Soal Online Pkn Materi: Desa, Kelurahan, Dan Kecamatan

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Soal Online Pkn Materi: Desa, Kelurahan, Dan Kecamatan - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Penyebutan desa di daerah Papua adalah………

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Kampong
    The correct answer is "kampong". Kampong is the term used to refer to a village or small settlement in the Papua region. This term is commonly used in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, which includes Papua. Therefore, "kampong" is the appropriate term to describe a village in Papua.

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  • 2. 

    Wilayah desa terdiri dari beberapa ………………

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Dusun
    The correct answer is "dusun." A "wilayah desa" refers to the administrative area of a village, and it is composed of several smaller divisions called "dusun." Therefore, the statement suggests that a village is made up of multiple "dusun."

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  • 3. 

    Sebuah desa bisa menjadi kelurahan atas prakarsa dari pemerintah desa bersama …………

    • A.

      Karang taruna

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. BPD
    The correct answer is BPD. BPD stands for Badan Permusyawaratan Desa, which is a village consultative body in Indonesia. It is formed through the initiative of the village government and plays a crucial role in decision-making and development planning at the village level. BPD consists of representatives from various community groups and organizations, including the government, religious institutions, and community associations. It serves as a platform for collaboration and consultation between the village government and the community, making it an essential component in the establishment of a kelurahan or urban village.

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  • 4. 

    Masa jabatan Kepala Desa adalah ………….

    • A.

      4 tahun

    • B.

      5 tahun

    • C.

      6 tahun

    • D.

      7 tahun

    Correct Answer
    C. 6 tahun
    The correct answer is 6 tahun. The term of office for a village chief is typically 6 years. This allows the village chief enough time to implement and oversee long-term development plans for the village. It also provides stability and continuity in leadership, as frequent changes in leadership can disrupt the progress and consistency of the village's development projects.

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  • 5. 

    Gaji kepala desa dalam bahasa Jawa disebut...............

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Bengkok
    In the context of the question, the correct answer "bengkok" is the term used in the Javanese language to refer to the salary of a village chief. The other options, "honor," "gaji," and "upah," are general terms for salary or payment, but they do not specifically denote the salary of a village chief in Javanese.

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  • 6. 

    Cara pemilihan kepala desa adalah secara ……………

    • A.

      Diangkat oleh Bupati

    • B.

      Diangkat oleh camat

    • C.

      Pemilihan langsung

    • D.

      Mufakat desa

    Correct Answer
    C. Pemilihan langsung
    The correct answer is "pemilihan langsung." This means that the selection of the village head is done through a direct election process, where the villagers themselves vote to choose their leader. This method allows for the participation and representation of the community in the decision-making process, ensuring that the chosen village head has the support and mandate of the people.

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  • 7. 

    Syarat pendidikan untuk menjadi kepala desa minimal harus lulus …………

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Perguruan Tinggi

    Correct Answer
    B. SMP
    The correct answer is SMP. To become a village chief, the minimum educational requirement is to have completed junior high school (SMP). This implies that a higher level of education, such as senior high school (SMA) or college (Perguruan Tinggi), is not necessary.

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  • 8. 

    Kepala Desa dapat dipilih kembali untuk ………..masa jabatan.

    • A.

      1 kali

    • B.

      2 kali

    • C.

      3 kali

    • D.

      4 kali

    Correct Answer
    A. 1 kali
    The correct answer is "1 kali" because according to the given statement, the Kepala Desa can be re-elected for only one term. This means that they can serve as the village head for one additional term after their initial term.

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  • 9. 

    Kedudukan kepala desa dengan BPD adalah ………..

    • A.

      Kepala desa lebih rendah daripada BPD

    • B.

      BPD lebih rendah daripada

    • C.

      Kepala desa dan BPD sejajar

    • D.

      Kepala desa dan BPD saling menjatuhkan

    Correct Answer
    C. Kepala desa dan BPD sejajar
    The correct answer is "Kepala desa dan BPD sejajar". This means that the position of the village head and the BPD (Village Consultative Body) are equal or on the same level. It suggests that both the village head and the BPD have equal authority and power in decision-making processes and governing the village. They work together in a collaborative manner to ensure the welfare and development of the village community.

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  • 10. 

    Jumlah anggota BPD paling sedikit adalah ………….

    • A.

      5 orang

    • B.

      6 orang

    • C.

      7 orang

    • D.

      11 orang

    Correct Answer
    A. 5 orang
    The correct answer is "5 orang" because the question asks for the minimum number of members in the BPD (Badan Permusyawaratan Desa). Out of the given options, 5 orang is the smallest number, indicating the least number of members in the BPD.

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  • 11. 

    Tempat pelayanan kesehatan ibu dan balita yang diadakan di setiap dusun adalah ……..

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Karang taruna

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Posyandu
    Posyandu is the correct answer because it refers to the health service specifically for mothers and children that is provided in every hamlet or village. LKMD, karang taruna, and PKK are not directly related to maternal and child health services.

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  • 12. 

    Peraturan Pemerintah tentang kelurahan adalah nomor………………..

    • A.

      72 tahun 2005

    • B.

      73 tahun 2005

    • C.

      19 tahun 2008

    • D.

      5 tahun 2007

    Correct Answer
    B. 73 tahun 2005
    The correct answer is 73 tahun 2005. This is because the question is asking for the regulation or government decree regarding kelurahan (a type of administrative village). The correct regulation is numbered 73 tahun 2005.

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  • 13. 

    Pangkat/golongan bagi calon lurah adalah ………….

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. III/c
    The correct answer is III/c. This answer indicates that the candidate for the position of village chief belongs to the third level (III) and the sub-level c. This classification is commonly used in the Indonesian civil service system to determine the rank and salary scale of government officials. The higher the level and sub-level, the higher the position and salary of the candidate.

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  • 14. 

    Jumlah seksi dalam perangkat kelurahan maksimal adalah …………

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Empat
    The correct answer is "empat" because it states that the maximum number of sections in a village device is four. This implies that there can be a maximum of four divisions or departments within the village administration.

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  • 15. 

    Pemimpin kecamatan disebut ……………..

    • A.

      Kepala kelurahan

    • B.

      Kepala desa

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Camat
    In Indonesia, the head of a sub-district is referred to as "camat". This position is responsible for overseeing the administration and development of the sub-district, including managing local government offices and coordinating with village heads. The term "kepala kelurahan" refers to the head of a village, while "kepala desa" specifically refers to the head of a rural village. "Bupati" is a higher-ranking position, as it refers to the regent or mayor of a district or city. Therefore, the correct answer is "camat".

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  • 16. 

    Lembaga pemerintahan di atas desa atau kelurahan disebut ……..

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Kecamatan
    The correct answer is "kecamatan." In Indonesia, a kecamatan is a subdistrict that is above the village or kelurahan level. It is a local government institution that is responsible for administrative and governance functions within its jurisdiction. This includes providing basic public services, maintaining infrastructure, and implementing local regulations. The kecamatan is headed by a camat or subdistrict head, who is appointed by the local government.

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  • 17. 

    Camat mempertanggungjawabkan tugasnya kepada ….. melalui sekda.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Kepala desa

    Correct Answer
    B. Bupati/walikota
    The correct answer is bupati/walikota. In the context of the question, the word "Camat" refers to a government official who is responsible for overseeing a sub-district or kecamatan. The Camat is accountable for their duties to the bupati/walikota, who is the head of the district or city. This means that the Camat reports to and is supervised by the bupati/walikota in carrying out their tasks.

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  • 18. 

    Seorang camat menerima gaji dari ………..

    • A.

      Mengolah lahan garapan

    • B.


    • C.

      Tanah kas desa

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Negara
    The correct answer is "negara". This is because as a camat, they are a government official and their salary is paid by the state or government.

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  • 19. 

    Menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat di tingkat kecamatan adalah tugas ……..

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Polsek
    The correct answer is "polsek". Polsek stands for "Polisi Sektor" which translates to "Police Sector" in English. Polsek is responsible for maintaining the security and order of the community at the sub-district level. They handle law enforcement, crime prevention, and provide assistance to the public. Other options like camat (sub-district head), koramil (military command at the sub-district level), and hansip (neighborhood security) do not have the same authority and jurisdiction as polsek in maintaining public safety.

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  • 20. 

    Kelurahan merupakan organisasi pemerintahan yang dipimpin oleh seorang ……….

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Lurah
    In the given question, the correct answer is "lurah." Kelurahan is a type of local government organization in Indonesia, and it is led by a "lurah." The term "lurah" refers to the head or leader of a kelurahan. Therefore, the correct answer is "lurah."

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  • 21. 

    Di Nangroe Aceh Darussalam desa disebut dengan nama ……..

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Gampong
    In the province of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, the term used to refer to a village is "gampong". This term is specific to the region and is commonly used to describe a small community or settlement within the province.

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  • 22. 

    Kumpulan beberapa RW bergabung menjadi satu disebut ……

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Dusun
    When several RWs come together and form a larger unit, it is called "dusun". Dusun is a term used in Indonesian to refer to a small rural settlement or hamlet. It is usually smaller than a village or a subdistrict (kecamatan), and it is formed by combining multiple smaller administrative units such as RWs or neighborhoods.

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  • 23. 

    Melaksanakan pengawasan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa merupakan tugas …….

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Kepala Desa

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. BPD
    The correct answer is BPD because BPD stands for Badan Permusyawaratan Desa, which translates to Village Consultative Body. BPD is responsible for overseeing the implementation of village government administration. They play a crucial role in decision-making and ensuring the proper functioning of the village government.

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  • 24. 

    Lembaga di kecamatan yang mengurusi pernikahan yaitu ……….

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. KUA
    The correct answer is KUA. KUA stands for Kantor Urusan Agama, which is a government institution at the district level in Indonesia that is responsible for handling religious affairs, including marriage registration. KUA is the place where couples go to register their marriage, obtain marriage certificates, and fulfill the legal requirements for getting married according to Islamic law.

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  • 25. 

    Sekcam memimpin secretariat kecamatan yang berada di bawah camat dan bertanggung jawab langsung kepada …………

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Camat
    The given passage states that Sekcam (Sekretaris Camat) leads the secretariat of the sub-district, which is under the authority of the camat. Therefore, the correct answer is "camat." The camat is a government official who is responsible for managing and overseeing the administration of a sub-district.

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  • Mar 22, 2023
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  • Jan 11, 2012
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