Find New Brain Games, Puzzles and Teasers at ProProfs Games!

Brain GamesAwesome news, game lovers! At ProProfs, we’ve got some enticing gaming delights for you to enjoy with friends and family.

Yes, we’ve been working hard to add a fresh list of awesome brain-teasers, logic games and puzzles to our list of ProProfs Games that you can play during your free-time or just whenever you’re in the mood to tickle your brain cells.

Here’s a small peak into some new games for you:

Lever: It’s all about the balancing act as we get into the workings of Lever Physics. If you have been bit by the Physics bug, then you’ll love this awesome game where you have to battle with the forces of mass and gravity.

Flags: How well do you know the flags of the world? Will you be able to recognize the flags of countries like Switzerland, South Korea and Panama? If you’re nodding your head in agreement and are up for a brainy challenge, then go for this game now!

Drum Beats: In case you’re a music aficionado and want to learn how to play the drum, then this is a fun game that teaches you how to ace it! Listen carefully, follow the steps and learn quickly; it’s simple as one-two-three & very enjoyable.

Drum Beats
MappingMaps: For fans of geography, there is no better way to check your skills than going all in with Mapping Maps. In this game, you’re given five different maps of five different countries. Your goal is to match each country with the correct name. So let’s dive in and brush up on your world geography skills!


So come game lovers and get them! These fresh, fun, new ProProfs Games and a couple from the archives, are just for you!