Kebijakan fiskal adalah
kebijakan pemerintah dalam bidang
Correct Answer
C. Pendapatan dan pengeluaran negara
Kebijakan fiskal adalah kebijakan pemerintah yang berkaitan dengan pendapatan dan pengeluaran negara. Hal ini mencakup pengaturan pendapatan pemerintah melalui pajak dan pengeluaran pemerintah untuk program-program publik. Kebijakan fiskal bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi perekonomian negara, seperti mengendalikan inflasi, mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan mencapai keseimbangan anggaran.
Seluruh produksi barang dan
jasa yang dihasilkan masyarakat suatu negara dalam satu tahun disebut
Correct Answer
The correct answer is PDB. PDB stands for "Produk Domestik Bruto" which translates to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in English. It refers to the total value of all goods and services produced within a country in a specific time period, usually a year. APBD stands for "Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah" which refers to the regional budget of a local government. PDRB stands for "Produk Domestik Regional Bruto" which refers to the regional gross domestic product. Therefore, PDB is the correct answer as it accurately represents the total production of goods and services in a country.
Buku yang berjudul An Inquiry Into The Nature
and Causes of Nation atau yang terkenal dengan The Wealth Nation
dikarang oleh
Correct Answer
B. Adam Smith
The correct answer is Adam Smith. Adam Smith is the author of the book titled "An Inquiry Into The Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations." This book is considered one of the most influential works in the field of economics and is often referred to as "The Wealth of Nations." Adam Smith's ideas and theories laid the foundation for modern economics and advocated for free market capitalism and the division of labor.
Iuran yang dibayarkan atas penggunan barang yang
balas jasanya diperoleh secara langsung disebut
Correct Answer
C. Retribusi
Retribusi adalah iuran yang dibayarkan atas penggunaan barang atau jasa yang diperoleh secara langsung. Hal ini berbeda dengan pajak, yang merupakan iuran yang dibayarkan kepada pemerintah tanpa adanya balas jasa langsung. Subsidi, di sisi lain, adalah bantuan atau dukungan finansial yang diberikan oleh pemerintah kepada individu atau perusahaan untuk mengurangi biaya penggunaan barang atau jasa tertentu. Sehingga, dalam konteks ini, retribusi adalah jawaban yang paling tepat.
Biaya marginal adalah
Correct Answer
C. Tambahan biaya total karena adanya tambahan produksi satu unit
The correct answer is "tambahan biaya total karena adanya tambahan produksi satu unit". This is because marginal cost refers to the additional cost incurred by producing one additional unit of output. It takes into account both fixed costs and variable costs, and represents the change in total cost when production increases by one unit.
Penerimaan yang diperoleh dari hasil tambahan
penerimaan total akibat tambahan jumlah produksi disebut
Correct Answer
A. Penerimaan marginal
The correct answer is "penerimaan marginal". Penerimaan marginal refers to the additional revenue obtained from the increase in production quantity. It represents the change in total revenue when one additional unit is produced and sold. Average revenue, on the other hand, is the total revenue divided by the quantity sold. Total revenue is the overall income generated from the sale of all units produced.
Keuntungan maksimum tercapai apabila MR sama
Correct Answer
The maximum profit is achieved when MR (marginal revenue) is equal to MC (marginal cost). This is because when MR is equal to MC, it means that the additional revenue generated from producing one more unit is equal to the additional cost incurred in producing that unit. At this point, the firm is maximizing its profit because it is producing the quantity where the cost of production is equal to the revenue generated. If MR is greater than MC, the firm can increase its profit by producing more units, and if MR is less than MC, the firm can increase its profit by producing fewer units.
permintaan terhadap suatu produk elastis, maka
Correct Answer
A. Pendapatan total akan naik dengan kenaikan harga
This answer states that total revenue will increase with an increase in price. This is because when the demand for a product is elastic, a higher price will lead to a decrease in quantity demanded, but the increase in price per unit will compensate for the decrease in quantity, resulting in a higher total revenue.
Yang dimaksud dengan kurs valuta asing adalah
Correct Answer
B. Nilai tukar uang rupiah terhadap uang negara lain
The correct answer is "nilai tukar uang rupiah terhadap uang negara lain" which translates to "the exchange rate of the Indonesian rupiah against foreign currency". This answer accurately defines the term "kurs valuta asing" as the value of the Indonesian currency in relation to other currencies. It indicates the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another, reflecting the strength or weakness of the national currency in the international market.
Elastisitas pendapatan yang negatif ditemui pada
Correct Answer
B. Inferior
Elastisitas pendapatan yang negatif ditemui pada barang inferior. Barang inferior adalah barang yang memiliki elastisitas pendapatan negatif, artinya ketika pendapatan konsumen meningkat, permintaan terhadap barang tersebut justru menurun. Hal ini biasanya terjadi karena konsumen beralih ke barang yang dianggap lebih baik atau lebih mahal ketika pendapatan mereka meningkat.
matematik persamaan Gross National Product adalah
Correct Answer
C. GNP = C + I + G + (X - M)
The correct answer is GNP = C + I + G + (X - M). This equation represents the calculation of Gross National Product (GNP) by considering consumption (C), investment (I), government spending (G), and net exports (X - M). It includes all the major components of the economy that contribute to the overall GNP.
Kebijaksanaan moneter
Correct Answer
A. Kebijaksanaan dari pemerintah untuk menambah dan mengurangi jumlah uang beredar guna menjaga kestabilan ekonomi
Monetary policy refers to the government's actions to control the supply of money in order to maintain economic stability. It involves increasing or decreasing the amount of money in circulation to regulate inflation, interest rates, and overall economic growth. By adjusting the money supply, the government aims to stabilize prices, promote employment, and stimulate economic activity. This policy is implemented through various measures such as changing interest rates, reserve requirements, and open market operations.
Pengenaan Pajak Penjualan pada setiap transaksi
sebesar 10 % dapat mengakibatkan
Correct Answer
C. Kenaikan harga jual dari pedagang kepada konsumen
Pengenaan Pajak Penjualan sebesar 10% pada setiap transaksi dapat mengakibatkan kenaikan harga jual dari pedagang kepada konsumen. Ini karena pedagang akan menaikkan harga barang atau jasa yang mereka jual untuk menutupi biaya pajak yang harus mereka bayar. Dengan demikian, konsumen akan menghadapi harga yang lebih tinggi saat melakukan pembelian.
pemerintah untuk menurunkan nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap Dollar akan berpengaruh
positif terhadap
Correct Answer
A. Eskpor
The correct answer is "eskpor". The government's policy to lower the exchange rate of the Rupiah against the Dollar will have a positive impact on exports. When the exchange rate is lower, it becomes cheaper for foreign buyers to purchase goods and services from the country, leading to an increase in exports. This can boost the economy by increasing foreign exchange earnings, creating jobs, and stimulating economic growth.
mata uang Rupiah terhadap Dollar diharapkan dapat ...
Correct Answer
B. Menaikan impor
The appreciation of the Rupiah against the Dollar is expected to increase imports. When a country's currency appreciates, it becomes stronger compared to other currencies, making imports cheaper. This means that it will be more affordable for businesses and individuals to purchase goods and services from other countries, leading to an increase in imports.
Untuk memajukan industri dalam negeri
pemerintah mengenakan biaya impor yang tinggi terhadap barang luar negeri.
Kebijakan ini dinamakan ...
Correct Answer
C. Proteksi
The given correct answer is "proteksi". This is because the government imposes high import costs on foreign goods in order to protect and promote domestic industries. This policy is known as "proteksi" or protection. By making imported goods more expensive, the government aims to encourage consumers to purchase locally produced goods, thereby boosting the domestic industry.
fungsi-fungsi dibawah ini yang termasuk fungsi penawaran
Correct Answer
A. 5Q - 2P- 1 =0
The equation 5Q - 2P - 1 = 0 is an example of a demand function, not a supply function. It represents the relationship between the quantity demanded (Q) and the price (P) in a market. In this equation, as the price decreases, the quantity demanded increases. Therefore, it is a demand function, not a supply function.
harga barang tidak banyak berpengaruh pada penerimaan produsen yang
bersangkutan jika elastisitas permintaan barang tersebut adalah
Correct Answer
A. < 1
If the elasticity of demand for a product is less than 1, it means that the demand for the product is inelastic. This means that a change in price will have a relatively small impact on the quantity demanded. Therefore, if the price of a product increases, the producer's revenue will not be significantly affected because the decrease in quantity demanded will not offset the increase in price. In other words, the producer will still be able to sell a similar quantity of the product at a higher price, resulting in higher revenue.
First-degre Price
discrimination (diskriminasi harga tingkat pertama) ialah
Correct Answer
C. Menjual dengan harga yang berbeda di tempat yang berbeda kepada pembeli yang berbeda
First-degree price discrimination refers to the practice of selling products or services at different prices in different locations to different buyers. This means that sellers are able to charge different prices based on individual buyer characteristics, such as their willingness to pay or their purchasing power. By tailoring prices to specific buyers and locations, sellers can maximize their profits by extracting the highest possible price from each buyer. This form of price discrimination requires sellers to have detailed information about their customers and the ability to segment markets effectively.
TC = Q3 + 0,5Q2 + 2 Q + 50, pada saat Q = 10, maka
pernyataan yang salah dibawah ini adalah:
Correct Answer
B. Variabel Cost = 960
The given expression TC = Q3 + 0,5Q2 + 2Q + 50 represents the total cost in terms of quantity produced (Q). When Q = 10, the total cost can be calculated as TC = 10^3 + 0,5(10^2) + 2(10) + 50 = 1000 + 50 + 20 + 50 = 1120. Therefore, the statement "Variable Cost = 960" is incorrect as the variable cost at Q = 10 is actually 1120, not 960.
fungsi konsumsi adalah C= 150 Milyar + 0,80 Y, maka pernyataan benar dibawah
ini adalah
Correct Answer
A. S = -150 Milyar + 0,20 Y
The correct answer is S = -150 Milyar + 0,20 Y. This is because the given function for consumption (C) is C = 150 Milyar + 0,80 Y. To find the savings function (S), we subtract the consumption function from total income (Y). Therefore, S = Y - C. By substituting the given consumption function into the savings function equation, we get S = Y - (150 Milyar + 0,80 Y). Simplifying this equation gives us S = -150 Milyar + 0,20 Y.
Pinjaman Bank Sentral kepada pihak
perbankan apabila perbankan mengalami kekurangan dana untuk memenuhi cadangan
minimum disebut..
Correct Answer
A. Kebijakan diskonto
Kebijakan diskonto refers to the central bank's lending to commercial banks when they experience a shortage of funds to meet the minimum reserves. This policy allows banks to borrow money from the central bank at a discounted rate. It helps ensure that banks have enough liquidity to meet their obligations and maintain stability in the financial system.
Devaluasi adalah tindakan
Correct Answer
B. Menaikan nilai tukar mata uang domestik
Devaluasi refers to the action of lowering the value of a domestic currency in relation to other currencies. This is done by increasing the exchange rate of the domestic currency, which means that more units of domestic currency are required to obtain a unit of foreign currency. As a result, the value of the domestic currency decreases in comparison to other currencies, making exports cheaper and imports more expensive, thus boosting the competitiveness of domestic industries and improving the balance of trade.
Propensity to Consume mempunyai nilai
Correct Answer
A. 0 < MPC < 1
The correct answer is 0 < MPC < 1. Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC) measures the change in consumption when there is a change in income. It represents the proportion of additional income that individuals choose to spend rather than save. Since MPC is a fraction, its value should be between 0 and 1. If MPC is 0, it means that individuals do not spend any additional income and save it all. If MPC is 1, it means that individuals spend all additional income and save none. Therefore, the correct answer is that MPC should be between 0 and 1.
Semakin besar MPS maka angka pengganda
multiplier untuk pengeluaran pemerintah
Correct Answer
B. Bertambah kecil
The correct answer is "bertambah kecil" because as the MPS (Marginal Propensity to Save) increases, it means that people are saving more of their income and spending less. This leads to a decrease in the multiplier effect for government spending, as the increase in government spending will have a smaller impact on aggregate demand due to higher savings. Therefore, the multiplier for government spending becomes smaller when the MPS increases.
Menurut Keynes penyebab inflasi adalah
Correct Answer
B. Tarikan permintaan dan dorongan biaya
The correct answer is "Tarikan permintaan dan dorongan biaya." According to Keynes, inflation is caused by an increase in demand and cost-push factors. When there is a high demand for goods and services, it can lead to an increase in prices. Additionally, cost-push factors such as rising production costs or wages can also contribute to inflation. Therefore, the combination of increased demand and cost-push factors can result in inflation.
Bagian penduduk yang mampu bekerja untuk
memproduksi barang dan jasa disebut..........
Correct Answer
B. Tenaga kerja
The correct answer is "tenaga kerja" because it refers to the population that is capable of working and producing goods and services. "Kesempatan kerja" refers to job opportunities, while "angkatan kerja" refers to the labor force or the number of people who are employed or actively seeking employment.
harga beras naik dan harga jagung turun, konsumen membeli jagung lebih banyak
dari sebelumnya, maka beras dan jagung merupakan barang
Correct Answer
C. Substitusi
If the price of rice increases and the price of corn decreases, consumers will buy more corn than before. This suggests that rice and corn are substitute goods, meaning that consumers are willing to replace one with the other depending on their relative prices.
faktor produksi modal dinaikan dua kali dan faktor produksi tenaga kerja tetap,
sehingga output naik dua kali maka keadaan ini dikenal dengan istilah ...
Correct Answer
B. Increasing Return to Scale
When the factor of production capital is increased by two times and the factor of production labor remains constant, resulting in a doubling of output, this is known as increasing returns to scale. This means that the increase in inputs leads to a proportionally greater increase in output. In other words, the production process becomes more efficient and productive as more resources are added.
kegiatan ekonomi masih belum full-employment, pendapatan nasional dapat
ditingkatkan melalui ...
Correct Answer
B. Pemerintah menaikan pengeluaran untuk pembelian barang dan jasa dalam negeri
When the economy is not at full employment, increasing government spending on domestic goods and services can help boost national income. By increasing government expenditure, more money is injected into the economy, leading to increased demand for goods and services. This, in turn, stimulates production and creates more job opportunities, ultimately increasing national income.
kegiatan ekonomi sudah full-employment, pendapatan nasional dapat
diturunkan melalui ...
Correct Answer
A. Pemerintah menaikan pajak pendapatan
When the economy is already at full employment, the government can lower national income by increasing income taxes. This means that individuals and businesses will have less disposable income, leading to a decrease in overall spending and economic activity. By increasing taxes, the government can effectively reduce the amount of money circulating in the economy and control inflationary pressures.
Variabel ekonomi yang lazim dipakai untuk ukuran
pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu daerah adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. PDRB harga konstan
PDRB harga konstan adalah variabel ekonomi yang lazim digunakan untuk mengukur pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu daerah. PDRB harga konstan mengacu pada nilai produk domestik bruto (PDRB) suatu daerah yang telah disesuaikan dengan inflasi atau perubahan harga. Dengan menggunakan PDRB harga konstan, kita dapat membandingkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dari tahun ke tahun secara objektif, tanpa terpengaruh oleh fluktuasi harga. Ini memungkinkan kita untuk melihat pertumbuhan ekonomi sebenarnya dari suatu daerah dan mengidentifikasi tren jangka panjang.
PDB Tahun 1 adalah Rp 4 Triliun, Tahun 2
adalah Rp 5 Triliun,maka pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah
Correct Answer
B. 25 %
The correct answer is 25%. This can be calculated by finding the percentage increase from the initial value to the final value. The increase in the GDP from Rp 4 Trillion to Rp 5 Trillion is Rp 1 Trillion. To find the percentage increase, we divide the increase by the initial value and multiply by 100. In this case, (1 Trillion / 4 Trillion) * 100 = 25%. Therefore, the pertumbuhan ekonomi is 25%.
Semakin merata distribusi pendapatan maka,
koefisien Gini
Correct Answer
A. Mendekati 0
When the distribution of income becomes more equal, the Gini coefficient approaches 0. This means that there is less income inequality in the society. A Gini coefficient of 0 indicates perfect income equality, where every individual has the same income. Therefore, as the distribution of income becomes more equal, the Gini coefficient gets closer to 0.
Untuk menghilangkan inflationary gap dalam
perekonomian nasional, pemerintah
Correct Answer
C. Menaikan pajak pendapatan
To eliminate an inflationary gap in the national economy, the government can raise income taxes. By increasing income taxes, individuals and businesses will have less disposable income, which can help reduce excessive spending and decrease aggregate demand. This can help control inflation and bring the economy back to a more stable level.
kasus Demand full inflation adalah
Correct Answer
C. Kenaikan harga-harga pada saat Idul Fitri
The correct answer is "Kenaikan harga-harga pada saat Idul Fitri". This is because during Idul Fitri, there is typically an increase in demand for goods and services, leading to a rise in prices. This can be attributed to the higher spending by individuals during the festive season, causing an imbalance between supply and demand. As a result, businesses take advantage of this opportunity to increase their prices and maximize their profits.
Dalam pasar monopoly kurva Marginal Revenue (MR)
Correct Answer
C. Di bawah kurva AR
In a monopoly market, the marginal revenue (MR) curve is located below the average revenue (AR) curve. This is because in a monopoly market, the monopolist has the power to set the price of the product, which means that the AR curve represents the price that consumers are willing to pay for each unit of the product. The MR curve, on the other hand, represents the additional revenue generated from selling one more unit of the product. Since the monopolist needs to lower the price in order to sell more units, the MR curve will always be below the AR curve.
Yang mengarang buku The General Theory of
Employment, Interest and Money adalah
Correct Answer
C. John Maynard Keynes
John Maynard Keynes is the correct answer because he is the author of the book "The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money." This book, published in 1936, revolutionized economic theory and had a significant impact on government policies during and after the Great Depression. Keynesian economics, as it came to be known, emphasized the role of government intervention in stabilizing the economy and promoting full employment. Keynes' ideas challenged the prevailing classical economic theories of his time and laid the foundation for modern macroeconomics.
Kebijaksanaan Bank Sentral untuk membeli dan
menjual surat
berharga/sertifikat kepada masyarakat sebagai usaha untuk mengatur
kesinambungan arus uang dan barang disebut
Correct Answer
A. Operasi pasar terbuka
The correct answer is "operasi pasar terbuka". This refers to the central bank's practice of buying and selling securities to the public in order to regulate the flow of money and goods. It is a tool used by the central bank to manage liquidity in the economy and influence interest rates.
Pak Budi menyetorkan uang di Bank pada atas nama
rekening sendiri sebesar 10.000.000,-. Pak Budi menerima buku cek dari Bank,
maka pada saat itu terjadi perubahan
Correct Answer
C. Uang kartal menjadi uang giral
The correct answer is "Uang kartal menjadi uang giral". This is because when Pak Budi deposits money into the bank and receives a checkbook, the physical cash (uang kartal) is converted into electronic form (uang giral) that can be accessed and transferred through checks or digital transactions.