Akbar jatuh dari sepedah, maka akbar menucapkan...
Correct Answer
B. B. innalilahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un
When someone falls from a bicycle, it is common to say "innalilahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un" which is an Arabic phrase meaning "Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return." This phrase is often said as a way to express shock or sadness when something unexpected or unfortunate happens. In this context, Akbar falling from the bicycle would be considered an unexpected and unfortunate event, hence the appropriate response would be to say "innalilahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un".
Innalillahi wa inna illaihi raaji'un artinya...
Correct Answer
C. C. Segalanya milik Allah dan pasti kembali kepada-Nya
The phrase "Innalillahi wa inna illaihi raaji'un" is an Arabic phrase that is commonly recited by Muslims when they hear news of someone's death or any tragic event. It translates to "Verily, we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return." This phrase serves as a reminder to Muslims that everything in this world belongs to Allah and that ultimately, we will all return to Him after death. It is a way to express acceptance and submission to the will of Allah in times of grief and loss.
Sikap orang mukmin ketika mendapat musibah...
Correct Answer
B. B. bersabar
The correct answer is b. bersabar. When a believer faces adversity, they are expected to remain patient and persevere. This means that instead of crying continuously, getting angry, or cursing, they should maintain their composure and endure the hardship with patience and faith. Patience is considered a virtue in Islam, and it is believed that through patience, one can demonstrate their trust in Allah and seek His guidance and support during difficult times.
Kalimat tayyibah artinya...
Correct Answer
B. B. ucapan yang baik
Kalimat tayyibah artinya adalah ucapan yang baik. Dalam konteks ini, "tayyibah" mengacu pada sesuatu yang baik, positif, dan bermanfaat. Jadi, kalimat tayyibah merujuk pada ucapan yang memiliki nilai positif, sopan, dan memberikan manfaat kepada orang lain.
Musibah dan kenikmatan adalah...dari Allah SWT
Correct Answer
B. B. ujian
The correct answer is "b. ujian". This is because in the given statement, it is mentioned that "Musibah dan kenikmatan adalah...dari Allah SWT" which translates to "Calamities and blessings are...from Allah SWT". The term "ujian" in Indonesian means "test" or "trial". Therefore, the statement implies that calamities and blessings are tests or trials from Allah SWT.
Musibah yang berarti azab atau hukuman dari Allah, diberikan bagi orang-orang yang...
Correct Answer
B. B. lalai
Musibah yang berarti azab atau hukuman dari Allah, diberikan bagi orang-orang yang lalai. Lalai adalah ketidakseimbangan dalam menjalankan kewajiban agama, seperti melalaikan kewajiban shalat, puasa, atau melupakan Allah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Orang-orang yang lalai akan mendapatkan musibah sebagai teguran atau hukuman dari Allah untuk mengingatkan mereka agar kembali taat dan tidak melalaikan kewajiban agama.
Ucapan yang baik akan membawa kita kepada akhlak...
Correct Answer
A. A. mahmudah
The phrase "Ucapan yang baik akan membawa kita kepada akhlak mahmudah" translates to "Good words will lead us to good morals." Therefore, the correct answer is "a. mahmudah" as it aligns with the meaning of the phrase.
Kalimat tayyibah Alhamdulillah juga disebut kalimat...
Correct Answer
C. C. Tahmid
The given correct answer is c. Tahmid. Tahmid is the act of praising and glorifying Allah. It is a form of gratitude and appreciation to Allah for His blessings and favors. Alhamdulillah is an expression of gratitude and thanks to Allah, so it is also considered a form of Tahmid.
Jumlah nama-nama Allah dalam asmaul husna berjumlah...
Correct Answer
B. B. 99
The correct answer is b. 99. The Asmaul Husna refers to the 99 names of Allah in Islam. These names are considered to be the most beautiful names and attributes of Allah. Each name represents a different aspect of Allah's nature and character.
Hasan berubah menjadi anak yang baik, karena Allah telah memberi...
Correct Answer
C. C hidayah
Hasan berubah menjadi anak yang baik karena Allah telah memberikan hidayah. Hidayah adalah petunjuk atau bimbingan yang diberikan oleh Allah kepada seseorang untuk menjalani kehidupan yang baik dan benar. Dalam konteks ini, hidayah Allah telah mengubah perilaku Hasan menjadi lebih baik, mungkin dengan memberinya pemahaman tentang nilai-nilai agama dan tuntunan hidup yang benar.
Sifat Allah al-mukmin berarti...
Correct Answer
B. B. Maha memberi rasa aman
The correct answer is b. Maha memberi rasa aman. This means that Allah is the one who provides a sense of security and peace to the believers. This implies that believers can trust in Allah's protection and feel safe under His care.
Sifat Allah yang berarti memutuskan hukum adalah...
Correct Answer
B. B. al-hakam
The correct answer is b. al-hakam. In Islamic theology, al-hakam refers to Allah's attribute of being the ultimate judge and decision-maker. It signifies that Allah has the authority and wisdom to determine what is right and just in all matters. This attribute highlights Allah's role as the ultimate source of justice and the one who establishes and enforces divine laws.
Sifat Allah berarti Al-Adlu....
Correct Answer
B. B. Maha adil
The correct answer is b. Maha adil. This is because the term "Sifat Allah" refers to the attributes or qualities of Allah. "Maha adil" translates to "most just" or "extremely fair," indicating that Allah possesses absolute fairness and justice in all His actions and decisions. This attribute is fundamental to Allah's nature and is emphasized in various religious texts and teachings.
Sifat Allah yang berarti maha memberi petunjuk...
Correct Answer
B. B. al-hadi
The term "al-hadi" in Arabic means "the guide" or "the one who shows the way". In the context of the given question, it is referring to the attribute of Allah as the one who provides guidance. This attribute implies that Allah is the ultimate source of guidance for mankind, leading them towards the right path and helping them make the right decisions.
Kitab injil diturunkan kepada nabi...
Correct Answer
B. B. Isa
The correct answer is b. Isa. The question is asking about the prophet to whom the book of the Gospel (injil) was revealed. According to Islamic belief, the Gospel was revealed to the prophet Isa (Jesus). This is supported by the fact that Isa is recognized as a prophet in Islam and is mentioned in the Quran.
Kitab taurat diturunkan kepada nabi....
Correct Answer
B. B. Musa
The correct answer is b. Musa. The question is asking about the prophet to whom the book of Taurat was revealed. According to Islamic belief, the Taurat (Torah) was revealed to Prophet Musa (Moses). Musa is considered one of the major prophets in Islam, and he is mentioned in the Quran multiple times as a messenger of God who received divine revelations and guidance.
Kitab Jabur diturunkan kepada nabi....
Correct Answer
C. C. Daud
The correct answer is c. Daud. The question is asking which prophet the Kitab Jabur (Book of Psalms) was revealed to. According to Islamic belief, the Kitab Jabur was revealed to the prophet Daud (David). Daud is known for his wisdom and his ability to communicate with Allah through his psalms and prayers. He is also recognized as a king and a prophet in Islamic tradition.
Kitab penyempurna dari kitab-kitab yang lain adalah...
Correct Answer
B. B. Al-Qur'an
The correct answer is b. Al-Qur'an. The Qur'an is considered the final and most complete revelation from Allah in Islam. It is believed to be the culmination of previous scriptures, including the Taurat (Torah) and the Injil (Gospel). The Qur'an is considered the ultimate guide for Muslims, containing the complete and final message of Allah.
Kitab yang diturnkan kepada nab muhammmad yaitu....
Correct Answer
D. D. Al-qur'an
The correct answer is d. Al-qur'an. This is because the sentence mentions "Kitab yang diturunkan kepada nab Muhammad" which translates to "The book that was revealed to the prophet Muhammad." The book that was revealed to Muhammad is the Qur'an, making option d the correct answer.
Beriman kepada kitab-kitab Allah termasuk rukun iman yang ke...
Correct Answer
B. D. 4
Believing in the books of Allah is one of the pillars of faith, and it is the fourth pillar. This means that as a Muslim, one must have faith in the books that Allah has revealed, such as the Quran, the Injeel (Gospel), the Torah, and the Zabur (Psalms). This belief is essential in Islam as it signifies the importance of divine guidance and the need to follow the teachings and messages contained in these books.