricate intr-o anumita perioada

    • C.

      Prod. care vor fi exportate

    • D.

      Sistemul calitatii

    • E.

      Manualul calitatii

    • F.

      Intreg personalul intreprinderii

    • G.

      Persoanele care lucreaza in anumite domenii

    • H.

      Laboratoarele intreprinderii

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Produsele din nomenclatorul de prod. al intreprinderii
    D. Sistemul calitatii
    G. Persoanele care lucreaza in anumite domenii
    H. Laboratoarele intreprinderii
    Certificarea calitatii se refera la produsele din nomenclatorul de produse al intreprinderii, sistemul calitatii, persoanele care lucreaza in anumite domenii si laboratoarele intreprinderii. Aceasta inseamna ca intreprinderea este evaluata si certificata pentru a se asigura ca produsele sale, sistemul de calitate, personalul si laboratoarele corespund standardelor si cerintelor de calitate.

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  • 45. 

    Certificarea produselor are ca scop:

    • A.

      Evaluarea calitatii

    • B.

      Auditul produselor 

    • C.

      Atestarea posibilitatilor de a realiza prod. cu anumite niveluri ale caract. de calitate

    Correct Answer
    C. Atestarea posibilitatilor de a realiza prod. cu anumite niveluri ale caract. de calitate
    The certification of products aims to attest the ability to produce products with certain levels of quality characteristics. This means that the certification process evaluates and confirms that the company or product has the capabilities to meet specific quality standards and requirements. It ensures that the products consistently meet the desired quality levels and gives confidence to consumers and stakeholders regarding the quality of the products.

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  • 46. 

    Certificarea produsului are ca baza:

    • A.

      Declaratia de conformitate intocmita de un beneficiar

    • B.

      Declaratia de conformitate intocmita de un laborator propriu

    • C.

      Declaratia de conformitate intocmita de un organism specializat

    • D.

      Certificat de conformitate eliberat de beneficiar

    • E.

      Certificat de conformitate eliberat de un laborator

    • F.

      Certificat de conformitate eliberat de un organism neutru

    Correct Answer
    B. Declaratia de conformitate intocmita de un laborator propriu
    The correct answer is "Declaratia de conformitate intocmita de un laborator propriu" because it states that the product certification is based on a declaration of conformity prepared by a proprietary laboratory. This means that the laboratory itself has assessed the product and determined that it meets the required standards and regulations.

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  • 47. 

    Certificarea sistemului calitatii este atestata prin:

    • A.

      Declaratia de conformitate a sistemului de asigurare a calitaii

    • B.

      Certificatul de conformitate a sistemului de asigurare a calitatii

    Correct Answer
    B. Certificatul de conformitate a sistemului de asigurare a calitatii
    The correct answer is "Certificatul de conformitate a sistemului de asigurare a calitatii" (Certificate of conformity of the quality assurance system). This is because a certification is a formal document issued by a recognized authority that confirms that a system meets specific requirements or standards. In this case, the certification is specifically for the quality assurance system, indicating that it has been assessed and found to be in compliance with the necessary quality standards. The declaration of conformity is a statement of compliance, but it does not carry the same weight as a formal certification.

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  • 48. 

    Certificarea personalului este necesara pt:

    • A.

      Persoana care realizeaza produse care prezinta riscuri deosebite pt oameni si mediu

    • B.

      Persoanele care lucreaza la operatii complexe

    • C.

      Persoanele care lucreaza in compartimentele de asigurarea calitatii

    Correct Answer
    A. Persoana care realizeaza produse care prezinta riscuri deosebite pt oameni si mediu
    The correct answer is "persoana care realizeaza produse care prezinta riscuri deosebite pt oameni si mediu" which means "person who produces products that pose significant risks to people and the environment". This answer is correct because it states that certification is necessary for individuals who are involved in the production of products that have high risks for both humans and the environment. This implies that these individuals need to have specific training and qualifications to ensure that they can safely handle and produce these products without causing harm.

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  • 49. 

    Acreditarea laboratoarelor se realizeaza de catre:

    • A.

      Conducerea intreprinderilor 

    • B.

      Conducerea compartimentului "Asigurarea calitatii"

    • C.

      Un organism neutru

    • D.

      Beneficiarii produselor intreprinderii

    Correct Answer
    C. Un organism neutru
    Laboratory accreditation is typically carried out by a neutral organization. This ensures that the accreditation process is unbiased and impartial. A neutral organization can objectively assess the laboratory's competence, technical capabilities, and adherence to international standards. This helps to establish the credibility and reliability of the laboratory's testing and calibration results. The involvement of a neutral organization also provides confidence to customers and stakeholders in the laboratory's ability to consistently deliver accurate and reliable results.

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  • 50. 

    Premiul National Baldrigo se acorda in:

    • A.

      SUA din anul 1987

    • B.

      Japonia din anul 1987

    • C.

      Japonia din anul 1951

    • D.

      UE din anul 1992

    • E.

      SUA din anul 1951

    Correct Answer
    A. SUA din anul 1987
    The correct answer is SUA din anul 1987. This means that the National Baldrigo Prize is awarded in the United States starting from the year 1987.

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