Worms are under what class?
Correct Answer
B. Phyla
Worms belong to the class Phyla.
Worms are ______ animals
Correct Answer
A. Aquatic
Worms are aquatic animals because they are typically found in moist environments such as soil, freshwater, or marine habitats. They have adapted to live in water and rely on it for their survival. They have a thin, elongated body that allows them to move easily through water, and they often have specialized structures for respiration and obtaining nutrients from their aquatic surroundings.
Worms can reproduce ________
Correct Answer
B. Asexually
Worms can reproduce asexually, meaning they can produce offspring without the involvement of another individual. This can occur through various methods such as fragmentation, where a worm breaks into two or more pieces and each piece regenerates into a complete worm, or through the production of eggs that develop into new worms without fertilization.
Worms undergo what form of circulation?
Correct Answer
A. Single Circulation
Worms undergo single circulation. Single circulation is a type of circulatory system where blood passes through the heart once in each complete circuit of the body. In this system, blood is pumped from the heart to the gills or lungs to be oxygenated, and then it is distributed to the rest of the body before returning to the heart. This is different from double circulation, where blood passes through the heart twice in each complete circuit. Diffusion and osmosis are not forms of circulation, but rather processes by which substances pass through a membrane.
Worms are _______ animals
Correct Answer
A. Limbless
Worms are limbless animals because they do not have any limbs or appendages for locomotion. They typically move by contracting and expanding their bodies in a wave-like motion. This lack of limbs allows them to navigate through narrow spaces and burrow underground easily.
Worms have what type of skeleton?
Correct Answer
B. Hydrostatic skeleton
A hydrostatic skeleton is a type of skeleton found in certain invertebrates, such as worms. It consists of a fluid-filled cavity surrounded by muscles. This fluid provides support and structure to the body, allowing the organism to move and maintain its shape. The muscles can contract and relax, altering the shape of the body and enabling movement. This type of skeleton is advantageous for organisms that lack a rigid skeleton, as it allows for flexibility and efficient movement in water or soil environments.
Sexually matured earthworms have a swelling called:
Correct Answer
A. Clitellum
The correct answer is Clitellum. The clitellum is a swollen band located near the anterior end of the earthworm's body. It is a reproductive structure that secretes a mucus cocoon in which the earthworm's eggs and sperm are deposited for fertilization. This cocoon eventually slides off the worm's body and is left in the soil, where it hatches into young earthworms. The presence of a well-developed clitellum is a characteristic feature of sexually mature earthworms.
Worms move their food from _____ to _______ ?
Correct Answer
B. Crop and Gizzard
Worms move their food from the crop to the gizzard. The crop is a storage organ in worms where food is temporarily stored before being processed. The gizzard is a muscular organ that grinds the food into smaller particles, allowing for easier digestion. Therefore, the correct answer is Crop and Gizzard.
The worm has how many outer layers?
Correct Answer
B. 2
The worm has two outer layers.
"Some worms produce sexually" How true is this statement?
Correct Answer
A. True
This statement is true. Some worms, such as earthworms, have both male and female reproductive organs and can reproduce sexually. They engage in mating behavior, exchange sperm, and produce offspring through sexual reproduction. However, it is important to note that not all worms reproduce sexually, as there are also worms that reproduce asexually through processes like fragmentation or budding.