Mr. Moh yamin berpendapat bahwa nenek moyang Bangsa Indonesia berasal dari daerah Indonesia sendiri, sebab...
Correct Answer
A. Sebagian besar fosil manusia purba beserta artefaknya ditemukan di Indonesia
The correct answer is that the majority of ancient human fossils and artifacts have been found in Indonesia. This suggests that the ancestors of the Indonesian people originated from the Indonesian region itself.
Manusia purba, Pitecantropus erectus ditemukan arkheolog bernama...
Correct Answer
A. Eugene Dubois
Eugene Dubois is the correct answer because he was the archaeologist who discovered the fossil remains of the ancient human species known as Pitecantropus erectus. Dubois conducted excavations in Java, Indonesia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, where he found the remains of this early human ancestor. His discovery provided significant evidence for human evolution and challenged the prevailing belief that humans originated in Africa.
Berdasar ciri fisiknya fosil Sinanthropus pekinensis yang ditemukan oleh Davidson Black diperkirakan sejaman dengan Manusia purba di Indonesia yaitu...
Correct Answer
A. Pithecanthropus erectus
Based on the physical characteristics of the fossils found by Davidson Black, it is estimated that Sinanthropus pekinensis is contemporaneous with Pithecanthropus erectus, an ancient human species in Indonesia.
- Perhatikan jenis-jenis manusia purba dibawah ini:
- Homo Ergaster
- Homo Neanderthal
- Australopithecus africanus
- Homo Rudolfinensis
- Sinanthropus pekinensis
Berdasar keterangan diatas, Jenis manusia purba yang ditemukan di Afrika ditunjukan oleh nomor...
Correct Answer
A. 1, 3 dan 4
Manusia purba yang ditemukan di Afrika ditunjukkan oleh nomor 1, 3, dan 4. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan berdasarkan keterangan bahwa Homo Ergaster, Australopithecus africanus, dan Homo Rudolfinensis adalah jenis manusia purba yang ditemukan di Afrika.
Ciri spesifik yang paling menonjol dari manusia purba jenis Pithecantropus erectus adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Mampu menggunakan kedua kaki untuk berdiri dan berjalan dengan tegak
The specific characteristic that distinguishes Pithecantropus erectus from other ancient humans is their ability to use both legs to stand and walk upright. This adaptation is significant because it marks a major milestone in human evolution, as it allowed for more efficient movement and freed up the hands for other tasks. This characteristic is also seen in modern humans and is considered a defining trait of our species.
Dalam meneliti kehidupan masa prasejarah, fosil memiliki arti penting dalam menggali informasi tentang keberadaan manusia prasejarah. Yang dimaksud fosil adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Sisa kehidupan makhluk hidup yang terkubur berjuta-juta tahun dan membatu.
The correct answer is "Sisa kehidupan makhluk hidup yang terkubur berjuta-juta tahun dan membatu." This is because fossils are the remains or traces of ancient organisms that have been preserved in rock. They provide valuable information about prehistoric life and help scientists understand the existence of prehistoric humans. Fossils can include bones, shells, teeth, tracks, and even imprints of soft tissues. By studying fossils, scientists can reconstruct the past and learn about the evolution and diversity of life on Earth.
Menurut teori evolusi yang dikemukakan oleh Charles Darwin seleksi alam berpengaruh pada keberadaan makhluk hidup. Makhluk yang masih bertahan hidup sampai sekarang adalah makhluk yang...
Correct Answer
D. Dapat beradaptasi dengan lingkungan alam.
According to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, natural selection plays a significant role in the existence of living organisms. The organisms that have survived until now are the ones that have been able to adapt to their natural environment. This adaptation allows them to better survive and reproduce in their specific habitats.
Wilayah Indonesia mempunyai peranan penting dalam penelitian kehidupan manusia praaksara diantaranya adalah Situs Purbakala Sangiran. Hal ini karena...
Correct Answer
B. Di Sangiran banyak ditemukan fosil manusia purba yang berguna bagi penelitian kehidupan masa praaksaara.
The correct answer explains that the Sangiran site in Indonesia has played an important role in the study of prehistoric human life because many fossils of ancient humans have been found there, which are useful for researching the prehistoric era. This suggests that the Sangiran site provides valuable evidence and insights into the lives of prehistoric humans, making it an important location for research in the field.
Dibawah ini yang merupakan ciri dari manusia purba Meganthropus paleojavanicus adalah...
Correct Answer
C. Tubuh kekar, berahang besar dan otot tengkuk kuat.
The given correct answer, "Tubuh kekar, berahang besar dan otot tengkuk kuat," describes the physical characteristics of Meganthropus paleojavanicus, an ancient human species. This species had a robust physique, a large jaw, and strong neck muscles. These traits suggest that Meganthropus paleojavanicus had a powerful and muscular body, which would have been advantageous for their survival and physical activities.
Jenis manusia purba yang ditemukan oleh Rudolf Virchow di wilayah Dusseldorf Jerman Barat tahun 1856 adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Homo neanderthalensis
Rudolf Virchow discovered Homo neanderthalensis in the Dusseldorf region of West Germany in 1856. This species of ancient humans, commonly known as Neanderthals, lived in Europe and parts of Asia between 400,000 and 40,000 years ago. They were closely related to modern humans and had a robust build, with a larger brain capacity than Homo sapiens. Neanderthals were skilled hunters and toolmakers, and they had a complex social structure. Virchow's discovery of Homo neanderthalensis was significant in providing evidence for the existence of ancient human species and their evolutionary relationship to modern humans.