Test De Drept Consitutional An I

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| By Valentin Bota
Valentin Bota
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Test De Drept Consitutional An I - Quiz

Pentru studentii anului I la Facultatea de Drept

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    1. Care sunt elementele componente ce pot fi subsumate conceptului de drept? A. ansamblul regulilor de conduita generale si obligatorii B. reguli care au ca scop organizarea si dsiciplinarea comportamentului uman C. reguli ce se manifesta intr-un climat specific coexistentei drepturilor esentiale ale omului si libertatilor lui cu justitia sociala D. reguli ce sunt asigurate si garantate de stat

    • A.

      A +B + C+D

    • B.

      A + B

    • C.


    • D.

      C +D

    Correct Answer
    A. A +B + C+D
    The correct answer is A + B + C + D because all of these options represent different components that can be associated with the concept of law. Option A includes the general and obligatory rules of conduct, option B refers to rules that aim to organize and discipline human behavior, option C mentions rules that exist in a specific climate of coexistence between essential human rights and social justice, and option D states that the rules are ensured and guaranteed by the state. Therefore, all of these options together encompass the various elements that make up the concept of law.

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  • 2. 

    2. Care sunt categoriile de norme juridice care alcatuiesc sistemul dreptului constitutional romanesc? A. norme care stabilesc esenta, tipul si forma statului B. norme care stabilesc titularul puterii, bazele puterilor si bazele organizarii puterilor in stat C. proclama drepturile si libertatile fundamentale D. intrarea in vigoare si modificarea Constitutiei

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. A+B+C+D
    The correct answer is A+B+C+D, which means that all of the categories of legal norms mentioned in options A, B, C, and D are part of the Romanian constitutional law system. Option A refers to norms that establish the essence, type, and form of the state. Option B refers to norms that establish the holder of power, the foundations of power, and the organization of power in the state. Option C refers to norms that proclaim fundamental rights and freedoms. Option D refers to norms regarding the entry into force and modification of the Constitution. Therefore, all of these categories of legal norms are included in the Romanian constitutional law system.

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  • 3. 

    3. Precizati care dintre urmatoarele autoritati sau forte politice statale au dreptul de a adopta o constitutie:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Adunarea (Puterea) Constituanta

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Adunarea (Puterea) Constituanta
    Adunarea (Puterea) Constituanta are dreptul de a adopta o constituție.

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  • 4. 

    4. Care dintre enunturile mentionate mai jos considerati ca reprezinta garantii juridice ale suprematiei Constitutiei? A. controlul general al aplicarii constitutiei B. indatoririle fundamentale de a respecta constitutia si suprematia acesteia C. deosebirile dintre constitutie si legi D. controlul constitutionalitatii legilor

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. A+B+D
    The correct answer is A+B+D. The explanation for this answer is that controlul general al aplicarii constitutiei (general control over the application of the constitution) ensures that the constitution is being followed and respected. Indatoririle fundamentale de a respecta constitutia si suprematia acesteia (fundamental duties to respect the constitution and its supremacy) highlight the importance of upholding the constitution and its authority. Controlul constitutionalitatii legilor (control of the constitutionality of laws) ensures that laws are in line with the constitution. These guarantees contribute to the supremacy of the constitution.

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  • 5. 

    5. Identificati modurile de pierdere a cetateniei romane sub regimul Legii 21/1990 modificata si completata ulterior: A. retragerea cetateniei romane B. aprobarea renuntarii la cetatenia romana C. naturalizarea dobandita intr-o tara straina D. stabilirea filiatiei copilului gasit pe teritoriul Romaniei

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. A+B+D
    The correct answer is A+B+D. This is because under the Law 21/1990, as amended and supplemented, the modes of loss of Romanian citizenship include the withdrawal of Romanian citizenship, the approval of renunciation of Romanian citizenship, and the establishment of filiation of a child found on Romanian territory. Option C, naturalization acquired in a foreign country, is not mentioned as a mode of loss of Romanian citizenship in this particular law.

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  • 6. 

    6. Care dintre criteriile enumerate mai jos considerati ca sunt folosite in literatura de specialitate pentru clasificarea controlului constitutionalitatii legilor? A. criteriul inscrierii in constitutie B. criteriul raportului dintre dreptul intern si dreptul international C. criteriul procedurii de realizare a controlului D. criteriul temporal

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. A+C+D
    Beta- Variantele de raspuns, respectiv "criteriile" nu apar in "Institutii si Proceduri Constitutionale", Ion Deleanu

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  • 7. 

    7. In cadrul controlului posterior Curtea Constitutionala hotaraste asupra exceptiilor de neconstitutionalitate. Ele sunt admisibile doar daca satisfac urmatoarele cerinte imperative: A. exceptiile privesc o lege, o ordonanta ori o dispozitie dintr-o lege sau ordonanta B. legea, ordonanta sau prevederea legala este in vigoare C. solutionarea cauzei nu depinde de legea, ordonanta sau prevederea legala D. legea, ordonanta sau prevederea legala nu a fost constatata ca fiind neconstitutionala printr-o decizie anterioara a Curtii Constitutionale

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. A+B+D
    The correct answer is A+B+D. In the context of a posterior control, the Constitutional Court decides on exceptions of unconstitutionality. These exceptions are admissible only if they meet the following imperative requirements: A) the exceptions concern a law, an ordinance, or a provision of a law or ordinance; B) the law, ordinance, or legal provision is in force; C) the resolution of the case does not depend on the law, ordinance, or legal provision; D) the law, ordinance, or legal provision has not been declared unconstitutional by a previous decision of the Constitutional Court. Therefore, the correct answer includes all the requirements mentioned in options A, B, and D.

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  • 8. 

    8. Care dintre elementele componente enumerate mai jos considerati ca fac parte din conceptul de drepturi fundamentale? A. drepturile fundamentale sunt drepturi subiective B. drepturile fundamentale sunt esentiale pentru demnitatea omului, pentru libertatea si dezvoltarea personalitatii, pentru conservarea drepturilor omului C. drepturile si libertatile fundamentale sunt inscrise si garantate prin legi fundamentale D. drepturile fundamentale se afla in stransa legatura cu celelalte drepturi si cu realitatile economice, sociale, politice si culturale din fiecare tara

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. A+B+C+D
    Beta (nu am gasit corespondenta la IPC, I Deleanu

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  • 9. 

    9. Care sunt elementele componente ale dreptului la viata: A. dreptul la viata este cel mai natural drept al omului B. nimeni nu poate fi privat de viata sa in mod arbitrar C. dreptul la viata este inerent persoanei umane D. este un drept esential al fiintei umane fiind consacrat de cele mai importante documente internationale si prin constitutie

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. A+B+C+D

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  • 10. 

    10. Conceptul de libera circulatie cuprinde, in esenta, urmatoarele competente: A. este un drept care asigura libertatea de miscare a cetateanului B. posibilitatea oricarui cetatean de a-si stabili resedinta sau domiciliu in orice localitate C. libera circulatie este expresia constitutionala a starii naturale umane, omul nascandu-se liber D. libera circulatie a cetatenilor romani este garantata prin permiterea emigrarii si revenirii in tara

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. A+B+D
    The concept of free movement includes the following competences: the right to ensure the freedom of movement of the citizen, the possibility for any citizen to establish their residence or domicile in any locality, and the guarantee of free movement for Romanian citizens through the permission to emigrate and return to the country. Therefore, the correct answer is A+B+D.

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  • 11. 

    11. Dreptul la ocrotirea sanatatii este un drept fundamental cetatenesc receptat in Constitutia Romaniei care are in continutul sau urmatoarele componente: A. este un drept complex, prin continutul sau asigurand cetateanului pastrarea si dezvoltarea calitatilor sale fizice si mentale B. dreptul persoanei la securitate sociala C. garantand dreptul la ocrotirea sanatatii, Constitutia stabileste obligatii clare si ferme in sarcina statului de a lua masurile ce se impun pentru asigurarea igienei si sanatatii publice D. prin constitutie se impune autoritatilor legislative obligatia de a reglementa principalele domenii precum asistenta medicala, asigurarile sociale si alte masuri de protectie a sanatatii fizice si mentale

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. A+C+D
    The correct answer is A+C+D. This combination includes all the components mentioned in the question. Option A states that the right to health protection is a complex right that ensures the preservation and development of physical and mental qualities. Option C states that the Constitution establishes clear and firm obligations for the state to take necessary measures for public hygiene and health. Option D states that the Constitution imposes the legislative authorities to regulate key areas such as medical assistance, social insurance, and other measures for the protection of physical and mental health. Therefore, the combination A+C+D covers all the components mentioned in the question.

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  • 12. 

    12. Reglementarile constitutionale privind familia sunt subsumate, in literatura de specialitate, dreptului la casatorie, cu urmatorul continut: A. familia este elementul natural si fundamental al societatii B. familia se intemeiaza pe casatoria liber consimtita intre soti, pe egalitatea acestora si pe dreptul si obligatia parintilor de a asigura cresterea, educarea si instruirea copiilor C. casatoria este supusa unor reguli privind incheierea, desfacerea si declararea nulitatii, reguli ce se stabilesc prin lege D. celebrarea casatoriei religioase dupa celebrarea casatoriei civile

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. B+C+D
    The correct answer is B+C+D. This is because the constitutional regulations regarding family encompass the right to marriage, which includes the following elements: the family is the natural and fundamental element of society (A), the family is founded on the freely given consent of the spouses, their equality, and the right and obligation of parents to ensure the upbringing, education, and instruction of children (B), marriage is subject to rules regarding its conclusion, dissolution, and declaration of nullity, which are established by law (C), and religious marriage can be celebrated after the civil marriage (D).

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  • 13. 

    13. Libertatea de exprimare permite subiectilor de drept sa participe la viata sociala, politica si culturala, manifestandu-si public opiniile. Aceasta libertate este supusa unor coordonate juridice si anume: A. libertatea de exprimare nu poate prejudicia demnitatea, onoarea, viata particulara a persoanei si dreptul la imagine B. sunt interzise acele exprimari care urmaresc defaimarea tarii sau a natiunii, indemnul la razboi sau agresiune, la ura nationala, rasiala, de clasa sau religioasa, incitarea la discriminare, la separatism sau la violenta publica. C. Pentru realizarea libertatii de exprimare statului ii revine obligatia sa asigure corecta informare a cetatenilor, iar mijloacelor de informare in masa, publice sau private, le revine sarcina de a asigura informarea corecta a opiniei publice D. Libertatea de exprimare implica si raspunderea juridica pentru abuzul in exercitarea acestei libertati

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. A+B+D
    The correct answer is A+B+D. This answer is correct because it includes all the necessary legal coordinates for freedom of expression. Option A states that freedom of expression cannot harm a person's dignity, honor, private life, or right to image. Option B states that expressions aiming at defamation of the country or nation, incitement to war or aggression, national, racial, class, or religious hatred, incitement to discrimination, separatism, or public violence are prohibited. Option D states that freedom of expression also implies legal responsibility for its abuse. Therefore, the correct answer includes all the relevant legal aspects that govern freedom of expression.

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  • 14. 

    14. Dreptul de petitionare este un drept incadrat in categoria drepturilor garantii, ce are in continutul sau urmatoarele componente: A. poate sa fie exercitat fie individual, fie de catre un grup de cetateni, fie de organizatii legal constituite B. petitiile pot fi adresate atat autoritatilor publice cat si persoanelor fizice C. corelativ dreptului cetateanului de a petitiona este stabilita si obligatia autoritatilor publice de a examina si raspunde la petitii in termenul si conditiile stabilite prin lege D. scutirea de taxa pentru exercitarea dreptului de petitionare este o regula ce asigura acestui drept posibilitatea realizarii sale depline

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. A+C+D
    The correct answer is A+C+D. The right to petition is a guaranteed right that includes the following components: it can be exercised individually or by a group of citizens or by legally constituted organizations (component A), petitions can be addressed to both public authorities and individuals (component B), and there is an obligation for public authorities to examine and respond to petitions within the time and conditions established by law (component C). Additionally, the exemption from fees for exercising the right to petition ensures the full realization of this right (component D).

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  • 15. 

    15. Unitatile administrativ teritoriale din Romania sunt: A. orasul B. judetul C. comuna D. satele

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. A+B+C
    The correct answer is A+B+C. This is because the administrative territorial units in Romania include the city (orasul), the county (judetul), and the commune (comuna). These three units are the main divisions of administrative organization in Romania. The option A+B+C correctly includes all three of these units, making it the correct answer.

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  • 16. 

    16. Care dintre urmatoarele aspecte sunt avute in vedere de teoria clasica a separatiei puterilor: A. In orice societate organizata in stat exista trei functii: de edictare a regulilor juridice sau functia legislativa; de executare a acestor reguli sau functia executiva; de judecare a litigiilor sau functia jurisdictionala B. Fiecare functie este conferita unor organe distincte C. La inceput, teoria separatiei puterilor in stat interzicea doar ca cele trei functii sa fie exercitate de acelasi organ D. Independenta functiilor nu trebuie neaparat conjugata cu specializarea organelor

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. A+B+C+D

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  • 17. 

    17. In reglementarea constitutionala a statutului strainilor si apatrizilor in Romania se au in vedere urmatoarele: A. strainii si apatrizii, in calitatea lor de oameni, au anumite drepturi naturale, inalienabile si imprescriptibile B. in afara drepturilor naturale exista si alte drepturi subiective, in a caror dobandire si exercitare legea nu le conditioneaza calitatea de cetatean C. garantarea protectiei juridice a strainilor si apatrizilor, cu stabilirea obligatiilor corespunzatoare pentru acestia D. protectia persoanelor si a averilor este ceea ce intereseaza, in fond, strainii si apatrizii

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. A+B+C+D
    The correct answer is A+B+C+D. This is because the constitutional regulation of the status of foreigners and stateless persons in Romania takes into account the following: A) foreigners and stateless persons, as human beings, have certain natural, inalienable, and imprescriptible rights; B) besides natural rights, there are also other subjective rights that are not conditioned by citizenship; C) guaranteeing legal protection for foreigners and stateless persons, with corresponding obligations for them; and D) the protection of individuals and their assets is ultimately what interests foreigners and stateless persons.

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  • 18. 

    18. Indatorirea de aparare a patriei are in continutul sau urmatoarele elemente componente: A. apartine tuturor cetatenilor romani, barbati si femei, fara deosebire de origine nationala, religie, ocupatie si pregatire profesionala B. este in egala masura si un drept al oricarui cetatean, o posibilitate pe care legea o recunoaste C. indatorirea de a satisface serviciul militar este obligatorie pentru barbati D. cetatenii pot fi incorporati de la varsta de 20 de ani pana la varsta de 35 de ani, cu exceptia voluntarilor

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. A+B+D
    The correct answer is A+B+D. This is because the duty to defend the country includes all Romanian citizens, regardless of their national origin, religion, occupation, or professional training. It is also a right recognized by the law for every citizen. Additionally, citizens can be incorporated into the military service from the age of 20 to 35, with the exception of volunteers.

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  • 19. 

    19. Caracterele statului roman rezulta din dispozitiile constitutionale in vigoare, acestea fiind: A. statul roman este un stat suveran si independent B. statul roman este un stat de drept, democratic si social C. Romania este un stat national, unitar si indivizibil D. Constitutia consacra principiul umanitatii

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. A+B+C
    The correct answer is A+B+C. This is because the given statement mentions that the characteristics of the Romanian state are defined by the current constitutional provisions. According to these provisions, the Romanian state is sovereign and independent (A), it is a state based on the rule of law, democracy, and social justice (B), and Romania is a national, unitary, and indivisible state (C). The option A+B+C includes all these characteristics mentioned in the statement.

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  • 20. 

    20. Curtea Constitutionala se pronunta asupra constitutionalitatii tratatelor sau altor acorduri internationale la sesizarea: A. Unuia dintre presedintii celor doua camere B. Avocatului Poporului C. A cel putin 25 de senatori D. A cel putin 50 de deputati

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. A+C+D
    The Curtea Constitutionala (Constitutional Court) pronounces on the constitutionality of treaties or other international agreements. According to the given options, the Court can be seized by one of the presidents of the two chambers (A), at least 25 senators (C), and at least 50 deputies (D). Therefore, the correct answer is A+C+D, as it includes all the possible options for the Court to be approached for a decision on the constitutionality of treaties or international agreements.

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  • 21. 

    21. Sub ce denumire s-a predat si se preda in Romania si in lume disciplina �Drept Constitutional" A. drept constitutional si institutii politice B. drept public C. drept constitutional si administrativ D. drept de stat

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. A+B+C+D
    The correct answer is A+B+C+D because the discipline "Drept Constitutional" is taught and studied in Romania and worldwide under various names and contexts. It encompasses the study of constitutional law, political institutions, public law, administrative law, and state law. Therefore, all the options A, B, C, and D are correct as they all represent different aspects and components of the discipline "Drept Constitutional".

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  • 22. 

    22. In ce consta specificul normelor de drept constitutional? A. sunt norme directe, nemijlocite B. sunt norme principii C. sunt norme indirecte sau cu aplicare mijlocita D. sunt normele care stabilesc directii economice

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. A+C

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  • 23. 

    23. Care sunt modurile de adoptare a Constitutiei care explica evolutia constitutiilor in ceea ce priveste forma si continutul lor? A. Constitutia acordata B. Constitutia plebiscitara C. Constitutia Pact D. Constitutia conventie

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. A+B+C+D
    The correct answer is A+B+C+D. This answer suggests that all four modes of adoption of the Constitution (Constitutia acordata, Constitutia plebiscitara, Constitutia Pact, and Constitutia conventie) explain the evolution of constitutions in terms of their form and content. Each mode likely represents a different approach or process by which a constitution is adopted, leading to variations in both the structure and substance of the constitution.

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  • 24. 

    24. Precizati care dintre statele enumerate mai jos au astazi o constitutie nescrisa (cutumiara)? A. Anglia B. Canada C. Israel D. Noua Zeelanda

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. A+C+D
    Anglia, Israel și Noua Zeelandă au astăzi o constituție nescrisă (cutumiara). Aceasta înseamnă că aceste țări nu au o singură lege fundamentală scrisă care să servească drept constituție, ci se bazează pe tradiții, obiceiuri și practici care s-au dezvoltat de-a lungul timpului și care sunt considerate a fi constituția lor. Canada, în schimb, are o constituție scrisă, adoptată în 1982. Prin urmare, răspunsul corect este A (Anglia), C (Israel) și D (Noua Zeelandă).

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  • 25. 

    25. Care dintre conditiile enumerate mai jos trebuie indeplinite de catre persoana care solicita acordarea cetateniei romane la cerere? A. s-a nascut si domiciliaza la data cererii pe teritoriul Romaniei ori, desi nu s-a nascut pe teritoriul Romaniei domiciliaza in conditiile legii, continuu si statornic pe teritoriul statului de cel putin 10 ani sau de cel putin 5 ani in cazul in care este casatorit si convietuieste cu un cetatean roman B. cunoaste prevederile Constitutiei Romaniei C. a implinit varsta de 18 ani D. cunoaste limba romana si poseda notiuni elementare de cultura si civilizatie romaneasca in suficienta masura pentru a se integra in viata sociala

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. B+C+D
    The person who applies for Romanian citizenship must meet the following conditions:
    - They must have been born and domiciled in Romania at the time of the application, or if they were not born in Romania, they must have been domiciled in accordance with the law, continuously and permanently, for at least 10 years or at least 5 years if they are married to and living with a Romanian citizen.
    - They must have knowledge of the provisions of the Romanian Constitution.
    - They must have reached the age of 18.
    - They must have a sufficient level of knowledge of the Romanian language and basic knowledge of Romanian culture and civilization to integrate into social life. Therefore, options B, C, and D must be fulfilled.

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  • Mar 22, 2023
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