Salah satu teknik atau cara berdakwah yang baik, adalah .....
Correct Answer
E. Harus flebsibel dan lemah lembut
One of the effective techniques or ways of da'wah (preaching) is to be flexible and gentle. This approach allows the preacher to adapt to the needs and understanding of the listeners, making it easier for them to connect and relate to the message being conveyed. By being flexible and gentle, the preacher can create a comfortable and non-confrontational environment, promoting better reception and acceptance of the da'wah message.
Dibawah ini adalah sikap-sikap yang harus dimiliki oleh para da'i (juru dakwah), kecuali....
Correct Answer
D. Apa yang disampaikannya harus diterima oleh pendengar, tidak boleh tidak
The given answer states that a da'i (preacher) should not expect their message to be accepted by the listeners without question or hesitation. It implies that a da'i should be open to criticism and should not force their beliefs onto others. This is in contrast to the other mentioned attitudes, such as being democratic, respecting others' opinions, being open to criticism, and promoting consultation and exchange of ideas in problem-solving.
Siap menerima perbedaan dan bersedia bersikap saling menghormati disebut sikap.....
Correct Answer
C. Demokratis
The correct answer is "demokratis" because it refers to the attitude of being open to differences and willing to respect others. A democratic attitude promotes inclusivity, equality, and the recognition of individual rights and freedoms. This attitude encourages collaboration, compromise, and the belief that every individual's voice and opinion should be valued and heard.
Isi kandungan surah Asy-Syura ayat 38 ialah kita dianjurkan.......
Correct Answer
A. Musyawarah
The content of Surah Asy-Syura verse 38 encourages us to engage in musyawarah, which means to consult and discuss with others in making decisions. This implies the importance of seeking advice and considering different perspectives before making choices. It promotes the idea of collective decision-making and unity within a community.
Berdakwah dengan keras hati hanya akan menimbulkan sikap.......
Correct Answer
D. Antipati
Berdakwah dengan keras hati akan menimbulkan sikap antipati. Ketika seseorang berdakwah dengan keras hati, mereka cenderung memaksakan pendapat atau keyakinan mereka kepada orang lain tanpa memperhatikan perasaan atau pandangan mereka. Hal ini dapat membuat orang lain merasa tidak nyaman atau bahkan membenci orang yang berdakwah dengan cara tersebut. Oleh karena itu, berdakwah dengan keras hati dapat menimbulkan sikap antipati dari orang lain.
Inti dari musyawarah , adalah......
Correct Answer
D. Menerima pendapat
The essence of musyawarah is to accept or receive opinions. It implies that in a musyawarah, individuals are encouraged to listen and be open to different viewpoints and ideas. It emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and respect for diverse opinions, ultimately aiming to reach a consensus or agreement through mutual understanding and acceptance.
Dalam surah An-Nahl ayat 125 dijelaskan bahwa salah satu metodologi dakwah yaitu al-jidal al-hasan, Yang dimaksud istilah ini, adalah.......
Correct Answer
E. Memberikan alasan-alasan yang masuk akal
The correct answer is "memberikan alasan-alasan yang masuk akal" because in Surah An-Nahl ayat 125, it is mentioned that one of the methodologies of da'wah is al-jidal al-hasan, which means presenting reasonable arguments. This implies that when engaging in discussions or debates, it is important to provide logical and sensible reasons to support one's viewpoint.
Yang diwajibkan berdakwah oleh Allah, yaitu......
Correct Answer
D. Umat ISlam
The correct answer is "umat Islam". This is because all Muslims are obligated to spread the message of Islam and engage in da'wah (proselytizing) to invite others to the faith. It is not limited to specific individuals such as da'is, ustadz, or ulama, but it is a collective responsibility of the entire Muslim community.
Jika kita bersengketa tentang sesuatu, hendaknya segera......
Correct Answer
E. Berjabat tangan
When we have a dispute or disagreement with someone, it is important to resolve it peacefully and respectfully. By shaking hands (berjabat tangan), we can show our willingness to find a solution and reconcile our differences. This gesture symbolizes mutual respect and a desire to work together towards a resolution. It is a culturally accepted way of showing goodwill and starting a conversation to address the issue at hand.
Dalam berdakwah kita harus bersikap.......
Correct Answer
A. Demokratis
When it comes to preaching, it is important to adopt a democratic attitude. This means being open to different perspectives, respecting others' opinions, and allowing for a fair and inclusive discussion. By being democratic, one can create an environment that encourages dialogue, promotes understanding, and fosters unity among individuals. This approach also ensures that everyone's voice is heard and valued, leading to a more effective and impactful preaching experience.
Orang yang tidak mau musyawarah akan merasa pendapatnya paling........
Correct Answer
B. Benar
Orang yang tidak mau musyawarah akan merasa pendapatnya paling benar. This means that someone who refuses to engage in discussions or seek input from others will believe that their own opinion is always correct. They are not open to considering different perspectives or ideas, leading them to have a high level of confidence in their own beliefs.
Dalam musyawarah kita harus bersikap.......
Correct Answer
B. Demokratis
In a musyawarah, which refers to a discussion or consultation, it is important to have a democratic attitude. This means that individuals should be open to listening to different opinions, respecting the views of others, and making decisions collectively. Being democratic allows for a fair and inclusive process where everyone's voice is heard and considered. This fosters a sense of equality and cooperation among participants, leading to better outcomes and stronger relationships.
Perintah musyawarah terdapat dalam Al-Qur'an surah......
Correct Answer
A. Asy-Syura ; 38
The correct answer is Asy-Syura; 38.
Bersikap demokratis membutuhkan sikap........
Correct Answer
A. Jiwa besar
Bersikap demokratis membutuhkan sikap jiwa besar. Jiwa besar merujuk pada sikap yang terbuka, adil, dan menghargai pendapat dan kebebasan orang lain. Dalam konteks demokrasi, sikap jiwa besar diperlukan untuk menghormati hak-hak individu, mendengarkan pendapat yang berbeda, dan bekerja sama untuk mencapai keputusan yang terbaik bagi semua orang. Sikap jiwa besar juga melibatkan kesediaan untuk mengakui kesalahan dan belajar dari pengalaman. Dengan memiliki sikap jiwa besar, seseorang dapat berkontribusi secara positif dalam proses demokrasi dan membangun hubungan yang harmonis dengan orang lain.
Sebutkan tiga ciri demokrasi?Mengapa kita harus bersikap demokratis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari?Jelaskan manfaat musyawarah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari!Kapan kita harus bermusyawarah!Sebutkan dalil naqli yang menjelaskan kewajiban musyawarah?