Bahan yang dapat menghantarkan panas dengan baik disebut Konduktor
Correct Answer
A. True
Bahan yang dapat menghantarkan panas dengan baik disebut konduktor. This statement is true because materials that have high thermal conductivity are able to transfer heat efficiently. These materials allow heat to flow through them easily, making them good conductors of heat. Examples of good conductors of heat include metals like copper and aluminum.
Bahan yang tidak dapat menghantarkan panas adalah isolator
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true because isolators are materials that do not conduct heat well. They have high thermal resistance and do not allow the transfer of heat through them easily. This property makes them useful for insulating purposes, such as in electrical wiring or building insulation, where they help to prevent the loss of heat.
Kayu adalah bahan konduktor
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement "kayu adalah bahan konduktor" translates to "wood is a conductor material." However, this statement is false. Wood is actually an insulator material, meaning it does not conduct electricity. Insulators have high resistance to the flow of electric current, while conductors allow the flow of electric current easily.
Tembaga adalah bahan konduktor
Correct Answer
A. True
Copper is a highly conductive material, meaning it allows the flow of electricity or heat through it easily. It is widely used in electrical wiring and other applications where good conductivity is required. Therefore, the statement "tembaga adalah bahan konduktor" (copper is a conductor material) is true.
Bahan yang sedikit dapat menghantarkan panas adalah semiisolator
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is false. A material that can conduct heat with little resistance is called a conductor, not a semiisolator. A semiisolator is a material that has properties between those of a conductor and an insulator, meaning it has moderate resistance to heat conduction. Therefore, the statement that a material with little heat conduction is a semiisolator is incorrect.
Yang tidak termasuk bahan konduktor
Correct Answer
A. Kain
Kain tidak termasuk bahan konduktor karena kain tidak memiliki sifat untuk menghantarkan listrik. Bahan konduktor seperti alumunium dan besi memiliki elektron yang bebas untuk bergerak sehingga dapat menghantarkan listrik dengan baik. Kain, di sisi lain, terbuat dari serat yang tidak memiliki elektron bebas sehingga tidak dapat menghantarkan listrik.
Yang tidak termasuk bahan isolator
Correct Answer
B. Baja
Baja is not included in the list of insulating materials because it is a good conductor of electricity. Insulators are materials that do not allow the flow of electric current easily, while conductors allow the flow of electric current. Karet (rubber) and plastik (plastic) are examples of insulating materials as they have high resistance to the flow of electric current. However, baja (steel) is a good conductor of electricity, meaning it allows the flow of electric current easily. Therefore, it is not considered an insulating material.
Pencipta termos
Correct Answer
B. James Dewar
James Dewar is the correct answer because he is credited with inventing the thermos. James Dewar was a Scottish chemist and physicist who invented the vacuum flask, commonly known as the thermos. In 1892, he developed a double-walled container with a vacuum between the walls to prevent heat transfer, allowing liquids to be kept hot or cold for extended periods of time. This invention revolutionized the way we store and transport hot and cold beverages, making it possible to keep them at their desired temperature for hours.
Benda yang memanfaatkan sifat isolator
Correct Answer
B. Selimut
Selimut dimanfaatkan karena memiliki sifat isolator. Selimut dapat menjaga suhu tubuh seseorang dengan baik karena mampu mengisolasi panas. Ketika tubuh menghasilkan panas, selimut akan menahan panas tersebut dan mencegahnya keluar. Selain itu, selimut juga dapat mengisolasi udara dingin dari luar sehingga tubuh tetap hangat. Dengan demikian, selimut memanfaatkan sifat isolator untuk memberikan kenyamanan dan menjaga suhu tubuh yang optimal.
Paragraf yang pikiran utamanya diawal paragraf disebut
Correct Answer
A. Deduktif
The correct answer is "Deduktif." Deduktif means that the main idea of the paragraph is presented at the beginning. This type of paragraph structure follows a logical pattern where the main point or conclusion is stated first, followed by supporting details or evidence. In deductive reasoning, the writer starts with a general statement or premise and then provides specific examples or evidence to support it. This approach allows the reader to quickly understand the main idea and follow the logical progression of the argument.
__________________ adalah Gambar yang menceritakan suatu adegan atau peristiwa
Correct Answer
Gambar cerita
The given correct answer, "Gambar cerita," accurately describes the type of image that depicts a scene or event. It refers to a narrative image that tells a story or portrays a specific incident. This term implies that the image is not just a static representation but holds a deeper meaning or conveys a sequence of events.
________ adalah teks yang berisi kenyataan atau fakta mengenai ilmu pengetahuan, sosial budaya yang berisi kalimat pernyataan, isi dan penutup
Correct Answer
Teks eksplanasi
The given correct answer is "Teks eksplanasi". This is because the question is asking for the type of text that contains facts or statements about science, social culture, and has an opening, body, and closing. Teks eksplanasi fits this description as it is a type of text that explains a certain topic or phenomenon in a factual and informative manner.
Memelihara peninggalan nenek moyang adalah _________ sebagai bangsa Indonesia
Correct Answer
tanggung jawab,kewajiban
Memelihara peninggalan nenek moyang adalah tanggung jawab dan kewajiban sebagai bangsa Indonesia. This means that it is the responsibility and duty of the Indonesian people to preserve the heritage of their ancestors. By doing so, they are honoring their cultural and historical legacy and ensuring that it is passed down to future generations.
Buku yang ditulis Andrea Hirata Berjudul?
Correct Answer
A. Laskar Pelangi
The correct answer is "Laskar Pelangi." This is the title of a book written by Andrea Hirata.
Yang merupakan akibat masyarakat tidak melaksanakan tanggung jawab, kecuali
Correct Answer
D. Reboisasi hutan gundul
The correct answer is "Reboisasi hutan gundul" because it is the only option that suggests a solution to a problem caused by the lack of responsibility from society. Reboisasi hutan gundul refers to the process of reforesting deforested areas, which can help mitigate the negative effects of irresponsible actions such as logging or land clearing. The other options (kemacetan lalu lintas, kebakaran hutan, sampah menumpuk di kali) describe problems caused by societal irresponsibility, but they do not offer a solution or action to address the issue.