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1.Apakah hukum menjawab salam?
Correct Answer
C. Wajib
It is obligatory (wajib) to respond to the Islamic greeting of salam. This is based on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who said that it is the right of a Muslim to be greeted with salam and it is also the duty of a Muslim to respond to the greeting. It is a way of showing respect, promoting unity, and maintaining good relations among Muslims. Therefore, it is considered a religious obligation to respond to salam.
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2.Antara berikut, yang manakah bukan ciri-ciri as-salam?
Correct Answer
A. Peperangan
The correct answer is "Peperangan". The other two options, "Kemakmuran" and "Keamanan", are characteristics of as-salam, which means peace in Arabic. Peperangan, on the other hand, means war or conflict, which is the opposite of peace. Therefore, it is not a characteristic of as-salam.
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3.Apakah maksud Al-hadi?
Correct Answer
C. Petunjuk
The correct answer is "Petunjuk". "Al-hadi" refers to the guidance or direction, indicating that the meaning of "Al-hadi" is "Petunjuk" in this context.
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4.Berapakah bilangan nama-nama Allah?
Correct Answer
A. 99
There are 99 names of Allah.
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5.Manakah antara berikut merupakan sebab manusia memerlukan Al-Hadi?
Correct Answer
A. Manusia lemah
Manusia memerlukan Al-Hadi karena mereka lemah dan membutuhkan bimbingan dan petunjuk dalam hidup mereka. Al-Hadi adalah sifat Allah yang mengarahkan manusia ke jalan yang benar dan membantu mereka mengatasi kelemahan dan kesulitan yang mereka hadapi.
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6.Najis terbahgi kepada 4 jenis.
Correct Answer
B. Salah
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7.Najis Mughallazah ialah najis berat.
Correct Answer
A. Betul
Najis Mughallazah is a term used in Islamic jurisprudence to refer to heavy impurities that require specific purification methods. This includes impurities such as urine, feces, and blood. These impurities are considered to be more severe and require thorough cleansing. Therefore, the statement that Najis Mughallazah is a heavy impurity is correct.
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8.Muntah adalah salah satu contoh najis Muhaffafah.
Correct Answer
A. Betul
Muntah adalah salah satu contoh najis Muhaffafah. Najis Muhaffafah adalah najis yang tidak terlihat oleh mata telanjang dan tidak dapat dirasakan dengan sentuhan. Muntah termasuk dalam kategori ini karena biasanya tidak terlihat oleh mata telanjang dan tidak dapat dirasakan dengan sentuhan. Oleh karena itu, jawaban "Betul" adalah benar.
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9.Syarat wajib solat ialah Islam, baligh dan berakal.
Correct Answer
A. Betul
The statement is correct because the conditions mentioned, which are being a Muslim, reaching the age of maturity (baligh), and being of sound mind (berakal), are indeed the obligatory requirements for performing the Islamic prayer (solat).
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10.Membaca niat merupakan rukun Quli yang wajib dilakukan.
Correct Answer
B. Salah
The statement is incorrect. Membaca niat is not a mandatory requirement in Quli.
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11.Umat islam berhijrah ke habsyah berlaku sebanyak _____ kali.
Correct Answer
The correct answer is 2. This suggests that there were two instances where Muslims migrated to Habsyah.
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12.Nabi Muhammad menerima wahyu pertama ketika berumur _____ tahun.
Correct Answer
Nabi Muhammad menerima wahyu pertama ketika berumur 40 tahun. This answer states that Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation at the age of 40.
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13._____________ merupakan kitab yang diberikan oleh Allah kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Correct Answer
The given correct answer is "Al-Quran." This is because Al-Quran is the holy book that was revealed by Allah to Prophet Muhammad SAW. It is considered the most important and sacred scripture in Islam, containing the teachings, guidance, and revelations from Allah. Muslims believe that the Quran is the literal word of God and it serves as a guide for all aspects of life, including faith, worship, morality, and social justice.
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14.Kita hendaklah _______________ kepada ahli kubur apabila menziarahi kubur.
Correct Answer
memberi salam
When visiting a grave, it is customary to give greetings or salutations to the deceased. This is a sign of respect and acknowledgement towards the person who has passed away. By giving salam, we are acknowledging their presence and showing our intentions of paying our respects.
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15.Ketika bercakap dengan orang tua hendaklah menggunakan bahasa yang ___________.
Correct Answer
When speaking to parents, it is important to use good language or to be polite and respectful.