1. Diterimanya shalat jika sudah
memenuhi syarat...dan...
Correct Answer
B. Wajib dan sah
The correct answer is "Wajib dan sah". In Islamic prayer (salat), there are certain conditions that need to be fulfilled for it to be accepted (sah) and valid. These conditions include having the proper intention, facing the qibla, being in a state of ritual purity (wudu or ghusl), and covering the awrah (parts of the body that should be covered). In addition to these conditions, there are also obligatory acts (wajib) that must be performed during the prayer, such as reciting certain verses and performing specific movements. Therefore, for a prayer to be accepted, it must meet both the conditions of sah and the obligations of wajib.
Potongan niat shalat fardu
berikut اَصَلِّي فَرْضَ الظُّهْرِ merupakan niat
Correct Answer
C. Dzuhur
The given correct answer, "dzuhur," is the correct answer because the phrase "اَصَلِّي فَرْضَ الظُّهْرِ" translates to "I pray the Dhuhr prayer." Dhuhr is the Arabic term for the midday prayer, which is performed after the sun has passed its zenith. Therefore, the correct answer is dzuhur.
Najis mutawasita termasuk
Correct Answer
C. Sedang
The correct answer is "sedang" because "najis mutawasita" refers to impurities that are of medium level of impurity. It is neither light nor heavy, but falls in between.
Salah satu benda yang dibuat
untuk istinjak adalah...
Correct Answer
D. Batu
Batu digunakan sebagai salah satu benda untuk istinjak karena memiliki permukaan yang keras dan tidak mudah rusak. Dengan menggunakan batu, seseorang dapat membersihkan diri setelah buang air besar dengan lebih efektif. Batu juga dapat dicuci dan digunakan berulang kali, sehingga lebih ekonomis dan ramah lingkungan dibandingkan dengan benda lain seperti air, debu, atau pasir yang hanya dapat digunakan sekali.
Makmum yang tertinggal shalat
Correct Answer
B. Masbuq
A person who arrives late and misses a portion of the congregational prayer is called "masbuq". This term is used to refer to someone who joins the prayer after it has already started. The other options, such as "Ma'mum" (congregant), "imam" (prayer leader), and "muazin" (muezzin), do not specifically indicate someone who has arrived late for the prayer.
Lafal berikut قَدْ قَامَتِ الصَّلاَةْ dibaca ketika...
Correct Answer
B. Iqomah
The correct answer is "iqomah". The given phrase "قَدْ قَامَتِ الصَّلاَةْ" is recited during the iqomah, which is the call to start the prayer.
Lanjutan dzikir berikut ini اَللَّــهُمّ
Correct Answer
A. أَنْتَ السَّلامُ
The correct answer is "أَنْتَ السَّلامُ" which means "You are peace". This phrase is a continuation of the dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and it is a way of seeking peace and tranquility from Allah. By acknowledging that Allah is the source of peace, we are reaffirming our belief in His ability to grant us inner peace and harmony. This phrase can be recited as a form of supplication and a reminder of Allah's attributes.
Seorang yang mengumandangkan azan disebut...
Correct Answer
B. Muazin
Seorang yang mengumandangkan azan disebut sebagai muazin. Muazin adalah orang yang bertugas untuk mengumandangkan azan, yaitu panggilan untuk melaksanakan shalat yang dilakukan oleh umat Muslim. Muazin biasanya berada di masjid atau tempat ibadah Islam lainnya, dan tugasnya adalah mengumandangkan azan secara merdu dan jelas agar umat Muslim dapat mendengarnya dan mempersiapkan diri untuk melaksanakan shalat.
Shalat berjamaah sebaiknya
dilakukan di...
Correct Answer
A. Masjid
Shalat berjamaah sebaiknya dilakukan di masjid karena masjid adalah tempat ibadah yang disediakan khusus untuk umat Muslim. Di masjid, terdapat fasilitas yang lengkap seperti tempat wudhu, sajadah, dan mimbar untuk khatib. Selain itu, shalat berjamaah di masjid juga memberikan kesempatan untuk berinteraksi dengan jamaah lainnya dan memperkuat rasa persaudaraan dalam Islam.
Niat shalat sebaiknya dibaca
Correct Answer
B. Takbir
The correct answer is "takbir" because the phrase "Niat shalat sebaiknya dibaca sebelum" suggests that the question is asking about the correct timing or order of reciting the intention for prayer. "Takbir" refers to the act of saying "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the greatest), which is typically recited at the beginning of the prayer to mark the start of the prayer.
Ketentuan seorang imam
Correct Answer
B. Disenangi jamaah
The correct answer is "Disenangi jamaah". This means that one of the requirements for being an imam is to be liked or favored by the congregation. Being well-liked by the congregation is important for an imam as it helps to create a positive and harmonious atmosphere during religious gatherings and services. It also helps to build trust and confidence among the congregation, allowing the imam to effectively lead and guide them in their spiritual journey.
Anggota badan yang sunah
ditutupi bagi seorang muazin ketika azan adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Telinga
During the call to prayer (azan), it is recommended for a muazin (the person who calls the prayer) to cover his ears. This is because the sound of the azan should not enter his ears, as he himself is the one reciting it. By covering his ears, he can focus on reciting the azan correctly without any external distractions.
Seorang muazin ketika azan
disunahkan menghadap...
Correct Answer
D. Kiblat
During the call to prayer (azan), it is recommended for the muazin to face the direction of the qibla. The qibla is the direction towards the Kaaba in Mecca, which is considered the holiest site in Islam. Facing the qibla during the azan is a way to show reverence and respect towards the Kaaba and the act of prayer.
Air liur anjing dan babi
termasuk contoh najis...
Correct Answer
C. Mughaladza
Mughaladza refers to impurities that are considered to be major or severe in Islamic law. Examples of such impurities include the saliva of dogs and pigs. Therefore, the correct answer is Mughaladza.
Arti dari bacaan azan حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلاَةْ adalah...
Correct Answer
D. Mari kita shalat
The correct answer is "Mari kita shalat" because it means "Let us pray" in English. The phrase "حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلاَةْ" in the azan is a call to prayer, inviting Muslims to come together and perform their prayers. "Mari kita shalat" is a suitable translation for this phrase as it conveys the same meaning and encourages people to join in the act of prayer.
menggunakan debu disebut...
Correct Answer
Bersuci menggunakan debu disebut tayamum. Tayamum adalah salah satu cara bersuci dalam agama Islam ketika air tidak tersedia atau tidak dapat digunakan untuk berwudhu atau mandi. Dalam tayamum, debu atau tanah yang suci digunakan untuk mengusap wajah dan tangan sebagai pengganti air. Hal ini dilakukan sebagai alternatif ketika seseorang tidak dapat mengakses air atau ketika penggunaan air dapat menyebabkan kerugian atau kesulitan.
berjamaah paling sedikit diikuti oleh....orang
Correct Answer
2, dua
The answer is 2, dua. This suggests that the practice of praying in congregation is least followed by two people.
sebaiknya menggunakan benda yang kasar dan...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "bersih." When performing istinjak, it is recommended to use a clean object. This is because cleanliness is an important aspect of Islamic hygiene practices. Using a clean object helps to ensure that the cleansing process is effective and hygienic.
Orang yang memimpin sholat dinamakan ...
Correct Answer
Imam adalah orang yang memimpin sholat. Dalam konteks agama Islam, imam adalah seseorang yang dipilih atau ditunjuk oleh jamaah untuk memimpin sholat. Tugas imam adalah mengatur dan memimpin seluruh rangkaian ibadah sholat, termasuk membaca Al-Qur'an, melakukan gerakan-gerakan sholat, dan memberikan petunjuk kepada jamaah. Imam juga bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa semua tata cara sholat dilaksanakan dengan benar sesuai dengan ajaran agama.
Sholat yang dilakukan sendirian dinamakan ...
Correct Answer
The term "mumfarid" refers to performing prayer alone or individually. This term is commonly used in Islamic terminology to describe the act of praying alone without any companions or congregation. It emphasizes the individual's personal connection with God during the prayer.