Pak Jajuli berusaha untuk hormat pada orang yang lebih tua. Perilaku Pak Jajuli
merupakan pelaksanaan dari norma ...
Correct Answer
B. Kesopanan
The correct answer is kesopanan. Pak Jajuli's behavior of showing respect to older people is a manifestation of the norm of politeness. Kesopanan refers to the social norms and customs that dictate appropriate behavior and manners in a society. Respecting and showing deference to older individuals is considered a polite and respectful behavior in many cultures. Therefore, Pak Jajuli's actions align with the norm of kesopanan.
Bila semua manusia mau berbuat baik sesuai dengan norma yang berlaku, maka akan
Correct Answer
A. Kehidupan keluarga dan masyarakat harmonis
If all humans are willing to do good according to the prevailing norms, then it will lead to a harmonious life for both families and communities.
Tujuan adanya norma atau kaidah sosial adalah.....
Correct Answer
C. Untuk mengatur hubungan atau interaksi antar sesama individu dan masyarakat agar tercapai suatu keseimbangan antara kepentingan satu dengan yang lainnya.
The purpose of social norms or rules is to regulate the relationships or interactions between individuals and society in order to achieve a balance between their interests.
Norma dalam kehidupan manusia yang memiliki sanksi yang tegas adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Hukum
Hukum adalah norma dalam kehidupan manusia yang memiliki sanksi yang tegas. Hukum merupakan aturan yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah atau lembaga yang berwenang untuk mengatur dan mengendalikan perilaku manusia dalam masyarakat. Pelanggaran terhadap hukum dapat mengakibatkan sanksi berupa denda, hukuman penjara, atau hukuman lainnya. Hukum memiliki kekuatan yang mengikat dan harus dipatuhi oleh semua individu dalam masyarakat.
Di bawah ini yang bukan termasuk sanksi dari pelanggaran norma kesusilaan adalah......
Correct Answer
C. Dipenjara
The correct answer is "dipenjara". The other options, such as "malu", "cemas", and "menyesal" are emotions or feelings that can be experienced as a result of violating moral norms. However, "dipenjara" refers to being imprisoned or incarcerated, which is a legal consequence rather than a sanction related to moral values.
Hukum menurut bentuknya terdiri dari....
Correct Answer
B. Hukum Tertulis dan Tidak Tertulis
The correct answer is "Hukum Tertulis dan Tidak Tertulis". This answer is correct because it accurately identifies the two forms of law based on their nature. "Hukum Tertulis" refers to written laws that are formally enacted and codified, such as statutes and regulations. On the other hand, "Hukum Tidak Tertulis" refers to unwritten laws that are based on customs, traditions, and judicial precedents. These two forms of law coexist in many legal systems and provide a comprehensive framework for governing society.
Dari segi isinya hukum dibagi atas ....
Correct Answer
A. Hukum publik dan hukum privat
The correct answer is "Hukum publik dan hukum privat." This is because hukum publik refers to laws that regulate the relationship between the government and its citizens, such as constitutional law and criminal law. On the other hand, hukum privat refers to laws that govern the relationships between individuals, such as contract law and property law. Therefore, this division of hukum into hukum publik and hukum privat is based on the content of the laws and their scope of application.
Hukum yang sedang berlaku pada suatu negara dan waktu tertentu, dinamakan ...
Correct Answer
D. Ius Constitutum
The correct answer is Ius Constitutum. Ius Constitutum refers to the law that is currently in force in a particular country and at a specific time. It is the legal system that has been established and is recognized by the government as the authoritative set of rules and regulations. This term is used to distinguish the existing law from Ius Constituendum, which refers to the law that is being created or developed.
Pentingnya mentaati hukum yang berlaku dalam masyarakat adalah......
Correct Answer
B. Terciptanya ketertiban dan ketentraman
Mentaati hukum yang berlaku dalam masyarakat penting karena hal ini akan menghasilkan ketertiban dan ketentraman. Ketika semua orang mematuhi hukum, maka akan tercipta suasana yang aman dan tenteram di masyarakat. Ketertiban dan ketentraman adalah faktor penting dalam menjaga kehidupan yang harmonis dan menghindari konflik serta kekacauan. Dengan adanya ketertiban dan ketentraman, masyarakat dapat hidup dengan lebih tenteram dan tugas-tugas sehari-hari dapat dilakukan dengan lancar.
Perhatikan pernyataan berikut ini
1) Untuk mengatur tata tertib masyarakat secara damai dan adil.
2) Untuk menjaga keutuhan bangsa dan negara
3) Untuk menjaga kepentingan tiap manusia supaya kepentingan itu tidak dapat
4) Untuk memberikan sanksi yang seberat-beratnya kepada para pelanggar hukum
atau peraturan
5) Untuk menjamin adanya kepastian hukum dalam pergaulan manusia.
Manakah dari pernyataan di atas yang mencerminkan tujuan adanya (diterapkan-nya)
hukum dalam masyarakat.....
Correct Answer
B. 1,3 dan 5
The statements 1, 3, and 5 reflect the purpose of the existence of law in society. Statement 1 emphasizes the importance of maintaining peaceful and fair order in society. Statement 3 highlights the need to protect the interests of individuals from being disturbed. Statement 5 mentions the guarantee of legal certainty in human interactions. These three statements collectively represent the objectives of implementing law in society.
Salah satu contoh penerapan hukum di sekolah, antara lain ....
Correct Answer
A. Mentaati tata tertib sekolah
One example of the application of laws in school is by obeying the school rules. By following the school regulations, students contribute to maintaining order and discipline within the school environment. This helps create a conducive learning atmosphere and ensures the smooth functioning of the school.
Perilaku pelajar yang mematuhi tata tertib sekolah di antaranya...........
Correct Answer
B. Tidak membuang sampah sembarangan
The given answer, "Tidak membuang sampah sembarangan" (Not littering), is a behavior that shows compliance with school rules. It indicates that the student understands and follows the school's regulations regarding cleanliness and environmental responsibility. By not littering, the student contributes to maintaining a clean and organized school environment, which is an important aspect of school discipline.
Kaharusan bagi seseorang untuk tidak berbuat sesuatu oleh karena akibat-akibatnya
dipandang tidak baik disebut....
Correct Answer
B. Larangan
The given correct answer is "Larangan". This is because the question is asking for the term used to describe the necessity for someone to refrain from doing something due to the perceived negative consequences. "Larangan" is the Indonesian word for "prohibition" or "forbidden", which accurately describes the concept of being instructed not to do something.
Sebagai warga negara yang baik seharusnya sikap kita berusaha melaksanakan peraturan
sebaik-baiknya, karena......
Correct Answer
C. Peraturan itu untuk kebaikan bersama
As responsible citizens, it is our duty to abide by the rules and regulations to the best of our abilities. This is because rules are created for the benefit of everyone in society. By following these rules, we contribute to the overall well-being and harmony of our community. It is important to recognize that rules are established by authorized bodies to ensure order and fairness. By adhering to these regulations, we not only uphold the law but also promote a sense of unity and cooperation among citizens.
Kesadaran hukum pada dasarnya bersumber dari......
Correct Answer
D. Diri sendiri dan ancaman sanksi
Kesadaran hukum pada dasarnya bersumber dari diri sendiri dan ancaman sanksi. Ini berarti bahwa individu memiliki kesadaran dan pemahaman tentang hukum serta tanggung jawab mereka untuk mematuhinya. Mereka juga menyadari bahwa melanggar hukum dapat menghadapi konsekuensi atau sanksi yang mungkin merugikan mereka. Dengan demikian, kesadaran hukum didorong oleh kombinasi kesadaran pribadi dan ancaman sanksi yang ada.
Sejarah perjuangan Bangsa Indonesia untuk mencapai kemerdekaan dilalui melalui
beberapa tahapan. Tahapan pertama dikenal dengan Tahap Perintis atau Masa
Kebangkitan bangsa yang ditandai dengan lahirnya...
Correct Answer
A. Budi Utomo tahun 1908
The correct answer is Budi Utomo tahun 1908. Budi Utomo was a nationalist organization founded in 1908 and is considered as the first modern political organization in Indonesia. It aimed to promote the welfare and education of the Indonesian people and played a significant role in the early stages of the Indonesian independence movement. The organization's establishment marked the beginning of the awakening of Indonesian nationalism and the start of the struggle for independence.
Hari Sumpah Pemuda diperingati setiap tanggal................
Correct Answer
C. 28 Oktober
The correct answer is 28 Oktober. Hari Sumpah Pemuda, or Youth Pledge Day, is commemorated every year on October 28th in Indonesia. This day marks the historic event in 1928 when young Indonesian nationalists pledged to unite and fight for the independence of Indonesia from Dutch colonial rule. The pledge was made during the Second Youth Congress in Jakarta, where young people from various Indonesian regions gathered and expressed their commitment to national unity and independence. This event is significant in Indonesian history and is celebrated as a reminder of the youth's role in the nation's struggle for independence.
Berikut ini merupakan faktor pendorong rakyat Indonesia untuk meraih kemerdekaan
adalah .........
Correct Answer
A. Perasaan senasib sepenanggungan akibat belenggu penjajah
The correct answer is "Perasaan senasib sepenanggungan akibat belenggu penjajah". This is because the shared experience of being oppressed by the colonial power created a sense of unity and solidarity among the Indonesian people, motivating them to strive for independence.
Nilai-nilai semangat Proklamasi Kemerdekaan 1945 yang perlu diwariskan kepada
generasi muda, antara lain .......
Correct Answer
D. Rela mengorbankan sebagian harta, bahkan jiwa dan raga untuk kepentingan bangsa dan negara
The correct answer is "Rela mengorbankan sebagian harta, bahkan jiwa dan raga untuk kepentingan bangsa dan negara". This answer aligns with the spirit of the Proclamation of Independence in 1945, which emphasizes the willingness to sacrifice personal wealth, even one's life and body, for the sake of the nation and country. It reflects the selflessness and dedication that the younger generation needs to inherit and uphold in order to continue the legacy of independence.
Berikut ini tindakan yang dapat mewujudkan sikap menumbuhkan persatuan dan kesatuan
bangsa ....
Correct Answer
C. Melakukan kegiatan kerja bhakti
Melakukan kegiatan kerja bhakti adalah tindakan yang dapat mewujudkan sikap menumbuhkan persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa. Melalui kegiatan ini, individu atau kelompok bekerja bersama-sama untuk melakukan kegiatan yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat atau lingkungan sekitar. Dengan melakukan kegiatan kerja bhakti, mereka dapat saling membantu dan bekerja sama tanpa memandang perbedaan dan konflik yang mungkin ada. Hal ini dapat memperkuat ikatan sosial antarwarga negara dan membangun persatuan serta kesatuan dalam masyarakat.
Sidang PPKI pada tanggal 18 Agustus 1945 menghasilkan keputusan ....
Correct Answer
A. Menetapkan dan mengesahkan UUD 1945
The correct answer is "Menetapkan dan mengesahkan UUD 1945." The explanation is that the Sidang PPKI pada tanggal 18 Agustus 1945 (the PPKI Meeting on August 18, 1945) resulted in the decision to establish and ratify the UUD 1945 (the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia). This decision was significant as it laid the foundation for the governance and legal framework of the newly independent Indonesia.
Setelah mencapai kemerdekaan, maka kewajiban kita adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Mempertahankan dan mengisinya dengan hal-hal yang positif
After achieving independence, our obligation is to maintain and fill it with positive things. This means that we should work towards preserving our independence and ensuring that it is filled with positive actions, values, and progress. It implies that we should strive to build a prosperous and harmonious nation by engaging in activities that contribute positively to society and the country as a whole.
Panitia sembilan berhasil menetapkan piagam Jakarta pada tanggal:
Correct Answer
C. 22 Juni 1945
The correct answer is 22 Juni 1945. This is the date when the Panitia Sembilan successfully established the Jakarta Charter.
Yang mengesahkan UUD 1945 pada tanggal 18 Agustus 1945 adalah…..
Correct Answer
PPKI (Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia) adalah yang mengesahkan UUD 1945 pada tanggal 18 Agustus 1945. PPKI adalah sebuah badan legislatif yang dibentuk oleh Jepang setelah Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia. Badan ini terdiri dari para pemimpin nasional dan tokoh-tokoh pergerakan kemerdekaan yang bertugas untuk menyusun dan mengesahkan UUD 1945 sebagai dasar negara Indonesia.
Kemerdekaan yang diproklamasikan tanggal 17 Agustus 1945 merupakan ....
Correct Answer
B. Perjuangan bangsa Indonesia
The correct answer is "Perjuangan bangsa Indonesia". This is because the proclamation of independence on August 17, 1945, was the result of the Indonesian people's struggle for independence from colonial rule. It was not a gift from Japan, assistance from the Allies, or a gift from the Netherlands. The Indonesian people fought and sacrificed to achieve their independence.
Di bawah ini yang bukan merupakan makna proklamasi kemerdekaan ...
Correct Answer
D. Akhir dari segala perjuangan bangsa Indonesia
The phrase "akhir dari segala perjuangan bangsa Indonesia" means "the end of all struggles of the Indonesian nation". This statement is not a meaning of the proclamation of independence. The proclamation of independence marks the beginning of the struggle for independence, not the end. Therefore, this option is not a correct meaning of the proclamation of independence.
Pengakuan Bangsa Indonesia bahwa kemerdekaan merupakan Rahmat Tuhan Yang Maha
Esa tertuang dalam pembukaan UUD 1945 alinea ke....
Correct Answer
C. 3
The correct answer is 3 because the sentence states that the recognition of the Indonesian people that independence is a blessing from God Almighty is stated in the opening of the 1945 Constitution in paragraph 3.
Pokok Pikiran Pembukaan UUD 1945, dilihat secara hukum merupakan .......
Correct Answer
C. Tujuan hukum
The opening statement of the 1945 Constitution is considered as the "Tujuan hukum" or the purpose of law. This is because it outlines the fundamental goals and objectives that the law aims to achieve. It sets the direction and aspirations of the legal system in Indonesia, guiding the development and implementation of laws to ensure justice, equality, and welfare for the people.
Hubungan Proklamasi Kemerdekaan dengan UUD 1945 dapat digambarkan …..
Correct Answer
A. Proklamasi Kemerdekaan merupakan landasan disahkan dan diberlakunya UUD 1945
The correct answer suggests that the Proclamation of Independence serves as the foundation for the enactment and implementation of the UUD 1945. This implies that the Proclamation of Independence is a significant event that paves the way for the establishment of the UUD 1945 as the constitution of Indonesia. It highlights the importance of the Proclamation in shaping the legal framework and governance of the country.
Pokok Pikiran I yang terkandung dalam Pembukaan UUD 1945 merupakan penjelmaan
sila Pancasila yaitu ...
Correct Answer
A. Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia
The correct answer is "Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia." This is because the first principle of Pancasila, which is reflected in the opening of the 1945 Constitution, is social justice for all Indonesian people.
Pokok Pikiran III yang terkandung dalam Pembukaan UUD 1945 merupakan penjelmaan
sila Pancasila yaitu ...
Correct Answer
B. Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa dan Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab
The correct answer is "Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa dan Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab." This is because the third principle of Pancasila, which is reflected in the third idea of the UUD 1945, emphasizes the belief in one supreme God and the importance of treating all human beings fairly and with dignity. This principle promotes the values of religious tolerance and respect for the rights and welfare of all individuals in Indonesian society.
Pembukaan UUD 1945 alinea pertama memuat tentang Hak Asasi Manusia. Rincian lebih
lanjut mengenai HAM dalam pasal-pasal UUD 1945 antara lain terdapat pada pasal ......
Correct Answer
C. 28
The opening paragraph of the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia includes the mention of Human Rights. Further details about Human Rights in the articles of the 1945 Constitution can be found in Article 28.
Hubungan pembukaan dan batang tubuh UUD 1945 adalah.........
Correct Answer
D. Pasal-pasal UUD 1945 merupakan penjabaran dari pembukaan UUD 1945
The correct answer is "Pasal-pasal UUD 1945 merupakan penjabaran dari pembukaan UUD 1945." This means that the articles of the UUD 1945 are an elaboration of the opening of the UUD 1945. This suggests that the articles further explain and provide more details on the principles and provisions stated in the opening of the UUD 1945.
Sikap yang menunjukan rasa cinta terhadap tanah air adalah......
Correct Answer
A. Bangga berbahasa Indonesia
The correct answer is "Bangga berbahasa Indonesia" because being proud of and using the national language shows a love and appreciation for one's homeland. It signifies a sense of identity, cultural pride, and a commitment to preserving and promoting the national language. This attitude reflects a strong connection and loyalty towards the country.
Salah satu upaya melanjutkan nilai-nilai proklamasi dan UUD 1945 yang telah disusun
oleh pemimpin bangsa adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Mempertahankan bentuk negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia
The correct answer suggests that one of the efforts to continue the values of the proclamation and the 1945 Constitution is to maintain the unitary state form of the Republic of Indonesia. This means that preserving the unity and integrity of Indonesia as a nation is seen as an important aspect of upholding the principles and values of the proclamation and the constitution.
Arti kemerdekaan suatu bangsa dalam konteks hubungan dengan bangsa lain
Correct Answer
D. Kebebasan suatu bangsa untuk berhubungan dengan bangsa lain
The correct answer is "Kebebasan suatu bangsa untuk berhubungan dengan bangsa lain" (The freedom of a nation to engage with other nations). This answer accurately reflects the concept of the independence of a nation in the context of its relationship with other nations. It implies that a nation has the freedom to establish diplomatic relations, engage in trade, and participate in international organizations, among other activities, without being oppressed or controlled by other nations.
Berikut ini merupakan contoh sikap positif terhadap makna Proklamasi Kemerdekaan…
Correct Answer
B. Belajar giat guna memajukan pendidikan bangsa
The correct answer is "belajar giat guna memajukan pendidikan bangsa" because it shows a positive attitude towards the meaning of the Proclamation of Independence. By actively studying and striving to advance the education of the nation, it demonstrates a commitment to progress and development. This attitude aligns with the spirit of independence and the desire to build a better future for the country.
Perhatikan pernyataan berikut ini!
Menikmati hasil pembangunan
Menghormati jasa pahlawan
Mempertahankan dan mengisi kemerdekaan
Mengembangkan kehidupan yang sebebas-bebasnya
Berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan
Dari pernyataan di atas sikap setia terhadap proklamasi kemerdekaan RI ditunjukkan
Correct Answer
C. 2, 3 dan 5
The correct answer is 2, 3, and 5. This is because statements 2, 3, and 5 reflect attitudes and actions that are in line with being loyal to the proclamation of independence of Indonesia. Statement 2, "Honoring the services of heroes," shows respect and appreciation for those who fought for independence. Statement 3, "Maintaining and fulfilling independence," demonstrates a commitment to preserving and upholding the freedom that was achieved. Statement 5, "Participating in development," indicates an active involvement in nation-building and contributing to the progress of Indonesia.
Sebagai warga negara yang baik kita harus menunjukkan sikap setia terhadap proklamasi
17 Agustus 1945 dengan cara….
Correct Answer
D. Mengisi kemerdekaan dengan melaksanakan pembangunan
To show loyalty to the proclamation of independence on August 17, 1945, it is important to actively contribute to the development and progress of the country. By participating in nation-building efforts, individuals can demonstrate their commitment to the ideals and values of independence. This can be done through various means such as supporting infrastructure projects, promoting economic growth, and improving the overall well-being of the nation and its people.
Contoh sikap positif terhadap nilai-nilai Konstitusi Pertama adalah …
Correct Answer
A. Menjunjung tinggi hukum yang berlaku
A positive attitude towards the values of the First Constitution is shown by "menjunjung tinggi hukum yang berlaku" which means "upholding the law that applies." This indicates a respect for and adherence to the laws set forth in the Constitution. This attitude promotes the stability and functioning of the legal system, ensuring that the rights and principles outlined in the Constitution are upheld and respected.