Yo / cazar
The given answer "cacé" is the correct conjugation of the verb "cazar" in the first person singular form in the past tense. The verb "cazar" means "to hunt" in English. Therefore, the correct answer indicates that the subject "Yo" (I) hunted in the past.
Él / cazar
The correct answer is "cazó" because it is the correct conjugation of the verb "cazar" (to hunt) in the third person singular form. The subject "él" (he) indicates that the verb should be conjugated in this way.
Yo / jugar
The given question is incomplete and not readable. Therefore, it is not possible to provide an explanation for the correct answer.
Mi amigo / jugar
The given correct answer is "jugó". The question seems to be asking for the correct conjugation of the verb "jugar" (to play) in the third person singular form. In Spanish, verbs are conjugated according to the subject pronoun and tense. In this case, "jugó" is the correct conjugation of "jugar" in the past tense for the third person singular form, which means "he/she played".
Yo / llegar
The correct answer is "llegué". In Spanish, "llegué" is the first person singular form of the verb "llegar" in the preterite tense, which means "I arrived" in English. This form is used to indicate a completed action in the past.
Tú / llegar
The correct answer is "llegaste". The question is asking for the correct conjugation of the verb "llegar" in the second person singular form. "Llegaste" is the correct conjugation for this form, indicating that "you" arrived or reached a certain place.
Yo / empezar
The correct answer is "empecé". In Spanish, "empecé" is the first-person singular past tense form of the verb "empezar", which means "to start". This form is used when referring to an action that was started in the past.
La profesora / empezar
The correct answer "empezó" is the conjugated form of the verb "empezar" in the past tense. It agrees with the subject "la profesora" which means "the teacher" in English. This indicates that the teacher performed the action of starting something in the past.
Yo / almorzar
The given correct answer "almorcé" is the correct conjugation of the verb "almorzar" in the first person singular form in the past tense. "Almorzar" means "to have lunch" in Spanish. Therefore, "almorcé" translates to "I had lunch" in English.
Los estudiantes / almorzar
The correct answer is "almorzaron" because it is the past tense form of the verb "almorzar" which means "to have lunch" in Spanish. The sentence "Los estudiantes almorzaron" translates to "The students had lunch" indicating that the students completed the action of having lunch in the past.
Yo / apagar (to turn off)
The correct answer is "apagué." This is the correct conjugation of the verb "apagar" in the first person singular past tense. The verb "apagar" means "to turn off" in English.
Usted / apagar
The correct answer is "apagó" because it is the preterite tense form of the verb "apagar" in the third person singular form. In Spanish, "apagar" means "to turn off" or "to switch off." The verb form "apagó" indicates that someone (usted) turned off something in the past.
Yo / navegar (to sail)
The correct answer is "navegué." The verb "navegar" means "to sail" in Spanish. The given form "navegué" is the first-person singular preterite tense of the verb, which is used to indicate a past action. Therefore, "navegué" correctly translates to "I sailed" in English.
Cristobal Colón / navegar
Cristobal Colón navegó.
Yo / cruzar (to cross)
The correct answer is "crucé." In Spanish, "crucé" is the past tense form of the verb "cruzar," which means "to cross." The subject "Yo" indicates that the action was performed by the first-person singular pronoun, meaning "I." Therefore, the correct conjugation in the past tense for "I crossed" is "Yo crucé."
El tren / cruzar
The correct answer is "cruzó." This is the past tense form of the verb "cruzar," which means "to cross" in Spanish. In the given sentence, "El tren" (the train) is the subject, and "cruzó" (crossed) is the verb. Therefore, the sentence translates to "The train crossed."
Yo / tocar
The given answer "toqué" is the correct past tense form of the verb "tocar" in Spanish. The verb "tocar" means "to touch" or "to play" an instrument. In this case, "toqué" is the first person singular form of the past tense, indicating that the speaker performed the action of touching or playing in the past.
Mozart / tocar
The correct answer is "tocó." In Spanish, "tocar" means "to play" (as in playing a musical instrument). The verb "tocó" is the third-person singular preterite form of "tocar," indicating that someone (presumably Mozart) played or performed something in the past.
Yo / atacar
The given correct answer is "ataqué." This is the correct conjugation of the verb "atacar" in the first person singular past tense in Spanish. The verb "atacar" means "to attack" in English. Therefore, "ataqué" translates to "I attacked."
Osama / atacar
The correct answer is "atacó." This is the correct conjugation of the verb "atacar" in the third person singular form of the past tense. It correctly matches the subject "Osama" and indicates that he performed the action of attacking.
Yo / explicar
The correct answer is "expliqué" because it is the conjugation of the verb "explicar" in the first person singular past tense. This form is used when referring to the action of explaining something in the past.
La maestra / explicar
The correct answer is "explicó." In Spanish, the verb "explicar" means "to explain." In this sentence, "La maestra" is the subject, and "explicó" is the past tense form of the verb. Therefore, the correct answer is "explicó," which means "she explained" in English.
Yo / buscar
The correct answer is "busqué". This is the correct conjugation of the verb "buscar" in the past tense for the first person singular pronoun "yo". In Spanish, verbs change their endings depending on the subject pronoun and the tense being used. In this case, "busqué" is the correct form for "I searched" or "I looked for".
Tu padre / buscar
The correct answer is "buscó". In Spanish, the verb "buscar" means "to search" or "to look for". When conjugating this verb in the past tense for the third person singular (él, ella, usted), we use the form "buscó". This form indicates that "he/she/you (formal)" searched or looked for something in the past.