Newest 4th Edition Task List, Negation

Newest 4th Edition Task List, Negation - Quiz

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These extra questions are meant to be a quiz/training on "negation" questions. These are the NOT or EXCEPT questions that you will likely encounter on the BACB exam. Since we've seen many people have trouble with these questions, we hope that the following guidelines may prove helpful when you encounter them: Create an Sd to alert you that a question has negation in it. Writing this down, telling yourself aloud or tapping the screen are a couple of suggestions. Read what the question is Read moreasking WITHOUT the negation there. For example, "Which is NOT round?" becomes "Which is round?" Evaluate the answers for what is true. Given the above example, "a ball," "a head," and "a puffer fish" would be true. The correct answer becomes obvious because it is the only one that is NOT true or at least is the LEAST true. Trust this or some other process like it. If you answer problems incorrectly, simply because you didn't account for the negation, you are missing many questions. This could make the difference between passing and failing.

This quiz is in draft mode and is not available yet.

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