How Much Do You Know About Spaceman Movie? Quiz

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| By Kasturi Chaudhuri
Kasturi Chaudhuri
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 287 | Total Attempts: 35,343
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 12

How Much Do You Know About Spaceman Movie? Quiz - Quiz

Get ready for an exciting journey with our Spaceman Movie Quiz! This fun quiz is perfect for everyone, whether you've seen the movie or just love a good space adventure. Our friendly quiz will take you on a cosmic journey with astronaut Jakub Procházka, who goes on a thrilling mission beyond Jupiter. Along the way, Jakub faces many challenges and makes some unexpected friends.
In this quiz, you'll find questions that make you think about Jakub's adventures and the decisions he makes in space. Each question will help you learn more about the fascinating world of space exploration and the Read morepersonal stories of those who travel to the stars. You'll get to explore Jakub's feelings, his encounters with mysterious beings, and the dramatic moments of his mission. Our questions will test your memory and maybe teach you something new about the movie's unique story. Let’s go explore the stars and the story of Jakub together in this delightful quiz!

Spaceman Movie Questions and Answers

  • 1. 

    When does Jakub's space mission to investigate the Chopra cloud begin?

    • A.

      Just after the South Korean mission

    • B.

      Before the South Korean mission

    • C.

      At the same time as the Chinese mission

    • D.

      Long after the Russian mission

    Correct Answer
    B. Before the South Korean mission
    Jakub's mission to explore the mysterious Chopra cloud is strategically timed to commence just before a South Korean mission. This timing is crucial, as it underscores the competitive nature of international space exploration, where nations race to achieve scientific milestones first. This element of competition adds tension and a global dimension to Jakub’s personal journey, illustrating how his mission is intertwined with larger geopolitical stakes and the ambition of his home country to establish a foothold in the cosmos.

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  • 2. 

    Why does Commissioner Tuma hide Lenka's message from Jakub?

    • A.

      To improve Jakub's performance

    • B.

      To worsen Jakub's mental state

    • C.

      To prevent worsening Jakub's mental state

    • D.

      To confuse Jakub

    Correct Answer
    C. To prevent worsening Jakub's mental state
    Commissioner Tuma, understanding the psychological demands of space travel, makes a critical decision to withhold a distressing message from Lenka, Jakub’s wife, who expresses a desire to leave him. This act of censorship is done to protect Jakub's mental well-being, ensuring he remains focused and stable during a crucial phase of the mission. This decision reflects the often-overlooked aspect of space missions—the emotional and psychological sacrifices astronauts must endure and the responsibilities their commanders have to manage not just the physical but also the mental aspects of space exploration.

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  • 3. 

    Where does Jakub first encounter Hanuš?

    • A.

      In the ship's cargo bay

    • B.

      In the ship's compartment

    • C.

      On the surface of Jupiter

    • D.

      In a spacewalk

    Correct Answer
    B. In the ship's compartment
    Upon encountering Hanuš, a spider-like creature with telepathic abilities, inside a compartment of his spacecraft, Jakub begins a unique and transformative friendship. This encounter is not just a pivotal plot twist but also a metaphor for the unexpected discoveries and challenges faced in space. Hanuš, with his ability to communicate telepathically, represents a bridge between the known and the unknown, offering Jakub a way to address his profound loneliness and providing a deeper narrative about the possibilities of understanding and connection across different forms of life.

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  • 4. 

    Who wishes to understand humans and help Jakub with his loneliness?

    • A.


    • B.

      Commissioner Tuma

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Hanuš
    Hanuš's desire to understand humans and alleviate Jakub's loneliness is a poignant detail in the storyline. As a telepathic creature, Hanuš represents the potential for empathy and understanding across species barriers. His interactions with Jakub offer insights into human emotions and the deep-seated need for companionship, highlighting the psychological complexities of long-term space missions and the emotional resilience required to navigate them.

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  • 5. 

    What was Jakub's father's role that impacted his childhood?

    • A.

      A state party leader

    • B.

      An informant of the state party

    • C.

      A cosmonaut

    • D.

      A teacher

    Correct Answer
    B. An informant of the state party
    The revelation that Jakub’s father was an informant for the state party introduces significant historical and emotional layers to Jakub’s character. This background has colored his perceptions of trust and loyalty, deeply affecting his relationships and career choices. It adds a dimension of historical gravity to the story, showing how personal histories are often overshadowed by political circumstances and can influence one’s life trajectory in profound ways.

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  • 6. 

    Why does Jakub leave Lenka during her miscarriage?

    • A.

      Due to a mission

    • B.

      Because of his neglect

    • C.

      Out of fear

    • D.

      He was unaware of it

    Correct Answer
    B. Because of his neglect
    Jakub’s neglect of Lenka during her miscarriage, prioritizing his career over his personal life, serves as a critical reflection on his character and the choices he has made. This incident, which Jakub was not present for, is a stark portrayal of the sacrifices made in the pursuit of professional success and the often irreparable damage done to personal relationships as a result. It challenges viewers to consider the real cost of ambition and the human elements that are often neglected in the pursuit of greater goals.

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  • 7. 

    What memory does Hanuš show Jakub that he was not present for?

    • A.

      His wedding

    • B.

      Lenka's miscarriage

    • C.

      His father's death

    • D.

      His first space mission

    Correct Answer
    B. Lenka's miscarriage
    When Hanuš shows Jakub an implanted memory of Lenka's miscarriage, it forces Jakub to confront a painful reality he had avoided. This moment is transformative for Jakub, as it pushes him to face the emotional consequences of his absence in Lenka’s life. The memory, though artificial, serves as a poignant reminder of the tangible impacts of his decisions on those he loves, bridging his isolated experiences in space with the very real human relationships he has altered on Earth.

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  • 8. 

    What does Jakub ask Peter to do regarding Lenka?

    • A.

      To deliver a message of forgiveness

    • B.

      To ask for a divorce

    • C.

      To send her gifts

    • D.

      To inform her of his success

    Correct Answer
    A. To deliver a message of forgiveness
    Jakub’s decision to ask Peter to deliver a message of forgiveness to Lenka is a significant step towards reconciliation and personal growth. It signifies Jakub's acknowledgment of his past mistakes and his sincere desire to repair his strained relationship with Lenka. This action is laden with the hope of redemption and the human desire to mend broken bonds, reflecting the universal themes of forgiveness and the effort required to sustain love over distances and through hardships.

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  • 9. 

    What causes Hanuš's species to die out?

    • A.

      A cosmic event

    • B.

      A parasitic infection

    • C.

      Lack of food

    • D.

      Climate change

    Correct Answer
    B. A parasitic infection
    The tragic revelation that Hanuš is dying from a parasitic infection that wiped out his species adds a layer of existential dread and sympathy to his character. This narrative point not only deepens the story's emotional impact but also reflects on themes of loneliness, loss, and the fragility of life. Hanuš’s impending death amidst his connection with Jakub highlights the transient yet impactful nature of their bond, underscoring the theme of finding meaningful relationships in the most unexpected places.

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  • 10. 

    What is the Chopra cloud revealed to be?

    • A.

      A dangerous gas cloud

    • B.

      A cluster of asteroids

    • C.

      A remnant of the universe's beginning

    • D.

      A new planet

    Correct Answer
    C. A remnant of the universe's beginning
    The Chopra cloud, revealed to be a remnant of the universe's inception where all moments of time exist simultaneously, introduces a profound cosmic perspective to the narrative. This discovery is not just a scientific achievement but also a metaphysical revelation that challenges the characters' and the audience's understanding of time and existence. It symbolizes the interconnectedness of all events and beings, and Jakub's interaction with the cloud becomes a pivotal moment of introspection and existential realization, blending science fiction with philosophical inquiry into the nature of life and time.

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  • Current Version
  • May 10, 2024
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • May 09, 2024
    Quiz Created by
    Kasturi Chaudhuri
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