Menahan diri dari makan dan minum serta segala yang membatalkan puasa dari terbit fajar hingga terbenam matahari adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Pengertian puasa
The correct answer is "pengertian puasa" which means the definition of fasting. This answer is correct because the question asks for the meaning or definition of fasting, not the conditions or obligations of fasting. The other options, "syarat sah puasa" (conditions for valid fasting), "syarat wajib puasa" (conditions for obligatory fasting), and "sunat puasa" (optional fasting) are not relevant to the question.
Hikmah berpuasa ialah untuk...
Correct Answer
B. Meningkatkan ketakwaan kepada Allah SWT
The correct answer is "meningkatkan ketakwaan kepada Allah SWT". Fasting is a practice in Islam that is done to increase one's devotion and piety towards Allah SWT. It is a way to strengthen one's faith and spiritual connection with God. By abstaining from food and drink during daylight hours, Muslims are reminded of their dependence on Allah and are encouraged to engage in more acts of worship, such as prayer, recitation of the Quran, and charitable deeds. Fasting helps individuals develop self-discipline, self-control, and empathy for those who are less fortunate, ultimately leading to an increased sense of devotion to Allah.
Niat puasa merupakan salah satu daripada ....
Correct Answer
C. Rukun puasa
The given correct answer is "rukun puasa." Rukun puasa refers to the essential elements or pillars of fasting in Islam. It includes the intention to fast, abstaining from eating, drinking, and other activities from dawn until sunset, and refraining from any invalidating actions. These pillars are necessary for a fast to be considered valid and complete.
Berikut merupakan syarat wajib berpuasa, KECUALI ....
Correct Answer
B. Dalam keadaan nifas
The given options are conditions for obligatory fasting in Islam, except for the condition "during the state of nifas." Nifas refers to the postpartum bleeding period that women experience after childbirth. During this time, women are exempted from fasting as it is considered a period of physical recovery.
Apakah hukum berbuka puasa dengan makanan di atas?
Correct Answer
A. Sunat
Berdasarkan pertanyaan yang diberikan, tidak ada informasi yang menjelaskan tentang makanan apa yang dimaksud. Namun, jika kita berasumsi bahwa pertanyaan ini mengacu pada makanan yang halal dan sesuai dengan aturan-aturan puasa, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah sunat. Ini berarti bahwa berbuka puasa dengan makanan di atas tidak diwajibkan, tetapi dianjurkan atau disunahkan untuk melakukannya.
Hukum berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Wajib
The correct answer is "wajib" which means obligatory. This means that fasting during the month of Ramadan is mandatory for all adult Muslims who are physically and mentally capable. It is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is considered a fundamental religious duty. Fasting during Ramadan is a time of self-reflection, increased devotion, and seeking closeness to Allah. It involves abstaining from food, drink, and other physical needs from sunrise to sunset. Fasting is seen as a way to purify the soul, increase self-discipline, and gain a deeper understanding of the hardships faced by those less fortunate.
Apakah hukum bagi orang Islam yang sengaja tidak berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan?
Correct Answer
Orang Islam yang sengaja tidak berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan akan berdosa. Dalam agama Islam, berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan merupakan salah satu dari lima rukun Islam. Melakukan puasa di bulan Ramadhan adalah kewajiban bagi setiap Muslim dewasa dan sehat, kecuali bagi mereka yang memiliki alasan yang sah seperti sakit, hamil, menyusui, atau dalam perjalanan. Oleh karena itu, seseorang yang dengan sengaja tidak berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan secara langsung melanggar perintah agama dan akan mendapatkan dosa.
Aiman berpuasa pada bulan Ramadhan tanpa bersahur kerana terlupa.
Correct Answer
A. Sah
The statement mentions that Aiman fasted during the month of Ramadan without having Sahur (pre-dawn meal) because he forgot. According to Islamic teachings, it is not obligatory to have Sahur for the fast to be valid. Therefore, Aiman's fast is considered valid (Sah).
Saleha berpuasa tanpa berniat. Apakah hukum puasa Saleha?
Correct Answer
B. Tidak sah
The fasting of Saleha is not valid because intention is a necessary condition for fasting. In Islam, it is mandatory to have the intention to fast before starting the fast. Without the intention, the fast is considered invalid. Therefore, Saleha's fasting is not valid.
Nyatakan 2 hikmah berpuasa terhadap jasmani dan rohani. ________ ________
Correct Answer
Mendisiplinkan diri, Merehatkan organ badan, Menyihatkan badan
Mendidik diri mengawal hawa nafsu, Mendidik diri bersabar, Meningkatkan ketakwaan kepada Allah
The answer provided lists several benefits of fasting for both the physical and spiritual well-being. Fasting helps in disciplining oneself, allowing individuals to develop self-control and restraint. It also provides rest to the body's organs, promoting relaxation and rejuvenation. Additionally, fasting contributes to physical health by promoting a healthier body. On a spiritual level, fasting helps individuals in controlling their desires and impulses, teaching them patience and self-discipline. It also enhances their devotion and piety towards Allah.
Pilih perbuatan yang TIDAK MEMBATALKAN puasa.
Correct Answer
B. Berkumur-kumur
Berkumur-kumur tidak membatalkan puasa karena tidak termasuk dalam perbuatan yang membatalkan puasa seperti makan dan minum di siang hari dengan sengaja, memasukkan sesuatu ke dalam rongga hidung dengan sengaja, dan muntah dengan sengaja.
Pilih 3 syarat wajib berpuasa.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Islam
C. Baligh
D. Berakal
The three mandatory conditions for fasting in Islam are being a Muslim, reaching the age of maturity (baligh), and being of sound mind (berakal). These conditions ensure that fasting is only obligatory for those who are capable of understanding and fulfilling the religious obligations associated with it. Being a Muslim signifies the individual's acceptance of Islamic beliefs and practices, while being baligh indicates that they have reached the age where they are accountable for their actions. Finally, being berakal ensures that the person is mentally capable of observing and fulfilling the requirements of fasting.
Nyatakan 2 amalan sunat di bulan puasa. ________ ________
Correct Answer(s)
Bersahur,berdoa sebelum berbuka,melambatkan sahur,mengawalkan berbuka
berdoa sebelum berbuka,bersahur,melambatkan sahur,mengawalkan berbuka
The answer provided lists four practices that are recommended during the month of fasting (bulan puasa): bersahur (eating the pre-dawn meal), berdoa sebelum berbuka (praying before breaking the fast), melambatkan sahur (delaying the pre-dawn meal), and mengawalkan berbuka (hastening to break the fast). The answer is repeated twice, which may be a duplication error.