Konsumen membayar tagihan listrik yang digunakan berdasarkan....
Correct Answer
B. Energi listrik
Konsumen membayar tagihan listrik yang digunakan berdasarkan energi listrik. Ini berarti bahwa biaya yang harus dibayarkan oleh konsumen didasarkan pada jumlah energi listrik yang digunakan selama periode waktu tertentu. Semakin banyak energi listrik yang digunakan, semakin tinggi tagihan listrik yang harus dibayar oleh konsumen.
Jumlah kawat dititik A adalah....
Correct Answer
B. 2 kawat fasa, 1 kawat nol
The correct answer is 2 kawat fasa, 1 kawat nol. This means that there are two phase wires and one neutral wire at point A.
Besarnya pengujian tahanan isolasi ditetapkan bahwa " harga penahan isolasi minimum" adalah....
Correct Answer
B. 1000 kali tegangan kerja peralatan yang diuji
The correct answer is 1000 times the working voltage of the tested equipment. This means that the insulation resistance should be able to withstand a voltage that is 1000 times higher than the normal operating voltage of the equipment being tested. This ensures that the insulation is strong enough to prevent any leakage or breakdown of electrical current, ensuring the safety and reliability of the equipment.
Dalam melakukan pekerjaan listrik kita harusselalu waspada.Berikut ini dampak sengatan listrik bagi manusia, kecuali....
Correct Answer
D. Terbakarnya pakaian kerja
When a person gets an electric shock, one of the potential dangers is the risk of their clothing catching fire. This can occur if the electric current causes a spark or heat that ignites the fabric. However, the other options listed - heart failure, respiratory problems, damage to body cells, and burning of the skin - are all potential consequences of electric shock. Therefore, the correct answer is the only option that does not describe a possible impact of electric shock on the human body.
Dalam membuat rangkaian instalasi tenaga bintang segitiga, kita butuh komponen utama....
Correct Answer
A. 3 kontaktor, 1 MCB 3 Fasa, 1 MCB 1 fasa
The correct answer is 3 kontaktor, 1 MCB 3 Fasa, 1 MCB 1 fasa. This is because in a star-delta power installation circuit, three contactors are required to switch the motor windings between star and delta configurations. One MCB 3 Fasa is needed to protect the three-phase power supply, and one MCB 1 fasa is required to protect the single-phase power supply.
Komponen yang bukan bagian utama dari seterika listrik dibawah ini adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Alas
The correct answer is "alas". The other options mentioned, such as penutup dan pemberat (cover and weight), elemen pemanas (heating element), pemegang (handle), and kabel daya (power cord), are all essential components of an electric iron. However, the "alas" (base) is not a main component of an electric iron as it is not directly involved in the ironing process. It is used to provide stability and support to the iron when it is not in use.
Lampu yang bukan termasuk dalam kelompok lampu merkuri, yaitu....
Correct Answer
C. Lampu blended
Lampu blended tidak termasuk dalam kelompok lampu merkuri karena lampu blended merupakan jenis lampu yang menggunakan campuran dari beberapa jenis gas, seperti argon, neon, dan krypton, serta memiliki filamen sebagai sumber cahaya utama. Sedangkan lampu merkuri menggunakan gas merkuri sebagai sumber cahaya utama.
Komponen yang bukan termasuk bagian perpipaan listrik adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Klem/sengkang
The correct answer is "klem/sengkang". The other options mentioned are all components that are part of electrical piping, such as pipe union, PVC pipe, flexible pipe, and tube/pipe sleeve. However, klem/sengkang is not a component of electrical piping.
Kabel 3 fasa yang dipasang harus sesuai dengan jumlah dan urutan warna intinya, yaitu ....
Correct Answer
A. Merah,kuning,hitam,biru
The correct answer is "merah, kuning, hitam, biru". This is because the question is asking for the correct order of the colors for a three-phase cable. In electrical wiring, the standard color coding for three-phase cables is red (merah), yellow (kuning), black (hitam), and blue (biru). Therefore, the correct order of the colors for the cable installation is merah (red), kuning (yellow), hitam (black), and biru (blue).
Overload berfungsi untuk mengamankan motor dari....
Correct Answer
B. Beban lebih
Overload berfungsi untuk mengamankan motor dari beban lebih. Ketika motor mengalami beban yang melebihi kapasitasnya, overload akan mendeteksinya dan memutus aliran listrik untuk melindungi motor dari kerusakan yang lebih parah.
Perhatikan gambar rangkaian pengendali berikut !
Jika MCB dalam kondisi saklar ON, maka....
Correct Answer
C. Koil bekerja
When the MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) is in the ON position, it allows the flow of current through the circuit. The coil, which is a part of the control circuit, requires current to operate. Therefore, when the MCB is ON, the coil will work or operate.
Pengoperasian motor listrik yang dilakukan secara bergantian (interlocking) menggunakan kontaktor dengan kontak bantu minimal....
Correct Answer
E. 2 NC, 2 NO
The correct answer is 2 NC, 2 NO. This means that there are two normally closed (NC) contacts and two normally open (NO) contacts in the interlocking contactor. This configuration allows for the motor to be operated in a safe and controlled manner. The normally closed contacts provide a safety feature by ensuring that the circuit is open when the motor is not in operation, while the normally open contacts allow for the motor to be operated when needed. Having two of each type of contact provides redundancy and ensures that the motor can be operated reliably.
Alat pengaman panel listrik akibat terjadinya kebocoran arus / tegangan sentuh terhadap bumi adalah....
Correct Answer
ELCB stands for Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker. It is a safety device used to protect electrical circuits from the risk of electric shock due to current leakage. When there is a leakage of current or touch voltage to the ground, the ELCB quickly detects it and cuts off the power supply to prevent any potential harm. It is commonly used in homes and buildings to ensure electrical safety.
Device output PLC berguna untuk....
Correct Answer
E. Mengaktifkan HR
Device output PLC berguna untuk mengaktifkan HR.
Keadaan dari suatu transistor, dimana transistor tersebut tidak dapat mengalirkan arus, jika diumpankan saklar dalam terbuka, disebut....
Correct Answer
A. Cut off
The correct answer is "cut off." In the cut-off state, a transistor is not able to conduct current when the switch is open. This means that the transistor is in a non-conductive state and acts as an open circuit.
Perintah untuk mengakhiri semua instruksi yang diberikan pada logika pemrograman adalah instruksi....
Correct Answer
E. End
The correct answer is "end" because it is the command used in programming to indicate the end of a block of code or a loop. This command is used to terminate the execution of the program and exit the current scope. It is commonly used in conditional statements and loops to specify when the program should stop executing the instructions within that block.
Alat pemanas seterika listrik yang dihubungkan ke sumber tegangan semakin lama semakin bertambah panas, pada suhu tertentu kemudian mengalami penurunan temperatur. Komponen seterika yang berfungsi sebagai pengatur suhu adalah....
Correct Answer
B. Bimetal
The bimetal component in an electric iron functions as a temperature regulator. As the electric iron is connected to a power source, the bimetal component heats up gradually. Once it reaches a certain temperature, the bimetal component bends or warps, causing the iron to cool down. This bending or warping action helps maintain a consistent temperature during ironing.
Gangguan yang sering terjadi pada mixer adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Sikat aus
The most common problem that occurs in a mixer is worn out brushes.
Komponen elektronika yang digunakan untuk sensor cahaya adalah....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is LDR. LDR stands for Light Dependent Resistor, which is a type of electronic component used in light sensors. LDRs have a resistance that varies with the amount of light they are exposed to. When light falls on the LDR, its resistance decreases, and when there is no light, its resistance increases. This property makes LDRs suitable for use in light sensors, as they can detect and measure the intensity of light in various applications.
Alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur diameter kawat email adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Micrometer
A micrometer is a tool used to measure the diameter of wire. It is a precise instrument that can measure small distances with accuracy. It consists of a calibrated screw mechanism that is used to measure the thickness or diameter of an object. In this context, a micrometer would be the most appropriate tool to use for measuring the diameter of wire.
Simbol pada alat ukur memiliki arti....
Correct Answer
A. Alat ukur dibaca tegak lurus dan ditempatkan pada posisi datar
The symbol on the measuring tool indicates that it should be read vertically and placed in a flat position.
Salah satu alat ukur listrik yang dapat menampilkan bentuk-bentuk sinyal dari berbagai instrumen listrik adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Osciloscope
An oscilloscope is a device used to measure and display various forms of electrical signals. It is commonly used in electronics and electrical engineering to observe waveforms, voltages, and frequencies. It is capable of displaying signals in real-time, allowing users to analyze and troubleshoot electrical circuits. The other options, such as multitester, galvanometer, frekwensimeter, and luxmeter, are not specifically designed to display different forms of electrical signals like an oscilloscope does.
Pemasangan alat ukur ampere meter yang benar dipasang secara....
Correct Answer
E. Seri dengan beban
The correct answer is "seri dengan beban". This means that the ampere meter is correctly installed in series with the load. Installing the ampere meter in series allows it to measure the current flowing through the load accurately. If it was installed in parallel, it would not provide an accurate measurement of the current.
Bila mixer bersuara keras atau bergetar berlebihan, kemungkinan penyebabnya adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Sikat arang pada motor aus
The correct answer is "Sikat arang pada motor aus". When a mixer is making loud noises or vibrating excessively, it is likely due to worn-out carbon brushes in the motor. Carbon brushes are responsible for conducting electricity to the motor's spinning armature, and over time they can become worn down or damaged. This can cause the motor to function improperly, resulting in loud noises and excessive vibrations.
Bahan listrik yang berfungsi untuk mengikat kepala-kepala kumparan agar tidak terjadi kontak mekanik antara rotor dengan kumparan adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Selongsong kabel
The correct answer is selongsong kabel. Selongsong kabel berfungsi untuk melindungi kabel dari kontak mekanik dengan komponen lainnya. Dalam konteks ini, selongsong kabel digunakan untuk mengikat kepala-kepala kumparan agar tidak terjadi kontak mekanik antara rotor dengan kumparan.
Yang bukan termasuk tahanan listrik induktor adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Lampu pijar
The correct answer is "lampu pijar" because a lampu pijar (incandescent lamp) does not have an inductor. An inductor is a coil of wire that stores electrical energy in a magnetic field when current flows through it. Balast TL (fluorescent ballast), kumparan motor (motor coil), transformator (transformer), and generator all contain inductors as part of their electrical components.
Yang termasuk transformator ukur adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Trafo daya
A transformator ukur, or measurement transformer, is a type of transformer used for measuring electrical parameters such as voltage, current, and power. Trafo daya, or power transformer, is a type of transformer specifically designed to transfer electrical energy between two or more electrical circuits. Therefore, trafo daya is included in the category of measurement transformers.
Relay ini dihubungkan dengan kontaktor magnit gunanya untuk mengamankan motor dari kerusakan akibat beban lebih adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Thermal overload relay
The thermal overload relay is connected to the magnetic contactor to protect the motor from damage caused by excessive load. The thermal overload relay monitors the temperature of the motor and if it exceeds a certain threshold, it will trip the contactor and disconnect the motor from the power supply. This helps prevent overheating and potential damage to the motor.
Transformator yang berfungsi memberi perlindungan terhadap operator dilaboratorium adalah...
Correct Answer
E. Transformator isolasi
A transformer isolates the operator from the high voltage circuit, providing protection against electric shocks. It is designed to have a high level of insulation between the primary and secondary windings, preventing any direct contact between the operator and the high voltage. This ensures the safety of the operator while working in the laboratory.
Sel surya photovoltaik merupakan alat yang dapat merubah energi sinar matahari menjadi energi....
Correct Answer
C. Energi listrik
The correct answer is "energi listrik." Sel surya photovoltaik, or solar photovoltaic cells, are devices that convert sunlight into electrical energy. They do this through the photovoltaic effect, where sunlight excites electrons in the cells, creating an electric current. Therefore, the energy produced by solar photovoltaic cells is in the form of electrical energy.
Bahan bakar untuk pusat listrik tenaga nuklir adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Uranium
Uranium is the correct answer because it is the fuel used in nuclear power plants. Nuclear power plants generate electricity by using the heat produced from the fission of uranium atoms. This process releases a large amount of energy, which is used to produce steam and drive turbines to generate electricity. Other options like solar, coal, gas, and premium are not suitable fuels for nuclear power plants.
Sesuai dengan PUIL 2000, warna kabel untuk pembumian adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Hijau kuning
Berdasarkan PUIL 2000, warna kabel untuk pembumian adalah hijau kuning.
Keuntungan utama dari pusat listrik tenaga panas bumi adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Energinya tersedia dialam
Pusat listrik tenaga panas bumi memiliki keuntungan utama karena energinya tersedia di alam. Hal ini berarti bahwa sumber energi panas bumi dapat ditemukan di banyak tempat di dunia dan tidak tergantung pada pasokan minyak bumi. Dengan demikian, pusat listrik tenaga panas bumi dapat menghasilkan energi secara berkelanjutan dan tidak perlu mengandalkan bahan bakar fosil yang terbatas.
Sesuai dengan PUIL 2000, warna kabel untuk pembumian adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Hijau kuning
According to PUIL 2000, the color of the cable for grounding is green-yellow.
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Jika MCB dalam kondisi saklar ON, maka
Correct Answer
E. Koil K tidak bekerja
The given circuit diagram shows a control circuit with an MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) and a coil K. The MCB is in the ON position. The answer states that the coil K does not work. This means that even though the MCB is switched on, the coil K does not receive any power or current to operate.
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Komponen yang diberi tanda huruf C menunjukkan komponen
Correct Answer
D. Overload
The component labeled with the letter C in the given image represents an overload. An overload is a condition where the current flowing through a circuit exceeds its rated capacity. This can occur when too many electrical devices are connected to the circuit or when a faulty device draws excessive current. The overload component is designed to protect the circuit from damage by interrupting the flow of current when an overload occurs.
Untuk mengoperasikan 2 buah motor induksi 3 fasa yang bekerja dan berhenti secara berurutan dibutuhkan 2 buah kontaktor yang memiliki kontak-kontak ....
Correct Answer
D. 5 NO, 2NC
The correct answer is 5 NO, 2NC. This means that there are 5 normally open (NO) contacts and 2 normally closed (NC) contacts on the contactor. This configuration is necessary to operate and stop the two 3-phase induction motors in sequence. The normally open contacts are used to control the power supply to the motors, while the normally closed contacts are used for safety interlocks or to control other devices in the circuit. Having more normally open contacts allows for more flexibility in controlling the motors and other components.
Penyulutan pada salah satu kaki elektroda pada komponen elektronik sehingga komponen tersebut bekerja disebut....
Correct Answer
C. Trigger
Penyulutan pada salah satu kaki elektroda pada komponen elektronik menyebabkan komponen tersebut bekerja. Dalam konteks ini, "trigger" merujuk pada proses atau peristiwa yang memicu atau memulai kerja komponen elektronik.
Rel dari tembaga untuk pencabangan arus pada panel adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Busbar
A busbar is a copper conductor that is used for branching current in a panel. It is a sturdy and reliable component that can handle high currents. Unlike terminals, sockets, or cable racks, a busbar is specifically designed for this purpose and is commonly used in electrical power distribution systems. Omega relays, on the other hand, are not typically used for branching currents in panels. Therefore, the correct answer is busbar.
Bagian dari PLC yang merupakan mikroprosesor untuk mengkordinasikan kerja sistem PLC adalah....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is CPU. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the part of the PLC that acts as the microprocessor and coordinates the functions of the entire PLC system. It is responsible for executing instructions, performing calculations, and managing the input and output modules. The CPU is the "brain" of the PLC and plays a crucial role in controlling and monitoring the system's operations.