Gospoda Glembajevi, Miroslav Krleza

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| By Zdenkabl
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Gospoda Glembajevi, Miroslav Krleza - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Kao književni tekst Gospoda Glembajevi pripadaju:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Drami
    The correct answer is "drami". The question asks to identify the literary genre to which the text "Gospoda Glembajevi" belongs. Based on the options given, the text belongs to the genre of drama.

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  • 2. 

    Kada se odvija radnja drame i koliko traje?

    • A.

      1913. i traje par dana

    • B.

      1913. i traje par sati

    • C.

      1913. i traje dva mjeseca

    • D.

      1913. i traje tri mjeseca

    Correct Answer
    B. 1913. i traje par sati
    The correct answer is "1913. i traje par sati" which means "1913 and lasts a few hours" in English. This suggests that the action of the drama takes place in the year 1913 and lasts for a few hours.

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  • 3. 

    Koji od sljedećih likova ne pripada drami Gospoda Glembajevi?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Stara Ruperova

    Correct Answer
    A. Bobočka
    The character "Bobočka" does not belong to the drama "Gospoda Glembajevi".

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  • 4. 

    Mjesto radnje?

    • A.

      Kuća bankara Glembaja

    • B.

      Prostor unutar banke Glembajevih

    Correct Answer
    A. Kuća bankara Glembaja
    The correct answer is "kuća bankara Glembaja" because the question is asking about the setting of the story. The options provided are the house of the banker Glembaja and the interior of the Glembaj family's bank. Since the question is asking about the location, the correct answer would be the house of the banker Glembaja, as it specifies the specific place where the story takes place.

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  • 5. 

    Što je postignuto nastavljanjem vremenskog slijeda činova?

    • A.

      Jedinstvo vremena, mjesta i radnje

    • B.

      Dramski sukob je izraženiji

    Correct Answer
    A. Jedinstvo vremena, mjesta i radnje
    By maintaining a continuous sequence of events, the unity of time, place, and action is achieved. This means that the events in the play occur within a specific timeframe, in a single location, and revolve around a central plot or theme. This unity helps to create a more focused and impactful dramatic conflict, as all the elements of the play are concentrated and interconnected.

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  • 6. 

    Što čini osnovni sukob ove drame?

    • A.

      Ubojstvo Leona Glembaja

    • B.

      Prevara barunice Castelli

    • C.

      Sukob između sina i oca

    • D.

      Prošlost obitelji Glembaj

    Correct Answer
    C. Sukob između sina i oca
    The basic conflict of this drama is the conflict between the son and the father. This conflict is likely to be the central focus of the story and the source of tension and drama. It may involve issues of power, control, expectations, or differing beliefs and values between the two characters. The conflict between the son and the father could drive the narrative and shape the development of the other characters and events in the story.

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  • 7. 

    Kako započinje prvi čin?

    • A.

      Odlaskom gostiju s proslave

    • B.

      Dolaskom krojačice

    • C.

      Leonovim dolaskom iz inozemstva

    • D.

      Option 4

    Correct Answer
    A. Odlaskom gostiju s proslave
    The first act begins with the departure of the guests from the celebration.

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  • 8. 

    Tko ostaje na sceni i gdje?

    • A.

      Angelika i Leone u salonu

    • B.

      Ignjat i barunica Castelli u salonu

    • C.

      Puba i Ignjat u salonu

    • D.

      Option 4

    Correct Answer
    A. Angelika i Leone u salonu
    The correct answer is "Angelika i Leone u salonu" because it is the only option that includes both Angelika and Leone staying in the salon. The other options either include different individuals or do not include both Angelika and Leone.

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  • 9. 

    Tko je Leone Glembaj?

    Correct Answer
    Ignjatov sin iz prvog braka
    Leone Glembaj je Ignjatov sin iz prvog braka.

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  • 10. 

    O čemu razgovaraju Angelika i Leone?

    • A.

      O slikarstvu i filozofiji

    • B.

      O posljednjem koncertu u kazalištu

    • C.

      O Maddoni

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. O slikarstvu i filozofiji
    Angelika i Leone razgovaraju o slikarstvu i filozofiji.

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  • 11. 

    Što se doznaje iz razgovora koji se vodi ispred portreta Glembajevih?

    • A.

      O barunici Castelli

    • B.

      O prokletstvu stare Barbočijeve

    • C.

      O Leoneovoj majci

    • D.

      O staroj Ruperovoj

    Correct Answer
    B. O prokletstvu stare Barbočijeve
    The correct answer is "o prokletstvu stare Barbočijeve" (about the curse of old Barbočija). This can be inferred from the question which asks what information is obtained from the conversation in front of the Glembaj family portrait. The conversation is likely about various topics, and the correct answer indicates that the topic being discussed is the curse associated with old Barbočija.

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  • 12. 

    Kakvog je podrijetla Leoneova majka?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Venecijansko - grčkog

    Correct Answer
    D. Venecijansko - grčkog
    Leoneova majka je venecijanskog - grčkog podrijetla.

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  • 13. 

    Kakvu vijest donosi dr. Puba?

    • A.

      O rezultatima izbora

    • B.

      O članku u novinama

    • C.

      O gostovanju opernog pjevača

    • D.

      O dolasku kralja u Zagreb

    Correct Answer
    B. O članku u novinama
    Dr. Puba brings news about an article in the newspapers.

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  • 14. 

    Između koga nastaje svađa?

    • A.

      Leonea i Ignjata

    • B.

      Leonea i Silberbrandta

    • C.

      Angelike i barunice

    • D.

      Pube i Leonea

    Correct Answer
    B. Leonea i Silberbrandta
    The correct answer is Leonea i Silberbrandta. This answer suggests that the argument or dispute arises between Leonea and Silberbrandta.

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  • 15. 

    Gdje se odvija svađa između Leonea i njegovog oca?

    • A.

      U salonu

    • B.

      U Leoneovoj sobi

    • C.

      U Ignjatovom radnoj sobi

    • D.

      Na balkonu

    Correct Answer
    B. U Leoneovoj sobi
    The argument between Leone and his father takes place in Leone's room.

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  • 16. 

    Što Leone prilaže ocu kao dokaz svojih tvrdnji?

    • A.

      Sliku barunice i Silberbrandta

    • B.

      Baruničin dnevnik

    • C.

      Baruničina pisma

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Baruničina pisma
    In the given question, the correct answer is "baruničina pisma" (the baroness's letters). This can be inferred from the context that Što Leone prilaže ocu kao dokaz svojih tvrdnji? (What does Leone present to his father as evidence of his claims?). The baroness's letters would serve as evidence to support Leone's claims.

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  • 17. 

    Čime Leone "pogađa" oca?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Riječima
    Leone "pogađa" oca riječima. This means that Leone is able to emotionally affect or hurt his father through words. The word "pogađa" suggests that Leone's words have a strong impact on his father, possibly causing him emotional pain or distress.

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  • 18. 

    Gdje se odvija treći čin?

    • A.

      U salonu

    • B.

      Oko odra Ignjata Glembaja

    • C.

      U baruničinoj sobi

    • D.

      U Leoneovoj sobi

    Correct Answer
    B. Oko odra Ignjata Glembaja
    The third act takes place around Ignjat Glembaj's coffin.

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  • 19. 

    Što se događa na sceni?

    • A.

      Leone sjedi pored postelje i crta ugljenom očevu posmrtnu masku

    • B.

      Barunica Castelli uplakana stoji pored odra

    • C.

      Barunica razgovara s Angelikom

    • D.

      Angelika razgovara s Pubom

    Correct Answer
    A. Leone sjedi pored postelje i crta ugljenom očevu posmrtnu masku
    In this scene, Leone is sitting next to the bed and drawing his father's death mask with charcoal. This suggests that Leone is mourning his father's death and is engaged in a somber and reflective activity. The other characters in the scene, such as barunica Castelli and Angelika, are also present and engaged in conversations, but the focus of the question is on Leone and his actions.

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  • 20. 

    Koja je ključna scena trećeg čina?

    • A.

      Puba telefonira pokušavajući spasiti Glembajevsku lađu koja tone

    • B.

      Razgovor između Leonea i barunice

    • C.

      Razgovor između Pubai barunice

    • D.

      Razgovor između barunice i Angelike

    Correct Answer
    B. Razgovor između Leonea i barunice
    The key scene in the third act is the conversation between Leone and the baroness.

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  • 21. 

    Kako se barunica ponaša prema Leoneu?

    • A.

      Neposredno i intimno

    • B.

      Arogantno i ljutito

    Correct Answer
    A. Neposredno i intimno
    The correct answer is "neposredno i intimno." This means that the baroness behaves towards Leone in a direct and intimate manner. This suggests that she is open and honest with him, and perhaps even affectionate or close to him.

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  • 22. 

    S kim još razgovara Leone?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Angelikom
    Leone razgovara s Angelikom.

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  • 23. 

    Tko i zašto prekida razgovor između Leonea i Angelike?

    • A.

      Barunica koja je sva izvan sebe te napada i vrijeđa Angeliku

    • B.

      Silberbrant donoseći vijesti o novom članku u novinama

    • C.

      Kuharica koja pita što će spremiti za večeru

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Barunica koja je sva izvan sebe te napada i vrijeđa Angeliku
    The correct answer is the barunica (baroness) who is upset and attacks and insults Angelika.

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  • 24. 

    Koga je Leone ubio i čime je izvršio ubojstvo?

    • A.

      Viteškim nožem iz 14.stoljeća ubio je Pubu

    • B.

      Sjekirom je ubio Silberbrandta

    • C.

      škarama je ubio barunicu Castelli

    • D.

      Pištoljem je ubio barunicu castelli

    Correct Answer
    C. škarama je ubio barunicu Castelli
    Leone je ubio barunicu Castelli škarama.

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  • 25. 

    U koliko etapa se razvija dramska radnja?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. 3
    Dramska radnja se razvija u tri etape.

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  • 26. 

    Što je dovelo do propasti obitelji Glembaj?

    • A.

      Psihološki, kriminalistički, ljubavni

    • B.

      Društveni, moralni, psihološki

    • C.

      Društveni, ljubavni, ratni

    • D.

      Ljubav, vjera i nada

    Correct Answer
    B. Društveni, moralni, psihološki
    The correct answer is "društveni, moralni, psihološki". This is because the downfall of the Glembaj family can be attributed to societal factors, such as the corrupt and decadent society they are a part of, moral issues within the family, such as infidelity and betrayal, and psychological factors, such as the mental and emotional struggles faced by the family members. These three factors intertwine and contribute to the ultimate demise of the family.

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  • 27. 

    Što znači riječ "glembajevština"?

    • A.

      Poštenje, marljivost, iskrenost, odanost

    • B.

      Nepoštenje, nemoral, laž, korumpiranost, pokvarenost, licemjerje

    • C.

      Dobrota, pouzdanost, domoljublje

    • D.

      Ljubav, vjera i nada

    Correct Answer
    B. Nepoštenje, nemoral, laž, korumpiranost, pokvarenost, licemjerje
    The word "glembajevština" is explained as "nepoštenje, nemoral, laž, korumpiranost, pokvarenost, licemjerje." This means that the word refers to dishonesty, immorality, lies, corruption, depravity, and hypocrisy.

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  • Jul 08, 2017
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