Berapa jumlah ukuran maximum file PDF yang bisa kita upload untuk membuat buku digital pada situs APPSGEYSER .....
Correct Answer
A. Kurang Dari 20 MB
The correct answer is "Kurang Dari 20 MB". This means that the maximum file size for uploading a PDF to create a digital book on the APPSGEYSER website is less than 20 MB.
Aplikasi untuk membuat buku digital di bawah ini adalah .....
Correct Answer
A. Calibre
Calibre is the correct answer because it is an application used for creating digital books. It allows users to convert different file formats into ebook formats such as EPUB, MOBI, and PDF. Calibre also provides various tools for editing and organizing ebooks, making it a comprehensive solution for creating digital books.
Untuk membuat buku digital yang lebih dari 1 judul buku maka template icon yang dipilih adalah .....
Correct Answer
B. Book Reader
The correct answer is Book Reader. Book Reader is the most suitable template icon for creating a digital book with multiple titles. This icon represents a digital reading platform or application specifically designed for books, making it the appropriate choice for a digital book with more than one title.
Di bawah ini fungsi dari ikon add books pada calibre adalah .....
Correct Answer
C. Untuk menambahkan buku digital ke calibre
The correct answer is "to add digital books to calibre." This is because the function of the "add books" icon in calibre is specifically designed to add digital books to the calibre library. It allows users to import and organize their digital book collection within the calibre software.
Singkatan dari apakah EPUB itu .....
Correct Answer
D. Elektronik Publication
The correct answer is "Elektronik Publication." EPUB stands for Electronic Publication, which is a free and open e-book standard. It is designed for reflowable content, meaning the text can adapt to different screen sizes and orientations. EPUB files are widely used for digital books and can be read on various devices, such as e-readers, tablets, and smartphones.
Apa pengertian ebook atau buku digital .....
Correct Answer
A. Sebuah publikasi yang berupa teks, gambar, maupun suara yang berbentuk digital
The correct answer is "sebuah publikasi yang berupa teks, gambar, maupun suara yang berbentuk digital". This answer accurately defines an ebook or digital book as a publication that consists of digital text, images, and sound.
Menu dalam calibre yang harus dipilih jika ingin mengatur pustaka secara virtual adalah .....
Correct Answer
D. Calibre library
The correct answer is "calibre library" because this option refers to the menu in calibre that allows users to organize and manage their virtual libraries. By selecting this option, users can access various features such as adding, editing, and deleting books, as well as sorting and categorizing them. It is the most appropriate choice for anyone looking to manage their library in a virtual environment within the calibre software.
Mengubah extensi file dari word ke pdf bisa menggunakan situs di bawah ini, kecuali .....
Correct Answer
B. Pdfok.com
The given answer, pdfok.com, is not a valid website for converting file extensions from Word to PDF. The other websites listed, smallpdf.com, pdfcandy.com, and sodapdf.com, are all legitimate and commonly used platforms for file conversion. Therefore, pdfok.com is the exception and cannot be used for this purpose.
Berikut ini adalah salah satu situs penyedia layanan pembuatan cover adalah .....
Correct Answer
C. Canva.com
Canva.com is a correct answer because it is a website that provides services for creating covers. Canva.com offers a wide range of design templates and tools that allow users to easily create professional-looking covers for various purposes such as social media, presentations, documents, and more. It is a popular choice among individuals and businesses for its user-friendly interface and extensive library of design elements.
Berikut ini salah satu penyedia pembuatan aplikasi adalah .....
Correct Answer
D. Appsgeyser
Appsgeyser is a correct answer because it is a platform that allows users to create their own mobile applications without any coding knowledge. It provides a simple and user-friendly interface for creating and customizing apps, making it accessible for individuals or small businesses who want to develop their own applications. Canva and smallpdf are not related to app development, while "word" is too vague to determine if it refers to Microsoft Word or any other application.
Berikut yang tidak termasuk domain server penyedia alokasi space hardisk untuk menyimpan e-book adalah .....
Correct Answer
B. Www.gutenberg.org
The website www.gutenberg.org is a digital library that offers free access to over 60,000 e-books. It is not a domain server that provides allocation of hard disk space for storing e-books. The other websites mentioned in the question (www.academian.com, www.bookbon.com, and www.scribd.com) are potential candidates for domain servers that provide allocation of hard disk space for storing e-books.
Kombinasi tombol keyword yang digunakan untuk menampilkan buku dalam aplikasi calibre berdasarkan kesamaan pengarang pada e-book yang sedang dikerjakan adalah .....
Correct Answer
A. Alt + A
The combination of Alt + A is used to display books in the Calibre application based on the similarity of the author in the ebook being worked on.
Kombinasi tombol keyboar yang digunakan untuk menambah format baru pada buku yang sedang dikerjakan dalam aplikasi calibre adalah .....
Correct Answer
A. Ctrl + N
The correct answer is Ctrl + N. This keyboard combination is used to add a new format to the book being worked on in the calibre application. Pressing Ctrl + N allows the user to create a new format for the book, giving them the ability to customize and modify the book's format according to their preferences.
Pada saat anda bekerja dengan aplikasi calibre, anda dapat mencari konten di dalam e-book berdasarkan sumber berita. menu yang dipilih untuk menampilkan informasi tersebut adalah .....
Correct Answer
C. News
When working with the calibre application, you can search for content within an e-book based on its source of news. The menu option selected to display this information is "news".
Bagian dalam calibre yang berguna untuk mencari keyword atau parameter tertentu dalam sebuah e-book adalah .....
Correct Answer
D. Search bar
The search bar is a useful feature in Calibre that allows users to search for specific keywords or parameters within an e-book. This feature helps users quickly locate relevant information or specific sections within their e-books, making it easier to navigate and find specific content. By typing in keywords or parameters into the search bar, users can quickly filter through their e-books and locate the desired information.
Salah satu icon dalam toolbar calibre yang berguna untuk mengarahkan user masuk kesebuah web ketika akan mendonasikan sumbangan untuk pengembangan keberlanjutan calibre adalah .....
Correct Answer
B. Fetch news icon
The fetch news icon in the toolbar of Calibre is useful for directing users to a web page where they can donate contributions for the sustainable development of Calibre. This icon is typically used to fetch and update news from various sources, but in this context, it serves as a means to guide users towards making donations.
Berikut yang bukan termasuk jenis-jenis format file yang didukung oleh calibre ketika membuat sebuah buku digital (e-book) adalah .....
Correct Answer
Calibre supports various file formats for creating digital books (e-books), such as TXTZ, KF8, and ZIP. However, TXT is not included in the list of supported formats.
Hal yang tidak harus dipertimbangkan ketika akan menentukan jenis format file e-book adalah .....
Correct Answer
B. Harus dapat dijalankan aplikasi notepad++
The correct answer is "harus dapat dijalankan aplikasi notepad++". This is because the question asks for something that should not be considered when determining the type of e-book format. The ability to be run by a specific application like Notepad++ is not a necessary consideration when choosing an e-book format. Other factors such as storage space, compatibility with different hardware devices, and support for document features and web technologies are more important considerations.
Salah satu jenis file yang secara khusus digunakan untuk menyimpan buku digital (e-book0 dan sengaja dibuat untuk bekerja pada perangkat mobile dengan kebutuhan bandwith yang relatif kecil ketika mengunduh dan membukanya adalah .....
Correct Answer
MOBI is the correct answer because it is a file format specifically designed for storing and reading e-books on mobile devices. It is optimized for low bandwidth usage when downloading and opening the e-book. EPUB is also a file format for e-books, but it is not specifically designed for mobile devices. AZW and KF8 are file formats used by Amazon Kindle devices, but they are not mentioned in the question as being specifically designed for mobile devices with low bandwidth requirements.
Untuk menulis email kepada orang lain caranya klik .....
Correct Answer
C. Compose
The correct answer is "compose" because when writing an email to someone, you need to click on the "compose" button to start writing a new email. This option allows you to create a new message and address it to the recipient before sending it. The other options mentioned, such as "sent," "draft," and "write," do not specifically refer to the action of starting a new email.
Google drive adalah layanan google untuk .....
Correct Answer
C. Untuk mengupload file secara online
The correct answer is "untuk mengupload file secara online." This is because Google Drive is a service provided by Google that allows users to store and share files online. It provides a platform for users to upload their files to the cloud and access them from any device with an internet connection.
Fasilitas milik google untuk mengupload dan mempublikasi video adalah .....
Correct Answer
C. Youtube
The correct answer is YouTube. YouTube is a video-sharing platform owned by Google. It allows users to upload, publish, and share videos with others. YouTube is widely used and popular for its vast collection of videos on various topics, making it the most suitable option for uploading and publishing videos.
Urutan tahapan pasca produksi yang benar adalah .....
Correct Answer
B. Capturing/importing -->editing --> rendering
The correct order of post-production stages is capturing/importing, editing, and then rendering. This sequence makes sense as capturing or importing the raw footage is the first step in the post-production process. After that, the footage is edited to arrange and modify it according to the desired outcome. Finally, rendering is done to export the edited footage into a final usable format.
Teknik pengambilan gambar yang dimulai dengan cara menggerakkan kamera mendekati objek adalah .....
Correct Answer
C. Track in
The correct answer is track in. Track in is a filming technique where the camera moves closer to the subject. This technique is often used to create a sense of intimacy or to emphasize a particular detail or emotion. It involves physically moving the camera towards the subject while keeping it in focus.
Penyinaran dari belakang subjek (berlawanan arah kamera) diatur sehingga jatuh mengenai kepala dan bahu dari subjek, penyinaran yang membentuk garis tepi dari bentuk subjek sehingga memberi kesan memisahkan subjek dengan latar belakang. penyinaran ini adalah .....
Correct Answer
D. Back light
The given description explains that the lighting is set up from behind the subject, opposite to the direction of the camera. This lighting is used to create a separation between the subject and the background by forming a rim of light around the subject's head and shoulders. This technique is known as backlighting, where the light comes from behind the subject.
Jenis video yang bertujuan merekam sebuah kejadian atau peristiwa dalam kehidupan nyata, adalah .....
Correct Answer
C. Video dokumenter
The correct answer is video dokumenter. Video dokumenter adalah jenis video yang bertujuan merekam sebuah kejadian atau peristiwa dalam kehidupan nyata.
Teknik presentasi yang baik adalah dengan mengenali khalayak yang hadir sebagai peserta. data yang dibutuhkan untuk mengenali poeserta adalah .....
Correct Answer
B. Siapa sajakah yang akan hadir
A good presentation technique involves recognizing the audience present as participants. To identify the participants, it is important to know who will be attending the event. This information helps in tailoring the presentation to suit the needs and interests of the audience, ensuring a more effective and engaging delivery.
Yang merupakan ekspresi audiens dari sebuah presentasi yang baik adalah .....
Correct Answer
A. Fokus pada presenter
A good audience in a presentation is one that is focused on the presenter. This means they are actively listening, paying attention, and engaged in the content being presented. They are not sleeping, daydreaming, or showing no response. A focused audience shows interest and respect for the presenter, which creates a positive and engaging atmosphere for both parties involved.
Seorang kamerawan perlu mengetahui hal-hal penting dan hal yang lainnya dalam pengambilan gambar. sebagai contoh: peganglah kamera dengan mantap. gunakan satu tangan untuk memegang kamera dan mengoperasikan kontrol zoom, dan tangan yang lain untuk menjaga agar posisi kamera tidak bergoyang. dapat digerakkan keberbagai posisi, tergantung dari sudut pengambilan yang diinginkan atau gunakan selalu tripod untuk menjaga gambar tetap stabil". maka uraian diatas adalah .....
Correct Answer
A. Teknik memegang kamera video
The given answer is correct because the explanation provided in the question mentions the importance of holding the camera steady and using one hand to operate the zoom control while the other hand keeps the camera stable. This indicates that the topic being discussed is the technique of holding a video camera.
Berikut ini adalah langkah dalam pengaturan white balance, kecuali .....
Correct Answer
A. Posisikan objek putih di posisi actor pada papan putih atau bahkan baju warna putih
The correct answer is to position the white object in the same position as the actor on a white board or even a white shirt. This step is important in setting the white balance because it allows the camera to accurately capture the color temperature of the lighting conditions. By placing the white object in the same position as the actor, it ensures that the camera can measure the white balance based on the same lighting conditions that will be present when capturing the actual images or footage.