ProProfs in Investor’s Business Daily on Career Development

In a recent Investor’s Business Daily article on career development, ProProfs CEO Sameer Bhatia shared his thoughts on how training is a big part of career development. “It used to be you were trained once a year. Now employees are constantly being trained,” he says.

Career development being one of the most important reasons why a potential employee will choose to work in certain a company. The IBD article raises some interesting pointers that senior managers should follow to retain an increasingly mobile workforce.

Employees want to be able to learn while they’re coming into work, while they commute.

– Sameer Bhatia

Key points

Conduct online training: With the explosion of e-learning, online training sessions are replacing brick and mortar training classes. “Scheduling alone is such a pain right now,” says Sameer Bhatia. Online training sessions help companies to save time and costs as well as make it possible for employees to accesses the training from anywhere at anytime.

Lateral growth: Author Beverley Kaye says that lateral growth is as important as horizontal growth. “(Employees) can’t all get the hierarchical move they want,” Kaye says. “I think moving over is going to replace moving up. Top outfits help workers shift around. (It’s) another way to help people feel successful,” he adds.

Read the full article: Career Development Never Stops For Savvy Executives

Benefits of ProProfs online training software

Reduce training costs: Using ProProfs training software, companies can create as well as deliver courses and tests online. This saves them expenses on lodging, transportation and other training related costs.

Anytime Anywhere Access: All one needs is a gadget with internet connectivity to access the online training courses and quizzes.  Learners can easily and instantly access the learning materials from anywhere at their convenience.

Intelligent reports and stats: ProProfs Training Maker provides detailed reports and statistics for courses, individual learners as well as groups of learners. These reports help trainers to effectively track the progress of learners and access the impact of training.

Relevant & up to date content: Companies can easily add and update their learning material with ProProfs Learning Management System. This keeps their training program relevant and apt for reuse in multiple training sessions.

Well-rounded learning: Trainers can uses different kinds of content such as PDFs, PPTs, videos, wikis, blogs etc while creating online training courses. This makes the training sessions more comprehensive and improves learning.


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