Soal Ulangan Mid Semester Qur'an Hadits Kelas VI

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| By Nyai
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Soal Ulangan Mid Semester Qur

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Arti dari kata Ad-Dluha adalah?

    • A.

      A.. Matahari sepenggalah naik

    • B.

      B. Matahari terbit

    • C.

      C. Matahari terbenam

    • D.

      D. Matahari tidus

    Correct Answer
    A. A.. Matahari sepenggalah naik
    The correct answer is A. "Matahari sepenggalah naik" means "the sun rises gradually". This phrase describes the gradual ascent of the sun in the morning.

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  • 2. 

    Arti ayat kedua dari surat ad-duha adalah...

    • A.

      A. Dan demi malam apabila ramai

    • B.

      B, Dan demi malam apabila telah sunyi

    • C.

      C. dan demi malam apabila telah gelap

    • D.

      D. dan demi malam apabila terang benderang

    Correct Answer
    B. B, Dan demi malam apabila telah sunyi
    The correct answer is B, "Dan demi malam apabila telah sunyi" which translates to "And by the night when it is still." This refers to the second verse of Surah Ad-Duha in the Quran. The verse highlights the tranquility and peace that comes with the stillness of the night.

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  • 3. 

     Kata Ad dhuha terdapat pada ayat ke...

    • A.


    • B.

      B. 2 b.2

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. A.1
    The correct answer is a.1. The question is asking for the location of the verse Ad-Dhuha in the Quran. Ad-Dhuha is found in verse 1 of Surah Ad-Dhuha.

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  • 4. 

    Surat ad dhuha tergolong surat...

    • A.

      A. Madaniyah

    • B.

      B. Makkiyah

    • C.

      C. Arabiyah

    • D.

      D. Turkiyah

    Correct Answer
    B. B. Makkiyah
    The correct answer is b. Makkiyah. Surah ad-Dhuha is classified as a Makki surah because it was revealed in Makkah during the early years of Prophet Muhammad's prophethood. Makki surahs generally focus on topics like the oneness of Allah, the importance of belief, and the moral and ethical teachings of Islam. This surah specifically addresses the Prophet Muhammad, reassuring him during a period of silence in revelation and reminding him of Allah's blessings and guidance. Makki surahs are characterized by their poetic and eloquent style of Arabic.

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  • 5. 

    Surat A Dhuha turun sesudah surat.....

    • A.

      A. al Fajr

    • B.

      B. al Maun

    • C.

      C. al Kafirun

    • D.

      D. al Bayyinah

    Correct Answer
    A. A. al Fajr
    The correct answer is a. al Fajr. The question is asking which surah comes after Surah Dhuha. The answer is Surah al Fajr.

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  • 6. 

    Surat Ad Dhuha ayat 6, menunjukan salah satu masa lalu nabi Muhammad saw sebagai...

    • A.

      A. Penggembala

    • B.

      B. Fakir miskin

    • C.

      C. anak yatim

    • D.

      D. anak cerdas

    Correct Answer
    C. C. anak yatim
    Surah Ad-Dhuha verse 6 mentions the past of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as an orphan. This indicates that during his childhood, he lost his parents and grew up without their support. Being an orphan is a significant aspect of Prophet Muhammad's life and is mentioned in various Islamic texts.

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  • 7. 

    "Dan sesungguhnya hari kemudian itu lebih baik bagimu.... lanjutan artinya adalah....."

    • A.

      A. daripada dahulu

    • B.

      B. daripada yang permulaan

    • C.

      C. dan keluargamu

    • D.

      D. agar kamu puas

    Correct Answer
    B. B. daripada yang permulaan
    The continuation of the phrase "Dan sesungguhnya hari kemudian itu lebih baik bagimu" is "daripada yang permulaan." This means that the future days will be better than the beginning or the start.

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  • 8. 

    Salah satu kandungan surat ad dhuha adalah....

    • A.

      A. perintah beribadah

    • B.

      B. perintah bersilaturrahim

    • C.

      C. perintah shalat

    • D.

      D. perintah menyayangi anak yatim

    Correct Answer
    D. D. perintah menyayangi anak yatim
    Surat Ad-Dhuha is a chapter in the Quran that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad during a period of time when he was experiencing a period of sadness and doubt. The chapter begins by reassuring the Prophet that God has not abandoned him and that the future will be better than the past. In this context, the command to show kindness and love towards orphans can be seen as a way to alleviate the Prophet's sadness and provide him with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. By caring for those who are vulnerable and in need, the Prophet is reminded of the importance of compassion and the rewards that come from helping others.

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  • 9. 

    Diantara sebab turunnya surat ad dhuha adalah ucapan wanita musyrik kepada nabi muhammad saw, yaitu...

    • A.

      A. Muhammad telah ditinggalkan keluarganya

    • B.

      B. Muhammad telah ditinggalkan Tuhannya

    • C.

      C,Muhammad telah ditinggalkan sahabatnya

    • D.

      D. Muhammad telah ditinggalkan isterinya

    Correct Answer
    B. B. Muhammad telah ditinggalkan Tuhannya
    The correct answer is b. Muhammad telah ditinggalkan Tuhannya. This is because Surah Ad-Dhuha was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (saw) during a period of time when he did not receive any revelations from Allah for a while. This made him feel abandoned by his Lord. The Surah serves as a reassurance and comfort to the Prophet, reminding him that Allah has not forsaken him and that better things are yet to come.

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  • 10. 

    Tutunnya wahyu surat ad dhuha menunjukan.....kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw.

    • A.

      A. ujian Allah swt

    • B.

      B. penghormatan allah swt

    • C.

      C. kasih sayang Allah swt

    • D.

      D. musibah dari allah swt

    Correct Answer
    C. C. kasih sayang Allah swt
    The correct answer is c. kasih sayang Allah swt. The surah Ad-Dhuha in the Quran is seen as a manifestation of Allah's love and care for Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It serves as a reassurance to the Prophet during a time of difficulty and sadness in his life, reminding him that Allah has not abandoned him and that better times are yet to come. This surah is often interpreted as a message of love, compassion, and support from Allah towards His beloved Prophet.

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  • 11. 

    Tuhanmu tiada meninggalkanmu dan tiada pula... lanjutan arti tersebut adalah...

    • A.

      A. meninggalkan kamu

    • B.

      B. pergi dari kamu

    • C.

      C. Menghentikan kamu

    • D.

      D. Membenci kamu

    Correct Answer
    D. D. Membenci kamu
    The given correct answer is "d. Membenci kamu" which means "hate you" in English. The phrase "Tuhanmu tiada meninggalkanmu dan tiada pula" implies that God never leaves or abandons you, but it also indicates that He does not hate you. Therefore, the correct continuation of the meaning would be that God does not hate you.

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  • 12. 

    Surat ad dhuha merupakan surat yang ke...

    • A.

      A. 93

    • B.

      B. 102

    • C.

      C. 107

    • D.

      D. 100

    Correct Answer
    A. A. 93
    Surat ad-Dhuha is the 93rd chapter of the Quran. It is a Meccan surah consisting of 11 verses. The surah emphasizes the blessings and favors of Allah upon the Prophet Muhammad and encourages patience and gratitude in times of difficulty.

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  • 13. 

    Hukum bacaan nun mati atau tanwin yang terdapat pada ayat ke-4 adalah...

    • A.

      A. idhgam bilagunnah

    • B.

      B. idhgam bigunnah

    • C.

      C. idhgam mimi

    • D.

      D. idhgam mutamatsilain

    Correct Answer
    A. A. idhgam bilagunnah
    The correct answer is "a. idhgam bilagunnah". This is because "idhgam bilagunnah" refers to the merging or assimilation of the letter "n" with the following letter "b" in pronunciation. In this case, the "nun mati" or "tanwin" in the fourth verse would assimilate with the following letter in pronunciation, which is the letter "b".

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  • 14. 

    Masa kekosongan antara wahyu sebelumnya dan surat ad dhuha selama,,,

    • A.

      A. 15 minggu

    • B.

      B. 15 tahun

    • C.

      C. 15 bulan

    • D.

      D. 15 hari

    Correct Answer
    D. D. 15 hari
    The correct answer is d. 15 hari. The explanation for this is that the period of time between the previous revelation and the Surah Ad-Dhuha was 15 days.

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  • 15. 

    Allah swt, menunjukan alqur'an sebagai...

    • A.

      A. cahaya

    • B.

      B. bacaan

    • C.

      C. pemberi

    • D.

      D. tulisan

    Correct Answer
    A. A. cahaya
    The correct answer is a. cahaya. In Islamic belief, Allah is often referred to as the source of all light, both literal and metaphorical. The Quran is considered as a guidance and a source of enlightenment for Muslims, providing them with spiritual and moral guidance. Therefore, Allah showing the Quran as "cahaya" (light) signifies its importance and the illumination it brings to the lives of believers.

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  • 16. 

    Surat ad dhuha diturunkan secara khusus kepada nabi Muhammad saw untuk..., kecuali..

    • A.

      A. menyenangkan

    • B.

      B. menenangkan hati

    • C.

      C. mengejutkan

    • D.

      D. menghibur

    Correct Answer
    C. C. mengejutkan
    The correct answer is c. mengejutkan. The Surah Ad-Dhuha was revealed specifically to Prophet Muhammad to surprise him and alleviate his concerns during a period of revelation pause. This Surah was meant to reassure and comfort him, as well as to remind him of Allah's blessings and support.

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  • 17. 

    Pada ayat ke 5, surat ad dhuha berarti "dan kelak tuhanmu pasti akan memberikan karuniaNya kepadamu.....

    • A.

      A. lalu dia melindungimu

    • B.

      B. lalu hatimu gembira

    • C.

      C. lalu dia memberi petunjuk

    • D.

      D. lalu (hati) kamu menjadi puas

    Correct Answer
    D. D. lalu (hati) kamu menjadi puas
    In ayah 5 of Surah Ad-Dhuha, it is mentioned that Allah will grant His grace and satisfaction to the person. Therefore, the correct answer is d. lalu (hati) kamu menjadi puas, which means "then your heart will be satisfied."

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  • 18. 

    Dua maqom (kedudukan)  Rasulullah saw adalah....

    • A.

      A. sabar dan pandai bersyukur

    • B.

      B. zuhud dan syukur

    • C.

      C. ikhtiar dan tawakal

    • D.

      D. sabar dan cerdas

    Correct Answer
    A. A. sabar dan pandai bersyukur
    The correct answer is a. sabar dan pandai bersyukur. This means that the dua maqom (kedudukan) of Rasulullah saw is characterized by patience and gratitude. This implies that Rasulullah saw was able to endure difficulties and trials with patience, while also being grateful for the blessings and favors bestowed upon him. This combination of qualities is important in maintaining a balanced and grateful attitude in life.

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  • 19. 

    Jumlah ayat surat ad dhuha adalah....

    • A.

      A. 10 ayat

    • B.

      B. 11 ayat

    • C.

      C. 12 ayat

    • D.

      D. 13 ayat

    Correct Answer
    B. B. 11 ayat
    The correct answer is b. 11 ayat. The question is asking for the number of verses in Surah Ad-Dhuha. Surah Ad-Dhuha is the 93rd chapter of the Quran and it consists of 11 verses.

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  • 20. 

    ""Dan Dia mendapatimu sebagai seorang yang bingung..... lanjutan artinya adalah...

    • A.

      A. lalu Dia melindungimu

    • B.

      B. lalu Dia memberikan petunjuk

    • C.

      C. lalu Dia memberi kecukupan

    • D.

      D. lalu hatimu menjadi puas

    Correct Answer
    B. B. lalu Dia memberikan petunjuk
    The correct answer is b. lalu Dia memberikan petunjuk. The phrase "Dan Dia mendapatimu sebagai seorang yang bingung" implies that the person mentioned (Dia) perceives the individual as confused. The word "lalu" suggests a subsequent action, indicating that Dia then provides guidance or directions to help the confused person. Therefore, option b, which states "lalu Dia memberikan petunjuk" (then He gives guidance), is the most appropriate continuation of the sentence.

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