How did father lose his leg?
Correct Answer
A. Teaching at a school
What happened to Parvana's brother Hossain?
Correct Answer
B. He aciedently stepped on a land mine and got killed
Parvana's brother Hossain accidentally stepped on a land mine and got killed.
What was Parvana's secret job after working in the market?
Correct Answer
C. She went bone digging for more money
Parvana's secret job after working in the market was going bone digging for more money. This means that she would search for bones in order to sell them and earn additional income. This job allowed her to make more money and support her family in a difficult situation.
Whats the name of Parvana's friend in the market?
Correct Answer
B. Shauzia
Parvana's friend in the market is named Shauzia.
Where was Shauzia trying to escape too?
Correct Answer
A. France
Shauzia was trying to escape to France.
What city does Parvana live in?
Correct Answer
B. Kabul
Parvana is a character from the novel "The Breadwinner" by Deborah Ellis. The story is set in Afghanistan, specifically in Kabul, which is the capital city. Therefore, it can be inferred that Parvana lives in Kabul.
Parvana is a boy.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement "Parvana is a boy" is false because Parvana is actually a girl.
Parvana lives in Pakistan.
Correct Answer
B. False
Parvana does not live in Pakistan.
Women are not allowed to go outside unless they have a man with them or a note saying yes they can go.
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement suggests that women are not allowed to go outside unless they are accompanied by a man or have a written permission. This implies a restriction on the freedom of women to move independently. Therefore, the correct answer is True, indicating that the statement is accurate.
Nooria was going to get married with a man she did know.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement suggests that Nooria was going to marry a man whom she did know. This implies that Nooria had knowledge about the man she was going to marry, indicating that the statement is true.
Women have to wear a Burqa when they go outside.
Correct Answer
A. True
In some cultures or regions, women are required to wear a Burqa when they go outside. This garment covers the entire body, including the face, and is often worn as a symbol of modesty and religious or cultural beliefs. Therefore, the statement that women have to wear a Burqa when they go outside is true in certain contexts.
Father never got released and is still in the prison.
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement states that the father is still in prison and has never been released. However, the correct answer is False, meaning that the statement is not true. Therefore, it can be inferred that the father has been released from prison at some point.
Father whats that mountain over there behind the building called. Well that is my favourite mountain its called .................... .
Correct Answer
Mount Parvana
Mount Everest
Mount Fugi
The correct answer is Mount Parvana.
For Parvana to be able to look like a boy she had to dress as one and also .................. .
Correct Answer
Cut her hair
Make a deep voice
Parvana had to cut her hair and make a deep voice in order to look like a boy. By cutting her hair, she could adopt a more masculine appearance, as traditionally boys tend to have shorter hair. Additionally, by making a deep voice, she could sound more like a boy, further enhancing her disguise. These actions were necessary for Parvana to successfully pass as a boy and navigate the challenges and dangers she faced in a society where girls were not allowed to do certain things.