Tuliskan tahapan alir proses produksi multimedia !
Tuliskan 12 Proses production secara sekuensial !
Tuliskan pengertian dari Multimedia Content Production !
Tuliskan pengetian dari Multimedia Communication !
Tuliskan media yang digunakan dalam multimedia content production !
Proses awal dari proses produksi produk multimedia dinamakan …
Correct Answer
C. Pre-Produksi
Pre-Produksi adalah proses awal dari proses produksi produk multimedia. Pada tahap ini, ide-ide dan konsep produk multimedia dikembangkan, perencanaan dilakukan, dan persiapan dilakukan sebelum produksi sebenarnya dimulai. Tahap ini meliputi penulisan skenario, perancangan storyboard, pemilihan lokasi, casting, perencanaan anggaran, dan persiapan lainnya yang diperlukan sebelum produksi. Dengan demikian, Pre-Produksi merupakan tahap yang penting dalam proses produksi multimedia sebelum memasuki tahap produksi yang sebenarnya.
Pre-Production mencakup hal-hal berikut, kecuali …
Correct Answer
B. Content Processing
Pre-production involves various tasks to prepare for the production phase of a project. Building a prototype, designing, defining the concept, and clearing rights are all part of the pre-production process. Content processing, on the other hand, refers to the organization, formatting, and preparation of the content that will be used in the production phase. It involves tasks such as editing, proofreading, and converting files into the appropriate format. Therefore, content processing is the only option that is not included in pre-production.
Pengurusan hak cipta produk multimedia agar tidak dibajak pihak lain dijabarkan dalam …
Correct Answer
B. Clear Rights
Clear Rights refers to the process of managing copyright of multimedia products to prevent unauthorized use or piracy by others. This involves obtaining the necessary licenses and permissions for using copyrighted material, ensuring that all legal requirements are met, and protecting the intellectual property rights of the creators. By clearing the rights, the multimedia product can be legally distributed and protected from infringement, ensuring that the creators receive proper recognition and compensation for their work.
Penandatanganan kontrak dengan klien / pelanggan beserta pembiayaannya dituangkan dalam …
Correct Answer
Client Sign-Off and Funding
The correct answer is "Client Sign-Off and Funding". This is because the question is asking about the documentation of the contract with the client and its financing. The process of obtaining the client's sign-off and securing the necessary funding is crucial before proceeding with any production plan, rights clearance, team assembly, or concept definition. Therefore, the correct answer is "Client Sign-Off and Funding".
Proses penuangan ide berupa proposal dalam diagram alir proses Pre-Production disebut …
Correct Answer
Concept Definition
The correct answer is Concept Definition. In the Pre-Production process, the pouring of ideas into a proposal is called Concept Definition. This involves outlining and clarifying the concept or idea for the project. It is an important step in the pre-production phase as it helps to establish a clear understanding of the project's goals, objectives, and requirements before moving forward with production.
Penyusunan personil yang akan terlibat dalam pembuatan produk multimedia dijelaskan dalam …
Correct Answer
Concept Definition
The given correct answer is "Concept Definition". This is because the question is asking about the explanation for the process of arranging personnel involved in the creation of multimedia products. Concept definition is the initial step in the production process where the overall concept and goals for the multimedia product are established. This includes defining the target audience, determining the main message or theme, and outlining the desired features and functionality of the product. Once the concept is defined, the team can then be assembled and the production plan can be developed.
Perencanaan proses produksi berupa storyboard, anggaran dana, rangkaian kegiatan, dan lain-lain dibeberkan dalam …
Correct Answer
A. Production Plan
The given correct answer is "Production Plan". The production plan includes various elements such as storyboards, budget allocation, sequence of activities, and others. It is a detailed outline of the steps and resources required to carry out the production process. This plan helps in organizing and coordinating the production activities effectively, ensuring that all necessary tasks are completed in a timely manner and within the allocated budget.
Pembuatan produk multimedia berupa prototipe program multimedia dilakukan dalam tahapan …
Correct Answer
Building prototype
The correct answer is "Building prototype." This is because the question is asking about the stages or steps involved in the creation of a multimedia product prototype. Building a prototype is an essential step in the development process as it allows for testing and refining the product before the final version is created.
Dalam mempermudah pembuatan proyek video, maka harus dilakukan pembuatan rencana kasar sebagai dasar pelaksanaan pengambilan adegan yang dinamakan …
Correct Answer
Dalam pembuatan proyek video, langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah membuat rencana kasar atau skenario. Skenario ini akan menjadi dasar atau panduan untuk pelaksanaan pengambilan adegan dalam proyek video tersebut. Dengan memiliki skenario yang jelas, tim produksi dapat lebih mudah memahami dan melaksanakan proyek video dengan efektif dan efisien.
Coretan gambar/sketsa seperti gambar komik yang menggambarkan kejadian dalam film disebut …
Correct Answer
A storyboard is a series of sketches or images that depict the sequence of events in a film or movie. It is often used as a visual guide for directors, cinematographers, and other members of the production team to plan and organize the shots and scenes. The sketches or drawings in a storyboard resemble a comic strip and help to visualize how the story will unfold on screen. Therefore, a storyboard is the correct answer in this case.