Jenis topologi jaringan pada ganbar di atas adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Star
The given correct answer for this question is "Star". This is because the network topology shown in the diagram resembles a star, where all devices are connected to a central hub or switch. In a star topology, all communication between devices must pass through the central hub, making it a centralized network. This type of topology is commonly used in Ethernet networks and provides better performance and scalability compared to other topologies like bus or ring.
Kabel straight through digunakan untuk....
Correct Answer
B. Menghubungkan antar host
Kabel straight through digunakan untuk menghubungkan antar host. Ini karena kabel straight through memiliki urutan pin yang sama di kedua ujungnya, sehingga dapat digunakan langsung untuk menghubungkan perangkat-perangkat host seperti komputer atau printer tanpa perlu melakukan konfigurasi tambahan.
Tipe jaringan dimana setiap PC dapat membuat account user serta berbagi sumber (sharing) sehingga masing-masing dapat bertindak sebagai client ataupun server adalah
Correct Answer
A. Peer to peer
In a peer-to-peer network, each PC has the ability to create user accounts and share resources, allowing each PC to act as both a client and a server. This means that each PC can access and share files, printers, and other resources with other PCs on the network without the need for a dedicated server. This type of network is commonly used in small-scale environments where simplicity and flexibility are important.
Konektor yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan coaxial cable adalah....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is BNC. BNC connectors are commonly used to connect coaxial cables. They are popular in video and audio applications, such as connecting CCTV cameras or antennas to televisions. BNC connectors provide a secure and reliable connection, ensuring good signal quality. They are easy to install and remove, making them a convenient choice for coaxial cable connections.
Device yang digunakan untuk menambah batas range dari network IEEE 802.11g adalah....
Correct Answer
B. Access point
An access point is a device used to extend the range of a network, specifically the IEEE 802.11g network. It acts as a central hub for wireless devices to connect to the network and provides a stronger and more reliable signal. This allows devices that are further away from the main router to still have access to the network.
Dua buah jaringan dihubungkan dengan switch tapi tidak ada koneksi, pada switch lampu indikator tidak menyala salah satunya. Penyebabnya adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Kesalahan koneksi kabel
The correct answer is "kesalahan koneksi kabel". This is because if there is a problem with the cable connection between the two networks, it can result in a lack of connectivity and the indicator light on the switch not turning on.
Sebuah jaringan LAN, mempunyai alamat IP maka alamat broadcastnya pada IP adalah....
Correct Answer
The given IP address indicates that the network has a subnet mask of This means that the network has 8 IP addresses, with 6 usable addresses for hosts. The broadcast address is always the last address in the range, so in this case, the broadcast address would be
Jumlah client maksimal dalam konfigurasi peer to peer networking adalah....
Correct Answer
D. 10
The maximum number of clients in a peer-to-peer networking configuration is 10. This means that in a peer-to-peer network, a maximum of 10 devices can connect and communicate with each other directly without the need for a central server. Peer-to-peer networks are often used in small-scale environments where devices need to share resources and collaborate without relying on a central authority.
IP versi 4 menggunakan format 32 bit dan IP versi 6 menggunakan format....
Correct Answer
C. 128 bit
The correct answer is 128 bit. IP version 4 uses a 32-bit format, which allows for approximately 4.3 billion unique addresses. However, with the increasing number of devices connected to the internet, this address space is quickly running out. IP version 6 was introduced to address this issue and uses a 128-bit format, which provides a significantly larger address space of approximately 3.4×10^38 unique addresses. This allows for the allocation of addresses to a much larger number of devices and ensures the continued growth and expansion of the internet.
Service yang digunakan untuk menterjemahkan alamat suatu web ke dalam alamat IP adalah....
Correct Answer
DNS (Domain Name System) is a service used to translate domain names (such as www.example.com) into IP addresses (such as This allows users to access websites using human-readable domain names instead of having to remember the numerical IP addresses of each website they want to visit. DNS acts as a directory that matches domain names to their corresponding IP addresses, making it easier for users to navigate the internet.
SMB atau Server Message Block adalah protokol untuk transfer file di lingkungan Windows yang berada pada layer.......pada TCP/IP model
Correct Answer
D. Aplikasi
SMB or Server Message Block is a protocol for file transfer in the Windows environment that operates at the application layer in the TCP/IP model.
Physical address dari Network Interface Card (NIC) disebut....
Correct Answer
C. MAC Address
The correct answer is MAC Address. The physical address of a Network Interface Card (NIC) is referred to as the MAC Address. This address is a unique identifier assigned to the NIC by the manufacturer and is used to identify the device on a network. Unlike IP addresses, which can change, the MAC Address remains constant for the lifetime of the NIC. It is used in the data link layer of the network protocol stack to ensure that data is sent to the correct destination device.
Bila diketahui sebuah subnetwork menggunakan network address dengan subnet mask Jumlah host address yang diijinkan adalah
Correct Answer
B. 2046
The given network address is and the subnet mask is The subnet mask allows for 11 bits to be used for the host address. Using 11 bits, we can have 2^11 - 2 = 2046 host addresses. The "-2" is because the first and last addresses in a subnet are reserved for network address and broadcast address respectively. Therefore, the correct answer is 2046.
Yang disebut concentrator pada perangkat jaringan adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Hub
A concentrator in a network device is a hub. A hub is a central device that connects multiple devices in a network, allowing them to communicate with each other. It receives data from one device and broadcasts it to all other devices connected to it. This allows for easy communication between devices in a local area network. A hub does not perform any routing or filtering of data, it simply acts as a central point for data transmission. Therefore, a hub is the correct answer for the term "concentrator" in the context of networking devices.
Repeater pada OSI layer terletak di....
Correct Answer
A. Physical
The correct answer is "physical." In the OSI model, repeaters are located at the physical layer. The physical layer is responsible for transmitting raw bits over a communication channel. A repeater is a network device that amplifies or regenerates signals to extend the distance of a network connection. It operates at the physical layer by receiving and retransmitting signals without analyzing or modifying the data.
Interface yang tercepat mentransfer data dengan wireless adalah....
Correct Answer
D. 3G
The correct answer is 3G. 3G stands for "third generation" and refers to the third generation of wireless technology for mobile telecommunications. It provides faster data transfer speeds compared to previous generations, allowing for quicker and more efficient wireless data transmission.
Pembagian kapasits harddisc dapat diistilahkan sebagai....
Correct Answer
B. Partisi
Partitioning refers to the division of the hard disk into separate sections or partitions. Each partition can be treated as a separate entity and can have its own file system. Partitioning allows for better organization and management of data on the hard disk. It also helps in improving the performance of the system by allowing different partitions to be optimized for specific tasks or functions.
Suatu access point A dikonfigurasikan dengan nomor IP dan subnetmask agar dapat berkomunikasi dengan access point A maka konfigurasi IP pada access point B adalah....
Correct Answer
E. IP address subnetmask
The correct answer is "IP address subnetmask". This is because both access points A and B need to be on the same subnet in order to communicate with each other. The given IP address and subnet mask combination ensures that both access points are in the same network range ( and can communicate with each other.
Sebuah harddisc memiliki label 7200 rpm yang menunjukkan....
Correct Answer
A. Kecepatan
The label "7200 rpm" on the hard disk indicates its rotational speed. RPM stands for revolutions per minute, which is a measure of how fast the disk spins. In this case, the hard disk spins at a speed of 7200 revolutions per minute, which is considered a high speed and allows for faster data transfer and access times.
Fungsi dan kegunaan proxy server dalam jaringan yang tersambung internet adalah untuk....
Correct Answer
B. Menyediakan cache memory untuk akses internet
Proxy server berfungsi sebagai perantara antara pengguna dan server internet. Salah satu kegunaan utama proxy server adalah menyediakan cache memory untuk akses internet. Dengan adanya cache memory, proxy server dapat menyimpan salinan halaman web yang sering diakses oleh pengguna. Ketika pengguna mengakses halaman yang sudah ada di cache, proxy server akan memberikan respons langsung tanpa perlu mengambil data dari server aslinya. Hal ini dapat mempercepat waktu akses dan mengurangi beban server.
Fungsi layer presentation adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Bertanggung jawab terhadap bagaimana datadikonversi dan diformat
The layer presentation is responsible for how data is converted and formatted. It ensures that data is presented in a way that can be understood by the receiving application or user. This layer takes care of tasks such as encryption, compression, and data conversion between different formats. It plays a crucial role in ensuring that data is properly formatted and can be successfully transmitted and interpreted by the receiving party.
Setelah sistem operasi diinstal, ternyata resolusi monitor hanya bisa disetting pada resolusi 640x480. Yang harus dilakukan adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Menginstal driver vga
The correct answer suggests that the issue with the monitor's resolution can be resolved by installing the VGA driver. This implies that the current VGA driver may not be compatible or properly installed, causing the limited resolution options. By installing the correct driver, the user can access and adjust the monitor's resolution settings to their desired preference.
Agar pemindahan panas processor ke sirip pendingin dapat berlangsung baik maka diatas permukaannya dilapisi....
Correct Answer
E. Pasta silikon
To ensure efficient heat transfer from the processor to the cooling fins, a layer of silicone paste is applied on top of the surface. Silicone paste has high thermal conductivity, allowing it to effectively transfer heat from the processor to the cooling fins. This helps in keeping the processor cool and preventing overheating.
Perintah ping dalam command prompt digunakan untuk....
Correct Answer
B. Mengetes konfigurasi TCP/IP pada komputer
The correct answer is "mengetes konfigurasi TCP/IP pada komputer." The ping command in the command prompt is used to test the configuration of TCP/IP on a computer. It sends a small packet of data to a specific IP address and waits for a response. If the computer receives a response, it means that the TCP/IP configuration is working correctly. This command is commonly used to troubleshoot network connectivity issues.
Syarat yang harus dimiliki seorang user dalam melaksanakan perawatan peralatan komputer adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Mengerti konfigurasi CPU
A user needs to have an understanding of CPU configuration in order to perform computer equipment maintenance. This knowledge is essential for troubleshooting and identifying any issues with the CPU. It allows the user to make necessary adjustments or repairs to ensure the proper functioning of the computer system.
Untuk menyimpan konfigurasi setting yang dilakukan pada BIOS dapat menggunakan tombol....
Correct Answer
C. F10
The correct answer is F10. F10 is the key that is used to save the configuration settings made in the BIOS. By pressing F10, the changes made in the BIOS will be saved and applied.
Jenis security yang digunakan pada WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Encryption
The correct answer is encryption. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is a security protocol used to secure wireless networks. Encryption is the process of converting data into a form that cannot be easily understood by unauthorized individuals. In the context of WEP, encryption is used to protect the confidentiality of data transmitted over the network by encoding it in a way that can only be deciphered by authorized devices with the correct encryption key. This helps to prevent unauthorized access to the network and ensure the privacy and integrity of the data being transmitted.
Partisi swap dalam sistem operasi UNIX atau Linux digunakan untuk....
Correct Answer
B. Virtual memory
The correct answer is virtual memory. Partition swapping in UNIX or Linux operating systems is used to manage the allocation and swapping of data between the main memory and the secondary storage (usually a hard disk). This allows the operating system to use more memory than physically available by temporarily storing less frequently used data on the secondary storage. When the data is needed again, it can be swapped back into the main memory. This helps to optimize memory usage and improve system performance.
User yang berhak mengakses suatu server secara full memiliki alamat Pembatasan akses ini berdasarkan pada....
Correct Answer
C. IP address
The correct answer is IP address. The user who has the IP address is granted full access to the server. Access restrictions are based on the IP address of the user.
Untuk mengamankan wireless access point yang harus didisable adalah....
Correct Answer
To secure a wireless access point, it is important to disable the SSID. The SSID (Service Set Identifier) is the name of the wireless network that is broadcasted to allow devices to connect. By disabling the SSID, the network will not be visible to unauthorized users, making it more difficult for them to gain access. This adds an extra layer of security to the wireless network.
Sistem yang digunakan untuk mengautentifikasi klien pada jaringan wireless adalah
Correct Answer
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is a system used to authenticate clients in a wireless network. It provides security by encrypting data transmitted over the network. However, WEP is considered to be weak and easily compromised, as it uses a static encryption key that can be easily cracked. Therefore, it is not recommended to use WEP for securing wireless networks.
Salah satu penyebab menurunnya performa jaringan di LAN disebabkan karena....
Correct Answer
A. Virus yang melakukan floading pada IP network
One possible explanation for the correct answer is that a virus that performs flooding on the IP network can cause a decrease in network performance. Flooding refers to the act of overwhelming a network with excessive traffic, which can lead to congestion and slow down the network. In this case, the virus is specifically targeting the IP network, causing it to become overloaded with traffic and resulting in a decrease in performance.
Perangkat WAN yang digunakan untuk komunikasi suara data dan video adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Router
A router is a device used to connect multiple networks and route data packets between them. It is capable of handling various types of network traffic, including voice, data, and video. Therefore, a router is the correct device for communication of voice, data, and video over a wide area network (WAN). A modem, on the other hand, is used to connect a computer or network to an internet service provider (ISP) and does not specifically handle voice, data, and video communication.
Jumlah partisi minimal yang dibutuhkan agar sistem operasi linux dapat berjalan adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Dua yaitu swap dan root
The correct answer is two, which are swap and root. This is because the swap partition is used for virtual memory management, while the root partition is where the operating system is installed.
Software yang dapat digunakan untuk backup data adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Norton Ghost
Norton Ghost is a software that is specifically designed for backing up data. It allows users to create exact copies of their computer's hard drive, including the operating system, programs, and files. This ensures that in the event of a system failure or data loss, users can easily restore their entire system to a previous state. Norton Ghost also offers various backup options, such as full backups, incremental backups, and scheduled backups, giving users flexibility in managing their data backup needs.
Jarak maksimum sutu jaringan yang menggunakan kabel UTP CAT-5 adalah....
Correct Answer
E. 100 meter
The maximum distance for a UTP CAT-5 cable network is 100 meters. This means that the cable can transmit data effectively up to a distance of 100 meters without any significant loss in signal quality. Beyond this distance, the signal may weaken and result in slower data transmission or even complete loss of connectivity. Therefore, it is important to consider the distance limitations of the cable when setting up a network using UTP CAT-5 cables.
Bus yang menghubungkan antara CPU dan monitor komputer adalah....
Correct Answer
B. Data bus
The bus that connects the CPU and monitor of a computer is called the data bus. The data bus is responsible for transferring data between the CPU and the monitor, allowing the CPU to send instructions and receive information from the monitor. It acts as a communication channel for transmitting data in the form of binary digits (bits) between the two components.
Teknik mengatur kecepatan processor diatas kecepatan normal disebut....
Correct Answer
C. Overclock
Overclocking refers to the technique of adjusting the processor's speed to a level higher than its normal speed. This can be done to increase the performance of the processor, allowing it to handle more demanding tasks.
Memory yang berjumlah kecil yang dirangkaikan dengan unit storage untuk mempercepat baca/tulis adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Disk cache
Disk cache refers to a small amount of memory that is combined with a storage unit to accelerate read and write operations. It stores frequently accessed data from the disk in memory, allowing for faster retrieval in subsequent operations. This helps to improve overall system performance by reducing the need to access data directly from the slower disk drive.
Konduktor kabel coaxial dalam jaringan terdiri atas....
Correct Answer
E. Cooper conductor
The correct answer is "cooper conductor." A coaxial cable consists of a central conductor, which is usually made of copper, surrounded by a plastic insulation layer. The central conductor carries the electrical signals in the cable, while the insulation layer provides protection and insulation.