Kako se naziva prostor u kome su nastale prve civilizacije?
The correct answer is Mesopotamija. Mesopotamija is the name given to the space where the first civilizations emerged. It was located in the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in what is now modern-day Iraq. This region is often referred to as the "cradle of civilization" because it was home to some of the earliest complex societies, such as the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians. These civilizations made significant advancements in areas such as agriculture, writing, law, and governance, laying the foundation for future civilizations around the world.
Na kojim jezicima su pisali stari Jevreji?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Na hebrejskom
C. Na aramejskom
The correct answer is "Na hebrejskom, Na aramejskom". The ancient Jews primarily wrote in Hebrew, which was the language of their religious texts such as the Torah. However, during the Babylonian exile, they also adopted Aramaic as their spoken language and began writing some portions of their texts in Aramaic as well. Therefore, both Hebrew and Aramaic were used by the ancient Jews for their writings.
Navedi naziv najstarijeg sačuvanog književnog dela.
Correct Answer(s)
Ep o Gilgamešu
The given answer "Ep o Gilgamešu" is the correct answer because it is the title of the oldest preserved literary work. The Epic of Gilgamesh is an ancient Mesopotamian epic poem that dates back to the 3rd millennium BCE. It is considered one of the earliest surviving works of literature and provides valuable insights into ancient Mesopotamian culture and mythology.
Ko je među pomenutim ličnostima bio istoričar?
Correct Answer
B. Herodot
Herodot je bio istoričar među pomenutim ličnostima.
Najstarije sačuvane knjige pisane su
Correct Answer
C. Na glinenim pločama
The correct answer is "Na glinenim pločama" (On clay tablets). This is because clay tablets were one of the earliest writing materials used in ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia. These tablets were made by inscribing symbols or characters onto wet clay and then drying or baking them to preserve the writing. They were commonly used for administrative, legal, and economic purposes, providing valuable information about the societies that used them.
Obeleži imena grčkih filozofa
Correct Answer(s)
B. Platon
C. Aristotel
E. Sokrat
The correct answer includes the names of three Greek philosophers: Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates. These philosophers were influential in the development of Western philosophy and made significant contributions to various fields such as ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology. Ahilej and Sofokle are not Greek philosophers, so they are not included in the correct answer.
Petoknjižje je deo –
Correct Answer
A. Starog zaveta
Petoknjižje je deo Starog zaveta. Staro zavet je prva sekcija Biblije koja sadrži verske spise jevrejskog naroda pre dolaska Isusa Hrista. Petoknjižje, takođe poznato kao Tora, čini prve pet knjiga Starog zaveta: Postanak, Izlazak, Levitski zakonik, Brojevi i Ponovljeni zakon. Ova pet knjiga se smatraju osnovom jevrejske vere i sadrže mnoge verske zakone, istorijske priče i propovedi. Novi zavet, s druge strane, predstavlja drugu sekciju Biblije koja se odnosi na Isusa Hrista i rane hrišćanske zajednice.
Obeleži imena najpoznatijih starogrčkih pesnika.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Alkej
C. Pindar
D. Sapfo
The correct answer includes the names Alkej, Pindar, and Sapfo. These are indeed some of the most famous ancient Greek poets. Alkej was a lyric poet known for his drinking songs and political commentary. Pindar was also a lyric poet, but he was particularly known for his odes celebrating athletic victories. Sapfo, on the other hand, was a female poet known for her lyric poetry, particularly her love poems. These three poets were highly esteemed in ancient Greece and their works continue to be studied and appreciated today.
Kojim pismom su pisali stari Sumeri?
Correct Answer(s)
The correct answer is "klinastim." This is because the ancient Sumerians wrote in a script known as cuneiform, which was characterized by wedge-shaped marks made by a stylus on clay tablets. "Klinastim" is the transliteration of the word "cuneiform" into Serbian, which is the language used in the question.
Čijoj književnosti pripada Stari zavet?
Correct Answer
A. Hebrejskoj
The correct answer is Hebrejskoj. The Old Testament, also known as the Hebrew Bible, belongs to the Hebrew literature. It is a collection of religious texts and scriptures that are sacred to the Jewish faith. The Old Testament contains various books such as Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, and Proverbs, among others, which are considered foundational to both Judaism and Christianity.
Novi zavet je nastao
Correct Answer
C. Tokom 1. i 2. veka nove ere
The correct answer is "Tokom 1. i 2. veka nove ere." This is because the New Testament was written during the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. It is a collection of religious texts that form part of the Christian Bible, and it contains the teachings and accounts of Jesus Christ and his early followers.
Književnost starih Grka nastala je po uzoru na književnost starih Sumera.
Correct Answer
B. Netačno
The given statement is incorrect. The literature of ancient Greece did not originate based on the literature of ancient Sumer. While there may be some influences or similarities between the two, Greek literature developed independently and had its own unique characteristics and contributions to world literature. Therefore, the answer is "Netačno" (False).
Najpoznatiji helenski dramski pisci bili su:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Aristofan
D. Sofokle
E. Eshil
G. Euripid
The correct answer includes the names of four famous Greek playwrights: Aristophanes, Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripides. These playwrights were well-known for their contributions to ancient Greek drama and their works continue to be studied and performed today.
Ramajana je ime lika iz Homerove "Ilijade".
Correct Answer
B. Netačno.
The statement claims that Ramajana is a character from Homer's "Iliad." However, this is incorrect. Ramajana is not a character in "Iliad" or any other work by Homer. Therefore, the answer is "Netačno" (False).
U prazno polje upiši reč koja, u prevodu sa grčkog jezika, znači- radosna vest, blagovest.
Correct Answer
The word "jevanđelje" is the correct answer because it is the translation of the Greek word that means "radosna vest, blagovest" which in English means "good news, glad tidings." In the context of the question, "jevanđelje" perfectly fits the description provided.
Sa kojim antičkim epom se može povezati mit o jabuci razdora?(U prazno polje upiši naziv dela.)
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "Ilijada" because this ancient epic poem, attributed to the Greek poet Homer, features the myth of the Apple of Discord. In the story, Eris, the goddess of discord, throws a golden apple inscribed with the words "To the fairest" into a wedding feast, causing a dispute among the goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. This eventually leads to the Trojan War.
U prazno polje upiši naziv grada/kraljevstva kojim je vladao Gilgameš.
Correct Answer
Gilgamesh was a legendary king who ruled over the city-state of Uruk in ancient Mesopotamia. Uruk was one of the most important cities in ancient Sumer and was known for its impressive walls and temples. Gilgamesh is a central figure in the epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest surviving works of literature. The epic tells the story of Gilgamesh's adventures and his quest for immortality. Uruk was the city that Gilgamesh ruled over, making it the correct answer to the question.