Setiap siswa memiliki hak untuk mendapatkan
Correct Answer
C. Perlakuan sesuai bakat, minat, dan kemampuanya
Every student has the right to be treated according to their talents, interests, and abilities. This means that students should be given opportunities and support to develop their individual strengths and pursue their interests. It also implies that students should not be discriminated against or limited based on their abilities or interests. Providing equal treatment based on talents, interests, and abilities promotes a fair and inclusive learning environment where each student has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.
Alat musik yang menggunakan tangga nada pentatonis antara lain
Correct Answer
A. Gamelan
The correct answer is gamelan because gamelan is a traditional musical ensemble from Indonesia that uses the pentatonic scale, which is a musical scale consisting of five notes per octave. The other options, such as guitar, organ, and piano, can also be used to play music using the pentatonic scale, but gamelan is specifically known for its extensive use of this scale in traditional Indonesian music.
Memelihara lingkungan alam adalah
Correct Answer
A. Kewajiban masyarakat bersama
The correct answer is "Kewajiban masyarakat bersama" which means "The collective responsibility of the community". This suggests that the maintenance of the natural environment is a duty that should be shared and carried out by the entire community. It implies that it is not the responsibility of a specific group or individuals, but rather a shared obligation that everyone should contribute to.
Sesuatu yang harus dilakukan untuk menjamin haknya terpenuhi disebut
Correct Answer
C. Kewajiban
Kewajiban refers to something that must be done in order to ensure that one's rights are fulfilled. It implies a responsibility or duty that an individual or entity has to fulfill in order to protect or guarantee their rights. Kewajiban can encompass various actions or obligations that need to be fulfilled in order to ensure that one's rights are respected and upheld.
Menjaga kebersihan kamar dan membantu orang tua adalah contoh
Correct Answer
A. Kewajiban anak di rumah
This question is asking for an example of a duty or responsibility of a child at home. The correct answer is "Kewajiban anak di rumah" which translates to "Duty of a child at home." This is because the statement "Menjaga kebersihan kamar dan membantu orang tua" which means "Keeping the room clean and helping parents" is a specific example of a duty that a child has at home.
Berikut ini bukan contoh hak warga negara Indonesia adalah
Correct Answer
A. Taat membayar pajak
Being obedient in paying taxes is not an example of a right of Indonesian citizens. While it is a duty for citizens to pay taxes, it is not considered a right. Rights are entitlements that individuals possess, such as legal protection, a decent standard of living, and equal standing in the law.
Berikut ini adalah contoh kegiatan manusia dalam berinteraksi dengan lingkungan alam untuk
Correct Answer
A. Kerja bakti
The correct answer is "Kerja bakti". Kerja bakti refers to a collective effort by a group of people to work together in order to accomplish a task that benefits the community or the environment. It often involves activities such as cleaning, repairing, or maintaining public spaces, such as parks, schools, or roads. This can include activities like picking up trash, planting trees, or fixing infrastructure. Kerja bakti is a way for individuals to contribute to the improvement of their surroundings and foster a sense of community and cooperation.
Berikut ini bukan kewajiban seorang anak adalah
Correct Answer
B. Mencari hiburan
The correct answer is "mencari hiburan" because it is not a duty or obligation for a child. While it is important for children to help their parents, study diligently, and clean the environment, seeking entertainment is not a responsibility that falls on them. Children should prioritize their education and responsibilities before engaging in recreational activities.
Kewajiban bagi pengguna transportasi umum adalah
Correct Answer
C. Membayar tarif
The correct answer is "membayar tarif". This is because when using public transportation, it is a responsibility for the user to pay the fare for the service they are using. This helps to fund the operation and maintenance of the transportation system, ensuring its sustainability and availability for all users.
Berikut ini contoh hak di rumah
Correct Answer
C. Mendapatkan perhatian dari orang tua
The correct answer is "mendapatkan perhatian dari orang tua" because it is the only option that relates to receiving attention from parents. The other options discuss different topics such as human rights protection, receiving love from teachers, and carrying out duty assignments. The focus of the question is on examples of rights in the context of a home, and only "mendapatkan perhatian dari orang tua" fits this criterion.
Berikut bukan ciri ringkasan yang baik adalah
Correct Answer
A. Menulis semua bacaan secara runtut
The correct answer is "menulis semua bacaan secara runtut." This is not a characteristic of a good summary because a good summary should not simply restate all the information in a sequential manner. Instead, it should condense the main points and key ideas of the text into a concise and coherent form.
Tujuan dari teks eksplanasi adalah
Correct Answer
C. Menyajikan informasi berupa fakta
The purpose of an explanatory text is to provide information in the form of facts. This type of text aims to present objective information and convey it to the reader without bias or personal opinion. It focuses on providing clear and accurate information that is based on evidence and can be verified.
Berikut ini merupakan fenomena yang tidak dibahas dalam teks eksplanasi adalah
Correct Answer
A. Entertainment
The correct answer is "entertainment." The reason why this phenomenon is not discussed in the explanation is not provided.
Perpindahan kalor secara konveksi terjadi pada
Correct Answer
B. Zat cair secara aliran
Convection heat transfer occurs in fluids, such as liquids, when there is a movement of the fluid due to temperature differences. This movement causes the transfer of heat from one region to another. Therefore, the correct answer is "zat cair secara aliran" which means "liquids in the form of flow".
Sendok terasa panas saat digunakan untuk mengaduk teh panas. Hal ini membuktikan terjadinya aliran panas secara
Correct Answer
A. Konduksi
When a spoon is used to stir hot tea, it becomes hot as well. This is because heat is transferred from the hot tea to the spoon through direct contact, which is known as conduction. Conduction is the process of heat transfer through direct contact between objects or substances that are at different temperatures.
Kita sering menggunakan bahan konduktor dan isolator dalam kehidupan sehari hari. Salah satu benda tersebut adalah setrika. Bagian setrika yang dapat menghantarkan panas adalah
Correct Answer
A. Bagian dasar
Bagian dasar setrika adalah yang dapat menghantarkan panas. Hal ini karena bagian dasar setrika terbuat dari bahan konduktor panas seperti logam, yang memungkinkan panas untuk disalurkan ke pakaian yang akan disetrika. Bagian atas, pegangan, dan alat pemutar panas tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk menghantarkan panas seperti bagian dasar.
Benda ini bersifat konduktor. benda ini memiliki sifat ringan, lentur, dan tahan terhadap karat. Benda tersebut adalah
Correct Answer
A. Karet
The correct answer is karet. The given characteristics of being lightweight, flexible, and resistant to rust indicate that the object is made of rubber. Rubber is a good conductor of electricity, which aligns with the statement that the object is a conductor.
Indonesia merupakan negara agraris, karena sebagian besar penduduknya bekerja sebagai
Correct Answer
A. Petani
Indonesia is considered an agrarian country because a significant portion of its population works as farmers. Agriculture plays a crucial role in the country's economy, with a large percentage of the workforce engaged in farming activities. The fertile land and favorable climate in Indonesia make it suitable for agricultural practices, and farming has been a traditional occupation for many Indonesians for generations. Therefore, the answer "petani" (farmers) is the correct choice to describe the occupation of a majority of the population in Indonesia.
Dampak penangkapan ikan menggunakan bahan peledak adalah
Correct Answer
C. Populasi ikan terancam cepat punah
The use of explosives in fishing can have a detrimental impact on the fish population, leading to a rapid decline in their numbers. This is because the explosions not only kill the targeted fish but also destroy their habitats and disrupt the ecosystem. As a result, the fish population becomes threatened and is at risk of extinction.
Berikut ini yang termasuk dampak terjadinya kemisikinan adalah
Correct Answer
C. Gizi buruk pada balita
The correct answer is "gizi buruk pada balita" (malnutrition in children). This is because poverty often leads to inadequate access to nutritious food, which can result in malnutrition among young children.
Angka kelahiran yang tinggi dan angka kematian yang rendah akan mengakibatkan terjadinya
Correct Answer
A. Pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi
A high birth rate and a low death rate will result in a high population growth. This means that more people are being born than are dying, leading to an increase in the overall population.
Program yang dilaksanakan untuk mengatasi masalah kependudukan adalah program
Correct Answer
C. Transmigrasi
Transmigrasi is a program implemented to address population issues. It involves the relocation of people from densely populated areas to less populated regions to alleviate overpopulation and achieve a more balanced distribution of population. This program aims to reduce pressure on resources and infrastructure in overcrowded areas while also promoting economic development in underdeveloped regions.
Langkah terakhir membuat gambar cerita adalah
Correct Answer
B. Mewarnai gambar
The last step in creating a story picture is to color the picture. This step involves adding colors to the sketch or outline of the picture to bring it to life and make it visually appealing. Coloring the picture helps to enhance the details, create depth, and convey the desired mood or atmosphere of the story. By adding colors, the picture becomes more engaging and captivating for the audience.
Apakah yang dimaksud dengan kewajiban?Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia,kewajiban berasal dari kata wajib yang berarti
Correct Answer
A. Harus dilakukan
Kewajiban adalah suatu tindakan atau kewajiban yang harus dilakukan oleh seseorang. Dalam konteks ini, kewajiban berarti bahwa seseorang harus melakukan suatu tindakan atau kewajiban yang diharapkan atau diwajibkan. Kewajiban ini tidak boleh diabaikan atau dihindari, tetapi harus dilakukan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan atau diwajibkan.
Bersifat riang gembira merupakan salah satu tangga nada
Correct Answer
A. Diatonis mayor
The given statement "Bersifat riang gembira merupakan salah satu tangga nada" translates to "Joyful is one of the scales" in English. The correct answer, "diatonis mayor," refers to the major diatonic scale, which is commonly associated with a happy and joyful sound. Therefore, the answer is appropriate because it aligns with the given statement about the scale being joyful.