Ce este Internetul?
Correct Answer
B. O retea mondiala de calculatoare interconectate
Internetul este o rețea mondială de calculatoare interconectate, ceea ce înseamnă că este o rețea care leagă milioane de calculatoare din întreaga lume. Prin intermediul internetului, oamenii pot comunica, accesa și partaja informații, naviga pe web și utiliza diverse servicii online. Internetul nu a fost inventat de NASA, ci a fost dezvoltat în colaborare cu diverse organizații și cercetători din întreaga lume.
Tehnologia comutarii de pachete se mai numeste si:
Correct Answer
C. Packet-switching
Tehnologia comutarii de pachete se mai numeste "packet-switching" deoarece consta in transmiterea datelor prin impartirea acestora in pachete mici, care sunt apoi trimise individual prin intermediul retelei. Aceasta metoda de transmitere a datelor este utilizata pe internet si permite o utilizare eficienta a liniilor de comunicatie, deoarece pachetele pot fi trimise pe rute diferite si pot fi asamblate la destinatie.
Prima retea de calculatoare creata in anul 1969 se nume:
Correct Answer
ARPANET was the first computer network created in 1969 by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the United States Department of Defense. It was a pioneering network that laid the foundation for the development of the Internet. ARPANET connected computers at various universities and research institutions, allowing them to share resources and communicate with each other. Over time, ARPANET evolved into the Internet that we know today.
Www a fost lansat de:
Correct Answer
A. CERN, in 1992
The correct answer is CERN, in 1992. This is because the question is asking about the organization or institution that launched "www." CERN, which stands for the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is known for its contribution to the development of the World Wide Web. In 1992, CERN released the first web browser and server, making the web accessible to the general public.
Intr-o retea de calculatoare de tip client/server, calculatoarele pot avea statut de:
Correct Answer
C. Client sau server
In a client/server computer network, computers can have the status of either a client or a server. This means that a computer in this type of network can function as both a client and a server, depending on the task it is performing. This flexibility allows the computer to connect to and request resources from other servers, while also providing resources and services to other clients on the network.
Latimea de banda se masoara in:
Correct Answer
D. Bps
Latimea de banda se masoara in bps (bits per second). Bps este o unitate de masura a vitezei de transfer a datelor, indicand numarul de biti care pot fi transmisi sau receptionati intr-o secunda. Aceasta este cea mai mica unitate de masura a latimii de banda si este utilizata pentru a exprima vitezele de transfer a datelor la nivelul retelelor de comunicatii. Gbps (gigabits per second), kbps (kilobits per second) si Mbps (megabits per second) sunt unitati mai mari de masura a latimii de banda, reprezentand miliarde, milioane si mii de biti pe secunda, respectiv.
Retelele pot fi:
Correct Answer
The correct answer is PAN, LAN, MAN, WAN. This answer includes all types of networks mentioned in the options: Personal Area Network (PAN), Local Area Network (LAN), Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), and Wide Area Network (WAN). PAN refers to a network that connects devices within a small area, such as a home or office. LAN connects devices within a limited geographical area, such as a building or campus. MAN covers a larger area, typically a city, and WAN spans across multiple cities or countries. GAN (Global Area Network) is not included in the answer.
Transmiterea datelor intre calculatoare care gazduiesc programele de aplicatii si terminalele utilizatorilor este realizata de protocolul:
Correct Answer
The correct answer is IP. IP (Internet Protocol) is responsible for transmitting data between computers hosting application programs and user terminals. It is a protocol that provides the addressing and routing functions necessary for data to be sent across a network. DNS (Domain Name System) is used to translate domain names into IP addresses, HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is used for transmitting web pages, and TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is responsible for reliable data transmission. However, in this context, the transmission of data between computers is specifically attributed to the IP protocol.
Echipamentul care are rolul de a identifica destinatarii unui serviciu, de a selecta caile de transmitere a informatiei si de a directiona informatia se numeste:
Correct Answer
D. Router
A router is a networking device that is responsible for identifying the recipients of a service, selecting the transmission paths for information, and directing the information accordingly. Unlike a hub or a switch, a router operates at the network layer of the OSI model and can make intelligent decisions based on IP addresses and routing tables to determine the best path for data transmission. A router is essential for connecting multiple networks together and enabling communication between them. A network's connectivity and efficiency heavily rely on the proper functioning of routers.
TCP inseamna:
Correct Answer
B. Transmission Control Protocol
TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol. It is one of the main protocols in the Internet Protocol Suite and is responsible for ensuring reliable and ordered delivery of data packets over a network. TCP provides error detection, flow control, and congestion control mechanisms to ensure that data is transmitted accurately and efficiently. It is widely used in applications that require reliable data transmission, such as web browsing, email, and file transfer.
Conexiunile wireless poti folosi:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Undele radio
B. Tehnologia infrared (laser)
C. Transmisiile din satelit
Wireless connections can be established using different technologies. One of them is through radio waves, which are commonly used for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections. Another technology is infrared, which utilizes laser beams to transmit data wirelessly. Additionally, wireless connections can also be established through satellite transmissions, allowing for long-distance communication. Therefore, all the options mentioned (radio waves, infrared technology, satellite transmissions) are correct methods for establishing wireless connections.
O adresa IP consta:
Correct Answer
C. Intr-o serie de 32 de biti
An IP address consists of a series of 32 bits. This is the standard format for representing IP addresses in both IPv4 and IPv6. Each bit in the series can be either a 0 or a 1, resulting in a total of 2^32 (approximately 4.3 billion) possible IP addresses. IPv4 addresses are commonly written in a dotted-decimal notation, where each octet (8 bits) is separated by a period. For example, is an IPv4 address represented in 32 bits. IPv6 addresses, on the other hand, consist of a series of 128 bits, but the question specifically mentions a series of 32 bits, indicating IPv4.
NIC inseamna:
Correct Answer
D. Network Interface Card
NIC stands for Network Interface Card. A Network Interface Card is a hardware component that allows a computer to connect to a network. It provides the necessary interface between the computer and the network, enabling communication and data transfer. NICs are commonly used in both wired and wireless networks and are essential for connecting computers to the internet or other local networks.
Echipamentele dintr-o retea utilizeaza protocolul .... pentru a trimite mesaje de control si de eroare catre calculatoare sau servere.
Correct Answer
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is the correct answer because it is a protocol used by network devices to send control and error messages to computers or servers. ICMP is responsible for tasks such as reporting errors, diagnosing network problems, and managing network congestion. It is commonly used by network administrators to troubleshoot network issues and ensure the proper functioning of the network.
Comanda ping:
Correct Answer
B. Verifica conectivitatea
The correct answer is "verifica conectivitatea". The command "ping" is used to check the connectivity between the computer and a specific IP address or domain name. It sends a small packet of data to the target and waits for a response. If a response is received, it means that there is a connection between the two devices. Therefore, the ping command is commonly used to troubleshoot network connectivity issues.
Retele de calculatoare pot fi extinse cu ajutorul echipamentelor care primesc datele pe un port si le regenereaza si le retransmit pe celelalte porturi. Cum se numeste acest echipament?
Correct Answer
D. Hub
A hub is a device that receives data on one port and regenerates and retransmits it on the other ports. It is used to extend computer networks.
Cablul de fibra optica transmite informatia cu ajutorul:
Correct Answer
B. Luminii
Fibrele optice transmit informația prin lumină, deoarece sunt făcute dintr-un material transparent care permite trecerea razelor de lumină prin ele. Aceste fibre sunt utilizate pentru transmiterea datelor într-un mod foarte rapid și eficient, deoarece semnalele luminoase pot fi modulate și demodulate rapid. Astfel, informația este transmisă prin impulsuri de lumină care sunt convertite în semnale electrice la receptor. Acest proces permite o transmisie de date mai rapidă și mai sigură comparativ cu alte metode, cum ar fi semnalele radio sau undele laser.
Alegeti adresa corecta de e-mail?
ExplanationThe correct answer is "
[email protected]" because it follows the standard format of an email address, which includes a username (contact) followed by the "@" symbol and the domain name (edu.ro). This format is commonly used for email communication and ensures that the email can be delivered to the intended recipient. The other options provided do not follow this format or contain incorrect characters, making them invalid email addresses.
Semnificatia domeniului .com este:
Correct Answer
C. Organizatie cu scop comercial
The correct answer is "organizatie cu scop comercial" because the domain .com is primarily used by commercial organizations. It is a top-level domain that is commonly associated with businesses and companies that operate for profit. This domain is widely recognized and used by businesses worldwide to establish their online presence and conduct commercial activities on the internet.
W-LAN inseamna:
Correct Answer
D. Wireless LAN
W-LAN stands for Wireless LAN. This term refers to a local area network (LAN) that uses wireless communication to connect devices and provide internet access. Unlike a traditional LAN, which uses wired connections, a wireless LAN allows devices to connect to the network without the need for physical cables. This technology is commonly used in homes, offices, and public spaces to provide wireless internet connectivity to multiple devices simultaneously.
Domeniul .ch este alocat:
Correct Answer
D. Elvetiei
The correct answer is Elvetiei (Switzerland). The .ch domain is allocated to Switzerland. The two-letter country code "ch" represents Switzerland in the international domain name system. This domain extension is commonly used by Swiss organizations, businesses, and individuals to establish their online presence.
Alegeti varianta care nu este un browser:
Correct Answer
C. Windows Explorer
The correct answer is Windows Explorer because it is not a web browser. Windows Explorer is a file management system used in Windows operating systems to browse and manage files and folders on the computer. Opera, Chrome, and Safari are all web browsers used to access and navigate the internet.
Standardul folosit pentru accesarea de servicii si informatii, inrudit cu standardele Internet, dar conceput special pentru dispozitive portabile se numeste:
Correct Answer
A. Wireless Application Protocol
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is the correct answer. WAP is a standard used for accessing services and information on portable devices. It is related to internet standards but specifically designed for mobile devices. WAP enables mobile devices to access the internet, send and receive data, and display web pages optimized for small screens. It provides a standardized way for mobile devices to communicate with servers and access online services.
La ora actuala cate tipuri de modemui exista?
Correct Answer
B. 3
There are currently three types of modems available.
Conexiunea dial-up este:
Correct Answer
B. Temporara
The correct answer is "temporara" because a dial-up connection is not permanent but rather temporary. It is a type of internet connection that is established by dialing a phone number using a modem and is typically used for short periods of time, such as when accessing the internet from a remote location or when a high-speed connection is not available. Once the user disconnects from the internet or hangs up the phone, the connection is terminated.
Modemul este un echipament periferic de:
Correct Answer
D. Intrare-iesire
A modem is a peripheral device that serves both as an input and output device. It is used to connect a computer or other device to the internet or a network. It receives data from the internet or network and transmits data from the computer or device to the internet or network. Therefore, it can be classified as an input-output device, as it performs both functions simultaneously.
DNS imparte totalitatea adreselor IP posibile in nivele organizationale numite:
Correct Answer
C. Domenii
The correct answer is "domenii" (domains). DNS (Domain Name System) divides the entire range of possible IP addresses into organizational levels called domains. Each domain represents a specific organization or group of organizations and is associated with a unique domain name. This hierarchical structure allows for easier management and identification of different entities on the internet.
Serviciul Telnet:
Correct Answer
B. Permite accesul la distanta pentru un utilizator
The correct answer is "permite accesul la distanta pentru un utilizator" (allows remote access for a user). This is because the Telnet service is commonly used to enable remote login capabilities, allowing users to connect to a remote computer and access its resources and services from a different location. Telnet does not necessarily guarantee security, as the communication is not encrypted by default, but it does provide the ability for remote access.
Programul FTP poate lucra in modul:
Correct Answer
D. Binar, ASCII
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard network protocol used for transferring files between a client and a server. It supports different modes of operation, including hexadecimal, binary, and ASCII. The correct answer, "binar, ASCII," indicates that the FTP program can work in both binary and ASCII modes. In binary mode, files are transferred as raw data, while in ASCII mode, files are transferred as text, with character encoding conversions applied. This allows the FTP program to handle different types of files effectively, whether they contain binary data or text-based content.
Cel mai raspandit serviciu Internet se numeste:
Correct Answer
C. E-mail
The most widely used internet service is email. It is a method of sending and receiving messages electronically over the internet. Email allows users to communicate with each other by composing, sending, and receiving messages through their email addresses. It is a popular and convenient way of communication, used by individuals and businesses worldwide.