CRUDL lista :
Correct Answer
A. Je lista osnovnih operacija koje treba da se testiraju kod sistema koji rade sa podacima
The correct answer is "je lista osnovnih operacija koje treba da se testiraju kod sistema koji rade sa podacima." This answer explains that CRUDL lista refers to a list of basic operations that need to be tested in systems that work with data. It suggests that this list helps identify and test the risks associated with the system.
Prednost monkey testiranja:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Otkrivaju se specificne greske koje se uobicajenim metodama tesko otkrivaju
C. Realizacija je jednostavna
F. Jeftino je
Monkey testing is advantageous because it allows for easy reproduction of errors, detects specific errors that are difficult to uncover using conventional methods, has a simple implementation, uncovers a large number of errors, is a short process, and is cost-effective.
Provera rada sistema kada mu pristupa veliki broj korisnika se vrsi preko:
Correct Answer
A. Testova naprezanja
When a large number of users access a system, it is important to test the system's performance under stress or heavy load. Stress testing involves subjecting the system to high user loads to determine its ability to handle such conditions. Therefore, conducting stress tests is a way to evaluate the system's performance when accessed by a large number of users.
Negativni test slucajevi sluze da bi se utvrdilo da softverski sistem:
Correct Answer
A. Ne radi ono sto ne bi trebalo da radi
Negativni test slučajevi služe da bi se utvrdilo da softverski sistem ne radi ono što ne bi trebalo da radi. Ovi testovi se obavljaju kako bi se identifikovali greške, slabosti ili ranjivosti sistema. Oni se fokusiraju na ulazne podatke koji bi mogli izazvati neispravno ponašanje ili pad sistema. Cilj je otkriti i ispraviti ove greške pre nego što softver bude pušten u upotrebu, kako bi se obezbedila pouzdanost i funkcionalnost sistema.
Koji od sledecih test slucajeva ispituje neregularan prelaz stanja:
Correct Answer
B. Greska - ukljuceno
The test case "greska - ukljuceno" examines the transition from the state "greska" to the state "ukljuceno". This transition is considered irregular because it involves moving from an error state to an active state. This test case is designed to verify how the system handles this unexpected transition and whether it can handle error conditions properly.
Greska u softveru je:
Correct Answer
C. Svako ponasanje softvera koje ne odgovara postavljenim zahtevima
The correct answer is "svako ponasanje softvera koje ne odgovara postavljenim zahtevima" (every behavior of the software that does not correspond to the specified requirements). This answer accurately describes a software error as any behavior of the software that deviates from the intended requirements or specifications. It implies that the software is not functioning as intended and is not meeting the expected outcomes.
Koje tvrdjenje je tacno:
Correct Answer
A. Integralno testiranje se vrsi nakon jedinicnog
The correct answer is "Integralno testiranje se vrsi nakon jedinicnog" which translates to "Integration testing is done after unit testing." This answer states that integration testing is performed after unit testing, indicating the correct sequence of testing activities.
Treba da se testira aplikacija koja omogucava korisnicima(firmi) da upravlja podacima o svojim ekspoziturama i proizvodima koji se nalaze u njima. Prema CRUDL listi koji je najmanji broj test slucajeva koji treba da se definise:
Correct Answer
D. 10
The correct answer is 10 because CRUDL stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete, and List. In this case, the application allows users to manage data about their branches and products. Therefore, at a minimum, there should be test cases for creating a branch, reading branch details, updating branch information, deleting a branch, creating a product, reading product details, updating product information, deleting a product, listing all branches, and listing all products.
Test slucajevi kod testiranje prihvatljivosti se definisu prema:
Correct Answer
C. Zahtevima
Test slučajevi kod testiranja prihvatljivosti se definišu prema zahtevima. To znači da se testovi kreiraju i izvršavaju kako bi se proverilo da li softver ispunjava sve postavljene zahteve. Testiranje prihvatljivosti je poslednja faza testiranja pre nego što se softver pusti u upotrebu, i fokusira se na proveru da li softver zadovoljava očekivanja korisnika i da li ispunjava sve funkcionalne i nefunkcionalne zahteve koji su postavljeni.
Odgovor na pitanje "da li se softver razvija ispravno?" se dobija ako se izvrsi:
Correct Answer
B. Verifikacija softvera
The correct answer is "verifikacija softvera" because verification is the process of evaluating a system or component to determine whether it satisfies the specified requirements. In the context of software development, verification involves reviewing and analyzing the software design, code, and documentation to ensure that it meets the intended functionality and quality standards. This process helps to identify and correct any errors or defects in the software early in the development cycle, ensuring that the software is being developed correctly.
VIskaz ili zahtev sa tacnim opisom sta treba da se uradi i sta se ocekuje kao izlaz predstavlja:
Correct Answer
A. Test slucaj
A test case is a statement or request with an accurate description of what needs to be done and what is expected as output. It is a specific scenario or condition that is tested to verify the functionality of a system or application. Test cases are used to ensure that the system meets the requirements and performs as expected. They provide step-by-step instructions to test a particular feature or functionality of the system.
Koje od navedenih karakteristika sistema moze samo rucno da se testira:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Konzistentnost izgleda na razlicitim sistemima
E. Lokalizacija
G. Lakoca rada sa sistemom
The characteristics of a system that can only be tested manually are consistency of appearance on different systems, localization, and ease of use. These characteristics cannot be tested automatically or through automated testing tools as they require human intervention and judgment. Testing consistency of appearance on different systems involves visually inspecting the system on different platforms or devices. Localization testing involves verifying if the system functions correctly in different languages or regions. Ease of use testing requires a user to interact with the system and assess its usability.
Kod integracionog testiranja:
Correct Answer
C. Vrsi se provera zajednickog rada komponenti koje medjusobno direktno komuniciraju
The correct answer states that integration testing checks the collaborative work of components that directly communicate with each other. This means that integration testing focuses on verifying the interaction and compatibility between different components that have direct communication channels. It ensures that the components work together smoothly and effectively as a cohesive unit.
Kod potpunog regresivnog testiranja:
Correct Answer
B. Pokrecu se svi testovi iz prethodnih iteracija i testovi iz tekuce iteracije
The correct answer is that in complete regression testing, all tests from previous iterations and the current iteration are executed. This means that all previously created tests are rerun to ensure they still function correctly, and any new tests created for the current iteration are also executed. This approach ensures that all components of the system are thoroughly tested and any issues or regressions are identified and addressed.
Kada se prilikom testiranja nekog izracunavanja strategijom crne kutije ocekivani rezultat ne poklopi sa realno dobijenim rezultatom u jednom od cetiri definisana test slucaja tada:
Correct Answer
D. Obavezno trazi greska
When the expected result does not match the actual result in one of the defined test cases during black-box testing, it is necessary to search for the error. This means that the tester should actively investigate and identify the cause of the discrepancy between the expected and actual results. This is important because even if the percentage of tests that have passed is high, it is still crucial to identify and address any errors that may exist.
Alfa test realizuje:
Correct Answer
B. Test tim koji se prosiruje ljudima koji su interno zaposleni (angazovani) u firmi
The correct answer is "test tim koji se prosiruje ljudima koji su interno zaposleni (angazovani) u firmi". This means that the Alfa test is conducted by a test team that includes people who are internally employed or engaged in the company. This suggests that the test team consists of individuals who have a good understanding of the company's processes and systems, making them suitable for conducting the test effectively.
Testovima naprezanja se proverava:
Correct Answer
D. Rada softvera u ekstremnim uslovima
The correct answer is "rada softvera u ekstremnim uslovima" which translates to "testing software under extreme conditions". This means that stress testing is used to evaluate how well the software performs in extreme scenarios such as high loads, limited resources, or adverse conditions. This type of testing helps identify any weaknesses or vulnerabilities in the software and ensures that it can handle unexpected situations effectively.
TS-02: Proveriti da li se unosenjem neispravnog korisnickog imena ili lozinke korisnik vraca na stranicu za prijavljivanje:
Ovako dat test slucaj je primer:
Correct Answer
C. Osnovnog negativnog test slucaja
The correct answer is "osnovnog negativnog test slucaja" which means "basic negative test case" in English. This means that the test is checking if the user is not able to login when entering an incorrect username or password, and is returned to the login page. This is a common scenario to test the system's security and error handling capabilities.
Program prihvata na ulazu broj a zatim se vrsi validacija na sledeci nacin: Vrednosti ispod 10 i vece ili jednake 22 se odbacuju, vrednosti od 10 do 21 se prihvataju. Koji set ulaznih velicina je izabran metodom pokrivanja klasa ekvivalencije:
Correct Answer
B. 3,10,22
The set of input values 3,10,22 is chosen based on the equivalence class partitioning method. This method divides the input space into different equivalence classes, where each class represents a unique behavior of the program. In this case, the valid input range is from 10 to 21, and any value below 10 or greater than or equal to 22 is rejected. The chosen set of input values covers the boundary conditions of the valid range, including the minimum value (3), a value within the valid range (10), and the maximum value (22).
Koji od sledecih iskaza je tacan:
1. Kod monkey testinga tester pokusava da obori aplikaciju.
2. Kod monkey testinga postoji okvirni scenario testiranja.
3. Monkey testing se realizuje iskljucivo manuelno(rucno).
4. Monkey testing se vrsi na pocetku kada sistem jos nije dobro postavljen.
Correct Answer
B. Samo 1
Monkey testing is a type of testing where the tester randomly inputs data or performs random actions in order to try and break the application. This helps in identifying any unexpected behavior or vulnerabilities in the system. Therefore, statement 1 is correct as it accurately describes the purpose of monkey testing. Statements 2, 3, and 4 are incorrect as they do not accurately describe monkey testing.
Metoda odredjivanja klasa ekvivalencije je metoda koja se najcesce koristi:
Correct Answer
B. Kod strategije crne kutije
The correct answer is "kod strategije crne kutije" because the method of determining equivalence classes is commonly used in black box testing. Black box testing focuses on testing the functionality of a system without considering its internal structure or implementation details. By using equivalence classes, testers can group input values into sets that are expected to produce similar results, making the testing process more efficient and effective.
Metodom crne kutije testira se modul koji prihvata ocenu. Ocena je prihvatljiva ako je u intervalu od 1 do 5 ([1,5]). Koliko test slucajeva ce biti definisano ako se koristi metoda pronalazenja klasa ekvivalencije:
Correct Answer
C. 3
Using the method of finding equivalence classes, the input range of 1 to 5 can be divided into three equivalence classes: [1], [2,3,4], and [5]. Each equivalence class represents a set of inputs that can be considered equivalent in terms of their expected behavior. Therefore, there will be three defined test cases: one for the input value of 1, one for any value between 2 and 4, and one for the input value of 5.
Gubitak podataka u sistemu je kriticnost:
Correct Answer
B. Visokog nivoa
The correct answer is "visokog nivoa" (high level). This suggests that data loss in the system is of great importance and can have significant consequences. It implies that the system is highly vulnerable to data loss and the impact can be severe.
Nefunkcionalno testiranje obuhvata:
Correct Answer
B. Testiranje atributa sistema kao sto su performanse i upotrebljivost
Nefunkcionalno testiranje obuhvata proveru atributa sistema kao što su performanse i upotrebljivost. Ovo znači da se u ovom tipu testiranja ne proverava samo da li sistem pravilno radi, već se fokusira na druge aspekte sistema koji nisu vezani za njegovu funkcionalnost. Performanse se odnose na brzinu i efikasnost sistema, dok se upotrebljivost odnosi na to koliko je sistem jednostavan za korišćenje i intuitivan za korisnike. Ova vrsta testiranja je važna kako bi se osiguralo da sistem zadovoljava ove nefunkcionalne zahteve i da korisnicima pruža dobro iskustvo.
Kada se testiraju petlje sa uslovom na kraju (do-while) minimalni broj test slucajeva koji se definise je:
Correct Answer
C. 3
When testing loops with a condition at the end (do-while), the minimum number of test cases that need to be defined is 3. This is because the loop will always execute at least once, so one test case is needed to cover that scenario. Additionally, two more test cases are required to cover the cases where the loop condition is true and false after the first iteration.
Koji od navedenih iskaza je tacan:
1. regresivno testiranje treba da se vrsi svake nedelje
2. regresivno testiranje se vrsi nakom promene softvera
3. regresivno testiranje se vrsi sto je moguce cesce
4. regresivno testiranje se vrsi kada se promeni okruzenje
Correct Answer
B. 2 i 4
The correct answer is 2 and 4. Regressive testing should be performed after software changes and when the environment is changed. This type of testing is done to ensure that the existing functionality of the software is not affected by the changes made. It helps to identify any regression bugs that may have been introduced due to the modifications. Performing regressive testing after software changes and environmental changes is important to maintain the overall quality and stability of the software.
Identifikovanje i procena rizika je:
Correct Answer
C. Neophodana korak kod planiranja testiranja
Identifikovanje i procena rizika je neophodan korak kod planiranja testiranja. This means that identifying and assessing risks is necessary when planning testing. It is important to identify potential risks and evaluate their potential impact on the testing process in order to effectively plan and mitigate them. This step helps in ensuring that the testing process is well-prepared and can address any potential risks that may arise during testing.
Koje od navedenih iskaza predstavljaju karakteristike bele kutije:
1. koriste se znanja interne strukture koda da bi se definisali test podaci
2. koriste se specificna znanja vezana za kod i programiranje da bi se ispitali rezultatit
3. proveravaju se performanse aplikacije
4. proverava se funkcionalnost koda
Correct Answer
A. 1 i 2
The correct answer is 1 and 2. This is because characteristics of white box testing include using knowledge of the internal code structure to define test data and using specific knowledge related to the code and programming to test the results.
Usporenost rada sistema u nekom duzem vremenskog periodu je kriticnost:
Correct Answer
C. Niskog nivoa
The correct answer is "niskog nivoa" (low level). This means that the slowness of the system's work over a longer period of time is not critical. It suggests that the system is able to function adequately despite its slower performance, and the impact on overall productivity or efficiency is minimal.
Program prihvata na ulazu broj a zatim se vrsi validacija na sledeci nacin:
vrednost ispod 10 i vece ili jednake 22 se odbacuju, vrednosti od 10 do 21 se prihvataju. Koji set ulaznih velicina je izabran metodom granicne vrednosti:
Correct Answer
C. 9,10,21,22
The set of input values that is chosen using the boundary value method is 9, 10, 21, 22. This is because the boundary value method focuses on testing the boundaries of input values. In this case, the boundaries are 10 and 21. The values 9 and 22 are just below and above these boundaries, respectively, and are included in the chosen set.
Provera rada sistema kada mu pristupa veliki broj korisnika se vrsi preko:
Correct Answer
D. Testova naprezanja
The correct answer is "testova naprezanja". This is because "testova naprezanja" refers to stress testing, which is the process of testing a system's performance under extreme conditions, such as a large number of users accessing the system simultaneously. This type of testing helps to identify any weaknesses or bottlenecks in the system and ensures that it can handle high levels of user activity without crashing or slowing down. Functional tests, sanity tests, and performance tests may also be important in evaluating system functionality and performance, but they do not specifically address the issue of system performance under high user load.
Proces kojim se provera da li definisani zahtevi predstavljaju ono sto je stvarno potrebno korisniku je:
Correct Answer
B. Validacija
Validacija je proces kojim se proverava da li definisani zahtevi za proizvod ili uslugu odgovaraju stvarnim potrebama korisnika. Ovaj proces se obično sprovodi nakon verifikacije, koja se fokusira na to da li su zahtevi ispravno definisani i moguće ih je implementirati. Validacija se fokusira na proveru da li su ti zahtevi zaista ono što korisniku treba i da li će zadovoljiti njegove potrebe i očekivanja.
Koji od navedenih iskaza je tacan:
1. postoje razni alati kojima moze da se provere vizuelne transformacije u softveru
2. rucno testiranje je danas prevazidjeno
3. rucno testiranje je po hijerarhiji na nizem nivou od automatskog testiranja (vrsi se pre automatskog)
4. nije preporucljivo da se rucno i automatsko testiranje kombinuju
Correct Answer
C. Nijedno od navedenih
The correct answer is "nijedno od navedenih" which means "none of the above". This means that none of the statements provided in the options are correct.
Sta od navedenih poslova obuhvata staticka analiza (staticko testiranje):
1. pronalazenje promenjljivih koije su deklarisane a ne koriste se
2. pronalazenje sigurnosnih propusta u kodu
3. detektovanje gresaka vezanih za krsenje standardnih pravila u programiranju\
4. pronalazenje procedura i funkcija koje se ne koriste
Correct Answer
A. Sve navedeno
The correct answer is "sve navedeno" which means "all of the above" in English. This means that all of the listed tasks involve static analysis (static testing). These tasks include finding unused variables, identifying security vulnerabilities in the code, detecting errors related to violating standard programming rules, and locating unused procedures and functions.
Koji od navedenih iskaza je tacan:
1. regresivno testiranje treba da se vrsi svake nedelje
2. regresivno testiranje se vrsi nakom promene softvera
3. regresivno testiranje se vrsi sto je moguce cesce
4. regresivno testiranje se vrsi kada se promeni okruzenje
Correct Answer
A. 2 i 4
The correct answer is 2 and 4. This means that regressive testing is performed after software changes and when the environment is changed. It does not need to be done every week or as frequently as possible.
Koji od sledecih iskaza je tacan:
Correct Answer
C. Kada se koristi strategija crne kutije, posmatra se sta sistem radi, a ne kako
The correct answer states that when using the black box strategy, the focus is on observing what the system does, rather than how it does it. This means that the internal workings or implementation details of the system are not considered, but rather the emphasis is on the system's outputs or behavior.
Metodom crne kutije testira se modul koji prihvata ocenu. Ocena je prihvatljiva ako je u intevralu od ([1,5]). Koliko test slucajeva ce biti definisano ako se koristi metoda granicnih vrednosti:
Correct Answer
A. 4
The question states that the black box testing method is being used to test a module that accepts a rating. The rating is considered acceptable if it falls within the interval of [1,5]. The given answer states that there will be 4 test cases defined if the boundary value analysis method is used. Since the interval is defined as [1,5], the boundary values are 1 and 5. Therefore, the test cases will include the values 1, 2, 4, and 5 to cover both the lower and upper boundaries, as well as values within the interval.
Koje od navedenih stavki predstavljaju glavni zadatak test plana:
1. utvrdjivanje obima i rizika testiranja i identifikacija ciljeva testiranju
2. utvrdjivanje tehnika, predmeta ispitivanj, pokrivenost testovima i metodologije testiranja
3. pregled osnova testova - zahtevi za sprovodjenje testiranja, arhitektura testova, dizajn testova...
4. odredjivanje kriterijuma za zavrsetak testiranja
Correct Answer
C. 1, 2 i 4
The main tasks of a test plan include determining the scope and risk of testing, identifying testing objectives, determining testing techniques and methodologies, reviewing the fundamentals of tests such as testing requirements, test architecture, and test design, and establishing criteria for ending testing. Therefore, the correct answer is 1, 2, and 4, as they encompass all of these main tasks.
Koji od sledecih iskaza je tacan:
1. Smoke test se radi na pocetku razvoja ili pre ulaska u novu fazu.
2. Smoke test je dubok i fokusiran.
3. Smoke test se realizuje iskljucivo rucno.
4. Smoke test treba da bude dobro dokumenotvan.
Correct Answer
A. 1 i 4
The correct answer is 1 i 4. This means that statement 1 (Smoke test se radi na pocetku razvoja ili pre ulaska u novu fazu) and statement 4 (Smoke test treba da bude dobro dokumenotvan) are both correct. Statement 1 states that a smoke test is performed at the beginning of development or before entering a new phase, while statement 4 states that a smoke test should be well-documented. Therefore, both statements are true and align with the concept of a smoke test.
Za metodu pokrivanja svih aktivnosti koja se koristi kod testiranja algoritama vazi sledece:
Correct Answer
D. Ne postoji pravilo o broju test slucajeva i broju aktivnosti koje se testiraju u jednom test slucaju ali treba voditi racuna o optimizaciji i da se kroz svaku aktivnost prodje barem jednom
The answer states that there is no rule regarding the number of test cases and activities that are tested in a single test case. However, it is important to consider optimization and ensure that each activity is covered at least once.
Metodom crne kutije testira se modul koji prihvata ocenu. Ocena je prihvatljiva ako je u intervalu od 1 do 5 ([1,5]). Koliko test slucajeva ce biti definisano ako se koristi metoda granicnih vrednosti:
Correct Answer
C. 4
The given answer is 4. In boundary value analysis, the test cases are designed at the boundaries of the input domain. Since the acceptable range for the rating is from 1 to 5, the boundary values would be 1 and 5. Therefore, the test cases would include the values 1, 2, 4, and 5 to cover the lower and upper boundaries as well as the values within the acceptable range. Hence, there will be 4 test cases defined.
Kada se koristi metoda odredjivanja klase ekvivalencije, za kreiranje test slucajeva iz svake klase ekvivalencije:
Correct Answer
D. Uzima se po jedan podatak
When using the equivalence class partitioning method to create test cases, one data point is taken from each equivalence class to ensure that all classes are represented. Additionally, the total number of data points should be greater than twice the number of equivalence classes. Therefore, the correct answer is "uzima se po jedan podatak" (one data point is taken).
Testiranje delova sistema koji predstavljaju celine i mogu da se izoluju naziva se:
Correct Answer
A. Jedinicno testiranje
The correct answer is "jedinicno testiranje" which translates to "unit testing" in English. Unit testing refers to the testing of individual components or units of a system in isolation to ensure that each unit functions correctly. This type of testing helps identify and fix any bugs or issues within the individual units before integrating them into the larger system.
Koji iskaz je tacan:
Correct Answer
D. Validacija se oznacava kao dinamicko testiranje i realizuje se izvrsenjem koda
The correct answer is "validacija se oznacava kao dinamicko testiranje i realizuje se izvrsenjem koda" because validation is a process of evaluating a system or component during or at the end of the development process to determine whether it satisfies the specified requirements. Dynamic testing, which involves executing the code, is typically used for validation to ensure that the system behaves correctly and meets the expected functionality. Static testing, on the other hand, is a type of testing that does not involve executing the code and is typically used for activities like code reviews and inspections.
Testiranje funkcionalnosti metodom crne kutije zasniva se na tome da se:
Correct Answer
B. Proveri svako pravilo iz specifikacije da li je implementirano ili ne
The correct answer is to check each rule from the specification to see if it is implemented or not. This method of black box testing focuses on verifying that all the specified rules have been correctly implemented in the system. It involves testing the functionality of the system without examining its internal structure or code. By checking each rule, testers can ensure that the system behaves as expected and meets the requirements outlined in the specification.
Testiranje kod kog testeri prate napisani scenario ali imaju slobodu da napisu koriste alternativne pravce koriscenja naziva se:
Correct Answer
D. Istrazivacko testiranje
Istrazivacko testiranje je vrsta testiranja kod koje testeri prate napisani scenario, ali imaju slobodu da koriste alternativne pravce koriscenja. Ovo testiranje se obavlja kako bi se istrazila funkcionalnost i moguce greske sistema, kao i da bi se pronasle nove ideje i inovacije. Za razliku od drugih vrsta testiranja, istrazivacko testiranje ne prati strogo definisane korake i moze biti fleksibilno i kreativno.
Kod sistemskog testiranja:
Correct Answer
B. Vrsi se provera zajednickog rada komponenti koje medjusobno ne komuniciraju
The correct answer states that system testing involves checking the collaboration between components that do not communicate with each other. This means that the testing focuses on verifying the functionality and compatibility of individual components in isolation, without considering their interaction with other components. It allows for identifying any issues or bugs that may arise within each component independently, ensuring that they work correctly on their own before being integrated into the larger system.
Kada se testiraju petlje sa uslovom na pocetku (while), minimalni broj test slucajeva je:
Correct Answer
D. 4
When testing loops with a condition at the beginning (while), the minimum number of test cases is 4. This is because the loop may not execute at all if the condition is initially false, which counts as one test case. Then, the condition may become true after the first iteration, resulting in two more test cases. Finally, the condition may become false again after the second iteration, adding one more test case. Therefore, the minimum number of test cases is 4.
Fiesta test je:
Correct Answer
A. Prvi test koji se vrsi nakon isporuke korisnicima
The correct answer is "prvi test koji se vrsi nakon isporuke korisnicima" which means "the first test that is performed after delivery to users". This suggests that the Fiesta test is conducted as the initial test after the product has been delivered to the users.
Minimalni broj slucajeva za algoritam na slici ukoliko se koristi metoda pokrivanja svih aktivnosti je:
Correct Answer
A. 1
The correct answer is 1 because when using the method of covering all activities, the minimum number of cases required is 1. This means that all activities can be covered by a single case, indicating that there is no need for additional cases to cover all the activities.