Easily add users from Gmail, Outlook, Excel & more

Exciting news, course creators! With ProProfs, you can easily add large number of learners to your training courses by importing contacts from Gmail, Google Apps Email, Outlook or even Excel. The feature helps save a lot of time and is a great option for course creators to quickly add new users to their courses.

Here’s how it benefits you:

  • Save time by bulk uploading a large set of learners in one go.

  • Enable or disable any learner or update learner details

  • Make bulk edits easily by even uploading from Excel

Here’s how you can bulk import:

  • From the Training Maker Dashboard, go to ‘My Users’. Clicking this link will take you to the Classroom.

  • Once in, click on ‘Users’

  • Then click on ‘Add New Users’. On clicking this, a popup will appear asking you to enter email id’s one by one or Bulk upload users using Gmail, Microsoft Live or Microsoft Excel options.
  • Training Maker Dashboard

    Click on either
    ‘Gmail’ or ‘Microsoft Live’ options

Training Maker Dashboard

  • You will be asked to sign in and requested for permission to access your account.

Sign In with Google Account

Sign in to your Gmail Account to access your contacts

Once you sign in, the system will pull out your list of contacts.
Gmail Inbox
Select the users you wish to add and you’re done!

Here’s what happens if you select the ‘Microsoft Excel’ optionTraining Maker Dashboard

  • On selecting it, a pop-up will open that will allow you to upload your list in a spreadsheet format.


Training Maker Dashboard
Here’s a
Sample File that you can use for bulk upload

that’s it, you’re done! Importing bulk users was never so simple. This feature is available across products namely
Quiz Maker, Survey Maker and Knowledge Base.

Create a course and try this feature now